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SuNNy6 Fri, Nov-22-02 22:15

Let me introduce my big booty...
....well, for the time being anyways. My name is SuNNy, and I quit smoking two and a half years ago. I gained 55 pounds stuffing my face with ice cream on a daily basis, candy bars nightly and of course any kind of bread money can buy. My cholesteral is up of course, and I'm 42.

I have done it all...walking, riding, badmitten, everything and have managed only to stop gaining at least. I do about 1.5 to 2.5 hours of Yoga daily, which has kept me fit (fat but flexible) and I am back to lifting weights three times a week.

Last week when the AHA came out and declared that the Atkins diet may not be such a dangerous and bad thing at all I figure, what have I got to loose but a youknowwhatload of fat.

I really need you guys. I know these forums work. This is how I quit smoking. I can't do it alone.

Okay, so when the heck does this nagging dizzylike headache go away? Day four here. Yes, drinking a lot of water, eating about every 5-6 hours, 20 grams or less of carbs, no sugar, no fruit, no bread, no the print out right here and am really following the directions. Please make the pain stop someone!!!!

Talon Sat, Nov-23-02 06:29

Welcome! Quite a few people have some of the carb-withdraw symptoms you are experiencing for the firts 5-6 days. Sound like you are doing things right - my only question is are you taking a multi-vitamin? If not, I'd suggest start taking one ASAP, it could help with your dizziness. You also may want to take a look at our supplement forum, pottasium is a common thing LC'ers are low in since this diet is naturally diuretic. Just check the warnings on taking a potassium supplement if you have high blood pressure!

edie Sat, Nov-23-02 06:34

You sound like me!!
:daze: Gosh you sound just like me......gaining weight after quitting smoking.......eating instead , and nervous about trying Atkins until TV kinda gave it the OK . I am not only dizzy but cold hands and feet! Hopefully this will pass as I also am on only day 4 today. Well just had to reply here as I can relate, and I too hope to find strength,(ha ha), and advice here! :wave:

HerbNurse Sat, Nov-23-02 09:10


Glad to see you! Ah yes another non smoker. I quit over 20 years ago and kept the weight that I had gained on for almost that length of time.

At least you were smart to turn to a program of LCing to get the weight off as soon as possible.

I agree with Talon on the supplements and lots of water. I never had the dizziness that so many get on induction but I did have the massive carb withdrawal headaches, but they went away
after a few days.

I look forward to following your LC journey in your journal.


SuNNy6 Sat, Nov-23-02 09:49

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome. Day Five here and I feel my head is a little more clearn this morning....YAHOOOOOO!!!

I am doing the supplements today, and postassium is one I intend to bone up on in addition to calcium, flax seed oil, E, A, C and a multivitamin. Lots of water here.

Thanks again for the encouragment. I know this is going to work. I'm even going to buy the Lipostix to see if I am in fat burning phase yet.

macleay Sat, Nov-23-02 12:02

Good luck to you! I also am an ex-smoker. I quit about 10 years ago and am still blaming quitting for my weight gain! Actually, I've always had a weight problem and have been on so many diets--most of them unhealthy. I did Atkins the first time about 20 years ago and lost weight. But I didn't keep it up and gained it back and more.

Just like you, I saw the article about Atkins this week. The next day I started back. I can't believe how well it's gone so far. I had the new Atkins book from a short stint on it a couple of years ago. Now that we can eat salad and vegetables, I think I'm going to make it. Plus, when I first tried Atkins, there were not very many low carb prepared breads, etc, out there. I tried making my own from his recipe and it was awful.

I've lost 10 pounds since Tuesday. From what I'm reading elsewhere on the forum, I don't think most can expect to lose that much that quickly--I just have a LOT to lose and I guess it's probably mostly water weight. I'm averaging between 20-30 carbs daily and I'm using ketostix.

Keep up your exercising. I combine aerobic and strength training five days a week and have been doing that for 1-1/2 years. I think that will really help us as we lose the weight.

Anyway, I'm a newbie with you and wish you all the best!

SuNNy6 Sat, Dec-21-02 20:51

Hey ya'll...still here, still on induction and haven't lost much weight. Extremely faithful to the regime, but have discovered perhaps that candida is the culprit to my weight loss. Am on meds to get that under control. Have lost 6 pounds total BUT...BUTTT I have gone from a size 14 to a size 8. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! My body shape has changed dramatically; the bloating is going, going, gone, and of course the Yoga and weights are really converting fat into muscle.

Thanks everyone for your support and to the webmaster/mistress for such a groovy site. I expect when this yeast deal is cleared away from the ole intestines, I will see a little more weight loss, and then I'll be onto the next phase of Atkins.


Talon Sat, Dec-21-02 21:19

Good to hear about your positive results. What medicines are the doctors treating you with for the candida?

SuNNy6 Sun, Dec-22-02 00:12

A very intense 14 day treatment with Diflucan....three pills once per day, one every third day for a week, and then one a week for the remainder of the treatment. Stuff's expensive, but doctor says that I am "retaining yeast in the gut." Makes perfect sense when you think about making bread and mixing yeast with sugar in a warm cup of water....that's what's going on in my gut. We all have a little yeast in our bodies, and mix that with carbs and refined sugars in a nice dark place and I suppose it's just a haven for yeast. Also, it is suggested I cut back on yeasty foods like soy, mushrooms, cheeses, etc. for awhile until the candida is back under control. I guess one in three of us will produce yeast in this manner that leads to a number of problems...check out the list at the Atkins site, or in the book. Perhaps it's here too, I don't know really, but it is amazing that I had every symptom of someone with yeast overgrowth. Yuck!

shannonlea Sun, Dec-22-02 12:39

hello Sunny

shannonlea Sun, Dec-22-02 12:41

Welcome to the group!!! I have lost 10lbs and counting in 2weeks. I feel wonderful. I had terrible withdrawals also.. But you know what? I stuck to it and now am wonderful. This is a great site for support and if you want a buddy feel free to visit my journal or send me a message on here anytime. Take care and Happy holidays! :wave:

Elissa Mon, Dec-23-02 13:35

I recommend starting up smoking again, that keeps me from eating all the time. It sounds more dangerous to eat ALL of the stuff that you do than to smoke a few cigarettes. 170-120? How tall are you?? I'd like to get down to 120 too, wouldn't we all?

good luck!!!!!! :thup: :roll:

Talon Mon, Dec-23-02 13:40

I would not suggest starting up smoking again!

Elissa, most of us here are trying to get healthier - not get old bad habits back! :)

Elissa Mon, Dec-23-02 13:54

To each their own I guess. Die from smoking or excess food intake.
I was just letting you know what I do, not what you should do. I thought this was a place to share your stories and give people and idea of where you are at in life and what you do to try and keep the weight off. That's my method, probably not the best choice for everyone...but for some like me...yes.

Thanks! ;)

Lisa N Mon, Dec-23-02 14:35

Hi SuNNy!

Yup...those yeasties just love a dark warm place with lots of sugar to eat. All of us have some yeast in and on our bodies...they're all around us and for most it's not a problem. The problem comes in when the natural balance inside our bodies gets upset through antibiotics, infection or too much sugar and those yeasties take advantage of it and multiply like crazy. I had a big problem with yeast infections (at least once a month) until I got my blood sugar under control. Haven't had a single yeast infection in 19 months now. :thup:
Hope those meds get things under control! Diflucan is one of the better drugs out there for this.

Rosebud Mon, Dec-23-02 15:14

I thought this was a place to share your stories and give people and idea of where you are at in life and what you do to try and keep the weight off.

This is a low carb support forum, where we encourage each other not only to lose weight, but also to improve our health.

Recommending an extremely harmful habit such as smoking is not what we are about.


Elissa Mon, Dec-23-02 15:16

Please stop quoting me, it's getting really annoying. Loading yourselves with fat is not something I can do, I'll have a cigarette.
Once again, if you don't agree...don't do it.

edie Mon, Dec-23-02 16:27

Getting chilly in here!!! Yikes

SuNNy6 Tue, Dec-24-02 19:35

I know what it's like to rationalize insane behavior. I did it for years! If I could convince just one other person that my smoking wasn't hurting me, maybe I could believe it myself. Fact is the idea of the pain in trying to quit, and failing one more time, was unbearable and more troublesome to me in my sick mind than actually doing the action.

I had the priviledge of witnessing a close friend die from lung cancer this last summer. It was affirmation to me that I'd rather be overweight than out of control. The man had legs the size of tree trunks. He lost a considerable amount of weight, particularly muscle mass, when he did three rounds of chemo and stereographic radiation in about 18 months. His wife lost a great deal of weight from stress and worry. Soon after his last treatment he was hospitalized for about three days before he died. The lung cancer had so ravaged his muscle tissue that his once strong legs could no longer support his body weight. So, in essence, you are totally right and have a lot to look forward to if you think that smoking is going to keep the weight off. It will do that and a lot more for you and your loved ones -- permanently. :rolleyes:

To the rest of you that have offered your ongoing support, I thank you. I have lost 10 pounds and four dress sizes. I will remain on induction a little while longer before going to the OWL portion of Dr. Atkins program. This is the only food program that has worked for me, and I know the power of support networks and forums such as these.

I am very energized and am feeling better than I have in years! Doing weight training every other day and yoga every day that I am able to. Life is grand and everyone has something to offer, even the negative people that are caught up in their addictions. But for the Grace of God, there go I. :)

Peace to all!

Lisa N Tue, Dec-24-02 20:14

Thanks for sharing that, SuNNy...

I'm still in the process of struggling to quit myself and you have given me more motivation to keep on quitting until I am successful. Congrats on your successes so far...keep it up! :thup:

jedigddss Wed, Dec-25-02 12:08

Congratualtions Sunny! I started Atkins about 2 weeks before you and have also lost 2 dress sizes from a sz 16 to a sz 12. I never would have thought it possible to wiegh 180 and be a sz 12. Doesnt it feel good?!?! :thup: It is so encouraging to see your sucess! Thanks for sharing!
Have a great holiday :roll:

SuNNy6 Wed, Dec-25-02 15:25

Yea Lisa!!! I would love to support you in your decision to give up smoking. It took me four attemps over two years to give up smoking for good (God willing, it's been almost three years). Most people find success after attempting to quit several times, and many people find the aid of Nicotine Replacement Thearpy tools to be extremely helpful. You can do this!!!!

Jed, congratulations to you too...yes it is amazing that I could be 160 lbs. and a size 8. Is it possible? Yes, it is. I think Stevie Nicks said Dr. Atkins is a god among men. I think there may be some truth in that, and I look forward to watching him on Larry King Live on the 6th of January!

I see I started induction on November 19th, just a few days after my last <gasp> birthday. I think I will give it until the 19th of January before I move on to OWL. I will be looking for much encouragement as I am having "carb dreams." Yea, that's when you dream you have a relapse on brownies, fried rice and pastries all in one sitting, and you are confronted with the admission of truth and having to start over from day 1. :daze: :roll: :spin:

sholbeck Wed, Dec-25-02 20:23

the new girl
:wave: Hi...umm, I have no idea what I'm doing. Is this where I introduce myself?? I'm just starting.

Talon Wed, Dec-25-02 20:31

Hi Sholbeck! :wave:

In the Newbie's forum go to the Introduction section and start a new thread. But in advance, welcome to the forum and I'm glad you found us.

jedigddss Thu, Dec-26-02 10:26

LOL... my last "carb dream" was an entire chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (happened during PMS LOL) But, amazingly, I woke up quite satisfied!!!


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