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orchidday Fri, Feb-07-03 09:38

Sign-up for one year of TDC!!
;) :p :) :D :rolleyes: :daze:

Hey Triple Digit Club Gang !!!!!!!

How are you all out there in low-carb land? Me....I am okay. I was feeling kinda nostalgic today. I went back and read some six month old posts from the TDC and realized how many people have just up and disappeared. I hope they are doing good wherever and whatever they are doing.

We all have a lot to lose here, and it sure can be a long road. So I was wondering, will anyone join me in making a one-year commitment to the forum - promising to keep posting and keep working at it no matter what? Then one year from now (February 7th, 2004) we will start a new thread - like a reunion thread!

So here is my commitment - I Cindi, otherwise known as Orchidday, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Cindi

liz175 Fri, Feb-07-03 09:54


I will join you in the same pledge. I am also saddened by the people who just disappear from this forum. I want to know what happened to them. I will not leave without telling you all why. If you don't mind, I will just copy your pledge and change the name:

I Liz, otherwise known as Liz175, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Liz

achio4444 Fri, Feb-07-03 20:56

Awesome Thread!
I am with you! I love this idea. I hate breaking commitments, so hopefully, this and my determination to get skinny will keep me here for the long haul.

Here goes:

I, Amy, otherwise known as achio4444, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Amy

Thanks for an awesome motivator!

Amy :)

Fantasia Sat, Feb-08-03 06:50

Just decided I would join the club. :)

It will be great to share the trip with some new friends.

I Fantasia, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Fantasia

UpTheHill Sat, Feb-08-03 08:04

I've made a commitment to myself to stick with CALP for a year, so I'm really glad to have the chance to sign up for a year of TDC.

I, Lynda, otherwise known as UpTheHill, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Lynda

I'm also counting on you all to be there to remind me that I feel so much healthier on CALP than I have on any other WOE, and if I start wandering off into poor eating habits it's just going to make me feel weak, sick, and crummy.

I made the following life decision back in November: I will write down everything I eat, every day. I will also weigh myself every day I am near my home scale and keep a computer record of my weight - regardless of whether I am dieting, maintaining, or off in the ditch. No judgement - just daily awareness.

For February and March, I made the commitment to do 10 jumping jacks and the Pilates modified beginner mat series every single day. I usually do get more exercise than that (since my dog is now trained to demand his 1/2 to 1 hour hill hike every day), and I'm increasing my Pilates ability, but my commitment is to be sure to do at least the minimum every day through March 31. (Then I'll re-evaluate and probably re-commit for 6 months.) I should be able to do this since I've only really committed to 5 min and 10 seconds worth of effort - all of which can be done in front of a TV.

Sometimes the next year seems like something huge and difficult to do. I want to lose about 100 lbs in that time and then move into maintaining my loss forever. But a year is going to pass no matter what, and the way I'm eating now feels like the way I really want to eat - instead of feeling like a diet. This morning, I had bacon cheeseburger green beans (ground beef, bacon, garlic, green beens, cheddar cheese - some days with sour cream) for breakfast! What am I going to do - quit this diet and go starve myself with a rice cake and lettuce leaf?

It sure feels better, though, going into this next year in the company of other people who's stats are a lot like my own, and hearing them be excited about the kind of things that lower weight people don't even think about. It's nice to know that other folks can understand the joy of one day noticing you can tie your shoes without your tum squeezing the breath out of you, and stuff like that.

It's going to be a good year for us.


RGale Sat, Feb-08-03 18:03

Me too!
I would be delighted to join, and hereby take the pledge:

I Ruth, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend -Ruth.

Thanks so much, Cindi, for starting this!

Star85 Sat, Feb-08-03 18:30

I Shannon , otherwise known as Star85 , promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times . Your friend - Shannon

Great Idea Cindy! This should help me stick with this WOL :)

calliope13 Sun, Feb-09-03 01:04

Newbie takes the pledge!
I'm a complete newbie with a LONG way to go. I figure the best way to get there will be with a little help from my friends ;) so here I am taking the pledge:

I, Donna , otherwise known as Calliope13 , promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and all others, at all times. Your friend - Donna

This was a totally fantastic idea Cindi!! :thup: Just what I needed to get going and keep going strong.

Donna :wave:

gapgirl420 Sun, Feb-09-03 11:52

I GAP, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - GAP

Great idea Cindi...


Carol CA Sun, Feb-09-03 14:19

I'm In!
Can you make room in here for one more?

I Carol, otherwise known as Carol CA, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Carol CA

What a great group!
regardless of whether I am dieting, maintaining, or off in the ditch. No judgement - just daily awareness.
Lynda... that was a powerhouse post... but this was especially meaningful to me. Sometimes when I have a bad day, I'm tempted to not log my food honestly. But that sort of feeling is born out of guilt, self-judgement and shame. I admit that I don't always post my sins in my journal... but I'm always honest with myself in my Fitday log. I like what you said: "No judgement. Just daily awareness." Being conscious and aware is so key. It was my unconsciousness that got me to where I am weightwise. I feel I'm fully awake now... and want to stay that way!
Good luck to all of us! :wave:

DWRolfe Sun, Feb-09-03 22:35

I'm in...
Great idea Cindi, my friend...And :thup: to everyone that has signed on to this thread thus far...

It's taken me a few days to get around to joining on with this thread, which has caused me to stop and analyze why... It seems really odd that I, forum cheerleader, would not have been on this from the get go. Yet something caused me to delay...

It's not that I don't intend to to continue LCing and living a healthy lifestyle. And I definately intend to be a member of this forum for another year because I take this very seriously and I love being a member and Moderator.

So I guess the real reason for the delay is my concern that I might somehow disappoint y'all if things fall apart...which also means that there's still a part of me that's waiting for the other shoe to drop as it has so many times and on so many diets in past.

But you know, I'm OK with that. Because it's when I get too confident...too sure of myself that I lose my focus. That's when it's fallen apart for me in the past. That's when I have let the carbs creep back in and take over. So I'm accepting that I still need to be really focused and that I'm not the master of this game. The carb monster :devil: lurks inside of me and I need the support of everyone here to keep me up on the precious LC wagon.


I Donald, otherwise known as DWRolfe, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.

Peace, love and good health to one and all. See you here for sure in 2004!

Donald :wave:

PoofieD Mon, Feb-10-03 09:08

Golly.. count me in!!
I agree. so many that I loved dearly.. and they are just gone.
I Nedra, Otherwise known as PoofieD, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.

what a great idea!!!!

Vel Mon, Feb-10-03 09:58

Me too, me too!
I really like this idea too!

I Tracy, otherwise known as Vel, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.

see you all around the forum :)

Anybody Mon, Feb-10-03 10:00

count me in for the long run.

I, Christopher, otherwise known as Anybody, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.


chemlady Mon, Feb-10-03 11:37

I can sympathize with all for those who were there at the beginning of my journey and now they are gone. Some with alot to lose some close to goal and some at goal. It will never be over for me even if this is and I hope the year I reach my goal. This a life long commitment to myself to eat healthier and take better care of myself.So therefore,

I Laurie, otherwise known as chemlady, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and bad. I promise to keep working the low carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this- I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people that have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.


kenny Mon, Feb-10-03 12:55

Count me in
I have only been LCing for 6 weeks but I can see no other way of eating for me. After this short time I am still ready to make a positive commitment. I want to see my kids grow up, get married and have kids of their own, but most of all I am doing this for me. I know I will win

I Kenny, always known as kenny, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and bad. I promise to keep working the low carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this- I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people that have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.


Julie Huck Mon, Feb-10-03 17:01

I'm hesitant to make this commitment for two reasons. First I'm a busy mom of 1 year old and a 4 year old as well as a wife of a husband who has had health problems lately. Life tends to shake me up when I'm not looking and I have to stop the computer for awhile. I need all the support here so I hope to stay here permanently. My second reason is that In the past I have failed by looking to far forward into the future. Right now I'm trying to put blinders on and concentrate a couple of weeks at a time. I'm sure all of you can relate to having a lot of weight to lose and facing a long journey in front of you. It tends to overwhelm me when I look at the entire monumental task that lays before me. So I've specifically made it a point to not plan. (I'm a born to plan things...doing them is another story) So hopefully you won't mind that I modified it slightly so that I could join you in your pledge.

I Julie promise to stay on the forum every day in good times and bad. I promise to keep working the low carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this- I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people that have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.

I hope this counts me in :)

Julie Huck

Netters Mon, Feb-10-03 18:13

I Nanette, a lurker here but frequent journal reader and poster, otherwise known as Nette or Netters to my friends which you all are, promise to stay on the forum for on full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. So help me God. Your friend - Nette

How many others have the same anniversary ... 02-10-03? I'll check and make you all my buddies.

If perchance I do die, I'll have my BH let you all know. Send flowers. Gardenias.

julienne Mon, Feb-10-03 20:08

hello, I am so very new to this whole forum and overwelmed by all the computer stuff,

but if I can figure this out I promise to be here for a year yadda yadda,

I am amazed at the postings I have read and hope to be able to contribute someday, for now please forgive me as I stumble through the attempts,

is this going to the whole group or just a reply to the last poster? oh my am I confused


Bamrak Mon, Feb-10-03 21:19

what can we lose :) as I was searching for an answer last night, I noticed so many people, most of whom appeared to be doing well, just vanished, so here is to them.

I Eric, otherwise known as Bamrak, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.

freydis Tue, Feb-11-03 11:12

I, Freydis, otherwise known as 4libros, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Freydis

Also, if something happens to me, my husband has agreed to come and tell you.

quikdeb Tue, Feb-11-03 16:47

Count me in, too. I think this is a great idea...

I, Deborah (Deb) otherwise known as quikdeb, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.


BigMamma12 Tue, Feb-11-03 17:23

Don't Forget Big Mamma!!!
Hi all, haven't been here in a few day's quite busy...But did not forget about ya'll.....I would love to join the group....what a great idea.... :eek:
I Celina...otherwise known as BigMamma promise to commit to this group for one year....I will continue to live and love the low-carb way and share all details with all that will listen. I know there will be day's that I mess up and just need some TLC from all of you very supportive people....I promise I will not just disappear without a notice to tell everyone what has happened. This really makes me feel more secure with getting to know and travell with everyone...Cheers :thup: Here's to a great, awesome low-carb year!!!!!!! :spin:

Lefty Liz Tue, Feb-11-03 22:27

Hey am I too late!!! I just stumbled on this thread and think it is a wonderful idea!!

orchidday, You are to be commended on such a Great thought!!

I had 100 pounds exactly to loose and only have 83 pounds to go. I have chosen Atkins because I know I must change my life style.

Here's my pledge......

I, Elizabeth, otherwise known as Lefty Liz, promise to committ to this extraodinary group for one full year. I promise to visit this thread on a very regular bases. I promise to stay true to this group in good times and in bad!! I will promise to continue to be as enthusiastic about low-carbing, in one-year as I am today! I will NOT just disappear without letting everyone know what I am doing or what has happened to me. I also promise to lead all posting on this forum with a strong and sincere heart!! I promise myself to be at my goal weight when we make the reunion thread!!!! :D

WOW!! I feel so energized now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper:

Began11903 Wed, Feb-12-03 00:42

I Elaine, otherwise known as Began11903, promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times. Your friend - Elaine

Spent the better part of today scouting around on this website, so much to read. Best to all us TDC'ers

orchidday Wed, Feb-12-03 20:04

:wave: :wave:

I just wanted to say how inspired I was by each and every post here. A year is a heck of a long time. So much can change in our lives over a year. I know that for myself, I have a long ugly history of being in every weight loss program known to humankind. And I have failed at every one for the same reason.

I screw it up or get bored or quit losing or whatever. Then I quit going to the meeting, doctor, clinic, or whatever it was. I know for myself, that getting out of touch is a big red flag !!!!! I want to change that. I want to be here and post no matter how good or how poorly I am doing. Because that is the only way I will ever make it to my goal weight.

Even now, I find myself not wanting to post when I have had a rough time or done less than perfectly. Everytime I post and go around and visit my friend's journals, when I have messed up or am feeling blah about this, makes me stronger and keeps me going.

Without this forum, I don't think I would have made it this far. And I know that I won't make it another whole year without it. It keeps me honest, and provides me with support, encouragement and a good kick in the ass when I need it! Thank you all for being here. When I can eek out the time I am going to send each person who made the commitment a list of the others who did so we can keep track of each other this next year.

February 7th, 2004 is closer than we think! Cindi :wave: :wave:

ConshyGirl Wed, Feb-12-03 22:06

If the train hasn't left the station yet...
Please count me in! I'm new and Shannon so kindly directed me to check out TDC and I'm glad I did!

I Ellie , otherwise known as ConshyGirl , promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.

I am looking forward to your friendship and support for the next year!

madcreek Thu, Feb-13-03 02:07

Exploring and found the spot . . .
After the feelings of abandonment this past week, I'm anxious to join this group! Lesson learned though. It caused me to explore further all of the wonderful tools we have here to help us succeed.

I Madi , otherwise known as madcreek , promise to stay on the forum for one full year in good times and in bad. I promise to keep working the low-carb lifestyle, even though I may run into a rough patch here and there. Should something happen in my life and I change my mind about all of this - I promise to come to the TDC and say goodbye (death precluding this) so the many people who have supported me know what became of me. Most of all, I promise to be genuine with myself and others, at all times.

I'll tell my sister to write ya'll if I can't be here due to my demise.

What a week it was!!! Thanks to all of you for being here! I felt like an orphan!

PattiK Thu, Feb-13-03 11:03

I too am very leary of making a committment to do something for a whole year regarding this WOL. I am afraid of failing yet again, and yet, I feel this is it. I never thought a 'support group' would work for me - and I really don't look at all of you as a 'support' group - with the connotation it brings. Those types of meetings were always framed in the knowledge that each person might leave at any time - especially after they reached their personal goals - they would be gone. Those types of meetings were not with a way of life as the goal, but they had a sort of 'temporary atmosphere'.

I tried various group type meetings - TOPS, WW, etc. - I never really felt a part of a group - and maybe that is my own fault. They required a lot of effort to go to a physical meeting every week and also there was risk in 'opening up' to strangers. I also didn't want more people to 'see' me fail yet again. I also didn't want to make friends and then lose them again - after investing of myself into others, which I do when I meet people, and endure more rejection. Rejection becomes a way of life with 100+ pounds to lose as you all know very well. To be successful, you must learn to live among the rejection and learn how to minimize it as much as possible.

After reading posts all week, I have not come across one post that was negative or judgmental in this group and I feel a safety here that I have never experienced before - not that I am expecting from anyone to provide to me anything - but, it is being given here - and freely and with sincerity - so, therefore, because of the wonderful things I have learned, and have seen here among the members, I am ready to risk the possible losses for the inevitable gains that making a committment to all of you will bring, so...

I, Patti, otherwise known as PattiK, promise to commit to this extraodinary group for one full year. I promise to visit this thread on a very regular basis. I promise to stay true to this group in good times and in bad!! I will promise to continue to be as enthusiastic about low-carbing, in one-year as I am today! I will NOT just disappear without letting everyone know what I am doing or what has happened to me. I also promise to post to this forum with sincerity.


freydis Thu, Feb-13-03 11:14

Yay, Patti!!! You did it!

We won't let you down. :wave:

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