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AntiM Sun, Jun-06-04 17:35

The Sixth TDC Fitness Challenge!

The purpose of this challenge is to increase physical fitness - while avoiding injury - over the course of eight weeks. This is a special thread dedicated to support members of the Triple Digits Club, women and men who are (or were) looking to lose 100+ lbs. Our challenge officially starts June 7th and ends August 2nd, 2004.

Set yourself up for success!
Make a contract with yourself ~ commit to making fitness a priority in your life for the next two months. Also consider promising that you’ll check-in with this thread on a regular basis.

Not everyone who starts a challenge, finishes it. I've asked a few people about their decision to drop out; the common denominator is unrealistic expectations. When they couldn't keep up with their goal, it became embarrassing to come back to the thread and report failure.

Know that we are here to support each other 100%. No judgment. This is a safe place to share the triumphs, troubles and everyday trials of making physical fitness a priority.

By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. You can see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. By setting goals, you will also raise your self-confidence, as you recognize your ability and competence in achieving the goals that you have set. The process of achieving goals and seeing this achievement gives you confidence that you will be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals.
:idea: Daily Goal Reminders
Once you determine your goals, print them out and stick "goal reminders" around the house, in your car or wherever you will see them the most. This will keep you motivated to achieve and not forget your own dreams! {from Oprah’s website}
I set high long term and low short term goals. As often as possible, I want to make sure I do what I say I will. So be realistic, make your goals attainable. Challenge yourself, but don’t set yourself up for failure by promising more than you know you can do.

The Alien Abduction Clause
Many of us have broken promises we’ve made to ourselves. Often we expect too much too soon. Sometimes, however, life throws us a curve ball. Be flexible when things happen outside of your control.

Should you find yourself beamed aboard a flying saucer, don’t stress that you didn’t get your workout in. Natural disasters, illness, injury, severe trauma, etc., fall into the same category. Just get back to your activity as soon as things calm down.

Extra Credit
This segment is purely optional, of course. But it's a good way to deepen the experience of the Challenge, an opportunity to share insight and get to know one another a little.

Mary suggested Oprah’s Get With The Program website to get ideas for journal questions. I’ll include one each week for us to ponder. They won’t only be in regards to exercise, but will encompass weight loss, emotional eating, conquering fears, etc.

Guest Contributors
In addition, this time around we’ll have some exercise veterans who will share their experiences with various types of movement. None of them would probably call themselves experts, but they are willing to share their knowledge. We’ve had some volunteers from previous challenges who are willing to tell their stories, and I’ve collected more from other sources that specialize in fitness for larger folks. Feel free to ask questions or share your own experiences so we can all learn from each other.

TDC Fitness Challenge Official Graphics
We’re very lucky to have graphics provided by a very talented Marebear! Mary created seven different logos you may want to add to your signature line … Choose your favorite!

Basic instructions for adding a graphic
1) Copy the address
Go to the picture you like; underneath you’ll see the web address; highlight it. While your pointer is still on the text, right click the mouse and choose ‘copy’.

2) Click ‘User CP’ near the top left of this page

3) Click ‘Edit Signature’

4) Insert the web address of your favorite image
Go to the main posting area and click to bring your curser into the main posting area; right click the mouse and choose ‘paste’.

5) Highlight text and click on the Image Formatting button
The Image Formatting button is yellow and looks like a mountain and sun.

6) You should now see something like this:

[IMG]the web address you chose[/IMG]

---> Make sure there are no blank spaces

7) Click ‘Preview Signature’ to see if it looks right to you.

8) Click ‘Save Signature’ if you’re happy with the results.

That should be it! If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to PM me or leave a message here.

AntiM Sun, Jun-06-04 17:41

Remember: Be realistic, make your goals attainable. Challenge yourself, but don’t set yourself up for failure by promising more than you know you can do.

Give some thought to how you’ll prevent injury during your workout.
Some of us will focus on increasing our activity each week, without a final fitness level in mind. However, if you have a set goal you want to reach by the end of this challenge, feel free to post it now, too.
If you like, include your start date weight and/or measurements.

Guest Contributor Series

Water exercise that feels like play!
By Christine Crutcher
From beginner to conditioned athlete, from small to large, from young to old, we can all benefit from aquatic exercise - if we are just willing to get wet! Moving in the water offers a low-impact or even nonimpact workout that protects the hip, knee, and ankle joints. And you don't need to know how to swim to take classes, even in deep water.

Water enables you to develop strength and better muscle balance, because every movement in one direction meets with equal resistance in the opposite direction. On land, gravity is the downward vertical force that allows you to walk and move freely without floating into space. Every time you lift something, say, bend a knee toward your chest or bend an elbow holding a weighted bar, the force of gravity resists your efforts. You become stronger by resisting the gravitational pull.

In the water, buoyancy is the upward vertical force pushing you toward the surface. The horizontal resistance of water is very noticeable: water is twelve times more resistant than air. Moving through water in any direction is comparable to walking in a strong wind. A large person's greater frontal surface area and natural buoyancy allow her to experience an especially good workout using the resistance properties of water.

Exercising in water has many benefits. It can decrease swelling. During land exercise, there is a tendency for blood to pool in the lower extremities. In water, the gentle massaging effect of the water's pressure assists the veins with the return of blood to the heart, making for improved circulation. Even when you're working hard in the water, you feel refreshed. The body in water cools twelve to twenty-five times faster than it does on land. But you must remember to drink water during your workout. You don't realize you're perspiring when you work out in water.

Shallow-water exercise, a low-impact option, is popular at most pools offering water exercise programs. Shallow-water exercise is low impact, because you have contact with the bottom of the pool. For large people, it's best not to bounce or rebound off the floor of the pool, because that impact will still be fairly high. I'd suggest wearing cushioned water shoes for protection (even tennis shoes). If you're uncomfortable or unsure of your water skills, a well-taught shallow-water class is a great place to start. The water level should be between your waist and your chest. If the water is too shallow, you'll feel more impact on your lower body, and it will be hard to use your arms effectively under water.

If the water is deeper than midchest, you may find you're always on your tiptoes trying to reach the floor. Posture is very important. You want to use your abdominal muscles, not your lower back muscles, to move. Stand straight and keep your shoulders over your hips. Use your legs in an athletic stance (legs apart about eighteen to twenty-four inches, knees slightly bent) to give yourself a good base of support.

Shallow-water exercise provides great opportunities for toning and cardiovascular conditioning. And it's fun! Our bodies are so light and graceful in the water!

{For more, including information on deep water exercise, click on the link above to read the rest of the article.}

Oprah's Journaling Question
How does it feel to make a commitment to living a healthier, happier life? What will you do to guarantee you will stick with it?

ktp1969 Sun, Jun-06-04 17:56

I'm here....I guess I will set my first goal to be hit the gym and try to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise in(including stretch time :D )

AntiM Sun, Jun-06-04 17:58

Here I go again ...
I, Monika, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers: I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One …Each day I will do a minimum of two of these three activities:

* WAP (1-3 miles)
* rebounding (10+ minutes)
* recumbent exercycle (1.5+ miles)

And tomorrow I'm signing up at the YMCA! I'll be back to discuss this week's journal question, but now I'm all tuckered out from sitting here all afternoon. It's time to Walk Away those Pounds!

Have a fabulous Monday everyone. :)

toopoles Sun, Jun-06-04 18:44

I, Marty, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers: I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One …Each day I will do a minimum of one of these three activities:

* Walk in the evening for 35-40 minutes
* rebounding (10+ minutes)
* recumbent exercycle 20-30 minutes

I am not signing up at the YMCA :lol:

I do exercise now, but have had a tendency to skip days when I am gone. I will make the effort to not do that for the next eight weeks.


Lusumofme Sun, Jun-06-04 18:56

Count me in.... I will set a goal of working out 3 x a week for at least 30 min. This will give me the opportunity to use my stationary bike that I only used once. I will also switch up my routine by doing exercise videos.
I also promise to check-in on regular basis and keep my self accountable for this challenge.

LizzyMc Sun, Jun-06-04 21:02

I, Lizzy, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers:

I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One …Each day I will do a minimum of two of these three activities:

* Walking 20 to 30 minutes each evening
* Stretching Exercise Video
* Treadmill at Gym for 25 minutes

Maybe all 3!!!

orchidday Sun, Jun-06-04 22:11

:D I am really looking forward to this challenge. The last one was fun and it helped me a lot!

I, Orchid, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers:

I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One …Each week I will do a minimum of five of these three activities:

One hour on the treadmill (2.7 miles) and work with weights
Ten minutes on the elliptical, work with weights, and a short swim
3-hour hike

My longterm goal is to lose ten pounds during the challenge.

My start weight is 242

Monika, you have done a brilliant job putting this together!

LUCKYLADY Sun, Jun-06-04 22:33

I, Lisa, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers: I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One …I'm going to start out small since I haven't really been exercising and am out of shape. I will make my goal for this week to walk a minimum of 30 minutes at least 3x this week...maybe more.

missaec Sun, Jun-06-04 23:17

I'm not big on exercise, so maybe this can push me in the right direction. I've been wanting to get in on one of these challenges but I always only catch it in the middle!

I, Melissa, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers:

I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One … I will do a minimum of five of these three activities:

* DDR (Though I'll be out of town Tues-Sat so I can only Mon and Sun) 15min
* Walking 20-30min (Will be easy.. walking through the airports!!)
* Swimming 20min (Though again, out of town, so only Mon and Sun)

My start weight for this challenge is 197.5lbs.

Meggen Mon, Jun-07-04 00:48

I, Meggen, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers: I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One …I will do a minimum of:

*Tae Bo instructional Video 3 times
*Tae Bo Horse stance 2 times per day on days i don't workout
*Drink my 3 litres of water everyday

AlluraD Mon, Jun-07-04 04:36

on we go~
I, Allura make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers:
I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ...

WAP or walking to the beach 3X/week
Belly Dancing video 1X/week

I have been doing nothing for a very long time so am starting new again~

Thanks Monika for starting this thread!!! :)

DusterCat Mon, Jun-07-04 05:03

Yay, our fearless leader is back!!! :yay: :yay:

I, DusterCat, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers: I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One: I am going to take an hour's walk at least 6 times per week. Seven would be good, but six is totally acceptable. If I have to cut the grass, that counts as my walk!

(thanks Monika!!!)


crysania Mon, Jun-07-04 06:18

Our challenge officially starts June 7th and ends August 2nd, 2004.

how cool is that it will end on my birthday :P

I, Crysania, make this contract with myself and my fellow challengers: I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them. And I am going to do my very best to achieve ‘em, too!

Week One ... I will do the following (though for this week I am not seting a goal of how many times... I just need to get back in the swing of exercising after my vacation!)
Yoga or Pilates

Start weight is 218 ( :o I have not updated my profile since my vacation)
BF is 26%
Bust / Waist / Hip Mesurements are 41 / 35 / 46
Jean Size 12/14 (don't ask me how though! acording to my measurements i should still be in at least a 16 :rolleyes: )

My goal is by August to be at or near size 10 and down a least another 1% in BF, the weight and mesurements will come down acordingly

josiekat Mon, Jun-07-04 06:23

Good Morning all,

I commit to staying physically active for the next eight weeks. I will use this thread to stay accountable ... Each Monday, I will make goals and post them.

This weeks goals:

*Gazelle 4x this week (30-45 mins.)
*Free weights this week 2X (20-30 mins.)

Monika...thanks for all of your work to set this is appreciated!

By the way....does anyone know where to buy a pedometer?

Have a great day everyone!

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