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marygcupof Thu, Feb-20-03 08:15

fell off the wagon and need help getting back on
Fell off the wagon last saturday and cant seem to get back into it and feeling like packing it all in .I did weel my first three weeks and lost 9lbs and then had alcohol on sat nite which led to a hangover which only could be cured my pizza and since then i have the lost plot completely with my diet.Tried to get back into it the last few days but cant seem to do it.I think i have ruined everything.Please help....any encouragement welcome.

Mary :)

yvonne326 Thu, Feb-20-03 09:31

I also had a bad weekend (being snowed in and all) and I just made the decision to get back on - - got rid of temptations - - planned my meals and took Low Carb natural snacks to work to help with the munchies that I get until I get back into ketosis (which I hope is today). Water too...drink lots of what I do - - fill up my 25 oz bottle and give myself a time limit on when it is to be finished - than refill 2X before going home from work (at 5pm) and then only water until I get back into the swing of things - no diet soda! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Yaseruzo~! Thu, Feb-20-03 09:33

All is not lost! Don't beat yourself up over couple of little mistakes Mary! You can dust yourself off and get right back on the wagon because tomorrow is a brand new day. What works for me is that I keep reminding myself that I'm the only one who can lose weight and regain my health FOR ME. Nobody else can make that decision for me and nobody else can actually do that for me. It gives me strength to take control over my own body. Some people ask a higher power for help. Whatever works. But the bottom line is, you have to forgive yourself for the past mistakes and get back on the wagon. Imagine yourself a year from now. Where do you want to be?

You can do it Mary! Don't give up!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

UAGirl Thu, Feb-20-03 09:37


You may have fallen off the low carb wagon but head dive off the low carb train!!

Remember what it felt like when you decided to go Low Carb?? Remember how god you felt?
How easy it was when you got into the swing of things?
9 lbs?!

Jog that memory and jump back in. Falling off the wagon only makes you human. AND it may not be the last time.

So starting RIGHT NOW, your back in full swing. I say cook up some eggs and bacon and start the day right!! :)

Traci R Thu, Feb-20-03 09:51

Hi, this is my very first post to this site but I had to let you know that you are not alone. I have started several times and quit because I gave into some temptation. I am on day 5 and I have lost 4 pounds. Don't give up. The one thing I have learned from all of my yoyo dieting is that you have to get right back on it. There are always going to be things that cause you to stumble, I think its how you recover that counts. I am determined that I am going to make it this time no matter what. You can make that same decision. You have to decide how bad you want it. Is the instant gratification of what ever it is your getting ready to cheat with more important to you than losing your weight. I have asked myself that same question at least 20 times over the last 4 days and so far losing the weight is more importnat to me. Even if I do sometime give into temptation I have to get right back on that minute, don't wait for Monday or even the next day, start right then. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to get back going. Good luck! I hope you can get going again. Stock your frig and your cabinets with things that are on your diet. Hope this helps!!

marygcupof Thu, Feb-20-03 09:59

Thanks all,

I have been good today and i will go to the gym tonite and hopefully by the end of the weekend i shall be back in ketosis thanks for the support and encouragement its nice to know your not alone.I must hold my resolve this weekend as its a friends b'day and dinner and drinks is planned and in good old ireland we like our drink....So fingers crossed hopefully i will be posting on Monday to say my ketostix are purple.



Shelley J Thu, Feb-20-03 10:03

Never give up
Don't be so hard on yourself. It happens. Dust yourself off, and get back at it.

You can do it.

Think of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz... You had the power all along. :D

Arrow Thu, Feb-20-03 12:45

Chinese saying
Hi all,

Marygcupof, there is an ancient Chinese saying: One cannot polish a gem without friction.

(But you're right, pizza does help a hangover. Along with hair of the dog.)

Here's a moth-eaten cliche: Experience is the best teacher. Thanks for sharing, and let me agree with everyone who said you can do this.

red1cutie Thu, Feb-20-03 12:52

You guys are great! :Party: The encouragement and support here is awesome. I am on my second day of Atkins and on most diets I would have broken it by now but when I read stuff on this site I am so inspired and motivated.


GBU all

jplush76 Thu, Feb-20-03 13:08

I had to go out with the finace's parents to an itailian restaurant on friday night... well they ordered the big family deal because we had 14 people with us. NOTHING was low carb on the table.

I couldn't be rude and just sit there and not eat, so I ate that night then the next day gained some water weight cause of the carbs and went back to my normal atkins diet. Checked the scale today and I remained the same as I did before the dinner so eventhough I didn't lose any this week I was able not to gain any and still have the slip up.

Skamito Thu, Feb-20-03 13:36

This is a fabulous thread. Makes me proud to frequent this board, in fact.

My own big fall also involved many of the same players.... hangover, pizza... with the addition of cheesy bread and RAMEN! AAHHH!

I got right back to induction levels the next day and easily lost the sneaky water I'd gained.

Making mistakes is part of life... one of the most rewarding parts, some might say.

Anyway, I love everyone's motivational words and wish you all the best! :rheart:



Willful Thu, Feb-20-03 14:22


Just remember, that there will always be birthdays and dinners where temptation will present itself. You must have the resolve to stick to whatever plan you've chosen! It's not a diet but a lifestyle. We all know you can do it though!! Do you have a S.O. or friend to lean on? My wife helps me SO MUCH to remain focused when I'm out and the temptation to deviate might arise.

May your ketostix be purple. :D


lkonzelman Thu, Feb-20-03 14:26

This is the real world with lots of carbs and high carb situations about us...

What you need to remember is that this is a WOL (way of life) and this is our choice.

So when it is impossible to eat right - make the decision in your mind (then you are in charge) to have a high carb meal and really enjoy it! But remember MEAL - do you hear me! Just a meal then back on track. Not a binge... Not a day... this is when we lose control.

It has worked for me at least....

Willful Thu, Feb-20-03 14:50

Lisa, I like your attitude!

My people often think of LC (or fat loss in general) as a diet and NOT a way of life! A diet is a transient plan. Oh, I'll just do it 'til I lose my weight, then go back to my pizza and beer eating habits. YO! That's what smacked you before!

I'm not sure I totally agree with your on that high carb meal. But then I'm tough on myself to stick with my plan and not to deviate. And I'm on a CKD which has a carb up every seven days, so maybe I don't have room to talk...LOL. I do like that you advocate that you're in charge of your decisions. :thup:


Crimson Thu, Feb-20-03 15:05

I fell off last weekend (Valentines Day). The thing was I had the opportunity to stick to my WOL (my boyfriend took me out for seafood). But I just wanted to <u>not</u> think about what I could eat for just one night. Have the chocolate cake, bread, and drink without guilt. So I did. And I gained the water weight back immediately. But... 2 days later I was back to my regular weight.. then lost another pound (after having stalled before the binge). I figure if this is going to be my WOL, then there will be occasions where I binge... but I can't look at it as cheating. This isn't a diet, right.

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