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bvtaylor Mon, Mar-29-04 17:14

I Want My Body!
So I titled my gym log "I Want My Body!" because one of my favorite workout videos is Tamilee Webb's "I Want That Body", and darn it, I want my own body, not somebody else's, and I want it to be strong and healthy and look good.

Is that too much to ask? :lol:

My other favorite workout is a kickboxing video called "Tai Fit".

My routine is as follows, rotating every day....

15" I Want That Body Abs or Hard Abs & 35" Tai Fit

And on the off days....

15" I Want That Body Abs or Hard Abs, 15" I Want That Body Arms with 2 8 lb weights & 35" Tai Fit.

I want this to be my daily base plus add other things for other times of the day. This is my wakeup routine... workout shortly after 6 am, then cook breakfast for the family, pack dh's lunch, get the kids dressed and off to school, and get back for work at 8:30 am.

Weekends dh and I have been taking dance lessons and sometimes I go swimming.

This is day 22 of my do-exercise-every-day personal challenge. I've also registered on the Presidential Physical Fitness site for their Active Lifestyles challenge. So far so good. Since March 15th I'm around the 93rd percentile compared to other folks my age, or even the entire roster of folks who participate, so I can't complain.

bvtaylor Tue, Mar-30-04 09:43

Day 23 - 15" Abs (hard) + 35" Tai Fit
Got in the rotation workout this morning, but seemed a little more tired than usual. My throat was a little sore, and I have a little congestion so I think I'm getting my son's cold. Took some "WalPhed" (best decongestant - pseudoephedrine + guaifinasen) and feel a little better. Need my hot coffee and eggs to get me going this am. I think I forgot to take my supplements last night :rolleyes: .

My Supplement Regimen:

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Atkins Essential Oils
Vitamin C
Atkins Basic # 3

Keto OJ after workout (has L-glutamine).

bvtaylor Wed, Mar-31-04 08:53

Day 24 - 15" Abs + 15" Arms + 35" Tai Fit
Got in my workout despite my brewing cold. Don't have as much energy as usual, but got through it. Keto OJ feels really good after the workout.

Measurements - 37 - 29 - 38.

bvtaylor Wed, Mar-31-04 23:19

Day 24 - 26" cross trainer + 35" swimming
Went to the gym tonight. Tried out a cross trainer... not sure if it is the same as an elliptical. Felt so good, even with the cold.

Paris Thu, Apr-01-04 10:52

Way to go, Bea! You're doing great! :D :thup:

bvtaylor Thu, Apr-01-04 23:19

Day 25 - 15" Abs (hard) + 35" Tai Fit
I was tired this morning but made it through the workout! Had to take a nap today this afternoon. I wasn't very hungry today. Ate under 900 calories which is odd for me. For some reason my appetite has gone down almost in proportion to the upswing in exercise.

Still no net weight loss. Clocked in at 157 this morning. Ketones high.

Still battling that cold.

bvtaylor Fri, Apr-02-04 11:28

Day 26 - 15" Abs + 15" Arms + 35" Tai Fit
Geez. Can't believe it is 26 days of exercise. I think I'm more irritable, however these days.

Clocked in at 156 this morning. Moderate ketones.

I am starting to see some nice arm definition, particularly triceps. I'm wondering how the bf shrinkage is going to work in those loose fatty skin areas, particularly under the arms, the inner thighs, and the abdomen. These are my trouble spots. I'm hoping that the weight loss and bf percentage going down will melt some of this away and that I am young enough to have elastic enough skin to have it shrink down.

bvtaylor Fri, Apr-02-04 18:27

Adding 30" on the elliptical.
Went to the gym at lunch and braved the crowds to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. That thing sure does give a workout.

I'm starting to really notice body definition. I wonder how long it will take to get buff?? :lol: It will be four weeks of all-over-body conditioning on Sunday, but I know I've got a lot further to go.

After people-watching at the gym (what else is there to do for 30 minutes on the elliptical but watch tv or read) I started not feeling as bad about my own body. There is some evil pleasure in seeing otherwise thin women with cellulite :lol: .

The problem I foresee are the darn crowds! Trying to capture a machine is a tough call.

bvtaylor Sun, Apr-04-04 23:39

Day 28 - 15" Abs + 15" Arms + 35" Tai Fit + 90" Dancing
Day 28 - 4 weeks down!

Ketones moderate, weight = 155.2.

Got 15" abs, 15" arms, 35" tai fit, 90" dancing in today.

I'm missing that elliptical machine! I was hoping to make some time for swimming this week but didn't get to it. Too much going on with the kids.

I didn't log Day 27, but here it is:

15" hard abs, 35" tai fit.

Ketones moderate, weight = 154.8

bvtaylor Tue, Apr-06-04 19:23

Day 29 & 30
Day 29:

15" Abs (hard) + 35" Tai Fit + 25" elliptical (1.30 miles 2.9 mph, level 3 - walk in the park)

Day 30:

15" Abs + 15" Arms + 35" Tai Fit + 30" elliptical (1.48 miles 3.0 mph, level 3 -random)

I've discovered that doing the elliptical during my late afternoon lunch break is heavenly. I've been craving more exercise... seems like I want to keep doing things.

I posted the following in Atlee's journal... thought I would add it here, too:

I find it curious that I am not exhausted or having any symptoms of glycogen burn out because I have stayed at pretty low OWL level carbs (20 - 30) for the past year with no energy defecit, no noticeable low blood sugar or blood pressure slump (maybe in the morning I have a little vertigo at worst), and recently put myself on an "exercise every day" plan since March 8th. I keep expecting to hit a bump, but instead for some reason my endurance keeps going up. Every day I start with 15" of abdominals (rotating with 15" really hard abdominals every other day) via a DVD do a 35" cardio kick-boxing DVD daily and alternate 15" of rapid 8 lb dumbells via DVD also in both hands every other day.

I've noticed definite muscle toning and development and recently my energy level has gone up to the point that I was scouting for something more to do later in the day, which has turned out to be about a 25 - 30" workout on ellipticals at my gym. Great stress reducer.

It feels so good to be able to do this.

I have noticed that naturally my body is craving more protein and usually less fat (it bounces around some), but not more carbs other than occasionally a veggie smorgasbord (we have been going to a Mongolian grill every Sunday after our dance class, and I load up on lc veggies to my heart's content).

bvtaylor Wed, Apr-07-04 16:20

Day 31, still moving along.
I'm not exactly sure how I'm still moving along, but I'm really getting into this exercise thing. It's a tremendous stress reducer and I crave it in the afternoon. What is funny is that before I was having hunger issues in the late afternoon, and the workout wipes those out. I would rather do the workout on the ellipticals than eat a piece of chocolate (wierd, no?). I suppose it is the endorphins.

Day 31:

6:45 am - 15" Abs (hard) + 35" Tai Fit

3:30 pm - 30" elliptical (1.66 miles - fat burn mode, pulse around 151 bpm (which is really more of a cardio workout)).

bvtaylor Thu, Apr-08-04 13:57

Day 32 - I want more!
I weighed in at 153.6 again this morning (and then lost a pound after exercising -- heheh). I am doing the 30" on the elliptical and starting to feel like I want to do it again. I think I'm nuts.

Day 32:

15" Abs + 15" Arms + 35" Tai Fit + 30" elliptical (1.48 miles 3.0 mph, level 3 -random)

bvtaylor Fri, Apr-09-04 06:36

Day 33 - By golly it's working!
Clocked in at 152.6 this morning. Ketones high.

Day 33:

5:45 am - 15" Abs (hard) + 35" Tai Fit + 30" elliptical

bvtaylor Sun, Apr-11-04 10:57

Day 34 & 35 - The Swing
I had a bit of a weight swing over the weekend. Saturday's low was 151.2, Sunday weighed in at 152.8

Day 34:

15" Abs + 15" Arms + 35" Tai Fit + 20" swimming.

Day 35:

15" Abs (hard) + 35" Tai Fit + 90" ballroom dancing.

bvtaylor Mon, Apr-12-04 09:14

Day 36 - the dreaded TOM
Okay, I know that TOM puts on the water weight. Ketones still high, but clocked in at 154 this morning. It's a Grin-And-Bear-It issue with the scale, particulary during TOM (I should stay off it, but I feel like I need to check every morning to keep me honest).

Day 36:

15" Abs + 15" Arms + 35" Tai Fit

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