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tamarian Thu, Jan-08-04 21:22

Welcome to the SBD forum, please read
Dear Members,

For the past months, we (forum admins and moderators) debated whether to create a South Beach Diet sub-forum for our members. After exhaustive study/reading/debate, we have voted, Yes, but with serious reservations, and for a trial period to see how it develops. Therefore, we would like to provide some background on the critical issues involved in reaching this decision:

1. Maintaining a Supportive Atmosphere: We pride ourselves on maintaining a very supportive environment and flame-war free space for support and discussion. We do not intend or pretend to be all things to all people. For the low-carb plans that we do support, we want to ensure compatibility between the plans. If we find the situation unmanageable, or if we find we need to constantly remind members to be civil to each other and respect followers of other low-carb plans, we may need to reconsider whether maintaining an SBD forum is a good idea. But, from past experience with our members, we trust this will not be necessary and that all low-carb followers can respect followers of other low-carb plans.

2. Support for healthy low-carb lifestyle: We have a fundamental disagreement with SBD's position towards natural animal fats, i.e. saturated fats. While SBD broke from the mainstream of traditional diets of preaching low-fat and low-calorie, it kept one questionable idea--disdain for naturally existing saturated fats from animals and plants. There is a large body of new scientific evidence correcting this misconception, and Dr. Agatston provided no supporting evidence of any dangers from animal fats. To our knowledge, all studies condemning saturated fats were conducted on specifically high-carb diets

So, we encourage SBD followers to research the issue, as they may miss out on a lot of valuable, healthy, natural, fat-soluble vitamins and minerals that exist in natural saturated fats. Additional information and references related to this issue are provided at the bottom of this post.

3. South Beach Diet is a Low-Carb Diet: This point is intended for those who have not read the SBD book, regardless of which plan they follow. While the book opens up with a sentence, "this is not a low-carb diet", the entire book is focused on reducing carb intake, and making carb choices based on the Glycemic Index. There is a misconception surrounding SBD, that it is low-calorie, and/or low-fat. This is incorrect, as there is not fat or caloric restrictions in the book. However, this misconception may be based on some of the daily menus listed in the book and on various web sites, particularly with the amount of low-fat products, egg substitutes and fat-free cooking spray recommended. The book specifically discourages using low-fat products, due to the usual substitution for fat with sugar and processed carbs. It is worth explaining that the book only mentions low-fat dairy, due to its position regarding saturated fats. i.e. the book is not encouraging low-fat, it's advocating low saturated fats. We disagree with the author's position on saturated fats, as there are no supporting studies for this position. However, the plan is not low-fat, as such a label is not accurate. The plan is low on saturated fats.

4. Modified South Beach Diet: While we support those who follow SBD by the book, we are in essence promoting a modified version of the plan. i.e. SBD without limitations on saturated fats. But this is merely a suggested approach, and as stated, we encourage you to follow your own research of available scientific literature.

We are highlighting the above four points in order to prevent any possible misunderstandings. We support the South Beach Diet and consider it a valid low-carb plan. We do not consider it low-fat, or low-calorie. Yet we maintain that the author is in error in claiming that saturated fats are dangerous. He may be right. But until there is valid scientific research proving this point, we advise SBD followers to read the existing scientific literature to make an informed decision.

We should point out that this is our policy in general. We support all healthy low-carb plans, but we do not consider any specific low-carb author to be perfect. We respect every member's right to point out any disagreements they have with any specific low-carb plans and we've dedicated a specific forum(Low-Carb Research & Studies) that can be used for this purpose. We have also dedicated a special forum (The War Zone) for debates on issues based on opinions and that lack any supporting scientific evidence.

As always, we do not tell members what or what not to eat. Rather, we advise members to read the books for the plan they follow, do their own research and discuss with others, and follow the plan that works best for them.

However, please do not be offended and do not consider it any form of bashing when we highlight scientific evidence disproving the claimed dangers of saturated fats. Indeed, we invite you to contribute any research you find on this issue.

In conclusion, we hope having you with us does not create any conflicts and that any discussion regarding saturated fats, either for or against, will be welcomed and considered a helpful tool for research and not as insults or bashing.

Best regards,

Active Low-Carber Team.

Know Your Fats .. from the Weston A. Price Foundation
High saturated fat, no-starch diet doesn't raise cholesterol .. from the Mayo Clinic
Saturated Fats are better for you than Unsaturated fats .. facts on coconut oil
Understanding Ornish--When saturated fats cause heart disease
Study shows Saturated Fat not linked to Diabetes
27 studies show saturated fat raises "good" HDL
Dietary Trans Fatty Acids vs. Butter
The Soft Science of Dietary Fat .. Gary Taubes 2001 Science article


Karen Mon, Feb-14-05 11:17

Welcome to the SBD Forum
A little SB advice


Nat490 Tue, Mar-22-05 20:24

Hi Karen,
Over the last 5 weeks I have lost 15.4 pounds.
This is amazing for me who has such a hard time losing weight.
SB is gr8 cause it has a lot more then most low carbing options.

gawdess Fri, Apr-01-05 12:06

SB has made low carbing a little more livable for me!

21summer Fri, May-27-05 21:27

question for south beach dieters
i am very interested in trying the sout beach diet. i picked up the book though and see that most recipies include dairy. I have a degree of lactose intolerance/sensitivity and try to avaid dairy when possible. Do you think it is feasible to stay on the SB Diet without eating dairy?

Judynyc Fri, May-27-05 22:21

Yes, its very possible to do the SBD without eating dairy!!

Check out the meal plan chart in the thread marked South beach Food lists in this thread. Also, check out the approved foods list at, link in this thread too!!

Good luck!! :D

angiefb Tue, Jun-21-05 12:11

Hi..I am starting again the SBD..hope i suceed this time..

hjamnick Tue, Nov-08-05 15:29

Hi just starting the SBD (getting the book this evening and going grocery shopping tomorrow) just finding my way around

foxgluvs Tue, Nov-08-05 16:01

If you're wanting to join in on a very lively thread called the Beach Babes, then come on over, it's in the link on the picture in my signature :)

tmignemi02 Wed, Jan-04-06 14:05

Hi everyone!

Just re-started this awesome diet today! I'm here for the support it looks like you all give each other!


danabear Thu, Jan-19-06 13:52

Hey everybody,
I,ve been low carbing for a few weeks on atkins but I'm officially switching to SB. I just think it'll work better for me. Actually If you count all of my "mistakes" I've pretty much been doing SB except with too much fat. Still lost 10 lbs. I don't feel healthy though. I have no energy, hoping SB will feel better to me. I love to read all the advice on this website! I've really learned a lot here!

sheth39 Sat, Feb-04-06 19:41

Hello, everyone. Just starting sb. Hope it works for me.


goldd Wed, May-03-06 17:04

Yes you can do it without dairy
Originally Posted by 21summer
i am very interested in trying the sout beach diet. i picked up the book though and see that most recipies include dairy. I have a degree of lactose intolerance/sensitivity and try to avaid dairy when possible. Do you think it is feasible to stay on the SB Diet without eating dairy?

Hi, and welcome. I've been on this for 2 months. Yes, you can do this without eating dairy. I have not eaten dairy (except yogurt, which I can tolerate), for years, and on this plan you can do it too. A little light cream is usually okay for people with a dairy problem, because there is almost no lactose or other milk things in it (it's a lot of fat and stuff). Anyway, I also sub in almond milk now and then. You can eat almonds, and eat almond butter (within reason). Almonds are extremely high in calcium, broccoli isn't bad either. A calcium supplement is a good idea. Nuts and seeds are okay in SBD. Um...Have you tried goat's cheese? When I want to have something with cheese, I use goat's mozarella, which is lower in fat than the cheddar. I take a larger potato peeler (the new 2 inch kind they sell) and shave off a slice of cheese. You get a lot of satisfaction this way without eating too much (fat content). I can't drink goat's milk, don't like the taste, but love the cheeses. Most people who have a problem with cow's products are okay with goats.
But basically, most things that require dairy, like Italian foods, and potatoes, and bread, are gone from SB anyway, so the need for dairy is gone too, in a way.
Enjoy exploring!

Judynyc Wed, May-03-06 17:43

Originally Posted by goldd
Hi, and welcome. I've been on this for 2 months. Yes, you can do this without eating dairy. I have not eaten dairy (except yogurt, which I can tolerate), for years, and on this plan you can do it too. A little light cream is usually okay for people with a dairy problem, because there is almost no lactose or other milk things in it (it's a lot of fat and stuff). Anyway, I also sub in almond milk now and then. You can eat almonds, and eat almond butter (within reason). Almonds are extremely high in calcium, broccoli isn't bad either. A calcium supplement is a good idea. Nuts and seeds are okay in SBD. Um...Have you tried goat's cheese? When I want to have something with cheese, I use goat's mozarella, which is lower in fat than the cheddar. I take a larger potato peeler (the new 2 inch kind they sell) and shave off a slice of cheese. You get a lot of satisfaction this way without eating too much (fat content). I can't drink goat's milk, don't like the taste, but love the cheeses. Most people who have a problem with cow's products are okay with goats.
But basically, most things that require dairy, like Italian foods, and potatoes, and bread, are gone from SB anyway, so the need for dairy is gone too, in a way.
Enjoy exploring!

Thanks for sharing your experience goldd!! :thup: :D

That post is from a year ago and that person is not around here any longer.

Nicole_J Thu, May-04-06 11:02

question re: nuts
Nuts! ha, ha. Okay here's my question. Can we eat roasted nuts and salted roasted nuts? I was watching an Oprah show from a week or so ago and the dr. on was saying that unroasted was best, blah, blah, blah. I don't think I've even seen unroasted in the store. I guess that's a health food store stop? I'm not sure I'll make one more stop with my 2 year old in tow. Plus it gets pricey doesn't it. Any advice?
I've been doing pretty well dieting and even exercised 4 days last week and 2 days this week so far... woo hoo! :D

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