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amyella Fri, Oct-08-04 10:22

Amyella's Gym Log
It's so frustrating not seeing results! It seems that my current workout is counter-productive to CKD (#~$#~!!) so I need to make some adjustments. I log all my food at fitday: although sometimes I forget to log dinner. Starting today, in my gym log I'll post my work outs as well as food with times to show when I'm eating what and when I'm working what.

amyella Fri, Oct-08-04 10:23

Friday Oct 8
No am workout -- too tired and have a headache.

Woke at 7:15 (LATE!)

Breakfast: 8:20
3 large hard boiled eggs

Snack 10:30
1 slice cheddar cheese
4 slices turkey

11:30 cardio
Had to walk a job site -ended up walking up hill for 40 min. Yay! I love "free" exercise without even having to go to the gym.

Late lunch 2:00
Hungry! Didn't get back to the office until now.
chicken breast
1/4 cup carb options tomato sauce
2 slices green pepper
2 tbls mayo

Dinner 5:45
Kung Pao chicken

TXAimee Fri, Oct-08-04 10:29

Hi Amyella! I was looking at your fitday. The percentages look good, but I noticed you aren't eating any veggies. You should add a salad with some Ranch dressing or some steamed veggies w/ butter. Veggies may get your losses going.

Just my .02.

Have a good one!


amyella Fri, Oct-08-04 10:43

Thanks for popping in! You're right, I'm not as good about my veggies as I should be unless I have a salad for lunch. I'll grab some broccoli at the store this weekend and bring it for snack next week.

amyella Sat, Oct-09-04 15:39

Saturday Oct 9
Carb up day, no workout.

Breakfast: .5 cup oatmeal, tbls honey, 2 tbls walnuts
Lunch: 2 slices thin crust pizza w/ lots of veggies as toppings, not too much cheese
Snack: baked apple slices
Dinner: elbow macaroni w/a little butter, olive oil, garlic pdr, basil, parm

Oh, and forgot to add: abs are just starting to cut up a little. Noticed it this morning after my shower. YIPPEE! It's about time! Of course, after carb day and bloating, probably won't be able to see them tomorrow. :( Now, if only my arms would shred, and my hips and thighs would get even remotely lean.... *sigh*

Built Sat, Oct-09-04 19:01

Okay, good, you're posting a gym log. I'm looking forward to reading about how you train.


amyella Sun, Oct-10-04 10:05

Sunday Oct 10
Had a meeting with the designers this morning to verify flooring for the new house, so couldn't do empty cardio (just CAN'T get up at 6 am on a sunday!!!)

Breakfast (Sunday treat!):
whey isolate, egg, splenda fried in canola

2 hamburger patties, 2 slices cheese, grilled onions, lettuce

workout: Shoulders & Chest:
25# db bench press 12 x 3
15# db flyes 10 x 3
10# lat side raises 12 x 3
10# arnies 10 x 3 (heavy! only did 8 on last set)
40# rear delt (bkwards on fly machine) 12 x 3
30# cable crossovers 10 x 3

30 min elliptical machine

post workout: .5 cup cottage cheese

ground turkey, shredded cheese, sour cream. .5 cup broccoli

amyella Mon, Oct-11-04 20:14

Monday Oct 11
It's finally happened. After four years. I am sick of the gym. I don't look forward to it anymore, I dread it. pooh.

Cardio today. Only did 20 min on the elliptical, but broke a good sweat. Legs tomorrow, which is good. I still like doing legs!

Built Tue, Oct-12-04 10:24

Hi sweetie. I feel like this when I'm overtraining, especially when I'm doing too much cardio. Could you humour me and give me the amounts you're lifting, as well as the calories you're eating?

amyella Tue, Oct-12-04 14:26

Hi built -- thanks for coming by! This is my chest/shoulder workout from sunday:
workout: Shoulders & Chest:
25# db bench press 12 x 3
15# db flyes 10 x 3
10# lat side raises 12 x 3
10# arnies 10 x 3 (heavy! only did 8 on last set)
40# rear delt (bkwards on fly machine) 12 x 3
30# cable crossovers 10 x 3

the # are the weights in pounds. so, 25 lb dumbells for chest press, 15 lb dumbells for flys, etc. Legs is tonight, usually squat 25 lb plates on the smith machine, 100 pounds on the leg sled, 100 pounds for calves, 50-60 pounds for abductor/adductor, 40 pounds hamstring curls, etc. I eat about 1400 calories a day:

Even today, I'm not looking forward to the gym and I usually love legs day!

Built Tue, Oct-12-04 19:50

Okay, my suggestions.

Your weights look a little out of whack to me on the flyes - I do flyes with 15# and I REALLY feel the stretch. Perhaps you need to drop the weight a little and concentrate on form for that one. I could be wrong, but it seems to me you may be keeping your arms bent too much, which will reduce torque and mean you're not really getting much out of it. My .02. If you really are that strong and that flexible, well, that's great. Ignore me. :)

Your sets are too long. I would be concentrating on shorter, heavier sets in general - sets of 5-8 reps would probably be a better idea, for the bigger compound movements anyway (squats, deads, bench...).

Unless you're trying to build up width in your legs, I'd ditch the adductor/abductor machine. Instead, do your squats deep and heavy, with a wide stance.

Ditch the smith machine. Free squats are a far superior exercise, and less risky for your knees. Go ATF. You'll have to drop the weight down from what you use on the smith, so be prepared to feel a little humbled, but it really is for your own good. :)

Try doing SLDLs for your hammies and glutes. You'll love 'em.

Leg sled - do you mean incline leg press, or hack sled?

Your cals look okay to me, protein looks a smidge low, but might be okay. I aim for about .9g protein per pound bodyweight most days, YMMV.

What does Kristi suggest?

amyella Tue, Oct-12-04 23:43

Thanks for your input - I'll focus more on form for flyes although I don't think I'm compromising too much, but I'd rather go lighter and better form any day. I mean hack sled, although sometimes I use the leg press - I try to change it up.

Um, no, building width in my legs is NOT a goal. I don't need a machine for that!! Doing just fine on my own with genetics in that department. :lol:

Not sure what SLDLs are.

I don't currently have a spotter or gym partner so I'm really hesitant to do free squats. I like them much better than the smith machine, but it's been a long time since I had a spotter (I moved here three years ago and haven't had a gym partner since), so I fear falling over.

I have a tough time keeping keto percentages if I up my protein and then my cals get way out of wack. At some point when I'm ready to up my carbs a bit and lower fat a tad, I'll keep protein closer to 125.

Since Kristi is in AZ and I'm in CA, its tough to get her input on workouts. I appreciate your thoughts! Also, I'm eating about 1.5 to 2 hours before my lifts. Does this seem appropriate? Cardio still as empty as possible (or following lifts).

amyella Wed, Oct-13-04 13:42

Wed Oct 13
Went to see Michael Moore yesterday so no gym. Got a good walk out of it at least.

Legs today:
smith squat (still too scared to free squat) 25#x12x1, 30#x10x1, 35#x8x1
single leg hack sled 60x6x3
leg extensions 40#x12x1, 50#x10x1, 60#x8x1
hamstring curls 60#x10x1, 70#x8x1, 80#x8x1
glute press 50#x10x3
standing calf raises 100#x12x3

Not sure what type of cardio i'm supposed to be doing or how much. doesn't seem to make a tremendous difference for me, but i guess that's because i was doing the wrong kind or the wrong amount. You'd think after four years in the gym I'd have a better idea of what the hell I'm doing. Then again, I was non-fat girl for 12 years, so what the hell do I know??? :p

amyella Fri, Oct-15-04 13:47

Friday Oct 15
Back, Bis, Tris and Abs.
Wanted to do cardio but I'm wiped out! Could barely walk out of there.

amyella Sun, Oct-17-04 09:25

Free Squats
Today's the day. I did free squats and holy crap, what a sally!! It was like I never squatted before. Got BF to spot me, working on form and getting used to it. Only squatted the bar.

Leg extensions 60x10x1, 70x8x1, 80x8x1
Hamstring curl 70x10x1 80x8x2
Squat 45 (bar) x8x4
Standing calf raises 100x10x3

I'm upping my protein to 150g, am being strict on a gallon of water a day and lowering fat a little. Ketogenic doesn't seem to be my body's thing, plus a whole carb up day is too much for me- I don't regulate it well enough (to keep it from going overboard). Want to keep fat moderate-high, but not as high as protein. Carbs still under 20g except for 2 carb dinners a week. I'm going to give it four weeks and see how it goes.

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