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Crimson Tue, Mar-18-03 14:49

Need for 8 glasses of water a myth
hmmm.... I got sent this article today. I'm not going to stop drinking my water.. but I did find this pretty interesting, especially since its source is CBC news...

<b>Need for 8 glasses of water a myth: nutrition experts </b>

vbrowne Tue, Mar-18-03 14:59

Interesting. Like you though, I'm not about to stop drinking water - it's such a part of my routine now and I like it - I feel that all this water has helped my skin.


corianin Tue, Mar-18-03 15:15

thanks for the info
Like you have both said... none of us are goign to quit drinking our water. I know that if I don't drink near 8 glasses of water each day, I feel a little run down, dry mouth etc, etc... I know weight plays a key and probably a lot of other factors that we don't know yet. I think that I'll stick to my 8 glasses, preferably more if I can! Thanks for the info though, I think it helps to remind us not to just accept any medical advice given by so called "experts" look at how the atkin's diet was frowned upon and still is! But we're all losing weight and staying healthy!

Lisa N Tue, Mar-18-03 15:18's another article on the importance of drinking water:

At the very minimum, drinking 8 glasses of water a day won't hurt you and at best, it may very well be far more beneficial than drinking an equal amount of diet soda, tea or coffee.

yvonne326 Tue, Mar-18-03 15:47

All I know is that the if I drink my required water (for me 72 oz - 90 oz) a day I lose well - - I skimp on water my loss slows down almost to a I will happily drink my water :D

wcollier Tue, Mar-18-03 16:26

A little knowledge is dangerous. This sounds like a "chicken little" article to me. I'd sure like to know who's funding this little research project.

There have been cases of people drinking too much water. Confusion, headache and cramps are symptoms of drinking too much water. A few deaths have been linked to excessive water intake while taking the party drug, ecstasy.

Yes, but I'm sure it's much less than the number of people who die from NOT drinking enough water. And what's too much water? Their lack of information is a little irresponsible in my opinion.

Like the rest of you, it would take a lot more convincing than this article.


Cher422 Tue, Mar-18-03 16:51

I definately believe in drinking water.

But, on another note....
I read the article with the comment of deaths due to excessive water intake....that is due to the ectasy--it causes people to be overly thirsty--a thirst that cannot be quenched and people literally drink gallons of water in a very short time span. I would think the excessive fluid increases the blood volume, thereby causing fluid overload and forcing the heart to work to hard. I would think the person would die from a heart attack.


Frederick Tue, Mar-18-03 16:56

Originally posted by Lisa N
At the very minimum, drinking 8 glasses of water a day won't hurt you and at best, it may very well be far more beneficial than drinking an equal amount of diet soda, tea or coffee.

Astonishingly enough, this time I am in complete agreement with LisaN on this one. LOL

Very good point, why not hedge your bets especially if there isn't any down side?

Lisa N Tue, Mar-18-03 17:07

Originally posted by Cher422
I read the article with the comment of deaths due to excessive water intake....that is due to the ectasy--it causes people to be overly thirsty--a thirst that cannot be quenched and people literally drink gallons of water in a very short time span. I would think the excessive fluid increases the blood volume, thereby causing fluid overload and forcing the heart to work to hard. I would think the person would die from a heart attack.

The deaths are likely from a condition known as hyponatremia. If you drink large quantities of water in a short period of time (we're talking quarts or gallons here, not cups), it throws off the sodium levels in your body which can set up dangerous dysrhythmias in the heart and lead to a cardiac arrest. Combine that with the effects of the E and you've good a very dangerous combination.
Eight glasses of water (or even more) over the period of a whole day isn't nearly enough to do that to a person.

Frederick agreeing with me??? I think I may faint! :D

RGale Tue, Mar-18-03 17:16

Susan Barr is part of a joint Canadian and American team of doctors and nutritionists who are looking at how much water people actually need.
Am I the only one cynical enough to wonder whether this study was funded by the soft drink industry??

SmallerMe Tue, Mar-18-03 18:09

I've always thought the 8 glasses of water thing as kind of odd. I mean, if I drink a glass of water and 20 minutes later I have to run to the bathroom, how much use is that glass of water doing me? Do other mammals drink that much water? Did our ancestors drink that much water? Personally, I think the 8 glasses of water thing is a bit of a farce. I've never really understood it.

SmallerMe Tue, Mar-18-03 18:16

Originally posted by RGale
Am I the only one cynical enough to wonder whether this study was funded by the soft drink industry??

This wasn't a scientific study per se. It was a study to see if there were any scientific studies that backed up the 8 glasses of water per day claim. They couldn't find a single study that led to that conclusion.

A few months ago I saw a piece on TV about this very study and some people in the piece suggested that the 8 glasses of water myth may have in fact been spread by all the bottled water companies.

Lisa N Tue, Mar-18-03 18:29

Originally posted by SmallerMe
A few months ago I saw a piece on TV about this very study and some people in the piece suggested that the 8 glasses of water myth may have in fact been spread by all the bottled water companies.

Doubtful since this recommendation has been around for as long as I can remember. I even remember my grandmother advising me to drink 8 glasses of water a day when I was a young girl and that was well before the days of bottled water.

Lessara Tue, Mar-18-03 18:47

yvonne, I am with you on your assestment of water. If I don't drink at least 3 liters of water, I stall.

By the way, if you drink the same amount of water every day, within a week the bathroom breaks go far inbetween. At least that's what I experience and I drink 12-16 8oz glasses of water :)

BarbCA Tue, Mar-18-03 19:38

I heard this on the news a few days ago. I think water drinking can be flexible but if one doesn't drink enough water they can become constipated or dehydrated. If one becomes dehydrated they become light headed and confused among other things. Happened to me once and it's not pleasant.

I think water is especially necessary with this WOE and I'll keep on drinking.

Pooch Tue, Mar-18-03 20:52

Great/ I'll start drinking 8 beers a day instead.

Alina Tue, Mar-18-03 23:14

Very important!
I know from my doctor that while loosing weight the body has to get rid of toxins and not drinking extra water could be dangerous for the kidneys. Also eating more meat on this diet gives the kidneys more acids to get rid of.
For instance, my urin acids are slightly elevated since beginning of Atkins and my good doctor said they will eventually lower, but I have to drink a lot of water.
This is the process of loosing weight.
So, do we need water extra water on Atkins? YES!!! And he says so too.


KellyG5 Wed, Mar-19-03 05:37

Some one animals really drink alot of water???

I don't know how much they drink normally, but I have heard for the big drafts horsesm they give them lots of water. This is suppose to help define their muscles and look better for the shows. A man who raises and breed draft horses told me this years ago. He said, his horses are well defined because he give them lots of water. How much over normal? I don't know.

I have no proof, evidence, or facts to back this up...just an old farmer raising horses told me, lots of water makes strong horses.

spongebutt Sun, Mar-30-03 23:09

Not drink my water?
I find that if I don't drink my water I get dehydrated.

And if I get dehydrated then I retain water.

And if I retain water than guess what? My scale goes up or stays the same.

Hmmmm...think I'll stick with drinking my water.

karen25 Mon, Mar-31-03 08:59

Does the fluid have to be water or could diet rite and coffee be counted as part of the total amount?

claire3 Mon, Mar-31-03 08:59

water water water
I heard a similar story on Public Radio a few months ago. The doctor speaking said that a sedentary life style probably does not require 8 glasses of water a day. His research seemed to show that water requirements are directly related to activity. DUH? How people get funding for this stuff is amazing.

All our experiences would be dismissed by most scientists as anecdotal; but it certainly seems that most of us experience a measurable benefit from drinking at least 8 glasses a day.

My simple Norweigan grandmother trained her family to drink a full glass of water upon waking and each time we used the bathroom. he believed people needed to flush their systems daily. We are a remarkably healthy family. As a child we also ate a odified kind of Atkins diet. We did eat sweet things and breads but not with other foods. I got fat when I started eating the FDA way! Sorry veered off the water thing there...

Alina Mon, Mar-31-03 09:05

Hi Karen,

don't know about diet rite, don't use it. But tea and coffee are diuretics, they flush water out of the body - results == You need more water. I don't care what some experts say - since I've started drinking lots of pure water my skin improved, I feel more fit and this WOE works fine.

gkeenan Mon, Mar-31-03 09:21

I've really never been a big water drinker. For a few months (last year) I drank 112oz daily (1/2 my body weight) it just happened to be during my stall that I was drinking that much water...I do not think that drinking the water had anything at all to do with my stall...right now I drink a glass a day MAYBE...except when I am working out (which I start again tomorrow) I will drink LOTS of water at the gym at least 64oz on the treadmill alone, I often get in my daily 112oz by the time I'm done with the will be interesting to see if anything really changes starting tomorrow with the water...I certainly hope so! :D


sarabeth Mon, Mar-31-03 12:34

Why would they add that little comment about drinking water while using ecstacy? They know it's illegal anyway!

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