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wordlady Fri, Jun-06-03 06:19

Banishing the last ten club
This is to all of you who are somewhere in or near your last ten pounds. You know, the last few pounds that feel it's their GOD-GIVEN duty not to leave your body. The ones to whom it seems at times that NO rules apply. The ones who refuse to move without exercise and twice the water and are so gall-dern nit-picky about calorie intake....STRUGGLING to survive despite insurmountabe odds!!!

I checked out the entire forum. Those who join this "club" can stay here, (if we're allowed), or go over to the "Turtle Club" section...(a very slow section of the forum).

On Monday, I am DECLARING WAR . I've always been militaristicly against Fitday for my own self because one of the things I hated most about WW was counting points. But, I'll do whatever it takes, I need to move this along.

Would anyone care to join me?

My thought was that we could focus on the stepped-up methods, vigilance, committment, exercise, and methods. Share the tips and tricks that help us along in this super-effort to FINISH THE JOB!!!

When you reply, please add your thoughts on whether we should stay here in the Atkins section or over in the Turtle Club section. (Personally, I think I like it here..people actually COME here)

RickinTN Fri, Jun-06-03 06:21

well, I can't join the club now because I have a LLLOOOONNNNGGG way to go! However, I want to wish you luck.

I think this thread should stay here also.

junebug61 Fri, Jun-06-03 06:38

I will join you. I know exactly what I need to do, I just need to do it!! I basically have been staying the same for about three weeks now. I am so close, where in a way I think that is the problem. ( I have permitted myself a few alcoholic drinks a week.) I know if I quit that, I could get there.

jude Fri, Jun-06-03 06:40

Hey Wordlady, you can count me in!

Don't know why, but I've been in a "can't be bothered" mood for weeks now. Eating LC is pretty much habit, but I can't be bothered with Fitday or measuring anything, so there's a good chance I'm messing up somewhere--and the weight won't budge. Exercise is something else--I think about it, but that's all I do--think about it. I need a kick in the pants! Why is it so hard to start something you know you'll end up enjoying!

I think this thread is good right here.


junebug61 Fri, Jun-06-03 06:41

I would like to stay here. I lift weights three times a week. I go to step class three times a week. I walk seven days. Three days a week, I walk 1.5 miles. The other four days a week, I walk 3.0 miles. I get enough exercise in. I need to quit the margaritas!!

wordlady Fri, Jun-06-03 06:41


I'm thinking about incorporating at least two, (or as long as I can last) days of The Stillmans Diet Challenge.

See parameters here:

My goal for exercise is 45 min of cardio per day, weights 3x a week. (Are there any fitness gurus here? I have some questions)....and to drink tons of water. Also, I've been INCREDIBLY irresponsible about taking my vitamines; gotta fix that.

Starting on Monday, I just want to bring EVERY element into this, and really FOCUS. I've been going up and down 3 for a couple of months...and I have ALL THESE beautiful clothes in the closet that I still can't fit into!!!

Who's with me?

I need a checklist, and to put it on my fridge. Is there one anywhere? I mean, all inclusive; water, vitamines, exercise, Fitday posting...wait, isn't there a whole lot more? It seems like there is. I need to mentally prepare for this!

Smudgie Fri, Jun-06-03 07:42

Count me in, too!

I am now moving into my 6th week at this weight, and I decided just the other day to give up, be patient, weigh myself once a week, and maybe some day I'll get a surprise and the last 10 lbs will begin to come off. I had to buy a smaller size clothes, because I felt like I was wearing tents, but they are a little tight and the whole thing is very frustrating.

I have been very diligent about this all along, and have tired just about everything I've read here to stimulate my weight loss to re--start. I am willing to keep trying to find a way if you are! I hope the thread stays here, too. No one is ever on the other forum.


worthit Fri, Jun-06-03 08:52

Well, I have got about 10 to go, but I have been anything but diligent! I also hate the idea of doing a lot of counting and have resisted fitday or a food diary since induction - I am just careful. I know that I will have to be more disciplined for the final fat to drop. I think this might provide the encouragement I need to do it! Let's keep it here and let's do it!

worthit Fri, Jun-06-03 08:53

Oops, I just noticed that I need to change the current weight in my profile... down to 139.

jodidesign Fri, Jun-06-03 09:00


as of this morning, i have 9.5 more pounds til i reach my goal (yay!)... i'm not sure if i will continue losing more after i reach it, i will just have to see how i feel...

- i love using because it helps me see what i'm eating and how many calories i'm taking in...

- i exercise almost everyday - whether it be walking or going to the gym for a spinning class and weights...

- i drink my water and continue to enjoy my daily atkins bar...

- i feel better about myself, feel healthier and like how i look, regardless of how selfish that may sounds... i've worked hard to lose this weight and darnit, i'm going to enjoy it...

- i have accepted that some weeks i will lose weight and some weeks i won't... it took me years to gain it and know it will take months to lose it and i'm okay with that...

- i will enjoy an occassional bite of 'this' or 'that' just because i am human and feel that if i'm deprived of something i really want, i will only end up having more than i should in the first place... i know when i have a bad day, there is always a good day to follow...

- i will continue to use this site as well as others ( for support as well as meet some really great people that are going thru the same thing i am...

have a great weekend everyone! :-)


loopygem Fri, Jun-06-03 09:13

can i join please? i have a little more than 10 2 lose. when my exams finish i really want 2 go 4 this. how about the rotation diet? 2 days atkins, 2 days fat fast, 2 days stillmans, 1 day high calorie.

Norag Fri, Jun-06-03 09:25

I'd like to join in too. Although my target weight says 128, I feel that realistically I need to lose about another 8 lbs. I want to stay focussed on this right through the summer - (I traditionally gain weight every summer) - and into the Fall.

I was stuck at 134 for what seemed like the longest time, but in the past 2 weeks, I seem to be creeping down again. Long may it last.

wordlady Fri, Jun-06-03 09:58

All right, we're starting on Monday. How about a brief list of the checklist of things you want to be sure you do/incorporate; so that we can get mentally prepared?

I thought of another thing, my "fat burning nutrients" Nothing with stimulators, they have messed me up before, just choline, L-Carnitine, Chromium, etc.

And I need to keep BETTER track of the water I am drinking...not just "try" to step it up. I need to be more precise.

Sox Fri, Jun-06-03 09:59

I'm at my last 10. Well, that's my target, great if i go more. I'm putting on too much damn muscle to loose weight fast enough. ;) I'm w/ya if u want. I've actually already switched over to the "extremely anal" fitday journal. I've also been trying out stackers and blockers and other toning exercises. I'm still in semi-stall mode. This week I only ate nuts for fat. Next week I am only going to be eating cheese for fat. Something is interupting my loosing and I WILL find out what it is.

wordlady Fri, Jun-06-03 10:01

Did you go over to the "tips and stalls" section and read the sticky there regarding stalls? It's a great one.

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