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LadyBug555 Sun, Mar-09-03 15:23

Stick a fork in me I am DONE!!
This diet is not for me. I have followed induction to the letter since January 6, getting off only for one day when I got off at a funeral. I have been religious about it. I didn't weigh and fuss about it, I measured, I drank water, I was creative in my cooking and I followed the directions. I gave my body time bla bla...
I just finsihed my period so don't tell me it is water. I am not swollen as I can tell by my fingers, jewelry and ankles. This diet doesn't work for me.
I haven't weighed since January 30, I weighed this morning and am UP another pound. Screw it, I am going for Ice cream

RCFletcher Sun, Mar-09-03 15:46

Dear LadyBug555,

I can understand your frustration. I stopped actually losing weight ages ago but I still stay on this woe because I like it, I feel healthier and I'm not putting weight on.

Maybe this is not working for you - but neither will eating ice cream. Whatever you do you need to stay in control - and you have shown you can do this.

Take a breather - weigh up the situation. See if there is something you can change or tweak - even try a different diet...but don't lose control - you've been there before and that is what probably made you overweight.

Good luck in whatever you choose.


LadyBug555 Sun, Mar-09-03 16:29

I feel better also but I am unhealthy at 60 lbs. overwt. I need to lose WT!!!!!!!!! Not my mind

Lisa N Sun, Mar-09-03 16:53

Originally posted by LadyBug555
I feel better also but I am unhealthy at 60 lbs. overwt. I need to lose WT!!!!!!!!! Not my mind

Not to be cruel, LadyBug, but how is eating ice cream going to help any of that? It's not going to help you lose weight or get you healthier. It's probably not even going to make you feel any better. There is a small percentage of people for whom low carb doesn't seem to work, but for the rest that have difficulty losing weight, there is a cause for it; it just needs to be tracked down and dealt with.
I tried taking a peek at your journal, but since you don't typically list the actual foods you eat, I couldn't get any suggestions from there. Is it possible that you are regularly eating a food that your body is sensitive to but is still low carb? I'll give you an example; my DH was eating peanuts and almond butter all last spring and didn't lose an ouce even though he was being completely faithful to low carb. He lost inches, to be sure, but not an ounce of weight. Come to find out that he's allergic to nuts, even though they weren't giving him any particular allergic symptoms. Now that he's doing this without the nuts, he's having better success. There are a lot of foods that you can be sensitive enough to to keep you from losing weight, but not so sensitive that you notice any symptoms; eggs and dairy are big culprits as are foods that feed a yeast problem such as aged or fermented products and vinegar. How about artificial sweeteners, caffeine or low carb treats? Still consuming any of those?
I can understand your frustration and I wish you success with whichever method you choose to get the pounds off, but don't just lapse back into high carb eating because this doesn't seem to be working for you. You said that you started out losing so you know that it's possible, so what happened between then and now that made it stop? That's the question that needs to be answered.

Zuleikaa Sun, Mar-09-03 16:56

Maybe you need another lc program. Maybe it is just the winter. Whatever you do, ice cream is not the answer (Well, sugar free is allowed). This is not a one size fits all diet world and perhaps you need to give another lc program a try. One the other hand, some people due to hereditary Neanderthal genes do not lose weight in winter. Perhaps in the spring things will start moving for you.

LadyBug555 Sun, Mar-09-03 17:02

I do take 12.6 mg daily of Paxil. But I have lost wt before while taking it. I feel like I have been betrayed. I was faithful, I trusted this and it turned on me. I don't know how I can stop taking my meds right now as I am already depressed enough to drive off a cliff. My husband has done great on this. It isn't fair.
If not Atkisn then which plan? Somebody help me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

gkeenan Sun, Mar-09-03 17:02

Ladybug I feel your pain. When I did Atkins the first time I gained six lbs and stopped for over six months...then one morning I just decided to try again and whamo it worked and has been working since...don't beat yourself up and don't feel bad, this does happen to others. I too ran to ice cream (well for me it was pasta) and had a ball for six months...then I got on the scale and saw I had gained an additional 10lbs...and that was what forced me to reconsider. If this does not work for you it's ok...there are other diets, I'm down several sizes since then, I ate and ate and ate while I went off Atkins and I'm still alive and don't hate myself for doing it...God bless and good luck in whatever you decide to do.


Paleoanth Sun, Mar-09-03 18:13

I agree with Lisa-

Something is obviously wrong here. I have a few suggestions

Post your menus so we can see if something strikes us as a red flag. If you have a journal-you can post a link to it here

Go see your doctor. There are other drugs besides Paxil that help and don't have the same side effects. ALso, maybe there is something biochemically going on that is preventing weight loss. Hormonal imbalance, food allergy or intolerance...

Have you measured at all? Are you losing inches and not weight or are all losses stopped? I feel your frustration and I really hope we can help track down what is going on with you.

Jaden Sun, Mar-09-03 18:45

Ladybug Did you try the fat fast or meat fast? Another question are you sure you are eating ENOUGH. Alot of us in trying to be extra faithful dont eat enouigh calories or enough carbs. I stalled and wasnt eating even my 20 carbs a day... I decided to just loosen up and try to eat low carb and healthy but not obsess about the carbs because it was frustrating me. As soon as I started getting more carbs I had a big Whoosh. Ive heard many other people talk about this same phenomenon.

Id try some adjustments before giving up. Make sure the calulations are right, try the meat or fat fast, try another LC diet, Try adding some carbs to 25 or 30.. Talk to your Dr, is there any other medication that would effect you less then paxil? (whisper) if all that doesnt work maybe even try a cheat day and then go back to induction the next day. Dont tell anyone I said that though. Blashphemy!! (some people swear by cheat days and its better then giving up all together.)

Oh and make sure you have your very own whoosh fairy too!! (ok so Im superstitious)

*** Hugs hon ** I know its frustrating but hang in there a bit longer.


red1cutie Sun, Mar-09-03 19:18

Hi Ladybug! Don't give up. Like everyone said post your food journal so we can look at it.


AmyTN Sun, Mar-09-03 19:28

Have you tried L-carnitine or Co-Enzyme Q10? These are 2 supplements recommended for people with high metabolic resistance. From the sounds it might be a problem you have. Before you give up it's worth a try. Take 100mg daily of the COQ10 with a meal, and 500mg 3x's daily of the L-carnitine (total of 1500mg) before your 3 main meals. No matter what diet you decide is right for you, I have to agree with everyone ice cream is not the answer. Good luck with whatever you decide.
God Bless,

LadyBug555 Sun, Mar-09-03 19:31

I did Fitday for awhile. I was averaging about 1600-1700 cal a day and posted all in my journal. I eat pretty much the same every day. I am seeing my doc tomorrow. Any suggestions on something natural for the Paxil. I am clinically depressed with anxiety

Lisa N Sun, Mar-09-03 19:39's not just the total calories, fat grams, etc...that we need to see; it's the actual foods that make up those totals. Some foods are known to be problems and I think it would be helpful if you posted an average day's menu so that others can take a look and hopefully spot any potential problems.
Some medications make it difficult (not impossible) to lose weight. I think Zuleikaa may be onto something about those that have difficulty losing weight during the winter months; I have that same problem myself. I haven't lost more than a couple of pounds since last fall, but I know from past experience that it will pick up again once the days start getting longer and warmer. Adding the medication on top of that would only compound the problem; at least it certainly would for me.
I don't have any suggestions for a change in medication. Perhaps you can check the Atkins website for a suggestion there?

manucpa Sun, Mar-09-03 20:51

How's your exercise regime ? Exercise is absolutely key for me and I have to do it a least 5 days a week, minimum 1 hr brisk walk ( cover a little over 3 miles) or 40 minutes on my stationary bike at a pretty good intensity. If I slack off at all, the weight loss stops. The last two weeks were bad for me, it's tax season so lots of overtime and little time for anything else - sure enough I stalled. Took the time to mow the lawn today and go for a long walk yesterday - felt great ! Come on .. stick with it ! ; = )

Lolli-J Mon, Mar-10-03 07:01

Hi LadyBug

I started the exact same day you did. I lost 9 pounds on induction, and then NOTHING! I thought, okay lets stick it out and see what happens. Still NOTHING! So I went back to the book and looked at the section that talks about things that may hang us up. Then I did a ton of research and realized I had candida! So, about 3 weeks ago I started dealing with that, and now I'm steadily losing!

My advice, don't give up until you have covered all your bases.


quietone Mon, Mar-10-03 08:47

Replacement for Paxil...
try effexor.

Just remember this about anti-depressants/anti-anxiety drugs.

If you eat when you are anxious (as I do) they will help you and you will probably lose weight. If you lose your appetite when you are anxious, you will probably put on weight because they will calm you.

Also, if you are prone to depression/anxiety, it is worse this time of year.

UAGirl Mon, Mar-10-03 09:03

Hiya Ladybug! :wave:

I just had to add in that being "faithfull" and "following Atkins to a T" is not EVERYTHING.

Cheese is allowed!! 3-4 ounces a day!! AND GUESS WHAT?? It makes me stall.

I also wondered why for months (not weeks) MONTHS, why am I not losing at all? Not one lousy pound. Well come to find out I was not getting enough fat. Imagine that?

I started cooking in butter instead of PAM and woolah...

I say give it one more full fledged try, post your menus in your journal let people give you a little advice about find tuning your induction plan...

Put it this way...if the choice is Induction for another 2 weeks or Ice Cream...can giving the Induction another try really hurt?

slack32 Mon, Mar-10-03 09:30

Please don't give up on yourself- that is just feeding the depression monster. Believe me, it will just give yourself another reason to be depressed- you DON'T need that in your life. This is about healing, not beating yourself up. Don't allow your depressed self to take advantage of your healing self. You can do it, but it may not be easy. Perhaps when you get that part figured out then the weight will start to come off.

lattegrl Mon, Mar-10-03 09:47

ladybug, i feel for you , just side note here though please dont blame it all on your paxill, i am on zoloft and HRT, never went off of them , not even for a day, and yes i must be blessed with no metabolic resistance but even if you have high MR (obviously :doah: ) I feel that there are many other solutions i would go after befor stopping the antidepressant :exclm: I know how vital mine is to my day to day sanity and could not imagine going through the total frustration and well can i say it- pissed offness, that you are feeling compounded w/ going off the antidepressant. Best of luck and success to you in what ever diet you choose :bhug:

Teuthis Mon, Mar-10-03 09:54

How Much?
Ladybug, may I ask if you have at all considered how much you are eating? It is true that there can be some caloric advantage to Atkins, but it is only realistic in the early stages, and then only for some people. If you are overeating, even on this plan, you are not going to lose weight. It can be easy to eat far too much if one is accustomed to the high carb diet plans; or no plans.

If you really want to lose weight, review your food volume and determine if you should simply eat less. I can guarantee you that the Atkins plan is going to be more satisfying for you than some starvation diet. But you must get your food volume down to make it happen.

I suggest you give it a try again, but this time carefully monitor your caloric intake as well. Just to see if you are overeating the plan. You might use that "Fitday" thing that some people are so excited about. It could help you.

Please don't give up trying to lose. It is critical for your long term health!!!

Good Luck!

MarimbaMom Mon, Mar-10-03 10:03

Someone suggested Effexor as a replacement for Paxil. Although I am not taking any medications, I do have family members who have struggled with depression and anxiety, so I know a little about the effects of these medicines. I've heard terrible things about Effexor, so you should probably carefully research any and all drug options your physician prescribes.

janetkind Mon, Mar-10-03 12:57

Dont give up.
Some times your mind saids eat and then u look in mirror and hips say NO. Keep doing Atkins at least for 6months.

I started feb1 and lost 10lbs. then on feb 23 had a Stall. and today starting my 6 week on atkins i Lost 2lbs. It does make you want to keep doing and going for goals. Just maybe this month will keep me moving down.
Iam trying this week what another person is trying to help move down and that is Stop dietrite and drink more water.
i should maybe up fat. i put bacon drinks on salad and now cook my eggs with teaspoon. so maybe good. just wanted to say hello to all and Dingo hello to u.

LadyBug555 Mon, Mar-10-03 17:24

Thanks all...
I could write an anti-depressant book. Started on Paxil 1996-1997
Took Prozac 1997-2000
Cause headaches and tremors
Started Effexor
cause head roaring and menstrual absence
Went back to Paxil one year ago....
and here I am.
I haven't done anything yet, I need to measure again but today has been to hectic and I have been on a crying jag.
I will check in later........may have to add HRT to this list.....oh great

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