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gardensjoy Tue, Mar-04-03 01:10

Not one person has noticed my weight loss??!
OK I'm definately NOT doing this for others to notice... well... maybe a bit, but basically for ME to feel better and be healthier.. which I am steadily and happily becoming!!! However, after losing 27 pounds, not one person (who didn't know I was trying) has noticed my weight loss!!!??? A couple of friends who know I am losing have very half heartedly said, "I can tell you're losing weight.", but I don't think it really shows (and then seem to feel obligated to say something). When I see people I have not seen for several months, not one has yet noticed a thing. Possibly because I was in a weight level where it doesn't look that much different yet? Clothes are looser,, but not hanging off and I am still wearing the same ones.
When did other people start commenting about your losses?
I guess I'll just have to keep going down until I find out, but it's a bit surprising!
Oh, well.... I can sure tie my exercise shoes easier (after getting them back out of the closet after about three years!! tee hee!! So that should be more than enough for now!!) I'm not complaining, just musing over this weird fact a bit tonight.

mkathy6 Tue, Mar-04-03 02:15

I thinj I have found this the most aggravating. I finally got my one and only comment after 38lbs. I am wearing the same clothes, they are just alot looser, I can't see buying winter clothes at this point.

My friends have told me people don't like to comment on weight just in case the person takes it the wrong way = like what I was fat before? So they just keep to themselves.

I think with your stats it would be noticable!! You are doing wonderful - congratulations on your loss so far!!! :)

Pooch Tue, Mar-04-03 04:50

Maybe they're jealous.

Jansky C Tue, Mar-04-03 05:19

Same thing happened it me.
Hi Laurie:
Same thing happened to me two years ago when I lost 50 pound on Atkins. The thing that made the difference to my friends and myself was buying a few new clothes. You feel better about yourself and you walk a different walk. I know that this doesn't sound too good but I went to the previously warn clothes shops and bought a few different items. There are so pretty nice ones in your area, I would think. I know Sonoma County and it should have a few. I am originally from Sacramento. Even if you can't find one go out and buy a few new things. As a reward for your efforts. And as you lose the weight THROW the old ones away. It sure helped me stay on track for a long time. You can't gain too many pounds in the new stuff.
My husband is very sick and that is when I started gaining again. Am still having a hard time getting it off because I don't exercise. But I didn't before and lost all of the weight. It is just taking a little longer this time. I am older now and the weight doesn't come off that easy any more. Sure goes on quick.
Just treat yourself, you deserve it!!! Write and let me know how you feel when you have your new clothes on.
Jan :wave:

MayLisa Tue, Mar-04-03 05:39

I've lost almost 70 lbs and only in the last couple of weeks have people really started to notice. I was surprised it took them so long! Rest assured that this experience seems to be very common to many of us.

Some people don't know whether or not you want them to notice. They may be afraid of hurting your feelings by calling attention to your weight. Sometimes the weight comes off so gradually that people really don't notice. Usually if people haven't seen me for awhile, they will be able to tell I've lost weight.

Just to put this in perspective, one of my friends at work, who is probably about 150 lbs overweight, recently told me she lost 50lbs, AND I COULDN'T TELL! This made me more tolerant of others who don't compliment me on my loss.

quietstorm Tue, Mar-04-03 05:42

Don't feel bad, some people are more observant than others.
As to when people first noticed any change in me, I would say at the end of the first week. I was completely shocked

Lisa N Tue, Mar-04-03 05:51

Most people didn't start noticing until I hit about the 30 pound mark. There was one person that noticed when I had lost 10 pounds, but she is very observant about other things as well. As a matter of fact, she's the one who tipped me off that something was wrong before I started low carbing when she suddenly commented one day, "You're losing". I hopped on the scale and sure enough, I had dropped 10 pounds in a little over a week. Why? My blood sugar was out of control. After that, though, people didn't really notice until I hit the 30 pound mark.

KoKo Tue, Mar-04-03 06:10

Hi Gardensjoy, :)

Maybe people are not saying anything because they are afraid of embarrasing you, as if them saying "oh I think you have lost some weight" might be a statement that your weight had been an issue with them. I know that my sister in law is quite heavy and sometimes when it has been months since I have seen her I think she might have lost weight but I am not sure. A couple of times when I said to her that I thought she had lost weight I was wrong and felt really bad, although she is accepting of her body as it is - I felt bad because I thought maybe I had hurt her feelings. Unless I know someone is on a weight loss program, I don't comment on their weight because I think most people are so sensitive about it that I don't feel comfortable asking them, to me its a very personal thing. Maybe I'm weird though :o

amadeus431 Tue, Mar-04-03 06:49

I've also noticed that the people I'm closest to are the ones I least notice changes in weight on. The closer we are to people the more we connect on levels other than the most obvious. Does that make sense? We connect more on a spiritual level I guess. We have several ladies in our area who have had gastric bypass surgery. They've lost weight so fast that I wasn't sure whether they were trying to or whether they were sick.

Teuthis Tue, Mar-04-03 06:51

Most people are not terribly observant. And those first pounds, I think, tend to come off from all over, rather than anywhere specific. So the average person around you may not really see a significant impact at that point. It happened to me; 30 pounds and those who see me frequently couldn't tell. However, those people who see me only occasionally immediately remarked the loss.

So don't worry. The cerebrum is the most underused organ in our bodies. Most people spend 90% of their lives in a subconscious state, and wouldn't see a train until it was on them.
Keep up the good work!

Good Luck!

SiriusT Tue, Mar-04-03 06:56

I noticed this on my last Atkins try as well. I think the reason is that you don't get that gaunt dieting look on Atkins. On WW my face immediately gets drawn and pale. On Atkins, people ask if I've been skiing because I'm tan! :p

I do wonder if the weight comes off in different areas first on Atkins than on low calorie dieting. Anyone else notice this?


amadeus431 Tue, Mar-04-03 06:59

You could have a point there, Amy. Perhaps because we eat a higher level of fat on Atkins, we don't get that drawn look that the lowfat followers get.

SmallerMe Tue, Mar-04-03 07:05

I don't think it really becomes obvious until you start losing weight in your face and your face changes from being more round to more long. The face is what we all use to recognize and identify others. It is also what we see most clearly as it is unobstructed by clothing. If you face and neck haven't slendered down yet then that could be a key reason no one has noticed.

paradise Tue, Mar-04-03 07:33

I've been LCing since July 2002, no one that doesn't know that I've been LCing has mentioned anything either (twenty lbs. later)! So don't take it personally. I think, as other posters have mentioned, that if others have noticed, they don't want to say anything for fear of saying the wrong thing (like asking if someone's pregnant or when they're due). My husband knew of my weight loss, obviously, but it was really hammered home when he saw a picture of me eleven days into Induction vs. a picture five months later. You could really see it in my face. Keep up your good work gardensjoy!

lattegrl Tue, Mar-04-03 07:37

:D I NOTICED :D I check out stats all the time - NICE PROGRESS and you go girl! ;)

eva123 Tue, Mar-04-03 08:11

Hey Laurie

Just thought I'd drop by to, <b>first</b>, encourage you! Like you said, you are doing this for yourself
and <b>second</b>, well, I think there are so many different takes on this..
It is true that sometimes, people simply do not care... :mad: well, don't be afraid to hint that you suddenly feel good :D
Some may simply not be comfortable discussing weight issues with you. After all, think about this: are THESE people you discussed such things with before? :confused: well, there you go.
It is really awkward to go to someone, pay what you would qualify as a compliment, but in fact, hurt this person. :q:
Safe option: better keep the mouth shut and avoid problem.

Now, there ARE a few who definitely are simply jealous look good! and you know it by then. This is not vanity: it is there so it is pride for getting results on something you did yourself. :cheer:
it is not simply better or different looks.. you just look good.

Tell me I am right.... I know I am. If your clothes are slightly loser, why not treat yourself to a few new items in your wardrobe? That will also make a change... to you, your body and.. the world.

congratulations on your achievement and keep up the good spirit.

ciao :wave:

37-48Ford Tue, Mar-04-03 09:10

Me Either!
I know where you are coming from...I was so excited when the Ford Club had there Valentine's Dinner...I started LCing Nov 2.
I had just went on a trip at the end of Oct we these same people
at 202 pounds...I saw them again in Dec...even though I know I had a good weight loss...I thought OK well maybe not enough for anyone to notice...but then Valentines came around I went from
a size 22 pants (Not sure what size dress I wore then...Mumu?)
to a size 12 can't tell me there was not a difference.
But no one even said "Well you look good tonight" Go Figure...

I have to agree with everyone...I think they just don't want to bring up.

I Think Maylisa Hit The Nail On The Head When She Said---

Some people don't know whether or not you want them to notice. They may be afraid of hurting your feelings by calling attention to your weight. Sometimes the weight comes off so gradually that people really don't notice. Usually if people haven't seen me for awhile, they will be able to tell I've lost weight.

At least I keep telling myself that is how they feel anyway!

Keep Up The Great Work!!...
Julie :wave:

quietone Tue, Mar-04-03 09:14

There are probably several reasons...
as others have stated.

I noticed the last time I lost weight that no one said a word when I got off the first 20 pounds.

But when I lost the next 20, everyone noticed. But some people even then (the jealous ones, I think) didn't even mention a word. And I looked good too!

lpioch Tue, Mar-04-03 09:16

The clothes have a lot to do with it!
After years of yo yo dieting, I have learned a couple things:
(1) How to dress so the excess doesn't show
(2) How to purchase clothes that will take me through multiple sizes.

Given that, I hide added pounds, but make the lost pounds less noticable as well.

BUT...when I purchase a blouse or top that is less forgiving...BAM...I get the comments.

-- Loretta

Lessara Tue, Mar-04-03 11:31

I know what you mean, I had to lose 50 before anyone noticed it on me, and that was after I had bought new clothes.
Try that :)

gardensjoy Tue, Mar-04-03 11:32

Great info back... thanks!!
Wow and thanks everyone!!!!
I went to bed last night wondering what was the problem here.. thinking that maybe my body wasn't really "the kind" that was losing fat, just ... well I don't know ..27 pounds of water or something??? Then, I wole up this am to all your fun and informative comments!! Better than the tooth fairy arriving in the night!!!
I appreciate and love YOUR not noticing stories!! 70 pounds and no comments!!! Well... I think many of your suggestions and suspicions are right on... afraid to comment and be wrong, don't want to draw attention to my weight, and the brain just being on vacation most of the time.. ha!
Reminded me of my 10 year old daughter this morning as well... she was very upset (new for her) because some of her little hairs were fuzzing out around her braids and not 100% smoothly tucked in. It was the type of thing NO ONE in the universe would have noticed but her! I was tempted to laugh and scream, "Those tiny hairs??!! Heck, no one has noticed 27 1 pound boxes of butter disappearring off my body, so I doubt they will notice three microsocpic hairs on you!!!" I used restraint however and simply suggested that if she felt uncomfortable, she could redo the braids, although I saw nothing unusual about them and thought she looked wonderful, etc...
I think the idea of getting some new clothes will help, both me and my new "look". Am also waiting for the cooler weather to pass and also another 5 pounds or so as my old ones are still wearable and comfortable (being looser!). So, thanks for those helpful suggestions too...
and a BIG thanks to the person (sorry I don't know how to get back into the thread and retrieve your name while I'm responding), but you who said you read the stats on the forum and havee noticed!!! tee hee and thanks!!
OK Thanks again... I am now fine with no one noticing because it seems to be qute a common experience and not just me looking no different after all!

toofatyet Tue, Mar-04-03 12:31

different ways of noticing

A few years back a lady that worked for me lost 40 lbs. and I had not noticed. Somebody mentioned it to me and I couldn't believe it. He immediately took me in to see her and she did look different once it was pointed out to me.

A few thoughts:

1) I would never have said anything. Especially as a manager. I valued what was behind her eyes not on her hips, legs, belly or whereever.

2) Being that she was so incredibly superb at her job with a warm, loving personality and a staggering intellect, I never thought of her as overweight.

I also am extremely unobservant about looks. It takes something way outside the norm to get my attention. I mean way outside. I once dated a lady that was missing two fingers for a month before I noticed. If somebody that I don't know well were to part their hair on the other side of their head, I'd probably introduce myself. It makes it embarrasing when you hug the wrong wife, but that's another story.

However, I am more likely to recognize someone I know by the way they move. My boss has recently lost weight and gained muscle and it shows more in the way he walks and the way he carries himself.

So it could be that the changes you're going through haven't tripped whatever it is they have noticed. It could also be that they see you as a valued friend/colleague/whatever and more than a number on a scale.

And really, that's where you want to be. As your confidence grows, people like me will not know what it is that is different about you and it'll drive them nuts trying to figure it out.

Good job on the loss. Keep it up.

gkeenan Tue, Mar-04-03 12:48

You know, this happened to me also. I've gone from a size 24/26 to a size 12 and only 1 count them 1 person has made any comment on my size difference. It is difficult not to get recognition. I need it... :daze: lol. I'm not sure why people take this route, it would be nice if a friend said...boy you are looking great! It's just not the same when you say it to yourself.


vdub Tue, Mar-04-03 13:32

I lost 66 pounds before anyone noticed.

Isa Tue, Mar-04-03 13:51

You're doing great! Not only do I agree with everything everyone else has said here already, let me add that at some point it's important for you to acknowledge that you're doing this for YOU. Give yourself a big hug and a big high-five, and a TREAT! New lipstick? New shoes? New haircut? Celebrate your triumph with your very own victory parade! Wooohooooo!

Isa (cheering for you)

Arrow Tue, Mar-04-03 13:55

Well, what's predicable
Hi all,

Laurie, hate to be a wet blanket, but what may be going on is that many -- even most -- people like what is "predictable." Doesn't matter if it is good or bad, so long as it is predictable.

Change shakes their emotional foundations. When you pull their "fat person" rug out from under them, they feel less secure. They don't want things to change.

Alas, some of these people are the ones who will tell you, "Gosh, that diet you are on it insane ! It can't be good for you health ! "

Well, they really mean you well, and what will become "predictable" for them is a newer, more slender you. It'll just take some time before a healthier, more slender you, stops threatening their "predictable" world.

And, then someone will say -- amazing you and astonishing themselves -- "Gosh, you look great !" Then that will become what if pedictable.

red1cutie Tue, Mar-04-03 18:30

Congrats Laurie!!!! :Party: :Party: :Party: I am sure you look great. Keep up the amazing progress.

I guess that's a lesson that even a small compliment or just noticing makes a difference.


janny Tue, Mar-04-03 18:54

Being me I just let my husband tell everyone that I am eating him out of house and home and he can't figure out why I have lost so much weight. It was so cold from Jan and Feb that I am still wearing a heavy coat and this morning a sweater too. only-14 this morning but it wasn't long ago it dropped to -38 below here.
Jan :wave:

LindaC6724 Tue, Mar-04-03 19:25

I Agree with Pooch
Just keep up the good work and never mind the nay-sayers.

Keep your head up and your mind on your journey and keep it moving!

I refuse to sit around doing nothing about something only I can change.

quietone Wed, Mar-05-03 07:51

You're right, Arrow...
people are very uncomfortable with change.

One of the weirdest things the last time, was that the diet stopped all my aches and pains (haven't gotten to that point yet this time). Everyone was so used to me complaininig how much I hurt all the time, that they just didn't know how to act with me being so happy, pain-free and silent!

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