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Jeli85 Sun, Aug-17-03 06:23

BACK....Post Vacation.
Hi Everyone. I am not really new to this board, although I havent posted for nearly a month. I am pretty depressed and could use some kind words.

I went on vacation for the first week of August and I thought to myself "What the heck, vacation is once a year...." and I ate, and ate and ate and ate. And when I got back, I promised myself that I would get back on track. But guess what? It only got worse. I couldnt get back on track and for days I just sat at home and ate and ate.:Puke: I am a stay at home mom, and food is easily accessable. Yesterday has to be the worst day.

I want to get back on track, and to be honest...Atkins doesnt work for me, and CAD was the only program that did. I could stick to it and it helped me to go from 185 to 170. Now I am back up to 185... :cry:

Someone...give me some advice, please! :help:


kokle Sun, Aug-17-03 07:04

Don't kick yourself in the behind for going off plan anymore. Just start taking it one day at a time. A board like this is great for encouragement.

It might help if you get rid of some of the things that are "red light foods" for you. This are things that cause you to lose control. You might think you need to have them in your house for your kids, but they probably don't need those foods either. Then just take it one day at a time, one meal at a time and focus on that. Don't start thinking, well, I blew it, so I might as well continue to blow it. Also, if you had a lot of carbs, have a ready form of LC veggies on hand. I like to make a soup I can eat whenever I want (I like it cold) made of various LC veggies, like cabbages, celery and whatever I like. Also, it helps if you get your DH to help you. I didn't lose control when I went on vacation, since I knew my DH wouldn't encourage me to pig out on the wrong foods. I also asked him to help me be strong at the grocery store, so I don't buy any more ice cream I really pigged out on.

Good luck, Kristie. You are not a failure, you hit a bump and just need to keep going.

Zuleikaa Sun, Aug-17-03 07:27

Don't beat yourself up. Just get back on track. It takes three days of strict CADing and h*llified carb cravings to get back control.

I've said it many times. This program has to be for life. A carbohydrate addict (CA), like an alcoholic, can not go off plan. On slip leads to another, to another and another and soon you're in a black hole. Carbohydrate addition is the result of a chemical imbalance in CAs. A defect if you will. It can never be cured, it can only be controlled and the control is CAD/CALP. Being in control on these plans will make you feel "normal" but you will never be "normal"!!! You will only be/feel that way on plan. There is no "vacation" from CAD/CALP!! It is for life!! Step off and the condition/addiction is right back!!! It's not your fault, or due to lack of your control or willpower. It just is. It's a hidden defect that you have to learn to live with and control through CAD/CALP.

Good luck to you!! We are all here for you!! We have all been there.

Saweetie Sun, Aug-17-03 11:29

I recently took a detour myself from this way of life.... but let me tell you it feels really good to get back on track!!

You just got to tell yourself you can do it...cuz you did it before!!

Take Care and keep loggin in!

Vel Sun, Aug-17-03 20:27

I agree, don't beat yourself up at all. You made a decision to let go of LC for a while and now you are deciding that you want the good feelings back. It doesn't mean you are bad, it just wasn't a good choice for you in the long run. But you can fix it. You already know how.

So, away you go. Prepare yourself well with all the tools (foods) that you will need and prepare yourself mentally for the withdrawal process and go for it.

We are all rooting for your success!

Take care,

KittenLady Sun, Aug-17-03 21:21

Hey, we're all here for you! Just do it! :D (Just like Nike shoes?) We're all human, as far as I can tell ;) So, if we goof, we just fix it and go on.

No one goes to Hell because of a Hostess Cupcake. :devil: Just make sure to get temptation out of your way. :angel:

Signey Mon, Aug-18-03 01:18

Hi Kristie,
I went through some serious bingeing just these last few weeks and it was no fun at all. I have gotten through my three days of CAD and I am feeling so much better. I'm not hungry and I'm able to focus on my goal of letting go of my extra weight. You can do it too. Give yourself the gift of those three days and you will be back on target. :thup: We're all rooting for you and we are here if you need someone to talk to. Goodluck!

Tess M Mon, Aug-18-03 03:46

Ah Jeli--You're not alone! We're all here and we're rooting for you. I've often wondered how well I would do if I had to brown bag a lunch to work everyday. Not trying to sound like "Mary Sunshine", :p but maybe we should just consider being at home all day with the very accessible fridge and stove as a blessing instead of a curse? It give us all kinds of possibilities for great cms that we might not otherwise have.. Something that I found very helpful when I came back to CAD, was re-reading the books. I found my original inspiration again. While you're getting back on track--you could concentrate on doing the things that you KNOW you can do with little or no effort. You can drink your water, calm a craving with a piece of protein (instead of the dreaded bag of chips), etc. Then, when you're ready to "get back in the swing of things", you will already have a good head start. All the best to you--you have a good support team, and we're all behind you! :thup:

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