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Terry-24 Wed, Apr-25-07 15:03

Terry24 - gym log
I'm about six weeks into free weight lifting, aiming for compound exercises that promote balance and themogenesis. Anybody able to spot me on this? I know I'm not doing a brilliant plan, so any suggestions would help.

24 Apr 07

Weight-work: full-body day

back squats 40# 10 x 1; 45# 8 x 1; 50# 8 x 2
"suitcase" deadlift bb 45# 10 x 3
sumo deadlift bb 15# 10 x 3
stiff-leg deadlift bb 45# 10 x 3
back hyperextension pl.10# 10 x 3
lunge, standing db 10#x2 10 x 3

flat bench press 50# 8 x 3
lat pulldown cable 75# 8 x 4
one-arm bent-over row db 30# 10 x 3
bicep curls, alt. db 15#x2 4 x 3

Abs Swiss ball curl-ups pl.10# 60
Abs, floor crunches 30 x 2
Obls, heel touch 25 x 2
push-ups 10 x 5
total wt time: 1:10

warm-up: 10min ~ 3.5mph, 0.58 mi
jog: 30min "light" intervals (5.2mph to 7.2mph) for 2.80mi
HR: 160 (avg); 180 (max)
cool-down: 10 min ~3.2mph, 0.52 mi
total cardio time: 0:50

25 April 07

Cardio only day

warm-up walk: 0.58mi for 10min ~ 3.5mph
jog, w/few intervals: 4.46mi for 50min ~ 5.4-7.0mph;
HR 159 (avg); 175 (max)
cool-down walk: 0.54mi for 10min ~ 3.2mph
total cardio time: 1:10

Terry-24 Thu, Apr-26-07 16:36

26 April 07

Body for Life guidelines, with modified pyramid sets

abs: Swiss ball crunches 120

stiff-leg deadlifts bb 45# 12x1; 10x1; 8x1; 6x1; 12x1; 12x1
leg press (sled) 160# 12x1; 170# 10x1; 180# 8x1; 190# 6x1; 165# 12x1; 170# 12x1
calf raise (smith) 30# 12x1; 40# 10x1; #45 8x1; 50# 6x1; 50# 12x2
back squat 50# 8x1; 55# 8x1; 60# 8x1; 65# 6x1; 70# 8x2

flat bench fly 10#x2 12x1; 10x1; 8x1; 6x1
bicep curls 10#x2 12x1; 10x1; 8x1; 6x1
overhead press 20# 12x1; 10x1; 8x1; 6x1; 25# 12x2

lunges db 10#x2 12x1; 10x1; 8x1; 6x1; 12x2

abs: bench jack-knives 10x3
bench bicycle kicks 10x2

treadmill walking 2.87mi for 50min at 3.5mph

Terry-24 Fri, Apr-27-07 14:44

27 April 07

abs: Swiss ball crunches 140
Step-Ups db 10#x2 25 x 2; 15#x2 20 x 2

Bench press (Smith) 60# 8x1; 65# 8x2
Lat pulldown 75# 8x1; 80# 8x2; 70# 8x1
Upright row 67.5# 8x2; 75# 8x2

Back hyperextension pl.10# 10x3

rows db 10# 8x2; 8# 8x2
shoulder press db 10# 8x2; 8# 8x2

hamstring crunches (V-legs) 30x2
pushups 10x5

warm-up: 0.58mi for 10min ~ 3.5mph
jog: 4.33mi for 50min ~ intervals 4.0mph - 6.0mph
HR: 164 (avg); 179 (max)
cool-down: 0.49mi for 10min ~ 3.0mph

Terry-24 Mon, Apr-30-07 14:18

29 Apr 07

Abs: Swiss ball crunches 140
back squats: 50# warm-up 8x1; 60# 8x1; 70# 8x3; 75# 8x1; 50# 8x3
deadlifts - suitcase: db 25#x2 10x5
deadlifts - stiff-leg: bb 45# 10x5
sumo side-steps: db 12#x2 16x3

bench press (Smith) 60# 8x3
bench press 10# 10x2; 20# 8x3
lat pulldown 75# 8x3
one-arm row 30# 10x3
shoulder overhead press 10#x2 8x5
overhead pull #30 8x3
flat bench fly 15#x2 10x3
obl twist 25x2
triceps pushdown 30# 8x1; 35# 8x2
v-leg hamstring lifts 30x2
push-ups 10x5
total time: 1:50

elliptical machine
2.04mi over 35:00min ~3.8mph
HR: 161 (Avg); 174 (Max)

Terry-24 Tue, May-01-07 14:59

1 May 2007 BFL (modified): Lower Body Workout

bb squats, sumo (45#bar) 50# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 60# 8x1; 65# 8x1; 20# 12x2
bb stiff-leg deadlift 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 65# 6x1; 45# 12x2
(Smith) calf-raise 40# 12x1; 50# 10x1; 60# 8x1; 70# 8x1; 60# 12x2
overhead squat, broomstick 12x1; 10x1; 8x1; 12x1

abs: Swiss ball crunches 60x1
abs: crunches 100x1
obls: heel touch 25x2

warm up walk: 0.58mi for 10:00 ~ 3.5mph
HIIT jog: 2.67mi for 30:00 ~ 7.1mph (avg)
HR: 171 (avg); 188 (max); +2min=140
cool down walk: 1.11mi for 20:00 ~3.4 (avg)

Terry-24 Wed, May-02-07 15:41

2 May 2007 Cardio only day

am work-out
Elliptical Machine, hill profile
2.70mi over 45:00min ~ 3.6mph (avg)
HR: 149 (Avg); 164 (Max); +2min=127
cooldown: 0.25mi over 4:00min ~ 2.5mph

abs: Swiss ball crunches 60 (20x3)

pm work-out
Y Spin cardio-class 60:00min
HR: 140 (Avg); 172 (Max)

Terry-24 Thu, May-03-07 16:06

3 May 07: Upper body day (BFL modified)

Abs: Swiss ball crunches 120 (20x3)2
bench press 65# 12;10;8;6; 55#12;9
lat pulldown 75#8x4; 60# 12x2
chest deck (seated fly) 65# 12;9;7; 60# 6; 45# 12; 50# 12
one-arm row db 25# 12;10;8;8
overhead pullover db 30# 12; 25# 10;8;6
db fly db 15#x2 12;10;8;6

lat raise db 8# 12;10;8;6
front raise db 8# 12;10;8;6
bicep curl db 8# 12x3
tricep kickback db 8# 10;12
shoulder press db 8# 12;10;8;6

seated shoulder press 30# 12; 35# 10;8; 40# 6
seated row 60# 12; 65# 10; 67.5# 8; 72.5# 6; 60# 12
total weight-work time: 60min

cardio: treadmill
warm-up walk: 0.58mi over 10:00min ~ 3.5mph
HIIT jog/run: 2.80mi over 30:00min ~5.2-7.0mph
HR: 168 (Avg); 179 (Max); +2min=132
cool-down walk: 0.60mi over 10:00min ~ 3.5-3.6mph

Terry-24 Fri, May-04-07 18:20

4 May 07 PT-session am

no workout; Q&A re: P.R.E. vs. 1-rep maximums. Review of form on push-ups, bench press; McArdle Step-Test; Lange skin-caliper test; measurements for 12-week check-up.

Evening Spin class 1 hr
HR: 158 (Avg); 179 (Max)

Terry-24 Sun, May-06-07 17:08

5 May 07 Saturday: BFL-modified, lower body work

warm-up: Swiss ball crunches 80 (20x4)

bb squats: 50# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 70# 6x1; 50# 12x1
leg press: 160# 12x1

bb stiff-leg deadlifts: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; (db)60# 8x1; 65# 6x1; 55# 12x1
db lunges: 10# (12x1)2

standing heel raise (Smith) 50# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 70# 8x1; 80# 6x1; 60# 12x1
leg extensions (Strive) 60# 8x3

abs: decline crunches bwt 12x1; 5#pl 10x1; 10#pl 8x1; 15#pls 6x1; 10#pl 12x1
bench jack-knives: bwt 12x1

total time: 46min

No Cardio

Terry-24 Sun, May-06-07 17:19

6 May 07 Sunday BFL-modified Upper Body workout

warm-up: Swiss Ball ab crunches: 80 (20x4), plus yoga "sun salutation"

bb bench press: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 55# 12x1
push-ups: bwt 12x1

wide-grip lat pulldown: 60# 12x1; 65# 10x1; 67.5# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 65# 12x1
one-arm row: 30# (12x1)2

seated db press: 8# 12x1; 10# 10x1; 12# 8x1; 15# 6x1; 10# 12x1
front raise: 10# 12x1

alt db curls: 8# 12x1; 10# 10x1; 12# 8x1; 15# 6x1; 8# 12x1
bb curls: bar only (12#?) 12x1

triceps kickbacks: 3# 12x1; 5# 10x1; 8# 8x1; 10# 6x1; 8# 12x1
triceps overhead push-ups: 8# 12x1

[DFA in 49min]

chest flyes: 45# 12x1; 50# 10x1; 57.5 8x1; 60 6x1; 45 12x1
push-ups: bwt 12x1

seated row: 60# 12x1; 65# 10x1; 67.5# 8x1; 75# 6x1; 60# 12x1
pull-ups (Gravitron): counterwt 70# 12x1

total weights work time: 1:11

Cardio: Elliptical (Precor), levels 12-14-16 intervals program
5.40mi over 65min
HR: 136 (Avg); 145 (Max)

Terry-24 Mon, May-07-07 15:29

7 May 07 BLF-modified Lower Body workout

warm-up: Swiss ball crunches (60); push-ups (12)

bb squats: bar-only warm-up 12x1; 50# 12x1; 60# 10x1; 65# 8x1; 70# 6x1; 50# 12x1
sled leg press: 165# 12x1

stiff-leg deadlifts: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 60# 8x1; 65# 6x1; 55# 12x1
db lunges: 10# 12x1

(Smith) calf raises: 55# 12x1; 65# 10x1; 75# 8x1; 85# 8x1; 75# 12x1
seated heel raises: bwt 12x1

decline crunches: 10# 12x1; 15# 10x1; 20# 8x1; 25# 6x1; 10 12x1
oblique heel touches: bwt 25x2

DFA 46min

extra abs
raised cross-leg 10
bent-knee 10
bicycle kicks 10
straight-leg drop 10

extra hamstrings
db 12# 12x1

Total weights workout time: 50min


warm-up walk: 0.58mi over 10:00 ~ 3.5mph
jog: 4.18mi over 45:00 ~ intervals 5.2-7.2mph
HR: 165 (avg); 184 (max); +2min=142
cool-down walk: 0.56 over 10:00 ~ 3.4mph

Question: should I count the weight of the bar when I do bb squats? I haven't, instead I've just counted the plate-weights I've put on the bar.

Terry-24 Tue, May-08-07 16:33

8 May 07 BFL-modified Upper Body workout
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches (60); push-ups (12)
  • bb bench press: warm-up, bar only 12x1; 10# 12x1; 20# 10x1; 25# 8x1; 30# 6x1; 15# 12x1. // push-ups: bwt 12x1 (hard today!)
  • seated cable rows: 45# 12x1; 50# 10x1; 60# 8x1; 65# 6x1; 50# 12x1. // diverging lat pulldown (Strive): 70# 12x1
  • lat raises: 3# 12x1; 5# 10x1; 8# 8x1; 10# 6x1; 5# 12x1. // db shoulder press: 8# 12x1
  • alt db curls: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // bb curls: bar only 12x1
  • triceps kickbacks: 5# 12x1; 8# 10x1; 10# 8x1; 12# 6x1; 8# 12x1. // triceps pushdowns: 25# 12x1
Total weight work time: 43 min

Cardio: Elliptical 2.58mi over 40:00min
HR: 142 (Avg); 155 (Max); +2min=114

Terry-24 Wed, May-09-07 15:26

9 May 07 Cardio only day

warm-up walk: 0.57mi over 12:00min ~ 3.0mph
wak: 0.59mi over 10:00min ~ 3.5mph
jog: 4.12mi over 45:00min ~ intervals 5.2 - 7.2mph
HR: 156 (Avg); 177 (Max); +2min=127

Terry-24 Thu, May-10-07 15:12

10 May 07 BFL-modified Lower Body workout
  • warm-up: Swiss ball crunches, 80; push-ups, 12
  • leg press (sled): 160# 12x1; 170# 10x1; 180# 8x1; 190# 6x1; 170# 12x1; // leg extension (Strive): 55# 12x1
  • stiff-leg deadlifts: 45# 12x1; 55# 10x1; 60# 8x1; 65# 6x1; 55# 12x1; // db lunges: 12# 12x1
  • calf-raises (Smith): 60# 12x1; 70# 10x1; 80# 8x1; 90# 6x1; 70# 12x1; // seated heel raise: 25# 12x1
  • decline crunches: 10# 12x1; 20# 10x1; 30#db 8x1; 35# 6x1; 10# 12x1; // roman chair oblique twist: bwt 12x1
total DFA workout time: 45:00min

Cardio: steady state jog
  • warm-up: 0.62mi over 10:00min ~ 3.8mph, incline 7.0
  • jog: 3.11mi over 35:00min ~ 5.4mph, steady state
    HR: 153 (Avg); 166 (Max); +2min=119

Terry-24 Fri, May-11-07 15:37

PT session:
  • warm-up walk: 1.40mi over 34:00min ~ 2.0mph
  • McArdle step test (results next week)
  • Smith lunge: 20# 14x1
  • Smith bench press: 20# 14x1; 40# 14x2
  • one arm row: 15# 12x2; lateral raise 3# 12x2
  • leg lifts: bwt 12x3

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