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colinjn Tue, Mar-12-02 16:36

Blood Type
Has anyone found any research on blood type and the ease of Low Carbing? The book "Eat Right For Your Type " states that type O's should have a diet that keeps them in a slight degree of ketosis.

Does that mean that other blood types would struggle in this lifestyle? I'm an O and my spouse is an A (should be vegetarian). I thrive on a low carb diet and she can't stomach it.

Natrushka Tue, Mar-12-02 17:00

Colin, I'm type A, too, and according to this book should also be a vegetarian - I've been in ketosis since day one and you could say I took to LCing like a fish to water :)

I think this kind of idea is something that should be taken with a grain of NuSalt ;)


BCBabe Tue, Mar-12-02 17:31

Re: Blood Type
Originally posted by colinjn
Has anyone found any research on blood type and the ease of Low Carbing? The book "Blood Type Diet" states that type O's should have a diet that keeps them in a slight degree of ketosis.

Does that mean that other blood types would struggle in this lifestyle? I'm an O and my spouse is an A (should be vegetarian). I thrive on a low carb diet and she can't stomach it.

I am also a type O and have noticed that I feel much healthier when I am following low-carb "Eat Right for Your Type" options. I refuse to give up the blue cheese dip for my wings and whipping cream, though!! :rolleyes: I noticed that when I ate wheat products (Somersizing allows for sugar free shredded wheat w/skim milk) it was like consuming poision. My guts cramped something awful and I could have propelled myself all the way to Vancouver (I'm in Delta!!) from the gas!! (sorry to be so gross!):D I had only skimmed thru the research on the blood type thing but I think it has something to do with the different acidity/alkilinity (sp?) of our bodies. I know I feel better when I eat a steak as opposed to pasta so it made sense to me as a type O to pursue this WOL.
Does your spouse have a weight prob? What it it about this WOL can't she stomach? There are many choices for the low-carber that might be able to work for her if she is willing to try.

:sunny:Sunshine Smiles!!

allisonm Tue, Mar-12-02 19:00

A medical student working in my doctor's office went on and on about how great that book is ... turns out she's eating the same stuff I am on Atkins/Protein Power. I'm a type A and have tried repeatedly to follow a vegetarian diet -- it makes me ill. I get so weak and lightheaded after five weeks that I start to lose my balance. I'm magically cured when I eat a steak.

It could be that Colin's wife has a hard time with it because she's a carb addict. I know when I first started this woe I had a bad reaction -- I craved carbs so badly I cried. Now that I'm over the addiction, eating carbs make me sick.

DebPenny Tue, Mar-12-02 19:03

I'm an A
And like Natrushka have taken to this WOE like a fish to water. It has been the best for me and I have never felt better. When I tried to follow a vegetarian WOE years ago, it didn't work. I missed my meat too much.



Rosebud Tue, Mar-12-02 19:26

Hi all!
Another type "A" here.
I used to enjoy eating an almost vegetarian diet but had constant gut problems (IBS).
I love low carbing, feel so much better and my gut probs are a distant memory.
So much for the blood type diet...


colinjn Tue, Mar-12-02 21:08

Hi BC Babe,
Your symptoms sound like you may be a celiac. It might be a good idea to look into this. It can surface or become more noticable later on in life (not just a kids thing). If you have been having any sort of autoimmune problems this might be the trigger.

BCBabe Tue, Mar-12-02 21:18

Well, Colin, I don't know whether to thank you or tell you to blow it out your ear!! :D Seriously, I have no idea what the heck that is so I will go look it up!! I didn't realize that a wheat intolerance could sound so fancy!! ;) Off I go.......


colinjn Tue, Mar-12-02 21:30

Thanks for the Feedback
Thanks everyone, you confirmed what I suspected. I won't feel too bad about leaning the cooking more toward the low carb end of things. It is a pain having to cook for two different eating plans.

We looked at the Eat Right for Your Type plan because stopping dairy worked wonders for her respiratory tract. And Alison, I think you are right about being a carb addict, unfortunately she has no problem with her weight, so there is little motivation for her to change. Thanks again for all your feed-back.

BCBabe Tue, Mar-12-02 21:38

Don't think so, Colin. I don't suffer form anything resembling what I have read. The episode with the wheat was after I had started a lc woe and had eliminated all grains from my diet. I have never been a cereal eater and I thought I would try some cereal one morn(because I was allowed on that plan) and it gave me some (lots) gas with the token owie gas cramps. I believe it is because the human body (mine anyway) was not designed to digest this stuff. My system was moving along just fine, feeding it the proper foods, and then I assulted it with a big bowl of wheat. I have had NO discomfort with lc and I think "wheat intolerance" is more of what I have. :D Thanks for your concern!!:sunny:

Atrsy Wed, Mar-13-02 08:11

I'm typeO
I think somewhere in the E4YBT, it says something to the effect that if you eat a food all the time and if it's something your body wouldn't normally tolerate, it will build up a mucus layer to prevent the damage that that food would normally cause.

For me it was dairy. Ice cream was my favorite food and I ate it almost daily (not 1/2 cup servings either) I did think that it made my joints hurt, but other than that, I didn't see any adverse affect.

But I changed doctors and he thought I may have some food allergies. He put me on a restricted diet (cut out lots of foods that can cause allergic problems) and after 3 weeks, I was to reintroduce them one at a time. He felt I had a problem with eggs and wheat. I thought maybe it was the dairy. Well as it turned out, I seemed to have little or no problems to the eggs and wheat, but the day I drank that glass of milk first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, I got a pain to beat all pains in my gut. The rumbling went on all afternoon and by early evening, I was running to the bathroom.

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that sometimes you don't really know what is causing the problem. He told me it takes 3 weeks to clear your system of these allergins and it sure showed me what my problem was.

But now that they discovered that the lactose is eaten off by bacteria in yogurt and buttermilk, I find that I can tolerate them with no problem.

As for the blood type, I do try to stick to at least the neutral foods and avoid the avoid ones. I think it works.

Sorry for the rambling. ;) I didn't realize this was so long.

dizzyd Wed, Mar-13-02 20:32

I know a bit about blood...
because I work in a blood donor clinic. I'm not a nurse but there have been many lively discussions about this subject as I'm sure you can understand because we have people calling all the time just wanting thier blood type to do this diet.

The basis for the research is that O's originated at a certain time in history and from a certain area of the globe, and then A's came along in another place and time, and on and on. There is absolutely no scientific research to back up the theory behind this book. Sorry to say...

I'm also an A and could not be a vegetarian for all the money in the world. I love meat and will never go off this WOE even if I never lose another ounce. I feel 100% healthier than I did a month ago.

ER4YT is a crock as far as I'm concerned, and will continue to think so until I see some proof to the contrary. (Sorry to be so blunt, been that kind of day.) :rolleyes:

So, there's my un-official opinion, not that anyone asked.


EmmaG Wed, Mar-13-02 21:29

Another A here. And I could never be a vegatarian. This LC way of eating has done wonders for my energy level and brain fog!!! I cheated with high carb food and my intestines cramped!!! and I too had bad gas!!! Ive cheated a few times and it is always the same results!! It keeps me from a binge :)

upncomer Thu, Mar-14-02 08:44 I see that nobody is AB like me......what does the book say about me?? (not that I would change from this WOL! :D )

gracie-poo Thu, Mar-14-02 11:32

And what about B's?

The only thing I know about this diet is that B's are supposed to be the only blood type that can tolerate dairy and other typical food allergens.....which is true for me! I have absolutely no allergies to anything.

As a student of anthropology and archaeology, this blood type diet isn't necissarily NOT plausable to me, but the LC WOE is the MOST plausible in my book! It just makes sense intellectually, knowing what I do about the evolution of our species.

On a side note, I really think it's *funny* when the vegan extremists try to use science to say that a meatless diet is our "natural" diet, citing various chimps, etc, ignoring the fact that they always mention species that are not in the direct human line, and ignore the millions of years of a diet of meat and gathered vegetation that it took for proto-Man to develop from a chimp-like animal to modern humans. Well, I do realize that not everyone here necessarily believes in evolution, but the crazy vegans don't usually take the a Christian standpoint in their arguments, which would at least make more sense! I was a vegetarian for some time, but it was for moral/political reasons, which I can totally respect.

Anyway, what about those Blood type B's? Anyone know?

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