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nitrovixen Sat, Mar-08-03 18:30

THE FIRM...anyone else addicted?
(I'm sure there's already a "Firm" thread on this forum somewhere......)

I got The Firm "parts pack" from my mom (another LC'er) for Christmas and thought I'd die the first time I watched the tapes... they just keep moving the whole time and they are using weights to top it all off! Well, I jumped on the FIRM bus and haven't stopped since. In fact, I even bought bellydance workouts for when I wanted a rest from the firm and have hardly touched them. The firm just gives you such a good workout for the time you put into it, and I can really see and feel the results! (They should be paying me to say all this!)
I'm sure there's a bunch of you on this board that are Firm addicts.. how did you find out about it and what are your favorite workouts?


iBelieve Sun, Mar-09-03 06:55

I'm so glad to see your post Sheri! I recently bought a pack of four Firm videos, but haven't tried them yet. (came down with a wicked flu right after purchasing them) I am starting them tomorrow. I got Five Day Abs, Upper Body, Standing Legs and Tough Tape 2. Think I'll hold off on the tough tape until I'm in better shape! ;)

Are the workouts okay for beginners? I have 3 lb. hand weights to use with the videos, but not sure if I'll even need to. Moving my big arms alone might be enough weight....LOL.

red1cutie Sun, Mar-09-03 10:44

Hi Ibelieve! I got 2 this past week: Firm Cardio and Time Crunch Workout. I have not used them yet. I need to start using them. Let me know how good those are and I will do the same.

Happy working out.


CaroleSP Sun, Mar-09-03 11:00

Love the FIRM
I've been doing the FIRM for years, and am still seeing amazing results!!! Most recently, I lost all the weight from my second pregnancy, plus and extra 8 pounds!!!
You simply cannot beat these tapes for variety and results. They have a brand new set coming out this month too. It will three tapes, and a "sculpting stick" which is like a light barbell (about 8 pounds). The word is that this set will be great. They have it on sale this month for a great price at I know tons of people who have pre-ordered it. It's going to be in their new infomercial coming out this month.
Keep up the good work!!! Firms can be for every fitness level, just modify. Start with no weights, then move slowly to three pounds, then five, etc. YOU WILL SEE RESULTS!!!


iBelieve Sun, Mar-09-03 17:37

Carole, thanks for the info and the encouragement! Those new tapes sound great. If these four work well for me I will definitely be looking for more! :)

Red, those two sound great too! I will definitely let you know how mine go, that is if I can still lift my arms to type....LOL :D Let me know how it goes for you too! :)

Iowagirl Sun, Mar-09-03 21:57

I love the Firm - just bought the 5 Day Abs (what's with the pretty boy?) and ordered some Fitprime tapes this weekend. Fitprime is made by some former Firmers - even more of a challenge, so I've heard. All around good tapes and no giggley instructors.

nitrovixen Sun, Mar-09-03 23:03

I can't believe how addictive these workouts are..

Ibelieve: Those are the same tapes I have and they are awesome!! The standing legs one is so hard.. I think it is harder than the tough tape 2 just because it is all legs instead of legs + arms. I still can't finish Standing legs yet! I was afraid to try TT2 just because of it's name but once I finally did I love it. And the first time I would recommend no weights or very light (I used 2.5 wrist weights for everything the first time and it was hard!) I still am not up to the poundage they use in the videos but I've only been doing them since Christmas. Good luck!

Red: let us know how you like those 2 workouts (time crunch & firm cardio) I am interested in both of those (they are already on my wish list at!)

Carole: I saw that new set with the Sculpting stick at Target and wondered if I had to pay so much for a fancy dowel... (yeah, I'm pretty cheap) Let me know if you like the videos in the set and if cheapos like me can substitute a heavy broom stick or dowel!!

Iowagirl: I love the abs tape probably most of all. It's not long or strenuous, but I do it every morning at 4:30 before work (about the only thing I can manage to do that early) and it's short enough that I can stick to it and hard enough that I see results. My little pot belly is almost gone! I love the Abs workout and I wish they'd come out with another one for religious ab'ers like me. And I have to roll my eyes at pretty boy every morning too! I think we could manage fine without the eye candy! :rolleyes: I've been hearing about FitPrime and definately have to check it out...

Iowagirl Mon, Mar-10-03 11:25

A dowel - fancy word for broom stick.
I'd like to see pretty boy sweat - might make it all worthwhile.

CaroleSP Mon, Mar-10-03 19:06

They have the sculpting set at Target already?? Are you sure it's the right one? I thought the FIRM wasn't even selling any until the end of the month!!! How much was it??

nitrovixen Mon, Mar-10-03 19:46

Carole: That's weird.. I'm sure I saw it. It was 3 videos and some kind of weird stick with round things on the end, looked like one of those plastic "Master's of the Universe" weapons except pink-purple, maybe Barbie's or somethin. (Deos that make any sense?) All I remember about the price is it was over $65.. too much for me! This is the same girl that climbed on the IKEA coffee table instead of the "tall box" or "fanny lifter" ha ha! But come on.. is there really any reason to buy a $50 stepping stool when I can use my old unused "Ab swiveler"? :D

Iowagirl: yeah! If I have to hear him say "lie supine" one more time I just might break! I want to choke pretty boy!

Iowagirl Tue, Mar-11-03 14:50

Ha Ha , Vixen.
You know there is a website for Anna Benson, I'm sure the Firm has one, too. Should we email and ask what's become of supine boy?

nitrovixen Wed, Mar-12-03 22:53

Iowagirl: Only if I can be president of his fan club! Maybe he'd send me an autographed photo o him in his grey sweat pants with no shirt.. it might say "Sheri, thanks for lying supine so well and so often! xoxo" ha ha

Iowagirl Thu, Mar-13-03 09:08

That picture underneath your name - is that you lying supine for pretty boy? :p

nitrovixen Fri, Mar-14-03 11:32

ha ha ha!
oh you're so clever! I'm laughing me ass off over here!
If you really want to get into it.. have you seen the two guys in "Upper Body" and "Standing Legs" (both from the Parts Pack)? Oh my gawd... It's like the guy Charles Atlas helped, the one who got sand kicked in his face and the other dude is like a mix of prince and michael jackson...His hair is like a neatly trimmed topiary. They sure know how to pick winners. And the tapes are eighties so the guys are wearing like spandex "swimsuits" (tank top & shorts in one)
(No offense if either of those two fellows are anybody on here!)

I have to laugh every morning when I do my ab tape.. "that was a GREAT week of ab work, see ya next week!" or "now that was tough" oh my.. I have all his lines memorized! My fiance hates supine boy.. maybe he's a little jealose I lie supine so willingly for him? :D

Iowagirl Tue, Mar-18-03 10:16

Sorry I've been out of the loop - had a rendzevous with supine boy. ("that was tough!" :blush: LOL)

I don't have the tapes mentioned. I just bought Fitprime Up and Down and did it on Monday. One word - "OW!" Of course, towards the end of the tape I realized she was using a barbell with two 5 pound weights while I was using two 10 pound dumb bells - (whose the dumb bell?). My biceps were screaming.

Also got their super cardio tape (I think that's the right name). That is on the agenda for Friday. It's 63 minutes, not sure I will do the whole thing, I happen to think that's a bit much. Looks like it will whip my a$$. But in a good way, of course! :D

Paleoanth Thu, Mar-20-03 06:52

I own about 8 Firm workouts and I love them. I still cannot get through a whole one without a small break or two. They are really nicely balanced workouts and will kick your butt. Good way to get cardio and weights in all at the same time. Guys really ought to check them out some time, they might be surprised at how challenging they are.

Nitro-I didn't know you were into dumb, but pretty! Ab boy cracks me up with that accent.

cuteblonde Thu, Mar-20-03 09:19

i love the firm!! i have the body sculpting kit with the fanny lifter. i also have the firm parts 4 pack. i like the upper body workout in the 4 pack.

nitrovixen Sat, Mar-22-03 00:13

Iowagirl: lady, you been rendezvousing with my ab boy?! did you cradle his pretty little head in your hands? (Man, I've really got it all memorized!) ha ha! I'm dying to try the Fitprime tapes.. and how was the super cardio? I really want that one! I've been slacking off these last two weeks on my firm workouts.. I need to get back on the wagon.
Tomarrow for sure!

Paleoanth: I'm kidding 100% about abman.. he really does NOTHING for me! I watch him every morning though, he gives me a good laugh before my tummy workout!

cuteblonde: I like the upper body workout a lot too. That standing legs workout really kills me. I'd do the upper body one everyday if I could! I've been doing tough tape II mostly lately because it works my entire body.

Shadow01 Wed, Apr-02-03 09:46

Just wanted to say "Hi" from another FitPrime/FIRM addict :) . And personally, I think Tracy James AKA ab boy should be somehow deleted from 5-Day Abs - he irritates the heck out of me!!!! I've learned how to hit the FF button in record time :D

nitrovixen Wed, Apr-02-03 11:06

oh, he has a name.. he he!

Shadow01 Wed, Apr-02-03 14:40

Thought you might want to know his name for amusement purposes when you view him in the morning (e.g. I say "Oh shut up, Tracy" a lot!) ;)

Iowagirl Wed, Apr-02-03 15:17

Tracy James - ab boy of my dreams! *sigh* (definately kidding!)

I have two Fitprime tapes, now. The Ground Up is good but I'm not liking the Super Cardio. Way too much time spent bouncing in my opinion. I fast forwarded through the boppy parts but really didn't feel like I accomplished much. I don't mind the plyo-jumps but bouncing on my toes is killer and uncomfortable.

Maybe Ab Boy will come and rub my feet. (I'm supine!)

graphiste Wed, Apr-02-03 17:44

Hooked on the FIRM
Oh's great to see a thread on my new addiction..THE FIRM!

I have lost nearly 70lbs in the last year & half (with hypnosis sessions) and was a regular gym rat using the cardio machines for 45-60 minutes nearly every day.

well the last few months have been a plateau so i decided in February to "shake things up". I got some the new FIRM with the fanny lifter and was amazed! This was ay more intense than that perky kathy Smith and WOW did I feel it the next day!

I have since aquired almost 15 FIRM tapes in the last month so I have LOTS of variety. These tapes ROCK!! I can actually SEE muscles and feel the muscles in my INNER THIGH....I never even knew that there was a muscle hiding under there...

Anyways I am also into my third full day of Induction...and I am hoping that these intense workouts really accelerate my toning up/fat loss.

I do think that the FIRM girls have way too big fake boobs. As a naturall 36D, it annoys me that I have to wear 2 tight sports bras to jump around comfortably and these faux chests stay perfectly still under their tiny workout bras...Oh well.

I really like Allie & Jen from the newer ones and Tracie from the older tapes. Plus I have gotten some great deals on Ebay for the tapes as most of them are VERY hard to find in canada.

: )

lol :p

Iowagirl Mon, Apr-07-03 09:48

Can you recommend a good Firm tape that doesn't bounce? Cardio primarily - I'm stocked with the weights.

Shadow01 Tue, Apr-08-03 06:45

Iowagirl: The Firm's forte has not been cardio. They have a couple of cardio tapes but most are "bouncy" IMO. There's Ballroom Aerobics which isn't bouncy - but it's also not going to zoom your heart rate up either. It's a slower paced tape using the short box (the tape uses the 4" box, I use the 8" box). I personally like it especially for easier days but a lot of people don't like that one. There's Not So Tough Aerobics which was take from the Classics but again, most people who like cardio don't think it's challenging enough. There's Fat Blaster, but it's been a while since I've done it. I remember one bouncy tune but can't remember the rest. Tough Cardio Mix is pretty good - the first half is on the step, the second half is floor. It's taken from Firm Cardio (Strong Heart), Firm Strength (Strong Body), and right now it escapes me what else! There's also Tough Aerobic Mix which is from the Classics but is (IMO) high impact. There's Core Cardio I and II - but CCI is almost 40 minutes of plyo jumps. CCII isn't quite as bouncy but... Afraid I've not been much help :( Hopefully some other Firmies (who are more awake than I am at the moment) can help you :) .

bigguyjonc Wed, Apr-09-03 15:31

would a man like them?

I have heard so much about the firm. I was wondering if anyone thought that a man would like them. That is my biggest problem with workout videos. I always feel like i am going to turn into a woman by the end. No offense. I think when i get buff i am going to make a workout tape geared towards men. I like tybo. I found a great tybo knockoff called "kick butt" and "kick butt II" they are alot more fun but i am already getting a litttle bored with them. So i was thinking about buying the firm. I am also pretty poor right now so i didn't want to spend alot of money so i was wondering what kind of equipment you had to buy to use with the tapes? thanks.


Paleoanth Wed, Apr-09-03 15:39


Despite the fact they have been marketed mainly to women,
I personally think that many men would benefit from the Firm tapes. They use cardio and weights at the same time-so you get double the workout in half the time. You will be able to get good muscle definition from these tapes. They even have men in the background doing the workout.

All you really need are a dumb bells and maybe box you can use as a "fanny lifter" in some of the tapes. I wouldn't bother buying the official one-I use an old step box from a step aerobics program, but you can use anything that will hold your weight. I like the step box, because I can adjust the height from small to medium to tall.

You might be able to borrow a tape at a library to see if you like it-OR go to a used bookstore that sells used videos.

Iowagirl Thu, Apr-10-03 09:11

Shadow - I will check out Tough Cardio Mix and Fat Blaster. Don't mind the step aerobics (try Gin Miller!) it is the on-your-toes, bouncing that I can't stand.

Big guy - you can find a step at Walmart for about $7. The only other equipment you'll need would be leg weights (optional) and dumbbells.

As for turning into a woman, I think that would require an act of surgery. :eek:

nitrovixen Thu, Apr-10-03 10:12

Hi Jon!
Don't be frightened by the firm.. my boyfried does them with me.. I think he was really hesitant at first but they are great excercise. We complain together from time to time about the cheesy antics of the instructors.. but I think he was surprised how tough they were! Some of those chicks are more buff than him.. ;) Try the upper body tape and standing legs for alot of weight work and squats but not much jumping around. He just ignores the jumping parts!


laurielake Thu, Apr-10-03 10:40

I used the Firm tapes for about a year before my natural progression to group workouts and finally now, the gym. They were great tapes and really worked well when you had enough to switch the routines. Just make sure you take a day of rest now and then!

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