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unitydkn Tue, Mar-23-04 02:41

Protein Power Pals - tuesday - March 23th
good morning all

WendyOH Tue, Mar-23-04 05:07

Good morning Unity, and all to follow. Marjorie, it was great to see you post. You summed up how I feel exactly. It bothers me not acknowledging everyone's posts, but with our enormous group now (which is a great thing), it makes it very difficult to keep up on everything. I guess we just have to do what we can:)

I had a good day yesterday. I got a great written evaluation from my principal for my two observations, and today I have the actual conference about it. I scored major points last night by going to the band concert at school, b/c she (the principal) got there just as I did and had me sit with her. You never see a lot of teachers at those things. She doesn't know that I have an ulterior motive for being there, being that I have been dating our band director for 5 months, but I will certainly let her go on believing what a dedicated teacher I am:)

Hope you all have a good day!

BawdyWench Tue, Mar-23-04 06:16

Thanks, Unity, for starting the thread. You're our early bird (or should I say night owl?).

Way to suck up, Wendy! This is a very good time in your life. A lot of good things are happening to you lately, and I'm so happy for you!

I'm like you and Marjorie and some of the others in that I can't possibly respond to each and every one in the thread like we used to. I love having all these pals, though! I've learned something from each and every one of them.

Instead of responding to each person, I try to pick out a couple people who are asking specific questions and try to respond to those. So if anyone has a specific question out there, ask away! And if I don't respond (or anyone else for that matter), ask it again. Sometimes I don't have much time and just skim through the posts. I might not have seen the question.

Here's an idea. If you have a specific question that you really need an answer to, put it in bold or another color type of something so it stands out.


I'm doing well on CALP. This is Day 3. If anyone is interested, I try to post every day in my journal on how this is going. I also post periodically on the CAD/CALP board, though not many people spend time there so things move very slowly over there. Not at all like us chatty girls here!

I'm working from home today, so I'll try to jump in from time to time. Have a great day and make good choices!

sasquatch Tue, Mar-23-04 06:41

(Shouldn't that be Tuesday the 23rd?)

Guys are tryin to confuse me........& IT WORKED!!!! :lol:

BawdyWench Tue, Mar-23-04 07:23

It's ROB! Hi, Rob! Where have you been? We've been so worried about you. Renee is currently searching the lower end of the Appalachian Trail for you, and was planning on heading up Joisey way right after!

Shame on you for worrying us so!

eightc Tue, Mar-23-04 07:38

Good morning all! Still cold here, but a little sunshine :)

Still questioning calorie count-should I keep it where it is at 1700-2000? or drop to 1500-1700? Add more exercise?
Not really stalled, just still tweaking :)

Went to try on new walking shoes yesterday, not fun. I have wide feet with very narrow heels. Nothing fits. If it fits the front, my heels slide up and down and if I try to get in narrower shoes, I cant get them on. The only ones that seem to fit are the cheap ones from Payless. Are they OK to really jog in????

Made all the people in the family lunches today and they all were very surprised. I told them not to get used to it :lol:

Hope you all have a great day!
Love, Carrie

Songberrie Tue, Mar-23-04 08:14

Protein Power Pals,Tuesday, Good Morning!
Hey, I'm the first one here! It's a gorgeous morning out here, and I feel so good!

Our neighbor ran into a good deal at the nearby cheese factory and he gave us a whole bag of string cheese and grate mozarella. Yum! We have some great neighbors here. I'll have to give them a loaf of bread the next time I make it.

I hope everyone is having a great day! :yay: :yay:

Chamellie Tue, Mar-23-04 09:40

Good morning :) I have been fighting a sinus headache for the past few days, think it is because I never did get back on antibiodics so I have an appt with the doctor today. I also started spotting again last night :( I am at a loss, if it continues I will call the doctor and see about scheduling the D&C. I didn't make it to yoga last night due to the headache.

Yesterdays menu:

B - 2/3 cup Keto Krispies w/1/2 cup carb countdown milk, 1 cup coffee w/H&H splenda

S - 1/2 carbwise bar

L - Baked chicken (2 small legs+a small boneless thigh), 2 TBS SF ketchup, 3 cups salad greens w/almond accents & Ceasar parmasan dressing, 1 string cheese

S - 1/2 carbwise bar
S - bought a loaf of Chompies low carb cinnamon rasin bread at 3 ECC per slice and had to sample 1 piece toasted w/butter.....Good...too good and wish I didn't buy it. I am limiting myself to no more than 3 slices per week.

D - 3 baked chicken thighs w/skin, 1.5 cups mixed cauliflower/brocolli 2 tsp butter

Dessert 3 strawberries sliced w/whipped cream

Elaine - I have been thinking about you :)

acipenser Tue, Mar-23-04 10:21

good morning all!!

i think there really is something to the calorie thing. since limiting mine to 16-1800 i have not had any of the ups and downs i was experiencing lately. i actually tried dawn's trick yesterday and leaned a little to the right. i got 199.75 on the scale!!! today was a solid 200 though...

to recap, all of last week i kept my calories around 16-1800, my weight was a steady loss from 204 on monday to 200 this monday. (keeping in mind 204 was the high end of the fluctuations the past couple weeks).

will keep an eye on the calorie thing to see what this week brings...

eightc-- my 2-cents is if you are not stalled don't tweak. you will have pleanty of time for tweaking once you do stall, which it seems happens to everybody at some point!!

i'm with rob. i was wondering why everybody was posting on a thread that said "monday" when there was one started that said "tuesday" till i looked at the date.

ok, have a great day everybody!!!

ewinpa Tue, Mar-23-04 10:36

Hi all. Just wanted to pop in and say Hi.
Bawdy, I read the last few pages of your journal on CALP. I am in the same boat timewise-I get up around 5 AM too and can't imagine going without a snack till lunch.
Not eating terrifically well but hey, I won't be eating anything all day Thursday and will probably be having fluids and jello oin Friday :lol:
Nice to hear from Marnie :)
Hi Ellie,Wendy, Lissette, ac, unity and ROB!!!!! And everyone else I haven't mentioned.
Thanks you all for the good wishes. I will still be home tomorrow (taking the day off) so I will be sure to post.


unitydkn Tue, Mar-23-04 11:24

(Shouldn't that be Tuesday the 23rd?)
that is what I get for starting the thread before I go to sleep on monday night.....LOL

acipenser Tue, Mar-23-04 12:36

all right can stop rubbing it in that you can post pictures and i can't figure it out....... :mad:

hopefully i will figure it out....eventually.... :spin:

Orang Tue, Mar-23-04 13:37

Hi Pals:
I'm back - uninjured - but with a million errands / chores - my weight was up 10 lbs this AM - likely just my muscles retaining water to heal themselves and my being out of ketosis... we'll see what it looks like in a few days.

See Marnie and the Yeti have shown up...

Congrats Dawn on losing the insulin - as Kristine and Karen have said -- weight loss is great - good health is better.

I'll read through the last few days posts tomorrow. I need to get back to work.

simplydawn Tue, Mar-23-04 13:51

Thanks EVERYONE for the kudos!!! Mucho appreciated..and made me smile! I have had a odd kind of schedule these last cple of days.. so, I am by no means neglecting you guys..I do pop by and read to hear whats going on with everyone!

Have a super Tuesday on this Monday kinda day.. ( LOL~Unity!)

BawdyWench Tue, Mar-23-04 13:54

Welcome back, Renee! We've sure missed you. Yikes on the 10 pounds, but you have a terrific attitude and I'm sure you'll drop it again with the next few days.

Eight, I agree with Ellie. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Acipenser, you lost 4 pounds in the past week? WAY TO GO! :dazzle: I'd say you've found your niche! I responded to your question on "snot" in the other thread. Basically, skip the protein powder and use more water. You can always grab a couple pieces of bacon or ham or something if you want a protein boost. Or use the powder to make a shake to go along with the "snot" or as a snack an hour or so later.

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