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teachkids Wed, Jan-15-03 01:09

Any Israeli LCers out there?
Not sure where to post this one so I will put it here.

I hate to repeat what I have read is said over and over again but I must - this forum is amazing. I have been having such problems sticking to the LC diet and after finding this site - my mind just doesn't let me think carbs at all... Thanks everyone!

I am looking for more LCers that live in Israel. I haven't been able to find ANY LC stuff here in any of the stores and maybe someone out there can help me. I would love to make the faux bake mix or other things but don't know where to find soy powder or flax etc. The only thing I have found is soy flour. Health food stores just send me looking at protein bars etc but they all have sugar and tons of carbs.

Any suggestions? :confused:

freydis Wed, Jan-15-03 07:28

Soy flour is not a bad choice, if that's what you've got available. Ask at the health food store for some kind of natural laxative to replace the flaxseed oil/meal. As for bars, there is at least one recipe on this website that tells how to make a home version of a food bar. Good luck! I hope you manage to find what you need.

lkonzelman Wed, Jan-15-03 07:57

Hello -

My best friend is lcing and lives in Malvern, PA ... USA but is from Herzilya. She isn't on this forum though... she is not as obsessed as myself.

I missed the Henna but was there visiting for her wedding last March! We went to Eilat for the honeymoon! Great time!

I understand having a hard time lc ing in Isreal.... my gosh the food is great! I never had better olives or hummus in my life! In fact everyday at noonish while we were there my hubby (who isn't Jewish mind you) kept saying to us all "isn't it hummus time yet"???

wwdimmitt Wed, Jan-15-03 09:45

Yo, Teach!
As one who dwells in the hinterland of flyover country, I have some appreciation for what you are saying. We make a run to the city once a month to stock up on low carb food and supplements, and we are exploring using the internet to order some things.

But, the good news is that we have been more successful at this WOE because we have to plan and cook for ourselves, rather than relying upon ready made goodies, IMO.

There are great recipes on this site, and on the Atkins site, and we have two hard copy low carb recipes. Dr. Atkin's latest book and one other.

My wife has been marvelous in finding and adapting cheese cake, pie, cookie and ice cream recipes. And the only thing from the store has been soy flour and almond flour. You could make the almond flour yourself, if you can get the whole almonds. More important than the baking mixes is having lots of cream cheese, heavy cream, eggs, Splenda and the ability to cook.

She makes a dynamite pumpkin pie, with nut crust, and her biscotti are every bit as good as the ones with sugar and flour in them. All very low carb and also satisfying.

For those who can cook for themselves, I think that the bars and the bake mixes are actually a negative influence on successful LCing.


Keep on, keepn' on! :wave:

teachkids Thu, Jan-16-03 00:46

Thanks for the replies... truth is that I agree with all of you - it is better to do the cooking yourself than relying on ready made things. Some of the recipes that sound good do include things like bake mixes and stuff and I thought it would be much easier to have than having to buy (with 3 kids under the age of 2 1/2 anything is easier when it is ready made for you).

I will check out more possibilities before giving up the search and also try using almond flour and sticking with the soy.

JFYI - wwdimmitt, you live in my old neck of the woods - I was born and raised in Denver. Nothing is as beautiful as Colorado!

As far as Israeli food - yes it is amazing and I do miss humus loads but I was never really into falafel. But the real thing I miss is the AMAZING bread they have here - fresh everyday.

dannysk Tue, Mar-11-03 07:31

Yes, there is now. In J-m.

teachkids Mon, Mar-17-03 00:56

Hey danny - I am in Jerusalem as well.... I am on another LC group list and it seems there are more LCers out there as well. And I got some great advice as far as LC things here. But nothing like they have in the US.

Are you new to LCing or just to the list? Have you found any good LC products?

dannysk Tue, Mar-18-03 00:39

Just new to the list. I low carbed many years ago and recently.
It went much better before I discovered computer lists and bbds, I ate only food not lc "treats". The best quote I have found is "The road to hell is paved with good imitations".

Have you found protein powder and flax seed yet ?

there is a "kosher low carb" list with a bunch of Israelis on it.

Happy (lc) purim


mamasita Sat, May-24-03 01:10

Hi teach!!!
I'm from Hertzeliah!!!
I've got the recipe for Atkins bake mix, and I bought everything at the Nitan ha Dudevan, (you heard of it?)
I've been cooking low carb for months already, and my whole family enjoys it soo much...
I'll look it up and post for you...
Have fun :wave:

mamasita Sat, May-24-03 01:34

here's the recipe I promised you

i make my own bake mix- so much cheaper
1 cup soy flour
2 cups soy protien isolate
2 tablespoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons splenda
- mix and store in a container -same as the 'real stuff'
another recipe i have for this mix is esentially the same but you cut in 2 to 3 tablespoons of shortening- i got both of these from Carb-Lite.
servings 10, per serve 37 calories, 2gr fat, 3gr protien, 3gr carbs, 1gr dietary fiber, 969mg sodium. (these counts are w/out the shortening.
Happy cooking!

As I told you I bought everything in a Health food store...The isolate you have to look for it where they sell the stuff for the body builders...
Later :spin:

mamasita Sun, May-25-03 06:42

Saw that you checked out my journal... well to answer your questions...
I've been Lcing since Febuary, did Atkins, but it was really hard for me... I ate to much cheese, and all those sweets things you can make low carb, with heavy cream... well this wasn't good for me, I was too obsessed with food and sweets.
Oh my God I had these cravings!!!!
Well, I did it for a month and saw that it wasn't the way for me...
read Protein Power, and it did catch me either... but then I read Neanderthin, and that made more sense to me...
So I started, and I like it very much, but to tell you the truth...
sometimes it just takes a long time for your body to get used to this way of eating, and then all of a sudden you realize, that it's great. I'm not gonna tell you that sometimes i feel like eating chocolate or other things, but if i do, i eat so much less than i use to.
As I'm neanderthin, for munchies, I can eat nuts and dried fruit, but I've droped it as I've stalled... so I have salami, or cold meat,
or an egg...But with Atkins, you have so many choices...
If you go to the Dudevan place buy the things to make Atkins bake mix, so you can make some of the recipes they have, and look around there might be other things worth getting...
Let me know if you have any other questions, you have a journal?
I want to check it out...
Well, have a good week, talk to you soon,
:wave: mamasita

debmeg Tue, May-27-03 14:44

another jerusalemite...
Hi guys,

I'm also in Jerusalem (from England originally), and been LCing for over a year now. Did CAD for about 8 months and lost a lot of weight, then plateaud and coasted on it for another few months, then decided it was too easy to binge on it and I needed to keep losing so for the last 3 or 4 weeks I've started a more restricted diet - keeping carbs to under 60g a day, and sometimes less, and other than some challah on shabbat occasionally, all those carbs are from vegetables etc, not from 'real' carbs. And it's started working again... have lost 9lbs in the last few weeks, so I'm really happy.

Do any of you know addresses for health stores in Yerushalayim that stock stuff we could use? I've never seen any protein bars etc and I did take a look at shipping stuff in, but it was horrendously expensive. Also I was wondering whether it's kosher.

I tend to stick to pure foods - chicken, meat, eggs, cheese, fish and veg. At least the variety and cost of kosher meat and chicken is better here! I do get some of the lower carb cold meats as 'easy food' and there's a purple cabbage salad by shamir that's only 0.5g of carbs per 100g - put that with cold meats and you've got an instant and yummy meal.

Anyway, nice to see other Israelis on the board.

Layla tov le-kulam!


mamasita Sat, May-31-03 23:11

low carb things
Hi Debmeg:
I'm from Hertzeliah, so I don't know about stores in Jerusalem...
I'm sure they have a Nitzat Ha Dudevan there where you can get
Stuff for baking and I buy these little munchies, that are made with sesame seeds or sunflower seeds, they're only like 0.30gr
of carbs for piece and they're yummy :thup:
Well,have a good week!!!!
mamasita :wave:

jodi363 Mon, Sep-29-03 04:59

hi....Im new to this board, great to see that there are a few others out there from israel. I have been low carbing now for about 3 months and have lost about 15 pounds. I find it very diffcult to find low carb products here in Israel so 'm always searching for new recipes. Happy new year :wiggle:

debmeg Mon, Sep-29-03 05:08

Shana Tova to everyone, and here's to renewed commitment to low carb for the new year...

By the way, my sister found a good protein shake in Superpharm in Bet Shemesh. I haven't found it in Jerusalem yet, but it's called 'Protein Plus' and only has 5g of carbs per serving for the vanilla flavour. Only catch is it's horrendously expensive - about 279 shekel for a container that supposedly has about 15 servings...


evelyne Mon, Oct-06-03 05:30

I'm an other Israeli, Ramat-Gan located. I've seen on this board and on other the need for a group eating LC and Kosher (more or less). But no one seems ready to "pick up the flag". And we do need a place to meet, where we can find recipe for meatballs without cheese and so on.
Gmar Hatima Tova to all!

jodi363 Tue, Oct-07-03 15:19

shana tova all...
i was wondering if splenda is sold in israel or maybe it's under a different name? also, any low carb breads w/o sugar or fat? thanks....jodi

debmeg Tue, Oct-07-03 16:14

wish i did, to all of the above, but no, haven't seen any. I think you can get some varieties of diet RC cola that is sweetened with Splenda, but not all. And I haven't seen any low-carb breads. I did go into a health food shop in Jerusalem (on Emek Refaim) last week and saw that they had protein bars, and there's the shakes I mentioned above, but other than that, that's it. I've ordered some of the low carb tortillas online before, and they're quite good - they're also kosher. But it's expensive to get them delivered here, of course.

Shana Tova,


evelyne Tue, Oct-07-03 21:53

I think there is an equivalent in Israel to Slenda. It is called Sucra diet, it is based on sucralose. You can find it (although it's well hidden!) in all supermarkets, super-pharm and health stores, in diet products section. It comes in unit bags, like sweet' lo. It's not cheap. 10 shekels for a box of 25 bags. Also I use sometimes a sliced bread called 7 grains light bread by Angel. It has 4.4 g carbs. in it and 2.9g diet. fibers. Even if you don't substract the fibers, it's not a bad counting. I'm not sure if we're allowed to substract because I read somewhere that only in the States the fibers are listed separately.
Hag same'ach and low-carb sweet new year!

jodi363 Fri, Oct-10-03 05:56

thank you for your replies about splenda and the low carb bread...i'll keep on searching and let you all know what i find. im located in beer sheva where there is even a smaller selection than in some of the other cities but i guess i would be willing to travel to get some good stuff....chag sameach:)

goldie Wed, Oct-22-03 07:44

How exciting - I just found this board, and it's great to know that there are others in the forum with the same difficulties and interests. The GMC stores have a protein powder - I just looked and didn't buy - and I'm not sure if it was kosher. I think it was about 140 shekel. Does anyone take supplements? - the ones Atkins suggest or Eades? Do you buy them here?
How about a prize for the one who comes up with a substitute for pork rinds?


MyJourney Thu, Oct-23-03 07:08


I dont really keep kosher, but I am Israeli and I go to the kosher butcher at times to get Israeli products. I make my own tahina which is low carb. Also ptit crackers have 3.3g a cracker.

The kosher butcher here surprisingly has lots of low carb products from LC candy and cookies to muffins and rolls.

evelyne Fri, Oct-31-03 09:04

Shabat shalom,
I know that we are some Israelis on this list and/or on other lists. I was thinking we could perhaps unite once in a while and order stuff from the States. I would like for example to try the Keto cereal but the shipping is almost the price of the product.
Any comments?

Tofu eater Sat, Feb-21-04 09:22

More Israeli low carb products
Hi: I live in Mitzpe Ramon. My nearest big town is BeerSheva.
Here's what I have found:
In the supermarket: Sweet N Low Tablets..sold in 1000 tables in
a tall red tube. This has 0 carbs per 100 gr. A liquid low carb sweetner
is a Sucrazit by dietif (eng. translation), sold in a tall plastic
container. Telma makes a 0.5 carb per 100 ml parve whipping cream
that whips up great in 2 minutes (sold in a 250 ml container in the
refrigerator section.) The Marmalite company recently changed their
package design to bright red. Now making various flavors of "jello"
which I have not tried. They also make chocolate & vanilla puddings
and mousses. The carb counts are a little high for me, but I use 2
250 ml cups to their suggested one cup, mix according to directions
and fold in either 1/2 cup or a full container of whipped cream. I use
it either as a pudding...or I put 1/2 cup into a paper cup with an ice
cream stick and freeze it. It's my husband's favorite dessert...and it's
very low carb.

Don't forget tofu..also in refrigerator section; it's only .86 carbs per
ounce (35 grs). Also, pure cocoa powder, is low carb.

In the health food store I found: A soy milk made by an Israeli company
Zuriel in Eng....I buy the 1 percent without sugar. It's sweet because
it does have asolfime K (spelling??) which does not afford metabolism
and the box lists 0.5 carbs per 100 ml. Another product: Cavalier brand
chocolate. Sweetener is maltitol which also does not affect metabollism.
Per portion of 4 pieces, their label lists 6.5 grs of carbs.

Hope this helps. If you've found others, please let me know.

Tofu eater.

picaboo Fri, May-07-04 18:57

...Just to say "Shalom" to everyone here

monicat Thu, Jul-29-04 03:30

Rafi Ginat - you almost eat like atkins....
Last night Rafi Ginat on tv spoled against Atkins as if he was the enemy of all mankind - but from watching the diet he did - well - he made it, more or less, the Atkins's wat... but instead of eating only one portion of meat a day he chould have had much more and not be hungry at all... :lol:

dveykus Sat, Mar-12-05 13:40

israeli products
hi teachkids - i also had 3 kids in 2.5 yrs oldest is 3 and the baby is 6 mo.s...where in jlm?we just made aliya from the states with my 3rd 6 wks old a little in "yiush" cuz i feel like i cant do atkins in fed up with my body after 3 pregnancies (i even lost 20 lbs on it b4 this third but gained it back and then some with this pregnancy) a picky eater and cant eat plain cheese or most fish so my diets pretty boring - in the states they had all sorts of low carb breads and atkins mixes ( & low carb ice cream that was delish) that kept me on it, and its the only diet that works for me but its making me crazy that i cant find any of the ingredients to make stuff even if i COULD find the time!! (i have a low carb cookbook but it needs vital wheat gluten, wheat bran, soy protien powder, most of which -besides the gluten -i found at the dudevan Health food store but with NO hechsher (1 thing was with a rabbanut that i didnt know if i could trust, but the rest mamish no hechsher!)) i need chizuk if im ever gonna lose weight........???
giving up in jlm,

Westbrazil Mon, Mar-14-05 10:54


I am living in Germany at the moment, but have lived in Israel (TA) for two years (1999 to 2001). I am in the middle of deciding whether I want to go back to Israel or to the UK, where I have also lived for quite some time (just under 9 years).

I would have thought that especially in Israel an LC WOE would be quite easy. Depending on the style of LC you do, I guess. You have a whole range of protine sources, that are also low in fat, which would suit SB, such as the 1/2% fat Cottege chese, yoghurts etc. As for the bread, there used to be this chain of breadmakers (I think they are called Lechem Ha Aretz or something along those lines anyway) that make wholemeal bread. OK, comming from Germany I am used to different kind of wholemeal. I used to buy the German imported bread (Pumpernickel kind), which you get in any suppermarket.


Roma-girl Fri, Apr-01-05 15:20

Shalom le-koooooolam! :wave:

I had no idea there were any other Izzies out there! :lol:

Although I'm originally from the Netherlands, I have lived in Israel for over 30 years!

All you guys seem to be mostly in the central region while I'm in the extreme North: Etsbah ha-Galil.

I haven't really searched very hard for LC products, just working with 'real' food! But I do appreciate all the info you posted here and I'll certainly look for those things, hopefully before I get bored with what I'm eating now!

We don't keep 'kosher', so that's one less headache!

Anyway, just wanted to say Mah nishma! :lol:


LindaTadir Thu, Mar-16-06 05:37

New Israeli on South Beach diet
I'm looking for fellow dieters in Israel. Have a ton of questions about phase 1. Also want to know if anyone has an address of somewhere to buy splenda and stevia in Israel. :wave:

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