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galaga6846 Tue, Oct-21-03 19:13

Fergie on Larry King Live
I found myself screaming swear words at the radio tonight! I'm not crazy, I'm just an avid talk radio listener. Tonight, on Larry King Sarah Ferguson was bragging about Weight Watchers and her "Half a bagel and egg white omelette" breakfast.

Weight Watcher's just put out a pamphlet called "The Truth About Carbs". She plugged the pamphlet and an 1-800 number where you can get a copy.

Fergie claims that Atkin's diet includes NO VEGETABLES!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS A LIE!!!!! I eat more vegetables than I ever had before. Today I had squash for lunch. I've never eaten squash for lunch when I was on low fat. Fergie says that Brocolli is a no-no on Atkin's! Another lie!!!

Fergie says that when she was on a low carb diet, years ago, she got "migraines every ten minutes". She's lying again. Migraines aren't something that you get every ten minutes. I've suffered from Migraine. I haven't had a migraine since being on Atkins.

Fergie says that Atkin's causes heart disease and kidney problems. That's all the old rhetoric that the Weight Watcher's/Low Fat folks like to spew at us. I eat whole foods and not processed foods. I cut out sugar and bread, and added delicious foods like cabbage, BROCOLLI, cream, butter, cheeses, a bounty of vegetables and lean meats to my diet. I look and feel better than I ever have!

She said to get in touch with Weight Watchers, because you'll feel so terrible on Atkin's that you'll want to go back. She said that Weight Watcher's has so many choices that Atkin's doesn't, and that with Atkin's you deprive yourself. HA! I had low carb spaghetti and meatballs with sugar free tomato sauce (sweeted with Splenda) for supper! I don't call that deprivation.

shortstuff Tue, Oct-21-03 19:32

Hey, the poor woman has to earn her money someway. So, she earns it by telling the lies that WW feeds her. WW writes the crap that she reads and then regurgitates back to the public. I feel sorry for the folks who are going to buy into this stuff and pay WW to starve themselves

Anyway, WE all know it's a bunch of garbage (just like the frozen WW meals that you can nuke three times a day).

I'm healthier and eat a far greater variety of foods than the poor schmuck in my office who is doing WW. That poor kid subsists on one teeny, weeny little frozen "meal" every day for lunch. Her idea of a splurge is a veggie burger. She has no idea I'm doing Atkins because I have a big beautiful spinach salad with eggs, cheese, blueberries and whatever other goodies I have in the fridge topped off with bleu cheese dressing. She just watches and drools!!!

I'm glad it was you that heard this and not me. It tends to upset my dog if I start yelling at the TV or radio. Poor little guy, he runs and hides until I stop.


Demi Wed, Oct-22-03 04:12

:lol: too funny - how anyone can take that woman seriously is beyond me, especially after all the fad diets she has been on in the past.

It is a little odd that she's only now admitting to having tried Atkins in the past - I think she's telling a few porkies here to try and make WW look good:agree:

I don't think we'd fall for her nonsense in the UK, but then she is a complete joke here :rolleyes:

adukart Wed, Oct-22-03 10:52

See this is the information my co-workers get and they think I'm crazy for eating this way. I explain it to them, that it's very healthy and I eat veggies not just meat, but they don't get it when the media is saying all this ingnorant information. This really gets to me and I didn't even here it.

sexee_babe Wed, Oct-22-03 10:59

thumbs Up With Lc-----shove It Weight Watchers!!!

Been There Done That And Starved To Death!!!

sjkling Wed, Oct-22-03 11:12

i was ALWAYS hungry on weight watchers. i have not felt hungry or deprived once on atkins. i think the public is so misinformed. i saw my ob/gyn and he was amazed at the weight i lost. he admitted not knowing anything about atkins, but he did ask a lot of great questions. he did think that atkins meant ZERO carbs, so we did discuss that. i have lost weight, have more energy, feel better and never had any luck with weight watchers! i agree with all of you--i am eating a greater variety of meats and vegetables than ever before! when someone warns me to "be careful" with atkins, i ask them why they didn't tell me to "be careful" when i was eating a bag of chips ahoy almost every day!

sexee_babe Wed, Oct-22-03 11:24

She also said it makes you have rashes and cancer and hair loss!!!

OK maybe a few strands a day, but my skin has never looked better.....and cancer is usually in our genes...if I get it I will not blame Dr. Atkins....she aslo said we will all get sick, I have never been any healthier....I feel great, I even have enuogh energy at nights to WASH MY WALLS!!!!! Something that I have never done for years.
I bet you her stomache is growling all the time....teehee

I eat 1 plate of LC foods and I am stuffed and it lasts for hours....I bet you FERGIE is doing atkins too....heheheheheh.

Dean4Prez Wed, Oct-22-03 23:09

Fergie says that when she was on a low carb diet, years ago, she got "migraines every ten minutes". She's lying again. Migraines aren't something that you get every ten minutes. I've suffered from Migraine. I haven't had a migraine since being on Atkins.

She's probably telling the truth about her experience. She might easily have gotten vascular migraines from overeating cured meats like sausage and ham. DANDR recommends against overindulging in cured meats, but for all we know, the version of the Atkins diet she was following "years ago" might not have had that advice.

Or maybe she figured she didn't need to read the book. :)

BeccaResRN Thu, Oct-23-03 04:30

A friend at work was on Atkins recently but quit when she stall after 2 weeks. she went on weight watchers which may work for some people...but I starved!!!! I was alwyas hungry thinking of food and not in a good way. on atkins at first I thought I would not lose weight because I didn't have that same pain in my stomach that I associated with losing weight...LOL. Lost weight no hunger no pain and more vegies than i even ate when i was on weight watchers.

And the total proof is after i reached my goal on weight watcher i immediately began gaining back...I have maintained and lost more since I hit goal in June ...this is truely a maintance record for my life :)

Marillia Sat, Oct-25-03 10:46

There's NO WAY she could have been on Atkins and is telling it like it is! Like many people, I eat more vegetables now than I ever did before!

Really, I wish people'd shut up about gaining it all back when you quit. (Like you don't gain it with other diets!) The idea with Atkins is that you never quit.

Some people might buy into it, but those of us who know what's really going on will know the truth.

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