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becky160 Wed, Sep-10-03 14:35

BREAK THE 220lbs (100 kgs) BARRIER!!! JOIN US
Charlif761 ok! Great Start.
So today your weight is 104,2 kilos, mine is 103,4 kilos

Welcome everyone!

Charlif761 Thu, Sep-11-03 08:46

Hi Becky!!!!
OK..Let's go. Bad day to find it, but I found Sugar Free Ice cream in my grocery today....and it is good. I have been sick all week and have had ZERO appetite. I really needed a stimulus. Seems it did the truck. Now to go make a healthy mel. Thank God my hubby is watching over me. He is restricting my 5 carb a serving ice cream (which is packaged for me in single fudges for me!) to one a day! lol I don;t thik I even want it that much. But, when you are sick, you DO want something comforting, you know....?

OK...10 pounds or BUST!


becky160 Thu, Sep-11-03 17:20

Hi Char!

Do you have the flue, a cold? :bhug: Hope you feel better with this big hugh I send you. don't forget to drink lot and lots of water. You will feel much better.
One more thing: Remember that to be in ketosis you have to keep eating fats and proteins ok? and dont starve yourself, try to eat even if you have no appetite.

The 11th was my husband's birthday and we went to a friends house. I indulged a little bit, and felt really bad. In about 1/2 an hour, I began to feel dizzy, like if I was drunk! Is it normal? I had some carbohidrates from peanuts one thin slice of bread, and two tablespoons of pasta. I really hope that this symptom won`t get my out of Ketosis!

If you want to see my menu for the day, go to

Charlif761 Fri, Sep-12-03 09:55

Hi there Becky!
I have a cold...a very bad one that has moved into my chest. I am hacking and hackign and hacking. I sound like a 2 pack a day smoker that has been at it for 40 years! It's just terrible. And, worst of all, I cannot sleep at night because I cough ALL night. I almost never get sick, but when I do, I REALLY do.

Yes, I know I need to eat. I just really feel my energy is so drained, it's too much effort to pick up a fork. And, I cannot smell a thing, and that is about 90% of your perception of taste!

On the plus side, my friewnd who I haven't seen in four days, said today that she could tell I had lost weight. She says she can see it in my face. WOO HOO! Well, that sure gave me a boost.Now I want everyone to see it in my boobs, waist, hips, arms, legs.....shall I keep going? lol

I am trying to drink my water. My husband is such a doll...he keeps checking my water bottle to see how full it is. If he thinks I haven't had enough, he quietly hands it to me. And, if it's anywhere near empty, he goes and fills it and THEN hands it to me. The beautiful thing is that he is ALSO walking around with a water bottle! How can you not love a man who is this supportive and encouraging???? thing that made me feel like calling him a rat bastard... lol He has lost 2 kilos just not eating POTATO CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I won;t let him bring them home tillI am skinny again. I don;t knopw why...I dont even LIKE them! lol So, he has lost half as much as me, DOING NOTHING! Skinny Dutch boys! lol

As for the carb thing, I suppose carbs can make you feel lots of ways. I ate corn the other night. I have been DYING for it for months...but it hasn't been avbailable till now (OF COURSE!!!). I decided one ear of corn was worth it. It's not a candy bar, it's a veggie. So, I did the hour later I felt so bloated and my stomach was so upset. I won;t do that again fora LONG matter how sweet and delicious it is! :)

What else is new with you??? Do you have your ketosticks? I highly recommend them. It really helps give you perspective on how you are doing. And, you only need to use them every few days......


wabi_sabi Fri, Sep-12-03 15:20

Hi Ladies,

I'm pretty close to 100 as well! Started at about 111kg. 101.4 this morning. That's the lowest I've been in a while. I find my weight tends to "hang out" around a particular level for a while before moving. So, I am really trying to push it below 100kg. I've made it my goal to be there by the end of the month. I am not sure if that is realistic, but I'll try.

One of my biggest problems was not drinking enough water. Thank God summer is coming - because it makes me feel like it a lot more!

I was busy at work last week and didn't exercise at all. So, that's my plan of attack for this week.

Good luck with your challenge!


becky160 Fri, Sep-12-03 16:13

Hi Wabi_sabi,

You are welcome to joins us. Lets cheer each other!!

Charlif761 Sat, Sep-13-03 09:14

Cheers Wabi!!!
Welcome tot he thread and the challenge. We are glad to have you. And glad you are doing so well on your WOE. Brisbane, eh??? Wow. I am soooo jealous! I have always wanted to go to Australia! My hubby and I are both Scuba Divers, so we are going to make it one day, even if we are 80! lol Just a little afriad of all the sharks on the GB Reef and the stinging and biting (read: Spiders and snakes) things on land!!!! lol Otherwise, I think Australia must be paradise! Anyway, it's nice tohave a new buddy here. I look forward to chatting with you.

Drink your water girl! You are so close to 100kg you can TASTE it...and it is sweet, but not the least bit "carbohydratey"! lol You can DEFINITELY get that kilo GONE by the end of the month!!!


wabi_sabi Mon, Sep-15-03 02:27

Hi guys! Thanks for the welcome and words of support. I've only been back in Brisbane (and in the country) for the last couple of months. So, I figured a change of life deserved a change in my way of eating.

I KNOW we can do it. I'd love to see the scale with one less digit. Down 100g today. I guess every bit helps. What do you do for motivation?

I had a better water day today. Peeing pretty close to clear ('cept for that fluro colour that comes from my vitamins).

Have a good day.

becky160 Mon, Sep-15-03 07:42

Next thursday is char's and my weight in day. Today I am still at 226 lbs or 103 kgs. Hope I loose 1 kg more by then.

What keeps me motivated is the support I receive day by day from this forum, my hubby, and the clothes that I did not wear for an entire year that are starting to fit :yay: Also, everyday I go thru people's journals posted in the forum, and read them. It is really encouraging to see how someone, has lost 100lbs and keeps on going!

Stay focused. Open an account at, and enter there all the foods you are eating day by day. the program they have will make you keep track of the quantities of nutrients, protein, fat, calories and carbs you consume, thanks to this huge database that it has. Plus they also have a journal, weight report, exercise report, etc.

Make sure you don't have more than 20 gms of carbs a day.
Drink lots and lots of water.
Pamper yourself
stay focused.

A good excuse I use when i go to eat at someones house, as well as fcallard, is "Sorry, I can`t have that, I have allergies", and keep on going!

Charlif761 Mon, Sep-15-03 11:46

Oh god..Motivated??? What is that? lool Bad week to ask. I have been sick for a week and I am just trying to survive. Weigh in is THURSDAY? ACK! And I have cheated like CRAZY!!! I th ink I had better cut my hair and hope it helps with the weight loss! lol

See you tomorrow. Have to go lie down....


wabi_sabi Mon, Sep-15-03 15:18

Becky: Thanks for the words of support. You've got some great ideas. I do have a fitday account, but I've not been really diligent with my foods. I did it yesterday for the first time in a while and here is what I got:
1550 cals
65% fat (Still hard to believe sometimes!)
4% carb
31% protein
I'm pretty happy with that.

I should get a little more confident about keeping a journal and sharing experiences with the lc world. I'll make a point to start once I break 100.

Char: Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope today is a better day. It's probably a really good time to make sure all your carbs are coming from veges and keep up your vitamins and water.

I'm off to the gym today for the first time in a while. I'm hoping my recent weight loss hasn't been muscle turning to fat! I'll save my next weigh in for Thursday also (I can be guilty of getting a bit compulsive there).


p.s. What's your favourite LC treat? We get keto bars here and I really love them. Closest thing to chocolate and nothing like the taste of those nasty protein bars. However, I am trying to limit myself to 5 a week!

becky160 Tue, Sep-16-03 08:02

Hi Wabi!

Well my favorite LC treat are pork skins, 0 carbs!...Sorry to tell you that here in spain they do not have any of those ATKINS products!!! :bash: I am sure that if I get to go to London one day, I will bring Splenda (1st of all), and more LC treats like LC chocolate bars. yummy!

I am sooooooo happy! I am down to 102,8 kgs. I was getting depressed because I drank NESTEA light on Sunday, and got me out of Ketosis! But this morning, my ketostix was RED :yay:
I just canīt wait to see the 99 kgs number, I just dream about it!

I have drank IMAGINE 2 gallons of water since 1 am! I really can`t believe this! I feel sooo thirsty all of the time.

My menu today:

2 cups of roman lettuce with
2 slices of ham, 1 oz of edam cheese and the salad dressing made with 2 tbls of olive oil, little knorr and balsamic vinegar.


chicken fajita made with
1/4 of sweet red pepper
1/4 of a can of mushrooms
1/2 a chorizo (1 inch long)
very little onion
1/4 drained can of mushrooms sliced.
and of course 1 boneless chicken breast


1 tuna fish small can
1 tablespoon of Mayonnaise
1 small cucumber pickle

2 gallons of water!

Take care, see ya tomorrow

Take care, Drink water until you float!!!

becky160 Tue, Sep-16-03 16:46

do you like my new avatars?

anacecilia Wed, Sep-17-03 09:01

Hi there ! Mind if I join you ? I'm really getting close to the 100 kg mark and I'm so excited about it ! :yay: My weight today is 102 kg (225lbs) and I've come a long way since I started Atkins at 125 kg (275 lbs) but I still have a longer way to go until I reach my goal weight of 75kg (165 lbs). I live in Brazil and we have NO Atkins products, splenda or anything like that here, so I have to do it the natural way like some of you... Anyway, I feel that once I cross that 100 kg mark, I'll start to feel a little bit more "normal" again.A three digit weight (for those of us who use kilos and not lbs) is such a heavy emotional burden (no pun intended!) to carry ! I'll sure be glad to get rid of that ! Plus, I'm also happy because I'm finally getting rid of my maternity clothes (by youngest is 6 months old) and for the first time in years I've been able to buy 'normal' clothes, not 'xxl' or 'queen size'... I'll turn 30 next February 1 and my dream is to reach my goal weight by then. God help me ! Good luck to you all ! :thup:

becky160 Wed, Sep-17-03 09:56

New record for me.... 102.3 kgs!!!!! = 225,33 lbs.

Ana Cecilia,

Of course you can join us!! I am only a year older than you and we weight exactly the same!! (not to be to proud of really, but...)...
We are there, and we are ready to go and be on the 2 digits number(in kilograms of course).
You will find that this forum is full of people who are ADORABLE and will help you out to keep on going with your WOE.
Stay focused ok, we are almost there! and.....DRINK WATER UNTIL YOU FLOAT!

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