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Carbcutter Sun, Sep-14-03 14:03

God that was harder than i thought !!!!!1
Well did my 1st outing to the cinema today with my wee cherubs (god bless em ) and god it was hard knocking back all them cinema goodies but i managed to scrape thru 2 1/2 hrs with only a bottle of water and a pepperami stick.
If that wasn't hard enuff we went to Pizza Hut after and i sat and watched my kids and wife gorge themselves on coca cola and pizza then the kids had the piesta resistance (is that spelt right?) unlimited ice cream and smartie topping.
I had chicken wings with barbecue dip, of course i wasn't sure about the barbecue dip so i didn't touch it then i had a salad bowl from the salad bar which was to be honest was crap i had 6 cherry tomatoes some coleslaw and raw red n green peppers + some dodgy looking bacon bits which i don't know had many carbs or what was in them they were rotten anyway the coleslaw was probably a bad move but there was sod all else and it was only a wee drop.

This going out with the kids to cinemas and other places of intrest will have to be curtailed until i learn to cope with temptation. :lol:

As i said harder than i thought it would be :cry:

ezandreth Sun, Sep-14-03 14:21

hey, but you've lost, what, 18 lbs in a month or less? I'd say it's been worth it! and you did successfully resist temptation. It does get easier with time.

Carbcutter Sun, Sep-14-03 14:52

ezandreth yes your probably right i spose but as i think it was Urbangypsy that said don't sweat the small stuff which probably is equally right but i'm really trying to kick this eating rubbish routine and i probaly will sweat the small stuff in the early stages as i don't want to go back to my old attitude of well eating these crisps won't really matter there only a small bag, and well that pizza is going to waste and me old Ma always says waste not want not.

Thx for the encouragement tho much appreciated and hopefully it will get better or it's no more pictures for me ah'll wait for the DVD to come out :lol:

Gigg Mon, Sep-15-03 02:00

Well done , it might have been hard but you showed determination. When i went i managed at the cinema but wether i could have coped wiht pizza hut as well ..ummmmmm.

Good for you

UrbanGypsy Mon, Sep-15-03 02:12

Hi Carbcutter :)

First of all, congratulations on getting through that evening as well you did! :bhug:

And yeah, it was me who said don't sweat the small stuff... but I also say don't underestimate what you're trying to achieve up there! Breaking carbohydrate addictions and habits is hard enough on most folk... let alone whilst living in Scotland (I say this as a woman who had to go through giving up smoking whilst living in the East End of Glasgow!).

Personally I'd have packed an awful lot more to eat whilst you were in the cinema so you didn't feel so much like you were missing out... and so you weren't anything like so hungry when you got to the Pizza Hut, so genuinely didn't want much to eat.

I was brought up with "waste not want not" (we weren't allowed to leave the table till our plates were clean... I was stuck there for four hours once! :lol: ) too, but that was just our mums misguided way of doing their best with the understanding of life they had. It's hard to break out of, but I'm betting if you ask yourself each time you hear that voice in your head which she'd prefer - a clean plate or a healthy son - over time you can re-program your thinking.

Likewise if your kids understand that sometimes it comes down to a choice of Pizza Hut or healthy dad (obviously at this point, you give them "that" look so they understand which choice to pick! ;)), it might help them to make life easier for you too. Especially if you can think of something they love doing (football or whatever) that they can do with you as a "thank you" for helping you eat the way that will keep you fit enough for that to be an option.

As for films... our nearest (and, frankly, inexcusably bad!) cinema is 20 miles or £6.60 each by train away. You're talking about £30 all told just for the two of us to see a film! I think not!!! :nono: Unless the company are having an outing (in which case we get a lift from a mate up the road), it's DVDs and eDonkey downloads all the way! Haven't done so badly... that made for two films and a whole seven hour, three part US mini-series over the weekend! :lol:

Ach, I don't post anything all weekend and the first thing I write turns in to an essay! :rolleyes: I'll whisht now! But I do think you should remember to afford yourself some pride in how incredibly well you got through that, rather than worrying about the small steps you might have done wrong. (And maybe re-eductate your kid's understanding of "treats" so they think more long term and stop eating stuff to give them obesity and diabetes!)

LittleAnne Mon, Sep-15-03 09:43

Congratulations. :yay: You survived the cinema and Pizza Hut afterwards. The one thing to note it will never be this hard again as you now know you can do it.

I second Rachel, pack a bit more for snacks. Glad there were chicken wings at Pizza Hut so you could eat something.

Well done you.

muddy Mon, Sep-15-03 13:38

Well done for resisting temptation. Personally I would insist that the meal was somewhere else, Pizza Hut is just not going to work for low carbers. I know my kids love it and so does my husband but if they want pizza then we must go somewhere which also does something for me!
Even macdonalds is a better bet, have a burger without the bun. However somewhere even better is Harvester, TGI Fridays or Frankie and Bennys. Still child friendly but also Atkins friendly too.

Paulie-M Mon, Sep-15-03 14:39

I think you did really well with your meal choice. I suppose your only other option (and I'm sure it is pretty close to torture) would be to just eat the topping on the pizza :eek:. Not eating a burger bun I can cope with (they're usually like blotting paper anyway), but leaving the pizza base.......

Maybe next time you go, you should say it is your turn to choose where you go for eats afterwards:)

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