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JEY100 Sun, Jan-20-19 08:52

Cholesterol and low-carb diets
New comprehensive Health Guide on DietDoctor, written by Franziska Spritzler, RD and Dr. Bret Scher, MD.

If you don't want to read back through this whole forum :daze: a good place to start.

Cholesterol and low-carb diets

What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol in your body
“Normal” cholesterol levels
Low carb and cholesterol
Cholesterol increase on low carb
How to lower cholesterol on low carb
Advanced testing
Recommended resources

GRB5111 Sun, Jan-20-19 09:51

Excellent summary of all the related information.

LCer4Life Sun, Jan-20-19 10:44

Janet, this is an excellent article/guide. I’m excited as I will be doing my annual blood work in May and will be anxious to see how my ‘numbers’ are. I do remember my triglycerides were >150. My NP is excellent and has very open mind to latest care for me. I will be taking some information to her from articles etc.

I appreciate your articles you post. I want to thank you for your IF information. I started IF Jan 4th. I wanted to kick start my loss. I was 133 and today 129. Reached my goal. IF is working for me. Thank you and all posters. :agree:

JEY100 Sun, Jan-20-19 11:55

woah...that is great. IF is magic... update your stats and own that below goal number :wave: Glad to help, sure your blood tests will be fine..or at least you will know what to worry about and what to ignore.

cotonpal Sun, Jan-20-19 12:47

I don't seem to have a lot of followers along this route but my approach to cholesterol is to simply ignore the whole thing. It's been over 15 years since I've had my blood tested. My one trial with Lipitor many years ago resulted in disabling joint pain so after that I simply figured I was eating in the most healthy way I knew, I would never take any kind of statin again, so why get my blood tested? So far this approach has not yielded any bad results that I know of and I've probably saved myself a lot of stress. In my mind birth is the greatest risk factor for death so if we could all just avoid being born then no one would have to die :) .

amergin Tue, Apr-02-19 18:36

Time to put it to the test
I'm very impressed with Dave's theories and his experiments to date.
It's one of those situations where it all seems to add up and ties in what appeared to be contradictory dogmas.
I am myself counting in the class he describes as hyper-responders.
I have taken to a version of IF. Skipping breakfast and eating 2pm to 10pm, keeping mostly LC.
In response my weight, triglycerides, waistline, blood pressure, & blood glucose, are down to new (if unremarkable) lows.
HDL is at record high.
The fly in the ointment is my LDL has headed skyward and my new doc, following the diktats of his masters, wants me on the drugs. He has given me a scrip for a repeat blood test 3 months on from previous, to confirm my high LDL.

Reading Dave's theories suggests I could save myself by producing a large drop in LDL using Dave's big re-feed method. As this is the first try it will be a white knuckle ride as I won't know the result until the test results go back to the medical centre.
RE the re-feed, I will probably try and get some mono-fat in there rather than all sat-fat, even though the sat-fat appears easier to glug down as double cream etc.
Also I think some carbs (added as mashed potato) could be added given Dave's vid at .
I'll let you all know the results. Here's hoping.

bkloots Sat, Apr-06-19 07:05

Thanks, Janet, for reminding me of all the good information on Diet Doctor about cholesterol, etc. I need to be well-informed when I see my doc next month.

JEY100 Tue, Feb-18-20 09:54

A longer version of one section of this guide:

New guide: How to lower LDL cholesterol on a low-carb diet

GRB5111 Tue, Feb-18-20 11:50

Originally Posted by cotonpal
I don't seem to have a lot of followers along this route but my approach to cholesterol is to simply ignore the whole thing. It's been over 15 years since I've had my blood tested . . . So far this approach has not yielded any bad results that I know of and I've probably saved myself a lot of stress.

I'm on board with the "Jean approach" of ignoring the whole thing. Yes, I want to keep up with the latest research if it's done right, but no more cholesterol testing. Fortunately, mandated testing for insurance is no longer an issue for me. I have my annual with my doctor on April 1st, how ironic. I will refuse a blood lipid test, as the results no longer provide me any benefit or indicate the need for corrective actions.

bluesinger Tue, Feb-18-20 14:17

On Medicare, can we refuse lipid tests?

GRB5111 Tue, Feb-18-20 15:33

I've never been told otherwise. Maybe my doctor just refuses to challenge, but I haven't had one for a while now.

bkloots Tue, Feb-18-20 23:21

Confidential to Janet: if you clear your private message cache, you can receive a special message from me. :D

JEY100 Fri, Oct-01-21 04:47

I am stealing Ken's brilliant observation about cholesterol on VLC vs just LowER carbs diets. This was a comment in Research forum:

Now that I am metabolically healthy, when I eat a lower carb diet in the 60 to 100 carb range I get stellar cholesterol numbers. My HDL is high, triglycerides are low and my LDL is in a range acceptable to my doctor. But when I eat a very low carb/keto diet (< 20 net carbs) my LDL-C will more than double -- especially if I'm exercising and actively losing weight. In other words, I'm a cholesterol hyper-responder when I do keto. I still have a stellar Triglyceride/HDL ratio, but my TC and LDL-C are off the charts. This is not uncommon, especially for the lean, athletic type Keto people. Dave Feldman has thousands of members on his Lean Mass Hyper Responder Facebook group and the typical first post by new members is all about how they and/or their doctor's are freaking out about LDL-C at 2 or 3 times the max reference range. Doctors typically see this and think that the patient is a ticking time-bomb desperately in need of statin treatment.

Personally, I'm of the belief that this is a normal function of our body for healthy people who are fueled mostly by fat. My doctor begs to differ. An LDL-C of < 120 mg/dl she will accept. On keto my LDL-C can exceed 250 mg/dl. I had to turn down another hard push for a statin prescription just yesterday. It happens with every visit. So maybe it is good that this study was done on "lower carb" participants. They may have had much different conclusions if they had studied a proper keto diet and a bunch of hyper-responders show up in their sample group.

FYI: Dave Feldman managed to get a study funded with the intent to determine if Lean Mass Hyper Responders are at greater risk for heart disease. The study is just now getting underway. Hopefully we will know more at the conclusion of this study. Here is a link to an interview with Dave about this study.

Discussing the LMHR Study on the DD Podcast

If you or your doctor still care about a high LDL-C, or even a too low Trig and too high HDL (one doctor wondered if HDL was too high :rolleyes: )…Ken's numbers when he eats lowER carb, tracks with what I also saw after 4 months on Ted Naiman's higher protein, more vegetable carbs (50-60 net) LDL lowering foods, lower saturated fats, with a daily TRE eating window but no extended fasting, diet.
Dec 2020…Trig 43, HDL 69, ratio .6. LDL-C 144

Since I was still actively losing weight, a pound or 2 above a healthy BMI, I didn’t pay too much attention to the changes from my years on a very LC diet, eating closer to 20g total carbs than to 60g net carbs. On VLC, I consistently had a Trig/HDL ratio of around .33. Last test on VLC in Feb 2019 was Trig 31, HDL 98, ratio.32.

Now I am curious to see what has happened to my cholesterol, after a year on lowER carb, lower fat, no longer "keto". I call it moderate carb, but Ludwig"s study would still label it low carb. I didn’t realize it at the time, but after only 4 months of following most of these DietDoctor tips to lower numbers, my cholesterol was getting closer to "normal" ranges…if you care and think that important.

WereBear Fri, Oct-01-21 07:02

I want what cholesterol numbers mean to be nailed down with those big planks and nails they use for ships. Container-sized shipping crate level.

And I still won't take a statin. Those effects aren't good and I'm convinced they do more harm than good.

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