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amethyst70 Fri, Mar-07-14 04:48

How long to see a result? Anything?
I started Atkins 1/26/14. By 2/14 was down 16 lbs. Had a cheat weekend and now I am stuck and mad.

I do a total body lift session 3x a week. Istay around 10-20 carbs a day. The scales won't budge. So, I figure it must be inches, right? I measured yesterday and the only inches lost was around my chest where I don't need to lose! Everything else measures same or bigger.

My husband has only been lifting for last 3 weeks, eats whatever, has lost inches and has an amazing bicep popping through. He doesnt need to lose weight but of course reaping crazy rewards.

Am I missing something? I mean I am ok with being a bigger girl but come on. 232is not my goal weight and I want to see some kind of result. How long is it going to take to see something other than a loss in my chest?

Apparently I look better, I DO feel better but now I feel like my family might just be telling I look better because the scales and the tape measure show relatively no change. I have been walking around with my head held high like I am really doing something and now yesterday I skipped my workout because I feel like an idiot.

livinright Fri, Mar-07-14 06:12

It's normal for the body to take a break after the initial losses the first couple of weeks. Just keep going.
Personally, I hold steadyish for 2 or 3 weeks then lose a bunch during one week and repeat.

If you're eating any LC products or processed foods, they can slow you down too.

amethyst70 Fri, Mar-07-14 08:27

Thanks! I really don't eat any processed or LC products. The only thing I have done different is a protein shake after workout but also incorporated it in place of a meal/snack so I wouldn't be adding to my calorie/carb total.

Seems I have become a slave to the scales. Every morning I hop on thinking today is my whoosh day, but nope. It is either the same or somewhere increased within a pound of the day before. I don't freak about that pound difference but it does irritate me I can't get it to drop below that pound difference everyday.

AnneSchall Fri, Apr-04-14 11:26

I'm in the same boat but probably being impatient as I'm only on day 4 of induction and following the New Atkins plan.

I have previously had very good success with HIIT on the treadmill. About an hour every evening. 30 minutes brisk walking and then 30 minutes HIIT. Left me red in the face and gasping but the fat also melted away quite quickly. Lost about 10kg in a month but it was grueling and not sure I can do it again, but I have 10Kg to lose this time too and I think thats a trusted way to go back to.

I have a question - has anyone tried protein Isolates as post workout drink/shake? Is it advisable on a low carb diet?

amethyst70 Sat, Apr-05-14 04:21

I don't know about anyone else, but I pretty much had to wing this time around on my own. I have posted on the board and few times with no responses. Seems people either don't know or don't want to share. I don't know and really got fed up with the lack of actual responses or lack there of on this site. I jumped to another site and truly enjoy the site and all the advise however they are not fond of Atkins. LOL. So. With that said here is where I am at.

Today I weighed in at 229.8. Not great for a month but let me be honest. I haven't actually totally low carbed. I have had days that I went all "girl on carbs" and just fed my emotions. I have had days that I did try to stay low carb. My focus has kind of switched to finding what is going to work for me with my weight training and nutrition and my overall well being.

So. I switched to a diet that runs 1200-1750 calories a day. I set my macros with low carb counts coming in around 30-50 a day, a higher protein and fat content. I lift 3-4 times a week, as well as do bodyweight stuff. I follow Strong Lifts and add in accessory work, and yes I drink protein shakes made with whey isolate very frequently. Usually 1-2 times a day.

I had to really sit down and look at the fact that I keep failing on Atkins over the years. It is a great program. It has provided me huge rewards such as 3 successful pregnancies while suffering from PCOS. It does what it is supposed to, and I really wish I could commit for life, but I can't. Not in the way I wanted to anyways. I always want a quick fix with minimal effort and that is obvious not what my body thinks should happen. LOL.

So. I am not thrilled that I am only down a couple pounds in a months time, BUT I am thrilled that due to what I have put in place I am in complete control over things. Meaning although I didn't lose any substantial weight, I didn't gain anything while feeding my emotions. Is this healthy? No, not at all, realistically am I going to go all crazy at least once a month, feeling deprived and eat everything high carb I can get my hands on? Absolutely. I will. I always do. Usually at this point of going carb crazy, I add on 5-8 lbs and say screw it. Not this time. I am slowly retraining my body to be more healthy, more fit, and I am finding my indulgences in my protein shakes and although some that I make are more like 15 carbs in one shake, that is a heck of a lot better than 100 carbs in a can of coca cola and a chocolate bar.

Long story short. I don't think the Whey isolate in itself should throw you out IF your other carbs are very low for the day. One of the claims of isolate is that it is extremely fast acting on insulin levels so it may be possible that your body doesn't process it well and it may seem to put you over on carb count if you are sensitive to insulin spikes. I myself am very sensitive but so far, it seems to be slowly acceptable to my body to still see progress while using isolate. :)

Yozho Fri, Apr-25-14 06:17

Whatever you feel works for you is the main thing :)

I just wanted to add that I use Isopure, which has zero carbs, for my post-workout protein shakes. And although it is recommended to eat some carbs to help with the post-workout protein uptake I seem to be doing OK with it so far.

Liz53 Fri, Apr-25-14 08:30

I'm suspicious of all the protein powders and they all give me a powerful jolt as if I've just eaten sugar. And they leave me feeling deflated a short time later. I'm guessing it is the huge rush of insulin that does that.

If you really want to see what protein powder is doing for your weight loss (or lack thereof) try eliminating it for a few weeks. If you feel you must have protein following weight training, try a piece of meat or poultry. It will provide just as much protein without the insulinogenic effect of whey protein.

Have you read The TNT Workout by Jeff Volek (a leading LC researcher and physiologist) and a guy from Men's Health Mag? It is specifically built around a LC diet and has different tweaks for those who want to lose, maintain and gain weight. They recommend protein powder for some, but suggest subs for others. It's available for as little as a penny + postage on Amazon and it's a worthwhile read. Good luck.

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