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bvtaylor Thu, Oct-23-03 20:20

Trim Spa - Hot Weight Loss Supplement

Okay, so I heard the hype about this product and figured it was merely hype (particularly because Anna Nicole Smith comes across in the media as a person of dubious health and potential addictions), but curiosity got the better of me, so I went to their website and took a look at what this product is.

Honestly, with the exception of the diuretic properties of this supplement, it actually looks relatively safe, potentially healthy, and possibly effective. I was thinking it might be complementatry to LC in helping to stave off cravings and for those of us for whom generous fats and proteins don't quite do it, perhaps a way to manage appetite naturally.

The primary ingredients are (from their website):

Hoodia Gordonii™ This amazing ingredient is a natural appetite suppressant used for generations by tribal hunters of South Africa to stave off hunger during long hunting expeditions. Now available to the West, “hoodia” can put an end to late afternoon hunger pangs, and give you a feeling of fullness long before you have the chance to overeat.

This ingredient is so unique and useful, it was even recognized by the U.S. Government on July 16, 2002, when TrimSpa® received an exclusive patent for its use! Glucosamine delays the effect of insulin in the body, sending glucose directly to your hard-working muscles for energy, instead of being transferred and deposited as ugly fat!

Green Tea Extract An important ingredient long known for its thermogenic properties, green tea contributes to some major fat burning! A tiny compound in green tea, called epigallocatechin gallate, has been shown to significantly reduce food intake and, subsequently, body weight in healthy adults. Bio flavanoids and polyphenols in green tea also fight harmful free radicals within your body!

Cocoa Extract The diuretic component of TrimSpa® COMPLETELY EPHEDRA FREE, cocoa extract can help you shed the water weight that can contribute to a bloated feeling and unsightly appearance.

Citrus Naringinine This is a powerful citrus extract that aids in weight loss by curbing appetite. A source of soluble fiber, it is an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage.

Chromium Chelavite™ A patented form of chromium, this marvel mineral controls your blood sugar and nasty carbohydrate cravings. It also helps the body’s insulin metabolize fat, convert protein into sleek muscle, and turn sugar into energy. It’s 53% more absorbable than chromium picolinate!

Vanadium A naturally occurring appetite suppressant, vanadium can make you push the plate away, before overeating becomes an obstacle to weight loss. It also assists the metabolism in converting carbohydrates into energy.

Another “anti-hunger” ingredient, this breakthrough dietary fiber assists in weight-loss due to its ability to create a sense of fullness, even when taken in small amounts.

Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose
Reduces the desire to overeat! This hard to pronounce compound forms a nontoxic, water-based gel that creates a sensation of fullness in the stomach before it passes through the digestive system.

Has anyone here given this a try? Your feedback is appreciated.

hairpin Thu, Oct-23-03 21:03

Huh... That's really interesting. I'm taking glucosamine to take care of my joints and never realized it did anything with insulin. I've also heard that glucosamine is good for overweight people trying to get back in shape as this helps to limit the stress on joints that come from working out (besides just the daily workout from carrying around extra weight). Working out has definitely gotten easier since I started taking it, and I don't worry about getting injured as much.

... Wait a minute... Trim lab shouldn't have exclusive rights to glucosamine though. Everyone has it. I'm wondering if this isn't a misprint?

bvtaylor Fri, Oct-24-03 13:23

Maybe it's patenting the way that it's being used--glucosamine is obviously out there on the market for joint health and has been for a while, but this is the first time I've read about it's effects with insulin.

I was kind of surprised at that comment on their site as well--it's deliberate and in the printed literature that comes with the product.

I decided to give it a try to see if it does anything. I did notice that my Keto strips went darker after using it at dinner time and that I'm not craving sweet things as much today. Usually I'm nibbling on LC chocolate or lc muffins in the morning.

sophotia Fri, Oct-24-03 13:28

I'd be interested in your results. I wish you had a journal so I could watch your progress.
I myself just started Atkins Accel this week and I think I can see a change as I feel like I have more energy plus actually had a nice weight loss of 2.5 for this week..I have been a verrrrrrry slow loser up to now and their have only been 2 other weeks that I have lost over 2lbs. I hope U do start a journal so I can check you out. I wish you much success.

bvtaylor Fri, Oct-24-03 23:48

Thanks for the suggestion!
I took your advice and started a journal. I'll start tracking the results there.

Today is the first day that I've been using the Trim Spa, one pill before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I did not get a buzz from it.

I haven't had the munchies as bad as I usually do and haven't craved carbs (even the fake stuff) quite as much.

Calorie-wise it's been pretty much the same, so no change there, however.

I tell myself it is a good day if I can get through an entire day without a piece of LC chocolate, for example, and I didn't feel the need to today.

I had tried the new Xenadrine EFX (without ephedra) and while it really lifted my mood and gave me lots of energy, However, I noticed that it also got my blood pressure up, which did not please me too much, so I stopped using it.

I guess these sorts of aids are okay occasionally. I'll give this one a dry run and let everyone know. It does appear to be a good companion to LC so far at least with no annoying side effects yet.

I've looked at the Atkins Accel (my mom took it), but it has some of the same stuff that I take as a separate supplement anyway (you can check my journal for what supplements I am taking, if you like). My mom got a rapid heartbeat (probably from the caffeine) and stopped using it.

I think I have stalled out now somewhat, mostly because I stopped doing the daily exercise routine I had before I went on vacation in August. The August vacation really threw me for a loop--we travelled in a mini-van from Colorado to Missouri to Kentucky to W Virginia and back, the kids got shigella and were sick all the way home, so it was a real shocker. Then I got the shigella from cleaning up after the kids after we were back--the first time being sick in 5 months, so I was disappointed!

I do think that exercise is integral to this (or any other) weight loss and healthy lifestyle regimen.

My favorite workout DVD is Tamilee Webb's "I Want that Body." In the few months that I used it, I really could see my body define from doing her 15" sessions... I've got to get back to it. She does Arms, Abs, and Buns, and they are THE BEST workouts that you can do in 15".

My other favorite is a Tae Bo knockoff called Tai Fit. Great cardiovascular workout, really makes me sweat.

Hmmm.... I think I just might get busy and do that tomorrow morning.

Lady V Wed, Oct-29-03 14:21

hi, i haven´t heard much about or tried trim spa, but i currently use a product called Therma Pro, which unfortunately has been discontinued. i´ll be trying a replacement soon. basically, my opinion is, anything with sida cordifolia (an extract of ephedra) and guarana, caffeine, and aspirin, is VERY every sense of the word. theres alot of bad publicity about ephedra but one has to make up their own mind. for me, it: boosts my metabolism (or is thermogenic...whatever), makes me HAPPY, gives me a buzz, helps with weight loss....but most of gives me SO much energy, and not just the jitters. if you wanted to try an alternative, i´d personally suggest something with the above ingredients, though i´m no expert and haven´t tried many other products. there are alot of good products out there. i guess a bit of trial and errror is to be expected.*

bvtaylor Wed, Oct-29-03 19:56

Ephedra scares me...
I've tried a couple of different weight loss supplements, but I'm particularly fearful of Ephedra as I used to take Metabolife and found myself getting way too jittery and felt my pulse racing. I took Xenadrine EFX which felt absolutely great, extra energy and anti-dpression, but it made my blood pressure go up, so I stopped using it (but it felt better than the Metabolife).

The Trim Spa I like so far. It got me off of my struggling loss plateau and back to exercising again--but the best side effect is the appetite suppressant. I'm usually about a 2200'ish calorie a day woman (I'm still amazed that I've been able to lose on that), but have been able to knock it down to 1500 ish plus exercise without thinking of food all the time.

I wanted to speed up the weight loss without suffering and so far so good. Hopefully I won't get addicted and regain weight when I stop. I'm also watching for the side effects--I think that the extra caffeine is a bit rough as I had previously severely cut down on caffeine. I had a bit of a headache today.

Lady V Thu, Oct-30-03 06:03

i also tried products containing ephedra and got the jitters. but, sida cordifolia, altho a extract of ephedra (or something) is more refined and gives you all the good benefits of ephedra, with (in my experience) none of the bad effects. it sounds like trim spa is working well for you especially as an apetite suppressant, so good luck. let us know...

coolazchic Thu, Oct-30-03 07:16

I have to tell you, don't waste your money. I tried Trim Spa a few months ago and all it did for me was make me go into a stall!! I was wanting to speed up weight loss for a class reunion I had and it did nothing for me. I took the Trim Spa faithfully as it said in the directions and nothing. Not even one ounce of weight loss. I think Trim Spa might work for a "standard diet" but I don't think it works in combination with Atkins. Everyone is different but both my husband and I tried Trim Spa and it didn't work. I was really bumed because I heard it has worked for a few hollywood people like Anna Nicole Smith too but seriously it did nothing for me. HTH!

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