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adukart Thu, Jun-10-04 08:57

Amy's Gym Log
I am starting this routine (MWF):

With some changes that I will post here. I have a bench, bar, and two dumbbells at the moment so I have to modify the workout a bit.

I also go for walks or pilates, tae bo, jumping rope, what ever fits in my schedule on Tues. and Thurs. and trying for Sat.

abs 2-3 minutes

20 crunches holding stomach in FLAT, spine pushed into the floor.
20 with right ankle propped up on my knee, pulling SHOULDER to my knee,
20 on the other side.

Next part is hard to explain: put your head down, and legs straight up in the air. Lift your pelvis off the floor in a little "jerking" movement. THEN lean your legs out to about 45 degrees with the floor, and raise them back up to 90 degrees. Do 20 of those.

The last part is like a reverse situp. Sit UP to about 70 degrees (not quite up), then lean back and pretend you are going to lean on your right elbow. Then go back up to 70 degrees and go to the left elbow. Repeat this right-left sequence 20 times. The movement almost looks like skiing, and you never sit up to 90 degrees, so you never take the tension off your abs.

This is my series of rotating muscle spasms. Do them all without a break. Start with 5 of each, and work your way up to 20 of each.

stretches make sure you stretch quads

squats 3 sets of 8-10

seated leg extensions (quads) 3 sets of 8-10

These I will hold a dumbbell between my feet since I do not have a leg accessory.

seated back cable rows 3 sets of 8-10

I will do this instead of the cable rows.

Bent over rows for BACK:

Remember to keep the arm sliding along the body.

front lat pull downs 3 sets of 8-10

I believe I am supposed to do this instead of the pulldowns.

Barbell pullover:

I change it from a barbell to a single dumbbell, held like you do for dumbbell lying tricep extensions:

shrugs 3 sets of 8-10

seated alternating dumbbell curls (sit, with back support) 3 sets of 8-10

drag curls 3 sets of 8-10 like a barbell curl, but drag it up the front of your body and back down again. Works like a preacher curl, but works better.


abs 2-3 minutes

20 crunches holding stomach in FLAT, spine pushed into the floor.
20 with right ankle propped up on my knee, pulling SHOULDER to my knee,
20 on the other side.

Next part is hard to explain: put your head down, and legs straight up in the air. Lift your pelvis off the floor in a little "jerking" movement. THEN lean your legs out to about 45 degrees with the floor, and raise them back up to 90 degrees. Do 20 of those.

The last part is like a reverse situp. Sit UP to about 70 degrees (not quite up), then lean back and pretend you are going to lean on your right elbow. Then go back up to 70 degrees and go to the left elbow. Repeat this right-left sequence 20 times. The movement almost looks like skiing, and you never sit up to 90 degrees, so you never take the tension off your abs.

This is my series of rotating muscle spasms. Do them all without a break. Start with 5 of each, and work your way up to 20 of each.

stretches make sure you stretch quads and hams

split squats (stationary lunges): these are basically lunges, but do all one side for one set, and then switch. I don't put my foot up on a bench, so ignore that part of the movie. Take a step, and stay there. Now do 8 squats in this position, then switch sides. 3 sets of 8-10 each side

Straight Leg Deadlifts (hamstrings) 3 sets of 8-10

Dumbbell lateral raises (imagine you are pouring really full pots of tea) 3 sets of 8-10

dumbbell shoulder (military) press 3 sets of 8-10

incline dumbbell flys (do it on the slant bench, or flat if you prefer) 3 sets of 8-10

incline dumbbell press (squeeze chest at top) 3 sets of 8-10

Not sure what to do instead of this one but will find out.

overhead tricep extensions, (I hold ONE dumbbell with both hands, hold it overhead, drop it down to elbows at 90 degrees, then raise it straight up) 3 sets of 8-10

standing tricep cable pull-downs, using rope 3 sets of 8-10 keep elbows glued to your sides, hold the rope ends, push straight down, then back up to 90 degrees. Your hands end up at your sides because the rope will open up and let you.

Not sure what to do instead of this one but will find out.

adukart Thu, Jun-10-04 09:01

Week 1
Tuesday: walking for 2 hours

Wednesday: Workout #2 (hee, hee, hee, I forgot to say how much I lifted) I used 8.8 pound dumbells for the shoulders, chest and triceps. Nothing for the legs, next time I will definately add a dumbbell for the lying leg curls.

Thursday: Jump Rope 15 minutes (didn't last long as legs were hurtin after last night?)

Friday: Workout #1 (8.8 pound dumbbells)

Saturday: Set for Grandma's birthday at reception hall, swept and scrubbed floors, decorated, moved tables and chairs - it was definately a workout

adukart Thu, Jun-10-04 10:31

Current Stats:

Age 24
65.00 in (1.65 m)
126 lbs (57.30 kg)
12.99 in (33.00 cm)
37.01 in (94.00 cm)
32.99 in (83.80 cm)
26.50 in (67.30 cm)
29.02 in (73.70 cm)
35.00 in (88.90 cm)
22.52 in (57.20 cm)
13.50 in (34.30 cm)
14.02 in (35.60 cm)
8.50 in (21.60 cm)
10.00 in (25.40 cm)
9.02 in (22.90 cm)
5.51 in (14.00 cm)

Built Thu, Jun-10-04 11:00

Originally Posted by adukart

I believe I am supposed to do this instead of the pulldowns.

Barbell pullover:

Yep. That'll do 'er.
Originally Posted by adukart
incline dumbbell flys (do it on the slant bench, or flat if you prefer) 3 sets of 8-10

incline dumbbell press (squeeze chest at top) 3 sets of 8-10

[color=blue][i]Not sure what to do instead of this one but will find out.

Just do 'em on a flat bench. You'll be fine.
Originally Posted by adukart

standing tricep cable pull-downs, using rope 3 sets of 8-10 keep elbows glued to your sides, hold the rope ends, push straight down, then back up to 90 degrees. Your hands end up at your sides because the rope will open up and let you.

Not sure what to do instead of this one but will find out.

Try kickbacks instead
or skullcrushers

mle_ii Thu, Jun-10-04 11:16

Built, you know what's funny is that I always thought the DB pull over was for the Chest not the back. Just looks like a chest excercise, that is until I tried it. :)

Built Thu, Jun-10-04 12:07

I LOVE pullovers. Great lat workout, and a great stretch, too.

And you DO hit the pecs. Triceps, too. Actually, if you do 'em wrong, they hit the triceps more, so at least you don't get totally penalized for crappy form LOL!

adukart Fri, Jun-11-04 08:22

Introduction to Stretching

1. Hold onto a rail, pole, bar, etc., with one hand. Rotate your body inwards towards that hand then allow your weight to fall backwards. · You can adjust where the stretch affects in your back by standing more upright or bending over more. · Staying more upright will target the upper/middle back while leaning over will hit the lower side and back area. 2. Grab onto something solid with one hand (e.g. a pole or railing or bar). Put the same side foot or the opposing foot on the pole below your hand, then push backward with your leg as though trying to pull your arm out of the socket. Hold on tight and maintain tension in the shoulder.
3. Hold onto something in front of you. Bend over at the waist (about 90 degrees) and stretch downward, keeping your arm straight and your hands on the solid surface.
4. Be careful of twisting stretches in the lower back area. If you do them, go slow and DO NOT force it. This is a very sensitive position for the lower back and severe injury can result.

1. Stand beside a vertical pole or wall with your arm straight out to the side and holding on. Bend your elbow slightly then rotate your body away from your hand. Keep your shoulder back and your chest puffed out.
2. Stand or sit with your back to a horizontal bar (a bench press bar setup works well for this stretch). Grasp the bar behind your back, just outside shoulder-width grip with palms down and fingers pointing back, then push forward allowing your shoulders and chest to stretch back. · As you are doing this stretch try and look up, raising your head and push forward hard. · Vary the grip between pronated and supinated (palms up and palms down) and repeat. · When doing this one, keep your mouth closed to get a better stretch on the upper chest (it sounds strange but it works). Keeping your mouth closed transfers more stretch through the neck and down to the upper chest.
3. Hold two high pulleys, bend over and rotate your shoulders so your arms are behind your back. Try going down on your knees. This is similar to having somebody try to force your elbows behind your back. This also gives you a bicep and shoulder stretch.

1. Kneel on the floor on one knee then lean back somewhat, pushing your stretching-side hip forward and leaning your upper body back. You should feel it from your hip flexors right down to your lower quads. · To vary the stretch a little, laterally rotate your back foot (out to the side) so your heel points out to the side more. · You should keep your back leg up on the toes to increase the stretch on the quads.
2. Do not do the traditional grab the foot behind the body stretch for quads. This can hyperextend the knee. Instead, rest the top of one foot on a bench or railing or anything a few feet off the ground and lunge forward and down, keeping your torso vertical. Maintain tension in the quads and don’t lean back. This is a safer and easier way to stretch the same muscle.

Hamstrings and Groin
1. Touch your toes from a standing position. Keep your knees slightly bent to prevent lower back strain. Try crossing your feet as well.
2. Put your foot up on a bench or raised surface that you are standing in front of (the Smith machine bar works well for this because it is adjustable in height). Lean over and try to touch or grab your foot. · This can be done to the side or straight forward.· To get a bit of extra stretch in the calves, hook your toes back towards your body.
3. Do the splits out to the sides to stretch out your groin. Rest your arms on a bench or chair so you can pull yourself up easily. Try to completely relax your quads while doing this.
4. Lying flat of the ground or standing, pull one leg up into your chest to stretch out the hamstrings and glutes. Hold underneath the back of the thigh, not over the top of the knee to prevent knee hyperextension.

1. Grab onto a bar behind you and lean forward like the chest stretch. Stand or sit with your back to a horizontal bar (a bench press bar setup works well for this stretch as does a Smith machine bar). · Grasp the bar behind your back, just outside shoulder-width grip with palms down and fingers pointing back, then push forward allowing your shoulders and chest to stretch back. · Vary the grip between pronated and supinated (palms-up and palms-down) and repeat.
2. Pull your arm straight across in front of your chest and push it into your chest with your other arm. This stretch can be done either standing or seated.
3. One comment about shoulder flexibility: don’t worry if you don't have a great deal of shoulder flexibility. The shoulder joint relies on muscular support for stability. If your shoulders are too flexible, they will be unstable and more susceptible to injury.

1. Place your hands on a low bar so that your fingers are pointing back towards your body and only your fingers are on the bar. Lean forward and down. Try to push your elbows forward at the same time.
· This is also a good forearm stretch.
· If you do it one arm at a time, push forward on the back of your elbow with the other hand.
2. Put one hand on a wall or pole with your arm straight out to the side, then rotate your body away from your arm like in the chest stretch. Bend your wrist back to stretch the biceps.

1. Raise one arm overhead then bend it down at the elbow as though trying to scratch your back. Use your other arm to push your stretching arm backwards slightly.· Be careful with this stretch not to pull your upper arm past vertical behind the head to the other side. This overstretches the shoulder joint
2. Put your hands on a medium or low bar, palms down. Push your head underneath the bar and stretch the triceps. Push forward with your feet to get more stretch. Keep your elbows in tight to your head.

1. Stand on one foot on a wood block or other raised surface (the calf machine is good or if you are at home, a phone book or a stair edge will work). Rest all your weight on the one foot in the stretch position. Keep your knee as far back and locked out as possible (you may wish to push on it with your hand or with your other leg crossed over in front). Put some weight on the calf machine and use that for a better stretch.· This stretch can also be done with both feet simultaneously on a standing calf machine or seated calf machine. If you are doing it one foot at a time, you may wish to hook the toes of the other foot underneath the footrest and pull down. This will add some downward resistance to the stretch, increasing it's effectiveness.
2. To increase the effectiveness of the first stretch, bend completely over at the waist. Keep your knee back and rock your body back somewhat, sticking your butt out (hold onto something solid in front of you for balance).
3. To stretch the anterior tibialis, dig your toe into the ground then lean your leg forward, keeping your toe in place.
4. Sit on the floor or a bench. Loop a towel around your forefoot and grasp the ends. Keep your leg straight and pull back.

1. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent 90 degrees. Put one foot across your other knee. If you were in a sitting position, you would be almost crossing your legs. Use your bottom leg to push up and back.

adukart Fri, Jun-11-04 09:20

Ok, I believe I pushed it a little on Wed. My quads are killing me, it hurts to stand up from a sitting position. It's ok from a chair that has arms but getting off the toilet is tricky. And walking down stairs, eeeech. Hope I am ok by tonight, and I don't push it too much. I wonder, will something horrible happen if I push myself? When I started running "everyday", my knees and ankles swelled and I could barely walk, hopefully that wont happen when lifting.

mle_ii Fri, Jun-11-04 10:11

The muscles that I work out are usually the most sore 2 days after the workout, so that's about right. If you are just getting back into free weights then this is also about normal. For me it seems like about 2 weeks into it you will still be sore, but not this sore, the I can't walk or move sore. :) It'll get better. So long as it is just tight and sore, and not sharp pains you should be fine. Well as fine as not being able to move can be. :) After a hard leg work out I can barely walk up or down stairs.

Built Fri, Jun-11-04 10:37

Oh, I still remember the first time I overdid quads...

Ah ha ha ha ha ha STAIRS!

Sorry. I'm a bad person. :)

You'll be fine - just let them rest. You don't have to wait until you don't feel ANY stiffness to work them again, but let them rest at least 3 days after an intense workout where you're having trouble walking down stairs.

When they are just a LITTLE stiff, but mostly fine, a light quad workout can actually clear out the rest of the lactic acid and get them moving again - it's called active recovery.

adukart Fri, Jun-11-04 10:37

Yes, that's how to describe it, a light bulb just popped on in my head, it's tight and sore. No sharp pains just tight, feels like all I need to do is stretch it, but of course it stays after stretching.

adukart Fri, Jun-11-04 13:27

Hey, what do you think about this theory:

I found it in TrainerDan's signature.

EDIT: Is this his personal website?

Built Fri, Jun-11-04 15:03

Interesting. I don't know enough kines to have an opinion as to the validity of the conjecture, but it sounds reasonable, I think....

adukart Mon, Jun-14-04 19:52

Monday Week 2
Workout #2: 8.8 pound weights. After doing those split squats (stationary lunges), I now have a charlie horse in my quad in the middle and it will not go away. I've been rubbing, and I posted in the general exercise forum to see if anyone has any tips for me. It is uncomfortable, not so much painful.

adukart Wed, Jun-16-04 08:16

Tuesday Week 2
Walking - 2 hours

Starting an EC stack on Wednesday. Going fine so far. I got new weights, dumbbells and barbell. I am very excited to use them.

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