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b. sparky Mon, Dec-30-02 09:18

How will I stick to it this time?
I joined this site quite a while ago and was excited to find such a forum. But it wasn't long before I wasn't even trying to stay on the plan. I can't figure myself - I feel great on it, lose 5 pounds or so, feel like I could do it forever, and find myself right back where I started, eating all the carbs I want every day. I need a buddy. I have 25 to 30 pounds to lose and I can't stand the thought of going through another summer with it hanging out of my bathing suit. I want to start again, but I have started and failed so many times that I lose the desire to try . . . just to fail again. For those of you who have stuck to this and lost so much weight, I admire; but do any of you have children? I have three children and there are carbs in the house for them. Hoping to hear from a friend -

mkathy6 Mon, Dec-30-02 09:32

I have a lot more than you to lose and my motivation is me!!! I need to do this for me. I'm sick and tired of being fat and wearing shorts and t shirts at the beach and not being able to tuck a shirt in.

I have 3 kids and a husband with an extremely high metabolism (not an ounce of fat on him) so far my kids have inherited his build. I actually have alot of carbs in the house. I do make some changes like buying ice cream that they like but I won't eat, cookies that I won''t eat. etc...

You will find that after 4-5 days LCing you will start to not crave as many sweets and you won't go to pick up the snack that you can't have. Very important to have food you can eat in the house for the times that the munchies do set in.

It gets easier over time, I've only been doing it for 9 weeks, so far cheat free that includes Halloween, Thanksgiving and the 2 weeks of Christmas. I have lost 26 lbs so far, just a start but it is pretty easy once you get into it.

Good Luck!!!!!

Kathy :)

Lisa N Mon, Dec-30-02 09:34

Hi there, b. sparky!

I have two girls age 7 and 8 and at this point, they pretty much eat like I do for breakfast and dinner anyway. It never hurts to cut back on the amount of sugars and starches our kids eat and point them in the direction of more veggies, cheeses and other healthier snacks. It helps that they both love most veggies and cheeses. After doing this for going on 2 years, their carby snacks don't even really appeal to me anymore.
Sticking with it is mostly persistence. If you find yourself falling off the wagon for a meal, get right back on track again with the next meal; don't wait until the next day or week thinking "I already blew it, I might as well just enjoy myself for the day/week". We all blow it from time to time; those that are successful pick themselves up, dust themselves off and get right back to it again when they do.
If you're looking for a buddy, you can check the "Buddy Up" section in the journals area; it helps to have one or two people to keep you accountable. Keep can do this! :thup:

b. sparky Mon, Dec-30-02 11:45

Thanks for the feedback . . .
Thanks for chatting. I do sound whiny, I know. I guess I really need to learn how to get back up quickly. I do a really strict plan for a while, then slowly get off track. It isn't usually a big binge, but a little carb at a time that throws me because I think I can do it - but it takes me all the back. Then I am so discouraged it takes me forever to start over. The other trap that I struggle with is "forever" . . . i.e. how can I go forever without orange juice or my favorite multigrain, high fiber cereall? Once I am de-carbed, I don't crave it at all . . . but getting started is a challenge because of that kind of thinking, you know? I am willing to do less carbs with my kids, and need to purpose to do less of the things I love for them (my favorite chips, cookies, etc.) Correspondence helps - I know I need to see results and I'll be more motivated . . .

quietone Mon, Dec-30-02 12:04

I agree, Sparky

Getting "restarted" is the biggest problem for me too!

I have only one big kid (55 yrs old) and all the carbs I have in the house are bad for me. I know that after the first few days I will be fine, but it is getting through those first days with all this crap (I mean carb) in the house that gets me!

He is the original cookie monster, junk food junkie rolled into one...and not an ounce of fat. Not even around his heart. Which is good for him...not so good for me.

I have seriously considered going away for a few days, just so I can get away from all this food and get started on my diet! Pathetic isn't it?!

anyway, I was supposed to start the day after Christmas. I did. The day after the day after Christmas, I ended.

So, now I am supposed to start the day after New Years. We'll see.

quietone Mon, Dec-30-02 12:07

of course, according to my non-believer husband, if I had just been exercising this whole year that I have been trying to start back on low-carbing, I wouldn't need low carb. :mad: :p

DDMariana Mon, Dec-30-02 12:31

Hello B...

I wanted to respond to your statement about "never" having another bowl of cereal and doing without OJ "forever"... yes, you're right about that kind of thinking making this WOE very difficult. And I can relate. It wasn't until I started getting into LC'ing as a permanent decision that my thinking really changed.

First of all, you don't have THAT much to lose...It's only the induction that is sto strict, and that is for a good reason. Your body will go through a detox and will begin to metabolize in a different way...will start to burn FAT in the absence of CARBS.

But when you get going, there are plenty of foods that you can add in slowly, in small portions just to see what they do to you. If something doesn't bother you one way or another, then YOU are the one who makes that decision.

For example, I NEVER gave up my coffee, and decided from the beginning that if it really slowed me down, so be it. There are some things I'm not willing to adjust :rolleyes: . Eventually, when you get into maintenance, you can have your OJ and see whether it is a problem for you... you can enjoy a small bowl of cereal and see if you gain. That's where this WOE ends up eventually. You don't cut out major food groups forever as I used to think.

For now, start strong and strict so your body can get used to the plan. Stock your house with eggs, cheese, meats, salad stuff, dressings, etc. You can have WONDERFUL foods on this plan. REAL foods...there's nothing to miss, when you get on it and it becomes so satisfying.

I baked thousands of Christmas cookies this year and never even licked my fingers! Never tried even ONE of my favorite kind...I looked at them and the temptation just wasn't there. It's not willpower, it's that my tastes have changed, and my priorities as well.

Sorry this is so long...Good luck!! :wave:

b. sparky Mon, Dec-30-02 13:07

I have a skinny husband, too! And his favorite food is french fries! I was a skinny healthnut when I married him, but I have obviously conformed. The good thing is that I can fix foods we can both eat on this plan, which is not so with lowfat. He needs the protein, and then I just don't eat the potato (sometimes). But I would like to start over with you. We are going to New Year's Eve and New Year's Day parties, so January 2 works well for me too. What do you say? We can detox together. I really want to do this because there is heart disease and cancer in my history. People keep saying, well, you don't have that much to lose. But I might as well if I never lose it and gain like I have been the past few years. I keep telling myself I can't stay here, but then buy bigger clothes, time goes by, and I haven't succeeded. I really want to!

quietone Mon, Dec-30-02 14:34

Sure, sparky!
Let's do it together!

What's your plan of action? Mine is to go ahead with Atkins.

After I have hit ketosis, I will start weight training.

Do you have any goals? Or are you just taking it as it comes?

Oh, yes, I was on a modified low carb and the thinnest ever in my adult life when I met/married my husband. I also have heart disease on one side of my family. I know I am playing with fire, yet that doesn't seem to be enough motivation to stay healthy without yo-yoing.

b. sparky Mon, Dec-30-02 15:41

Here's my goals, quietone
I usually do Protein Power, which basically cuts carbs but allows fruits and veggies, which gives me the balance I need. I don't do much dairy, either, because doesn't agree with me. Anyway, it takes about 4 to 5 days of just protein and greens to detox. Then I add back my allowed fruits and veggies. Anyway, along with that I swim 3 to 4 days a week. If you are game for Jan. 2, then i'm with you! So let's chat! Good to have a buddy!

AmberinIN Mon, Dec-30-02 20:21

I just thought I'd put in my own strategy...I to have a husband who is a carb nut and not an ounce of fat, who said every time I'm tired, depressed, or anything else, that if I just did some exercise once in a while, I'd lose weight/be happy/energized/etc., and all the while, I was doing severe low fat/high carb and EXERCISING SIX DAYS A WEEK FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR!! :mad:

Anyway, I slowed down my exercise and started LCing in Feb. and it solved all of my problems that I complained about, and some that I didn't realize I had! Now, I'm the one listening to him complain about being hungry an hour after his huge plate of pasta and saying, well if you'd just stop your carb feasting and eat some meat...... :D

Well, my main point was about the incentive. I weight lift on M-W-F and cardio train T-Th. After doing this at 9:00 in the morning, I don't want to blow the effects of my good work. By the way, my kids are 10, 7, and 4, and I homeschool all of them, so you can't say that they keep you from your exercise routine! :p My family knows that my exercise time is sacred. I have them play computer and watch TV for the hour that I do my training. Trust me, their brains will not rot and they learn respect for your private time, which, no matter when and what you are doing, you should have anyway! Trust me, you'll feel better, and who wants to work up a sweat and feel the fat and water pouring off and the muscles building and then ruin all of that for a piece of what? Cake? Candy? You can have it anytime, plan it into a CAD meal if you can't deal with the separation. I, too, do CAD when I want to have a meal in particular, but I don't let it snowball into a week or monthlong binge.

Good luck on your choices! :wave: Amber

Bamalady74 Mon, Dec-30-02 20:21

reply to your request
I have absolutely the same goals as you it seems. I am wanting to lose at least 25 pounds before the summer. This is my second go at Adkins. I am doing much better this time. Please let me know if you would like to buddy up with me for support. I also have children. I have two boys 5 and 9. I never in my life have weighed this much and it makes me sick and sad.
Hollar at me sometime.
Bamalady74 :wave:

Shaneice Mon, Dec-30-02 22:32

Low carb buddy
Hey b.sparky!

I'm in the same boat as you. I just had to re-register on this site because it's been so long since I've visited. :p

I also get on a roll for a while and feel fabulous. I look better, feel better, sleep better, better mood and somehow I start letting the carbs in a little at a time and then I've just blown it! The longest I've gone is 86 days (just 4 days shy of my 90 day goal - I've already psycho-analyzed that one to death) :rolleyes:

Well, I'm starting again. Doing the ole January 1st thing and was happy to see your post. I'd love to have someone to chat with who has similar goals, height, weight, etc.

I need motivation to add exercise to my low-carbing. LC'ing does wonders for me I can't even imagine how much better I'd be if I could stick with an exercise routine.

Also......I have 2 kids, almost 4 and 5 1/2yrs, AND a tall, skinny husband....Sounds like a match. Also, Bamalady, AmberlinIN, and quietone....Let's get it going so we don't have to dread another summer :D


jlholmes Mon, Dec-30-02 22:57

buddy up!
I will say that I am here as your buddy! I feel the same way you do as far as getting bummed about what I cannot eat etc....but when I eat this way I feel sooo much better than I ever do otherwise. It is so strange why I go back and forth when I like myself so much better on this plan. Iknow I have deep rooted issues as to why I don't want to tell myself no....I always feel I am depriving myself when I know better on this plan because I get to eat such delicious, filling foods that leave me with no cravings. I am starting officially on Jan 2nd also, we have one more party to attend so after that I am going to take this seriously. Good luck to you and don't give up, you and others are an encouragement to so many just knowing we are in the same boat. Let's do it this time!
Happy New Year to you all,
Jessica Holmes

jlholmes Mon, Dec-30-02 23:00

Failed to mention, I have a husband who is from an entire family of big eating, skinny people.....who don't really do much in the way of exercise....they just all remain thin.....frustrating when I gain weight sooo easily. Well, just wanted to share that.....good idea someone mentioned buying cookies and icecream that you do not like. I think I will do that for sure!
Take care,

b. sparky Tue, Dec-31-02 07:53

thanks for all the buddies!

As for overanalyzing, haven't we all? I have a theory about falling off the LCing even though we are feeling better, sleeping better, looking better . . . there is a "rush" from carbs we just don't get from protein and veggies. There is a feeling of satisfaction in eating that isn't there when you are LCing. True, your cravings stop, and you feel great the rest of the day . . . but have a big emotional day, like PMS or an angry incident or stress? Even though we know it isn't good for us, we want to eat to feel better like we have in the past. So all of us buddies have to learn to talk to each other in times like that. Thin people do other things to cope with stress - exercies, go out with a friend, take a long, hot bath, pray, read your Bible, etc. Even if it is protein, we should probably learn to cope without eating! I think it is subconscious, really, to reach for the chocolate in the midst of a bad day! So, if anyone wants to be vulnerable like me, let me know what you think.

micsing Tue, Dec-31-02 15:21

My family and friends are my greatest tool!
:yay: :dazzle:

Shaneice Fri, Jan-03-03 19:35

Hey b.sparky!
So, did you start back up on Jan2? I just started today and decided to start a journal and just wanted to let you know that you can drop in and visit it any time.

You could start one too. It might help to type out stuff, especially when you're feeling vulnerable. I used to write mine out everyday in a journal but I think now I'll do this and it will help keep me in "the loop", it's a little like therapy to me :roll:

Best to you!

jlholmes Fri, Jan-03-03 21:13

Yes I did start on the 2nd and am quite pumped up about it! I am going to journal...just trying to figure out how all this works here. 2 cheat free days have left me feeling pretty good and I can't wait to see results. When I look at how much I need to lose it discourages me....but I know that even 10 lbs will have me feeling like a million bucks.
Thank You!.

quietone Mon, Jan-06-03 08:57

I got started on the 1st...
after lunch with Mom and Dad.

So far, so good!

DDMariana Sat, Jan-11-03 12:25

Jessica...10 pounds at a time is how you do this!! Don't look at the whole elephant at once, just one little piece at a time...

I started at a much higher weight than is posted on my stats...and I tracked myself in 10 pound goals. WOW, did that make the difference. Then you see the "under 200" mark, then you see "only ten more to go" and so on...

You also see yourself dropping sizes one at a time. Now THAT's a mind blower!! Stay on track, this is EASY and simple and piece of bread or dessert is tempting to me now...and I just got back from a 5 day cruise. Lost a pound...ate like a queen!

STAY the course...this is no diet. This is about better decisions in how you treat your foods and your body. Long term goals, one decision at a time.

You're doing GREAT!

Belle Sat, Jan-11-03 21:08

How I have resolved to stay on program
Hi, hope this helps. First off, you have tons of buddies here that will listen to you whenever you have to vent, ask questions, and tell us about any weight loss you experience that will happen to you. Next, how I resolve to eat healthy w/o carbs. I will take one meal at a time, one day at a time. Like today, I ate at golden corral for breakfast. I had no carbs. The cinnamon rolls looked so good, but I didn't have one, I was so proud of myself. Next, I came home from work and had a can of ham with mayo and onions. Tonight for supper, I had chicken with spaghetti sauce and sauteed vegetables covered with cheese. On the side I had a salad with ranch dressing. I have had my water and am still drinking. I love water now. So that is my philosophy. One meal, one day. Good luck. See you around the board sometime.
Belle :wave:

Lizebe Sun, Jan-12-03 20:09

I am new at this but I do have a question. I did Atkins for about 2 months before Christmas. I stopped at vacation etc. Wish I hadn't but hindsite is 20/20. I am definately ready to begin again, for life this time. My problem is that I totally burned out on eggs the last time. I used to be a cereal breakfast eater and the thought of eggs and more eggs for breakfast about turns my stomach. I used to love eggs but enough is enough. What do you all eat for breakfast???

jlholmes Sun, Jan-12-03 22:25

Hello all,I have been out of the loop(computer wise) for a couple of days....ARGGHH they make me crazy! But carb wise I am doing great. Forgot to go log in my new weight which just happens to be 5 lbs lighter and I feel so exilerated! My panty hose didn't cut off circulation today at church and to be quite honest, sporting my new haircut I looked down right cute!!!
Donna and Belle, thank you for the really helped me to persevere during a couple of days last week when the scale was not budging and I was being so faithful. TOM is upon me and I was moody, and yet real excited to not be craving the normal chocolate binge. Yahooo!!!
Marty, what I eat for breakfast is not always the whole big egg thing....sometimes if I am in a crunch time wise I have cold cuts and cheese. This is rare though as I really love the energy I get after I have a large breakfast of eggs and bacon....or sausage. Making a crustless Quiche is good for a change...packed with ingredients it dulls some of the egg flavor I think.
well, I hope you all have a wonderful week...thank you for being here....and please don't give up! I need you all!
Jessica are you doing?

DDMariana Sun, Jan-12-03 23:18

I really don't mind my regular two scrambled eggs in the morning...but I have been known to eat cold leftover ribs, last night's broccoli, or some turkey and cheese!

I just don't do the cereal...bad way to start the day. Even with the eggs, I try to add lots of butter and a veggie...a little spinach, crumbled bacon, etc. Make it a little different.

But there is a recipe for a mock danish that's ok with coffee :rolleyes: and there are some (after induction) LC muffins...but none of these should be a habit...just something to mix up the menu a bit!

Be creative and whatever you want for breakfast!! Steak and mushrooms sounds good to me...


kimberlina Mon, Jan-13-03 20:50

hi everyone!

sounds like you all are off to a great start!
this is the year that we get to our goals. :)

has anyone started an exercise program?
i am walking 3-4 times a week at the local highschool. its boring and dull, but its so vital~

speaking of bathing weekend my dh and boys and i are going to the BOAT show in cleveland. it always gets me pumped up for summer. who needs soft pretzels and fudge????????

anyhow....keep on keeping on!

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