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ellen4621 Thu, Apr-15-04 23:23

CKD questions, queries, & posers!
I've been reading a lot on here about CKD and am wondering if it would be "right" for me. I've been doing Atkins for a yr now but have been struggling w/ my fat loss for the last 6 months. Ok, Ok, I know - I just got serious about working out 3 wks ago :bash: but, now I'd like to try this CKD to see if it will help me to shed some of my BF. (I think I'm somewhere btween 34 and 38% - yikes!)

I've read the CKD 101 along w/ multiple other threads on here (stopped after I was back 5 pgs and into last yr). I know that a person cannot "spot reduce" and that a female has more difficulty losing abdominal fat (the first to arrive but the last to leave)and I'm okay w/ that.

One question I have is that I'm doing The Firm - will they be "enough" for my workouts - CardioSculpt, AbSculpt & BodySculpt - or should I do a 'regular' WO (as outlined on Trainerdan's website - the "home" version)? Especially regarding the depletion WO....I don't want to short-change myself! :nono:

Everyone seems to be soooo helpful on here...and I welcome any and all suggestions/comments/critiques...whatever! I know I have more questions but it's late and my brain is shutting down! :yawn:

fridayeyes Thu, Apr-15-04 23:44

The Firm, IMHO, will not be enough. I'd recommend the workout on Dan's site, especially the depletion, as it's the depletion that sets up your body for the carb up.

If you started from the end of the CKD 101, go back and read the first page. All of the good instructions are there. :)

Feel free to ask anything else you need!


ellen4621 Sun, Apr-18-04 10:16

Thanks, Friday! I had a feeling that it (The Firm) wouldn't be enough, but I had to ask! I'll go back and re-read the first page of the CKD101 - and, yes, I DID print out Dan's workout - the home/apartment/dorm (whatever!) version cuz I don't go to a gym - and will start that tomorrow! :D

Unfortunately, right now I only have 3#, 5# and 8# wts - will get some 10# next week and work up from there - but, of course, I can always DOUBLE up or combine the wts as necessary. I've also been wanting to get an incline bench, but DH wants to wait & fix up a back room in our basement just for (all my other) workout stuff 'cuz our dgtr will be home from college for the summer in a couple weeks and I've been using her room dwnstrs, and then he wants to get a "more sophisticated" wt station apparatus! (Whoo-hoo! No arguments from ME!)

So now I'm off to do some more reading.....

Thanks again! :) :)


ellen4621 Sun, Apr-18-04 23:12

Did some more "homework"....I think I've clicked on just about EVERY link posted on here (whew!) and printed out a TON of info (so I can read it more thoroughly and not tie up the phone).

I think I have a way around some of the exercises on Dan's site regarding some that are done on an incline - I have a step that I can either lie on or stagger the bottom portion to incline it a bit - it's not much but the best I can do right now.

Another question I have is actually for when I have completed the CKD - what level of carbs do I return to at that time? I know it's early in the game for this question, but I want to gain as much knowledge now so that I'm totally prepared! I'm not looking for an exact number here...just some general guidance and info from those who have gone b4 me.

Also, when I do the depletion WO, do I have to eat something "verboten" to kick myself out of ketosis beforehand, or just start w/ the carb up afterwards? I've read many, many posts on here regarding what others have used for their carb-ups, so I have a good general idea there - oh wait! would I be better off starting w/ something like the infamous Skittles or a protein shake such as EAS AdvantEdge RTD Shake (99% Fat Free) w/ 15 g protein & Splenda? (27 g carbs - 5 g fiber)

Trainerdan Wed, Apr-21-04 11:19

Duchaine recomends kicking out of ketosis with fruit (if I remember correctly) an hour or so before the depletion.

I'll look it up when I get home tonight.

I have done it where I didn't bump out, and everything was fine.

Chipperoo Wed, Apr-21-04 19:31

The reason for eating fruit (fructose, I think) is 'cause it goes straight to your liver, kicks you out of ketosis, and because of this you supposedly use more muscle glycogen for your depletion workout instead of burn fat (as you do in ketosis). The more you deplete muscle glycogen, the more your muscles will refill during the carb-up. You may have read all this before, it's called "glycogen super-compensation" .

You don't have to do it, but every little bit helps.The reason I do it is because of this and the fact that it is the only time you are really supposed to eat higher GI fruit on this diet and I am going to take advantage of that to eat something I don't usually get to!! :) I usually eat a banana (maybe 2) and a fuji apple (the best IMO). A little something to look forward to BEFORE the depletion workout, which can be tough.

ellen4621 Thu, Apr-22-04 08:37

Thanks Trainerdan & chipperoo! Tomorrow will be my first depletion WO and I'm really trying to do this as "clean" as possible! Think I'll opt for the apple 'cuz eating a banana all by itself just does some terrible things to my gut! :blush: And, since DH works midnites all week....well, that just wouldn't be good - for either of us! :p

BTW, Dan, I did your dorm WO yesterday....kicked my butt! Fridayeyes was right, The Firm is good, but dang! I've never done any upper body work on an incline before - always lying down - yowza! (in a good way) :D

Oh yeah....I got my hands on Lyle's book (thank goodness for the interlibrary loan system), so I'm going to be devouring that over the next couple of weeks - until I have to give it back - hopefully, it won't cause me to have too many more questions! :p

Off to go play catch-up in my gym log! Thanks again!

jagbender Thu, Apr-22-04 09:57

Dan and Chip, I thought that we were not suppose to eat fruit
during the carb up because it refills liver glycogen. That causes delays in returning to ketosis.????
BTW I have done my first Carb up strictly per Duchanie.
I still have not seen a positive on the Ketostick?
I am losing the carb up weight. but no positive on the Keto stick.
P.S. I was using glycose disposal (vanadyl and chromium) and I have been taking ALA throughout.

Trainerdan Thu, Apr-22-04 10:12


Not on the carb-up, but right before the depletion workout (well, an hour before) to bump out of ketosis. He suggests in BO (BodyOpus). I have done it with and without the fruit. Not much of a difference in my opinion.

Your results may vary ... LOL ...

Trainerdan Thu, Apr-22-04 10:14


When is your last carb meal on Sunday?

Are you doing AM cardio on Monday morning, and are you doing heavy compound lifts Monday?

jagbender Thu, Apr-22-04 10:33

I did my depletion workout on Saturday AM so the schedule was a little different. My last carb up meal was actually Monday at 0200. I was still sore as heck from my depletion workout so I added a couple of low doses of glucose into the night. I did not do cardio Monday am but have done heavy lifting Monday PM and last night (Wednesday). I hope to get on a Friday schedule but was not able to do so due to Pistol League. Last Friday was the end of the season and I have been waiting until then to start CKD. I do feel better and have been getting the warm feeling I associate with Ketosis.

Chipperoo Thu, Apr-22-04 11:19

Hey Jag, sorry didn't call ya' the other day, but just started new job and with that and the kids, was busy as heck.

As I stated, right before the depletion workout is the ONLY time I ever eat high GI carbs because I WANT to fill liver glycogen and get out of ketosis to deplete MUSCLE glycogen as much as possible during the workout.

You can figure out the change in schedule days for you, but what I do is depletion workout Fri. a little before noon and carb load from lunch Fri. to bedtime Sat. night. No kind of workout Sat., then usually 1 to 1 1/2 hour slow to mod. cardio Sun. morning. I usually just walk fast around my neighborhood, but when I do mod. cardio at club, I do like 3.7mph or so on a treadmill, or something comparible on any other machine. Haven't been able to jog much since starting health kick over at this age, legs just don't take it like when I was younger. Anyway, everywhere you read mostly agrees running hurts joints and such in the long run and slower moderate cardio better in LONG RUN. I do HIIT, but do it on a type of stairclimber which puts much less stress on my knees and shins. Well, kinda went of on a tangent there, huh, LOL.

Anyway, if I can (when wife is not working) I will do another 45min to an hour mod. cardio Sun. evening. Then either cardio very early Mon. morning and weights Mon. noon. or just weights Mon. morning, depending what I have to do Mondays. So, for me, long slow cardio, as much as possible...I don't think it affects my weight workout 'cause the slow cardio doesn't really use up muscle glycogen....and eating a little higher fat, a little lower protein, and almost no carbs Sun. except mostly lettuce salad with meals, and I'm back in ketosis by Mon. or Tue. early am latest.

After you've been on CKD a little while, you usually start shifting back into ketosis quicker, I guess your body just get used to switching from one fuel to another. I've had trouble also, with reading on keto sticks. it's very hard to tell when there are trace ketones and sometimes you are burning most of them so they don't "spill over" into your urine. I finally stopped using them and, let me tell ya', it really doesn't matter all that much as long as you are following the diet correctly!

You're doing great Jag, keep it up

Trainerdan Thu, Apr-22-04 11:22

PMed it too ... but ...
It's important to remember that ketostix measure EXCESS ketones. Could be an issue of you burning yours. That's just my opinion ... no scientific foundation. LOL.

I eat a high GI cereal meal (corn flakes) at 1800 on Sunday night, then no more carbs the rest of the night (bed is usually 2230) I use ALA before that meal, and if I get hungry I eat snacks of small amount of protein or something "nothing" like sugar free jello, with more glucose disposal agents.

I never measure my ketones anymore, but I know it is working.

Hope I helped a little. :cool:

Chipperoo Thu, Apr-22-04 11:25

Oh, and I think since you still are really trying to not only build muscle, but want to emphasize weight loss, it would probably be better to end your carb-up Sun. night if you start half day Sat., but that's just my opinion formed from the research I've done and my experience.

jagbender Thu, Apr-22-04 13:24

Thanks Chip and Dan,
You guys are always helpful.


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