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lowco Sun, Dec-08-02 16:13

Mon-fri Support:12.09.02to12.14.02

YOU CAN'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM YOURSELF!!!!!!!YOU NEED SUPPORT!!!ARE YOU GOING THROUGH TREATMENT ALONE? lets post and support each other make this board what it's supposed to be. Most dieters are carb addicts and they will be looking up our way off life. Carb adicts stop posting when they fall off track, i know i am one of them.

who is joining this weeks challenge?

Roxtheprty Sun, Dec-08-02 18:52

Count me in!!
Count me in!!

I'm all about taking the weight-- and keeping it-- off!! Finally I think I found something I can actually stick with... although I'm just ending day 2 for me!

I'd love to see some success stories to keep me motivated!

I'll keep checking in... I'm keeping an online journal here too... hopefully that will keep me in check.


BASpider Sun, Dec-08-02 19:46

I'm in
I posted to the other thread, but count me in, too.

Tomorrow is day 1 of my personal 21 day body change challenge. I can't quite think of a goal, though. 10 pound loss would be asking for the impossible, but that's what I think I'll shoot for.

nawchem Mon, Dec-09-02 01:32

I'm so glad you started this. So what is it going to entail? I'm enthused!

chocolate Mon, Dec-09-02 06:31

I'm here!! :wave:
Count me in!!!!

I'm not weighing anymore but I'd gladly post my menus...

Breakfast: coffee w/milk
Lunch: 1 slice pizza
Dinner: Probably green salad and a steak

How does that sound? Good?

Waiting for all of yours ....

have a great day

BASpider Mon, Dec-09-02 08:57

If lunch was your RM, where were your veggies?

I read in CALP that if you are stalled, add more CM veggies. Goes against all other "diets" which say to eat less. Might be why I like CALP. :)

chocolate Mon, Dec-09-02 09:10

There weren't any...
... cause unfortunately today my lunch was on the run in the true sense of the word ... I had to eat it while walking to work!! Would've been a bit hard to have eaten a salad in the same way!! :p

Tomorrow I'll definitely have that salad though!! Thank you Spider for taking notice!!! How are you doing? Did you check out my other thread? Do you watch calories?


nawchem Mon, Dec-09-02 14:36

so far
breakfast: mini cheese burger
lunch salad, with chicken and oil and vingar, gouda cheese
dinner(plan) spinach, a real cheeseburger, salad, cookies

my weight was up today and I've followed everything perfectly the last 2 days. Oh well, this is a slow process sometimes.

choc you barely eat anything, is that because of the calorie counting? congratulations on eating only a slice of pizza, don't think I've ever done that.

nawchem Mon, Dec-09-02 14:38

here are my weights so far for the week :143,142, 143.5, 142.5, 143
avg :142.8

BASpider Mon, Dec-09-02 17:39

My salads today have been celery sticks. Those will fit in almost any pocket.

I counted calories once and 'bout had a stroke!

DH decided we should start our Body Change last night. We did it, but - OUCH!!! My appetite has been way down today energy way up .... wonder if it has anything to do with it.

lowco Mon, Dec-09-02 18:11

hi guys,
so glad to read company.

today was not what i expected but i stayed on plan.

Baspider: i am in.....i'am going to do some form of excercise at least 5-6 days a week. i'll start weight's later.

most of my calories come from RM, cheese and fried chicken/eggs at CM. I need to lower fat at cm's and drink tea instead of coffee.

chocolate: You drink milk in your coffee( so do i, not daily), does it make you crave or hungry? I use full cream milk because it has a lower glycemic number.

B: 2 eggs fried with buter, cabbage and sweetpepper
L: RedBeans, turkey, cabbage, sweet peppers and fries( i plan to have beans at every RM, makes me go :o )
snack: 1 fried wing
snack: green tea with splenda
my RM was balanced( kinda). Beans to me are semi-vegg, lots of fiber :p

WHAt about WATER...........GUYS...........? I can't drink more than 8 classes a day. Have a great tomorrow

need2bthi2 Tue, Dec-10-02 02:12

:wave: :wave: Count me in :wave: :wave:

cm small tuna salad with lettuce and mayo

rm probably savoury mince and mixed salad
" " a few slices of high fibre bread

30 min at the gym

Roxtheprty Tue, Dec-10-02 05:40

In my journal...
Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been updating, but I've been putting all my info in my journal instead. I'm just starting CAD. Today is Day 4 for me... I definitely have to get better about my RMs but otherwise I've been doing well!


plum Tue, Dec-10-02 08:14

BASpider..... what is body change ? ( I could do with one of those :) ) Is it like Bfl or something ?

BASpider Tue, Dec-10-02 10:03

Plum, here's the url to the site that will explain it.

In the middle of the aerobics last night, we realized why we don't EVER go dancing. Talk about a couple of clutzes! I may cheat and practice while dh is at work.

Yesterday's meals:

B: boiled egg and piece of celery
L: boiled egg and piece of celery
D: Salad (lettuce, spinach (1 cup each) cauliflower, broccoli, 1/4 tomato, 2 tablespoons mayo (homemade) 2 hamburger patties, baked apple with cinnamon and a bit of splenda with cool whip on top.

Vitamins and 1 Percogesic for sore muscles.

tokenyanke Tue, Dec-10-02 11:31

I think I had better join in on this too! I have been trying to only have a sweet at RM 2-3 times a week, but I made Christmas cookies over the weekend and they are calling to me at RM's, so this will help me stay accountable!

Anyway... My CM's are easy... Breakfast is usually 2 egg salad made w/ mayo only. Lunch is salad with homemade dressing(mayo, olive oil, water and spices)and 3-4 oz of meat... (tuna or ground turkey, etc).

RM tonight will be a large salad, turkey, a spoon full of dressing, maybe some winter squash and a low carb veggie. Then instead of something sweet, I'll have toast with peanut butter and a little smidge of apple butter... funny, but I just love it!

I worked out this am to aerobics and if it doesn't start raining before lunch, I'll walk 25 minutes.


nawchem Tue, Dec-10-02 13:43

just a quick check-in
wt today 142

break: 2eggs, 2 bacon
lunch: cheeseburger, chicken salad
dinner(plan) spinach, wings, oh yeah I almost forgot and something sweet hmmm SEES CANDY!

nawchem Tue, Dec-10-02 19:05

well I just had the pigout of pigouts. so dinner has changed. I sit next to the kitchen and I've been smelling the leftover chinese food in there I made it 4 hours and then, I ate sweets for an entire hour. The weird thing is that I'm not overfull just sickened from too much sweetness.

man I'll be so bummed if this causes me to gain tomorrow but how could it not?

I'll probably not eat anything the rest of the day.

chocolate Wed, Dec-11-02 01:42

Hi there everyone!!!
Nancy: don't worry about it. You can't always be perfect!! Everyone crashes now and then. I don't really crash I rather fall flat on my face in the most undignified manner!! ;) And about the slice of pizza: I was on the run otherwise I would have had a salad too, but I must admit that after the first few days on cad the hunger just disappears. Last night for my CM I only managed to eat some veggies I just couldn't get any meat down :rolleyes: I know I should have but I just wasn't hungry, and this morning either. I had my coffee more to warm up than because of hunger or the need to get something into me....

Lowco: I use whatever's in the fridge for my coffee, milk or cream, but I use full cream milk basically for the taste. Low fat milk tastes like dishwater.... and no, I don't get hungry at all...

I've noticed that when people binge they often don't come back to the board for awhile ... I'd just like to say that I think that's the worst thing we can do, because it makes us feel doubly alone!! Let's remeber to come back here for support even if we are bingeing and are ashamed cause just maybe it'll help us get up and dust off that much faster!!! I know it works for me!!!!

Have a great CAD-DAY everyone!!!
Can you guys feel Christmas coming? :dazzle:
Goody goody goody I love Christmas!!!

lowco Wed, Dec-11-02 06:13

tuesday & wednesday
hi guys,

i feel so good. My mum said i looked like i lost some weight. It must be the excercise, cause my weight is the same. and i am doing only 2 days a week. The cellulite has decressed to. This is the first time i found motivation other than a drop of the scale :)

b:2 eggs
snack: tea with sweetner
RM: red beans, cabbage& peppers, sweet potato, backed chicken
d: turkey/minced chicken(small portions)

2 eggs with may0
sn: tea with sweetner
rm: soup
d:bar-b-q chicken

need to work on water intake

have a nice day guys:

tokenyanke Wed, Dec-11-02 06:48

Off to a good start today here... weight workout this am and will walk at lunchtime.

b/ 2 eggs/mayo
l/ 2 egg salad(w/ mayo only)
rm/ chicken
salad & low carb veggies
pecan pie-- small piece

Got it all planned ahead.... I tend to do better when I plan my day ahead.... when I know what I plan to have, I tend to stray less!

Have a great day, ya'll...

I'm excited for Christmas too! Totally love it... Wearing Santa hat and reindeer antlers with a blinking nose at work... :roll:

nawchem Wed, Dec-11-02 11:27

thanks for the encouragement choc. weighed in at 142.5, this was weigh-in day7 so my weight averaged 142.6 down a little!

so far today: decaf coffee, 1 sweetn low, 2 cream

still not hungry from yesterday, so why eat.

I'm getting in the christmas spirit too, makes me feel like a kid.

Have a great day everyone.

Merry Christmas! ( I wanted to be the first one to say it to you)!

tokenyanke Wed, Dec-11-02 11:52

Hey Nawchem,
I'm glad you're having a better day today! Keep it up... yesterday is now history...

nawchem Wed, Dec-11-02 19:18

today was my first day exercising in months(recovering from an injury). I did 2.7 miles on the treadmill at lunch. It was great, it sure increased my hunger.

Man there is candy and junkfood all over at work. Today I actually had a piece of sees candy in my hand, checked the box for carb content (I was hoping it would be less than 5carbs) and put it back.

I feel like I'm making progress, getting my thyroid checked on friday, hopefully I can restart my medication and that will get my weight loss going again.

nawchem Wed, Dec-11-02 21:02

todays food

9am: decaf coffee. 1sweetn low 2cream
10:30 cm: cheese burger (no bread)
6pm rm: chicken salad, cream of mushroom soup, chocolate

am totally stuffed and wondering, worrying whether I can even maintain my weight eating like this.

BASpider Wed, Dec-11-02 23:59

Weight's up, weight's down, I'm sticking to plan, but no real loss. Why? Cause I'm just restarting CALP and it takes time for the body to take notice.

Got an aerobic tape and we used it the second time tonight. I FREAKING HATE THOSE MOUTH BREATHING BOUNCING CUTIES. There, I feel better. Why on earth can't they tape the steps instead of showing faces and grins? I'm just not getting it. Most likely just too old to bounce anymore. I took an aerobic class 20 years ago; when I learned a step, they knew it was time to move on to a new step. My left feet have not improved. Only consolation is my husband is worse at it than I am.

Our next aerobic night, we're just jumping rope. Bet I get that down before he does. You oughta see him. :) Sweetest man in the world. He's not an athlete, never was, never will be.

Tomorrow's another day.

tokenyanke Thu, Dec-12-02 07:00

Hey BASpider,

Don't feel bad... My weight has stayed up steadily 2 lbs all week... so frustrating... but sooner or later it has to move and it had better be down!!! lol ;)

nawchem Thu, Dec-12-02 14:43

spider- you're never too old to bounce! Actually I like the hard steps because it distracts me from how tired and bored I am.

I'm totally disheartened after weighing in today at 144. I decided to just eat 20 carbs today and see what happens. I don't know maybe my thyroid is too low to lose weight right now.

lowco Thu, Dec-12-02 19:36

thursday & friday
hi guys.

had a good day today. Went to aerobics class. Tom came yesterday night. That explains the chocolate cravings i have been having. And i satisfied them :D And as i am eating the chocolate i am thinking " so what if i don't lose weight! If i maintain that would be even better."

b'1 egg
sn: 1 egg & tea with sweetner
L:sweet potato, red beans, coleslaw, fish........chocolate
3 chicken wings, 1 large cup of green tea

you guys are great support :wave:

BASpider Fri, Dec-13-02 00:18

Jump rope for 15 minutes and then did the weights. We've improved so much on both the jumping and the weights in just 5 days, I'm very pleased with myself and DH. We've increased the weights and are not as totally exhausted when we finished. The garage is now a gym. Bet the neighbor kids out there skateboarding wonder what the groans and grunts are about. HA!

Still on plan and no loss.

Keep up the good work everyone. I figure if I don't gain during the holidays it's as good as weight loss. I can do fine then there's a social thing and the plan goes up in smoke.

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