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Jericho Mon, Sep-09-02 23:26

Hello Fellow Vegetarians -- A Rambling Hello
I posted this just now under another thread, but figure I'll also start a new thread with it.

I guess I'm new here, though I posted a few questions earlier this year and then vanished. Anyway I'm back (and with a much snazzier computer). I'm vegetarian for moral reasons and I'll never eat fish, chicken or meat again. (I do dairy though, I'm not vegan). I'm 5' 10" and tonight weigh just over 185, so I don't think I'm terribly obese. But I do need to lose weight, I'd like to get to 165. I've been lazy, that's my problem, but I've started to be a little more active, taking long bike rides and walks. I think most of us are looking for the magic diet that requires no exercise but we have to know that exercise is a big key. When I was in the best shape of my life, after losing about 30 pounds, I was walking everyday, doing 15-20 minutes of exercises at home everynight. And I had cut out all junk food, all fast food. I do want to learn more about the low-carb, high-protein diet but I know that success will only come if I get off my ass occasionally and excercise. Not a really informative post I know, but its now 1 a.m. and I better start thinking about sleep. I'll keep an eye on this forum and add anything I can think of. Anyway, nice meeting you fellow veggies looking to lose weight like me. Ain't it a bitch?

Kristine Tue, Sep-10-02 07:47

Hi and welcome!

Yep, most veg/ans eat *way* too many carbs, and are seriously deficient in protein. It's too easy to be a junk food vegetarian. After all, chocolate and potato chips are vegetarian. :rolleyes:

>>"I do dairy though..."

How 'bout (free run) eggs? I eat a ton of 'em. Soy? Soy products are good for when you miss the meaty things.

>>"Ain't it a bitch?"

Yep. :)

Jericho Tue, Sep-10-02 11:45

Hi Kristine,

Yea I've definetly spent the last 7-8 years digesting insane amounts of carbs and relatively little protein. I'm going to try to find a protein shake in the next couple of days that has few carbs. I still steer away from fat, should I be so fat-conscious? I guess when you adopt the low-carb diet, it comes with the territory that you might take in more fat? Eggs are low carb but rather high in fat I'm guessing. To answer your q, I don't do a lot of eggs but I like to every now and then.

Yea I love soy.

I'm eating two veggie burgers right now (no bread). Each has 90 calories, 1g fat, 6g Total Carb, but 4g of this is Dietary Fiber which means I'm only getting 2g Carbs right? (I read a lot of posts on these forums last night... I read somewhere to subtract the fiber from the Carbs to get the true Carb intake)... and each has 13g protein, which is pretty damn good right? Contrasting the protein intake with the total carbs, I'm guessing this is a pretty healthy lunch. What do you think?

Excercise is the key I think. I'm a real slug sometimes.

JimR-OCDS Tue, Sep-10-02 12:32

I've considered vegetarianism, for spiritual reasons. However, if I were to follow a vegetarian lifestyle, I probably would use the Zone Diet for Vegetarians, so that I wouldn't over do the carbs, and would eat mostly favorable carbs.

Kristine Tue, Sep-10-02 16:17

Hi Jericho,

>>"I still steer away from fat, should I be so fat-conscious?"

No, you shouldn't be so fat conscious. :) I suggest checking the 'media/research' forum for reasons why not. There's nothing wrong with ingesting fat. :thup: Fat was only labelled 'bad' because it contains the most calories per gram. The logic? You can eat more grams of other stuff and get less calories. Too bad it doesn't pan out in reality: you need *some* fat - it fills you up, helps keep the bowels... happy ;) and there are essential fatty acids that the low-fat gurus like to ignore. ;)

Eggs get two thumbs up. :thup: :thup: They're cheap, they're easy to prepare, they're a good source of protein, and have lots o' vitamins. There are only 5 g of fat in an egg. (But we're not worried about fat anymore, remember? ;) )

You're right about the fiber in the veggie burgers. :thup: That's another reason I like TVP. Mmmm, mmm, mmm. That's a tasty burger! :D Good lunch: just don't neglect your veggies. ;) Mum was right on that one.

Kristine, fellow slug. :D

Jericho Tue, Sep-10-02 17:53

Well I just came back from grocery shopping (Walmart... it's an overcrowded circus but man the price is right). And after reading a lot of labels, I gotta admit I'm a little discouraged. Everything I like seems to be dripping in carbs. The low-carb diet seems like a drastic change in my life. I don't know yet if I can keep it up for long. And am I right that the low-carb diet is rather unforgiving... in that if you fall off the carb wagon and start eating carb foods again the weight comes back in a hurry? I'm not saying this isn't for me, for the most part I bought low-carb stuff tonight, but maybe I should keep with what I've been doing rather well for a couple weeks... just eating more moderately and excercising more. If I do decide to go carb-lite though I know for a fact I will fall off the wagon maybe a couple times a week. I don't mean to sound cynical, I'm just being realistic. People like to cook for me (go figure) and I drink like a fish so sometimes I can't be so carb-conscious when it's 2 a.m. and I'm lit and I need food. I'm just thinking aloud. I'm about to go for my nightly bike-ride (its almost 8 pm here) and when I come back I'll fix a big ass salad (tons of lettuce and a couple hard-boiled eggs and some (hopefully low-carb, I haven't read the label) low-calorie dressing. Not that you asked. Anyway, as I learn to talk the talk here I hope in time I will be able to walk the walk.

Kristine, I dug reading your journal... maybe I'll start one.

JimR-OCDS Wed, Sep-11-02 06:42

I think that's why the Zone diet, vegetarian version might work better for you.

If you fall off, no big deal, just make your next meal a Zone perfect meal.

Anyway, you need to get the book, Soy Zone.

Here's the official Zone Web Site

Just do a search for Vegetarian, and you'll get loads of info.

Kristine Wed, Sep-11-02 16:24

I agree with Jim - there are many different versions of the low-carb diet, some are more drastic than others. Generally, the more drastic the plan, the more drastic the re-gain if you 'fall off the wagon.' Most of the re-gain is water weight. Plus, many people find that wheat causes bloating, too, so that's a re-gain factor. Even if *low* carbing might not be for you, *moderate* carbing would be a good idea for everybody. Sugar and processed grains are not good. :thdown:

(whisper)I drink like a fish sometimes, too. :D I find eating low carb the next day definitely feels better. Alcohol screws up your blood sugar.

Cool, you saw my journal. :D Start one!

adnil53 Tue, Oct-15-02 01:58

I'm not going to say I am a vegetarian... Although I tend to go that way the majority of the time. Here is a menu I use, and have lost on… As with everything on this forum, take what you can use and leave the rest!… I wish you success!

2 cups black coffee
¼ cup Flax seed meal
1 oz whole milk [or cream]
liquid sweetener
2 cups water
3 oz Jack cheese
1 small nectarine
2 oz almonds
2 cups water
2 hard boiled eggs
3 oz mild cheddar cheese
½ c. soy beans
1 tsp modified butter
2 cups water
1 quart of iced tea [total]

Total Food Values
Calories: 1400
Fat: 104 - 68%
Carbs: 44 - 7%
Fiber: 19
Protein: 84 - 24% :thup:
Ecc: 25 :thup:

ECC... Effective Carbohydrate Count.

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