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Lessara Mon, Apr-22-02 08:10

Emergency LC Foods for Any Occasion
Ok I need some help with this.
I do have nuts on hand but I could use some help planning of unexpected things.
I forget to bring lunch to work:
I go to a friends house and she changed the menu and I can't eat what she prepared:

Or anyother ideas would be great.
I really need help with this.

disneybebe Tue, Apr-23-02 06:01

Hi Lessara,
Hello, how are u?
How about cans of tuna, sardines in olive oil (get those ones with the pull-tabs) & packets of mayo.
Do u have a fridge at work? Maybe u can put a couple of cooked meals (in microwavable containers) in the freezer compartment. So if u forget to bring lunch, u can have them as an "emergency meal".
Have a great day ;)

Bebe :wave:

slimchance Tue, Apr-23-02 06:15

Hi Lessara! :wave:

Is the countdown to "spa day" still on? Can't wait to see the results, I hope you post a pic!! :D

I'm not sure where you work, or if there is a restaurant nearby, or maybe a cafeteria in the building? A nice chef's salad, or grilled chicken ceasar, or your typical cheeseburger with no bun might due in a pinch, just make sure to ask how they are prepared to avoid those hidden carbs. Wendy's currently has awesome salads out there. I find that they are almost too big to eat in one sitting, so I tend to save part to have for supper if I can't eat it all. :p

Many fast-food places have nutritional information sheets that you can ask for, so this may help if you are out and about. Some grocery stores have individual sized veggie trays with dip? Some even have a place where you can buy roasted chicken off the rotisserie or a small salad that would be cheaper than at a restaurant. :D

The key here is planning...You generally know where you are going to be during the week...home, work, errands, etc. I would check out some local restaurant menus to find places that would do on the spur of the moment. :)

If you don't have anyplace that you can eat near where you work, you may want to pick up something non-perishable that you can keep at work, or like disneybebe said, something you could freeze if the facilities are there. Non-perishable...yeah, I realize that there isn't much LC food that is non-perishable, this may be when you want to have some pork rinds or ONE (i know these are not always good) of those LC bars or protein shakes (mix or cans) on hand. They are not really appealing, but will do when the going gets tough. :thup:

All the best!!

KC :wave:

Karen Tue, Apr-23-02 09:28

Cans of tuna and salmon with ziploc tops, pork rinds - light but bulky - and macadamia nuts. Keep them in your glove compartment or purse.

7-11 type stores have those packs with a cheese stick and pepperoni stick in them for when you're driving around.


razzle Tue, Apr-23-02 10:27

string cheese. home made jerky. Both can exist without refrigeration for quite a while, too. Sunflower seeds are a good snacking option--low carb, in the shell they take a long time to eat, and you can eat them while friend are munching popcorn or chips and not feel left out.

twice a week, boil a few eggs to have for emergencies. If no emergency arises, eat them after 2 days anyway--in sauces, on salads, or devil them for a snack.

Lessara Tue, Apr-23-02 10:42

So what I need is to think to myself, "Ok, forgot lunch so eat that tuna!" :p

What do you do about the second thing, where you have planned what to eat but the menu changes. Would it be alright to bring a backup or is that rude?

slimchance Tue, Apr-23-02 14:07

Hi again!

If you were a severe diabetic would you still eat it? No. If you were an alcoholic and drinks were being served would you take one? No. I would say (IMHO) that the best thing to do would be to advise them of your specific dietary needs beforehand so that arrangements may be made, and if it is going to be too much trouble, then I would bring your own. Of course you may make something that others would enjoy too and share it with others, pot-luck style. :) Just as long as you let them know that it isn't their cooking that has turned you off!! :p

All the best!

KC :wave:

nsmith4366 Tue, Apr-23-02 14:18

Just tell them you can't eat that, you have hyperinsulinemia.

Eyebrows will go up and then people generally leave me alone.
Or they say is that like diabetes, and I say "sort of". And that ends it. I'm a private person (out in the world, here I show my soul to all).


Lessara Tue, Apr-23-02 15:39

My problem exactly
This is the situation I keep running up against. I have friends who I eat over at and they know I'm low carb and why I do it but they change in the course of an afternoon what's for dinner. Leaving me without options. I've thought to ask if I could bring "emergancy" food but I'm asked if one meal will hurt me. I said it will definitely stall me but it doesn't change their behavior and I know its because they are "forgetful" because they are such good friends under any other situation.

nsmith4366 Tue, Apr-23-02 16:30

One thing I 've learned that I wish everyone would learn is that
people around us did not sign up to help us on this new way of eating we have chosen. They will go on eating what they do and if they are nice enough to tailor to our tastes, we are grateful. Otherwise they are under no obligation to make sure that we have the exact food we want to eat anymore than we are under obligation to get food for them that they want to eat.

I remember lots of posts about wives or husbands with supposedly "unsupportive" spouses - because the other person/people won't "help" you diet by not eating carbs around you or won't cook you the right foods etc...I think it is really wrong to expect other people to help you get thin - support is great and always appreciated, but other people are not guilty of anything if they don't make lowcarbing easy for you. But that's just my humble opinion.

I KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU MEAN IN YOUR POST. I'm just blabbering on here. You are probably meaning that your friends just say, Hey let's do chicken and you think 'cool' and then you get there and it's pasta, right?

It doesn't sound like they are doing anything mean or intentional to you, it just seems that they have gone on living their normal lives without concern for your dietary preferences (and they don't have to be concerned, but anytime they are we appreciate the effort don't get me wrong...I've had whole dinners cooked for me by friends - everything low carb, I've also had whole dinners made for me by friends - all carbs! They don't mean harm, they don't mean anything - they are just doing what comes normally for them).

Okay, but how should you handle sudden changes? Well, I say if they had the right (and they do) to change what they plan to eat then you have the right to change what you are going to eat (bring your own). It's hard, there is no MISS MANNERS for low carbing YET! Hey what a great idea!!! Who's going to write THAT BOOK!?!

One thing I do is call right before I come over and say, "Karen (or whomever), I just love your cooking, what are you making tonight?". Then she tells me and I either say great! or If you don't mind, I'm going to bring something for myself, no offense, I'm on a low carb diet and I really need to stick with it.". This approach has never offended one person I've used it with. They usually say "Okay" or "What can I have here that you might want?"...I take the opportunity there to tell them.

:) :wave:

jmey100 Wed, Apr-24-02 19:43

Heres some I use
Beef jerkey, I buy these now at the candy aisle, instead of Hersheys, Sometimes I even find the kind that has cheese too. Buy a can each week and keep it in the car.

Boiled Eggs....If you have a refrigeratorm take a few on Mondays and then you have them all week.

I make my own nut trail mix, Sunflower seeds, Crushed Walnuts, almond slivers, Crushed macadamia nuts, All in a jar, Keep it in the saw in your desk, Take home the jar in Fridays and refill for the next week.

PORK RINDS....LOL everyone's favorites...If you don't like the really big ones, Break them into smaller chip sized pieces, People will not question as much, Put them in zip lock bags in the car, They will always be there, all you have to do is walk out and get them.

BTW to add some dash to the Trail mix, Try rosting the different seed and pork rinds in different flavors...I love lawreys seasoning salt on Sun flower seeds and nuts, Try Pork rinds in cinnamon too, but first cover with melted butter.

Of course Theres Small lunchables That have cheese and meat, nad they could last for awhile refrigerated, keep them for when your running late.

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