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mskandi Thu, Oct-10-02 06:25

The Firm Videos
:) Hi

I just started doing the Firm videos, (I'm in my second week).. I really like them. I can see a difference already in my posture as well as seeing muscles that I have not seen in a long time. Is there anyone out there that has tried the Firm or currently doing it. I would love to hear about your experiences. I hope that these videos combined with low carbing will help me drop the 30lbs that I'm trying to lose.

Kandi :)

Cyprinodon Thu, Oct-10-02 08:05

I Love The Firm!
I am an exercise video fanatic and have several of the Firm videos including all the Classics except Volume 5. Currently, I am doing The Tortoise, Upper Body, Standing Legs, and Tough Aerobic Mix in my rotation. These are all great. The thing I don't like is that the cardio portion of The Tortoise is an attempt to do ballroom dancing on a step. I love the exercise sequences in Tortoise so much that I just ignore my opinions on the ballroom steps and ballroom music. The ballroom sections are simply a nice rest break from heavy weights. Using various Firms combined with running and Atkins, I dropped from 21% body fat to 19% body fat and got my arms about 80% looking like those of Linda Hamilton on Terminator 2. I recently added low volume high intensity weight training, each body part once per week, and lost two pounds/1.8 inches in a week (I think eventually my pounds will go up).

Paleoanth Fri, Oct-11-02 09:31

I religiously exersize using the Firm videos. I love them. They are challenging and actually have given me faster results than when I went to the gym. I use volumes 1-4, Tough Tapes 1 and 2, Standing Legs, Upper Body and the 5 day abs. I am always on the lookout for new ones in my local Border's.

Shadow01 Mon, Oct-14-02 09:45

Hello everyone! I am new to this forum - just found it a couple days ago. But I figured I would venture into the water to post on behalf of the Firm :) I have all of the tapes except for the new productions this past winter. Believe it or not, I even enjoy the ballroom aerobics ;) Since Anna came out with FitPrime, I have left the Firm (but still do the 40 or so tapes I have). In the meantime, I have added the 3 new FP tapes - what workouts!

tigersue Tue, Oct-15-02 19:46

I love the firm and go to fitprime also. Did you see that Tracie Long is in a set of cross trainers coming out this winter? I want to get those, LOL

Homegirl Wed, Oct-16-02 00:34

Too funny,

I am doing BFL but checked out The Firm book from the library today (was looking for weightlifting books - always looking for more info.)

I might try to see if the library has a video just to see what it's all about.

Paleoanth Wed, Oct-16-02 07:17

So what is the difference between the Firm and fitprime? I am always looking to add some variety to my workouts.

Shadow01 Wed, Oct-16-02 08:16

IMHO, FitPrime tapes are tougher and use a lot of new moves that are not in the Firm tapes. FitPrime also focuses on non-dominant training. The only downside (for me) is that they tend to use more equipment (barbell, dumbbells, TB, oof ball, dowel, and ankle weights). Weights First is the hardest and is primarily a leg tape. Core First is not as tough and moves quickly. Up & Down is fast-paced also, but more evenly balanced between upper and lower body. I really like them all, even if they make me feel it for days after :D But of course, the classics and crosstrainers are still favorites of mine. I can't wait for the Bear & Cheetah with Tracie Long :cheer:

2bfit Wed, Oct-16-02 08:35

What tapes would you recommend for a "Firm Beginner"? :D

Thanks! :thup:

Cyprinodon Wed, Oct-16-02 08:40

Hey Homegirl
There are some Firms that aren't well liked so if you end up checking out one of those from the library, you may form a negative opinion of The Firm prematurely. You can go to to read up on reviews of The Firm videos. You may be able to find some available for rent.

Shadow01 Wed, Oct-16-02 10:48

Sunny: Cyprinodon had a good suggestion. I know the Firm did a set of 3 "basic" tapes but I've never done them - they came out several years after I started Firming. I personally started with Vol. 3 but I'd hate to admit how long it took before I could do it let alone do it with weights :eek: It still kicks my butt more than any of the other Firms. I have to be having a "good" day before I even attempt it :rolleyes: Do you have any of the tapes or are you just considering getting some? Do you use weights now? Are you just a "beginner" to the Firm or a "beginner" to exercise? Other than the basics and the newer tapes from this past winter, I own them all (43 or so). If you have any questions I can try to give you an honest opinion if that would help you. And of course, I'm sure the others here would put their suggestions/comments in too. HTH :)

2bfit Wed, Oct-16-02 11:29

Thanks for replying. I'm just a beginner to The Firm tapes, not exercise. It's getting a bit cold here these days and am looking for something to do indoors. The tapes sound tough, but I have done the BFL program w/weights and cardio, however it's been a few weeks. Can you say "buns in gear"? :o

Thanks alot for your help! I'm just looking for a good toning/maybe some weights/kick a little bootie exercising that I can do in the warmth of my home! :thup:

Shadow01 Wed, Oct-16-02 14:10

Well, let’s see…there’s the Classics. I’ve heard people say all the Classics (Volumes 1 – 6) are “dated” but they are my favorites. They still work for me even after 8 years of using them so I’m not complaining! Volumes 1 & 2 use dumbbells and ankle weights. Volumes 3 and 4 use dumbbells, ankle weights and a “tallbox” (Volume 4 uses the tallbox only for lat rows so it’s not really necessary). When I started Firming I did not have the tallbox – all I had was a 12” Rubbermaid step to do the leg presses on and it worked fine. Volumes 5 & 6 use dumbbells, a short box, a tallbox - plus 5 uses ankle weights. Personally, Volume 5 has never appealed to me and I only pull it out once in a blue moon. They are all total-body workouts using aerobics with weights for toning. I believe they are all rated “intermediate to advanced”. I use Vols 1 & 2 the most, followed by 3 and 6. Other total body tapes (to name just a few): Maximum Body Sculpting (now titled Maximum Body Shaping) is a good, concise workout led by Tracie Long. It uses dumbbells, tallbox and dowel (I use a mop handle). It is “beginner/intermediate”. There are the Crosstrainers Firm Cardio and Firm Strength and also the Tortoise and Hare. The Tortoise and Hare have the ballroom aerobics. They are “intermediate to advanced”. Gosh, the list goes on and on! There are sculpting only tapes, cardio only tapes, “hare” tapes, “tortoise” tapes. Anyway, I have a lot of this in Microsoft word if you’d like further info. Hope I haven’t inundated you :D I guess you can probably tell this is a passion of mine and I had to cut out quite a bit of text at that :rolleyes:

tigersue Wed, Oct-16-02 16:42

It might be easier to find what is available now as a great deal of the Firm tapes are not available anymore. Hopefully they will rerelease them so I can get the Tortoise and the Hare.
You can get Vol. 1 and Vol 4, the new kit, Total maximum body shaping mix, Firm Cardio, Firm Strength, and a few others that are released. The basic tapes are not available, I had them and started with them but have not really done them for awhile. The difference with The Firm and Fitprime, from what I understand is that they work non dominant limbs first to maximize effort on the parts of the body that usually don't get the most work.

Shadow01 Thu, Oct-17-02 08:20

Yes, I guess availability would help - LOL! I guess it never dawned on me that they might not be around anymore - duh :p I kinda glanced through the ones FitPrime sells and it looks like they have some good ones there to start with. Don't know what's available through the Firm or Collage, though. Thanks tigersue for pointing that out - good thing I didn't ramble on and on for pages :rolleyes:

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