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diget77 Tue, Nov-19-02 08:50

Diget's fighting the fat journal
I can't believe that I have been exercising for a month and a half now. Don't get me wrong, chasing my children around the house seemed like good exercise to me before. :roll:

I started out with 20 crunches and the 60 then sometimes 100. About a week ago I started doing 100 crunches in the morning and a min of 60 for the rest of the day. I then decided instead of sitting and watching tv with the kids, I walk around the house continuously and do stair steps during commercials. I find that I can do that for a total of 1 hour (2 shows, not in a row).

About 2 days ago I say a sight that showed some exercises for different body shapes. I have added leg lift cunches and a butt(pelvic) lift. I just rotated between the 2 10 reps of 10. :D So now I've done 100 of each this morning and am not feeling as tired as I even used to doing 20 crunches alone, but I can feel the burn. :daze:

I think this journal is going to help me keep on track, I really am doing well and sticking to this woe life and really want to help me get to my goal faster and make the toning later a bit easier.

Does anyone have any suggestions for "thunder thighs" and lower abs done in by have 2 boys, 13 months apart?

diget77 Wed, Nov-20-02 10:01

Day 2 of log...Day 36 of new woe
Well, yesterday I did my 100 leg lift/cruches and pelvic rock, I did the same today. I don't know if I can do the walking or the stairsteps because I am feeling under the weather. We'll see. Mabe I will get enough energy to do something more today.

diget77 Wed, Nov-20-02 15:08

Done a few stair steps, about 100 squats. and cleaning the house...laundry dishes, picking up clothes and toys. Feeling a little more energized. Hopefully tomorrow will bring more energy and exercise success.....

diget77 Thu, Nov-21-02 09:31

Day 3 Journal
well, dispite feeling like crap, I was able to pull off my 100 cruch/leg lifts and pelvic lift. we'll see how I'm feeling later. I have been a bit depressed lately. I'm finding that unlike in the beginning when I was losing on average of 5 pounds a week, I am now losing 1 #, stay the same for 3 days, then lose 1-2 #. I'm not too discouraged because I am losing....It just keeps putting my goal and the date I thought I could reach it by, later and later....Oh well...
At least I am the lightest I have been in 3 years. The other things that is dissappointing is that, although I have already lost 20#s, I still am wearing the same clothes...they are loose. I just thought that 20#s and 3-4inches in the waist would help me fit into a size small, atleast 1 size...not a chance. I am close, but they are still tight.
Any advice on this????

catspaw Thu, Nov-21-02 23:31


I'm new around here but not too new to the LC thing. Are you taking vitamins? I know that when I work out pretty hard (how do you do all those crunches? I am in awe) and forget the vitamins I get dragged down by tiredness.

Don't get too worried about the lack of size change- I've been in the same boat. You and I sound alike with the abs/thighs thanks to kids thing. If you find out how to fix that, let me know! ;)

Anyway, I think that with looser skin (at least I have this) I can fluctuate in dress size in a single day, just due to water, I guess. Over the course of three days, I have gone from 10s being tight to 8s being loose, and (unfortunately) vice versa. Very frustrating!

As you keep exercising I think you'll reshape, and it may come in one fell swoop.

You sound very motivated - I wish you all the best.

diget77 Sat, Nov-23-02 09:43

Well, I skipped any actual exercise activity. I did do things around the house. I started this morning with my ususal..
100 crunch/leg lifts with 50 pelvic lifts and 50 reverse pelvic lifts.

Tonight I am going to have a little ice cream cake...My son's 2nd birthday. Have a lot of running around today. I will try to get in some more exercise. I am excited to see some people who haven't seen me since I was 22 lbs heavier, although I wanted to wait to have them see me at Christmas, hopefully another 15-20lbs lighter. Maybe I will wear my bigger clothes and if they ask just say "I don't know, maybe I lost a little?" :doah:

diget77 Sun, Nov-24-02 10:06

Birthday Party Without an Eating Glitch
Well, believe it or not, but I went through the party and only had a couple finger licks of the fudgey frosting and of the ice cream of the ice cream cake. I couldn't believe it myself that I could have that kind of will power.
Made the mistake and told my mother in law that I lost 22lbs when she mentioned I looked pretty slim....she in turn went to everyone there and made loud announcements "Did you know that Dani lost 22lbs?" Oh well, it did make me feel good to realize that 22 lbs is a big deal. Yet, I was very embarrased.
Started today with the usual 100/50/50

catspaw Mon, Nov-25-02 03:28

Good for you!
Great job on avoiding the cake temptation! Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to resist as well as you. I succumbed to a cream puff with vanilla pudding filling the other night. :(

I would have been embarrassed by the loud announcements, too - but it IS a big amount and you ought to be proud of yourself!

Keep up the good work :wave:


diget77 Mon, Nov-25-02 10:11

So Much for Avoiding the cake!
Well, I broke down yesterday, the day after the party. I took several bites off the cake and even induldged in some fudgy frosting. Things are looking ok though. I gained 1 pound, but it is also that time for me and I have been known to fluctuate a bit.

I am going to be very busy today and have too much to think about that I probable won't get my crunches in until tonight.

Well, I have to get things prepped and ready for the day.

Catspaw...Don't give up! I have never done anything for more than a few weeks. I have been on this wol for over a month and a half. Just keep reminding yourself that you have lost wieght and you can continue to lose. Feel free to write me anytime if you need a helping hand! :wave:

catspaw Tue, Nov-26-02 23:17

Thanks for the post in my journal, it really brightened my day!

Now I can return the favor, don't sweat the small cake stuff. I've decided to think of these things as the inevitable potholes on the road to health. Hopefully fewer as I move down the road...

I was actually good all day yesterday, and am doing well today too. I'm pretty sure your message was a big part of my motivation. Amazing how much effect a kind word can have :) .

You hang in there too!

diget77 Mon, Dec-02-02 09:50

Made it through the Holiday with mostly flying Colors!
Well, I made it though. I didn't have time to do my crunches for almost a week. I did start up again today...100 as usual.

I did lose some weight over the holiday, then gained 1 pound back. I did fine over was my mothers pumpkin bread that did me in the last 2 days, I only had small pieces, but well worth it.

I am very excited today. I have been trying on old clothes. Some of my 12s were tight and some of my 10s were tight. I did try on other styles and found a pair of pants someone gave me that I never got a chance to wear. A size 10 and they fit perfectly. I have room in the waist and the hips are slightly snug.

This gives me great encouragement to keep on going.

Catspaw, I really hope that you are encouraged to keep going. I will if you will and soon we can put our success stories up. Hey, I even was happy to be in photos this holiday. Although not to my ideal weight and not quite at the half way point, I am looking and feeling better than I have in almost 3 years and I have 2 young boys to try and counter my attitude. :daze:

catspaw Mon, Dec-02-02 20:18

Good for you!
You're doing great as well! I'm glad you got a "new" pair of pants. It is encouraging, isn't it?

I'm in the military, stationed in Japan with my family back in the DC area. I'll be solo until next April. I absolutely hate being away from them, which is causing a lot of my problem keeping on track. On the other hand, that's what gives me the spare time to be able to post here and do so much exercising at the gym. :spin:

I have a great kid-participation exercise you might want to try before they get too big. I call them Jimmy-ups, although unless your son is named Jimmy that probably wouldn't makes sense for you. ;)

Anyway, lie on your back with your legs curled up so your quads are touching your chest. Small son gets on your legs below the knees and wraps his arms and legs under your calves, like he's lying down on a really skinny horse. You hold his shoulders (to keep him from falling onto your head when you start) and do leg-lifts- lifting your feet up without moving your upper legs.

It's fun for everybody. The only problems is they want you to do WAY TOO MANY. Now that my son is almost 60 pounds, the most I can do is about 20. :p

Keep going! I, too am looking forward to posting our success stories. :wave:

catspaw Mon, Dec-02-02 22:13

There are days when I think the time is flying by, and days when it crawls. Usually the days when time is flying are the days when I was supposed to do something and realized I hadn't done it!

Wait until the kids get old enough to cook - then they do things like bake ginger snaps (my favorite cookie) and present them to you as a treat. :( My daughter makes the best ones I've ever eaten...

Running after 2 kids under 3 years old is plenty of exercise - who needs a gym?

diget77 Tue, Dec-03-02 09:20

well, yesterday ended up being good for me. I went down the hill to do some running around. And boy it was a workout....dashing around all those people, pushing a cart with a 50lb bag of dog food and 2 children wieghing a total of 40 lbs.

I did get my crunches in this morning. I have a lot of house work to get done this morning, so I can start on the other things.

Hopefully, I can get down a few more pounds quick. My husbands Christmas Party is on the 14th. Not a lot of time and I definetly won't be at the weight I wanted to be at for the party...but maybe the weight I losed will be very noticable anyway.

His boss' wife and I always talk about the weight we should have, could have, would have losed, anytime we get to gether. I wanted to suprise her. Anyway, so much to little time!

diget77 Sat, Dec-07-02 10:35

Gosh, been awhile since I have written...
Didn't do any crunches until today and then only 80.

Funny, I thought chasing the kids around counted as exercise...not enough I guess. Have stayed even at 138 for 4 days now. I ususally bounce at 3 day same...lose 2 lbs.

I'm not quite where I wanted to be by Christmas time, but am happy. I guess I had losed so quickly early on that I thought I could continue to lose so fast....Atleat I have losed..

I now am in my size 10s and am feeling good. They may be a bit snug, but atleast I can get into them. I remember just 2 1/2 3 months ago when I had atleast 6 inches before I could button the size 12s and couldn't get the 10s past my thighs and rear. Now it's the 8s I can't quite get up, but give me a couple months...I'm hoping to be down to my goal by Valentine's day. I have tons of I would be set for a long time if I can get into them.

I appreciate your support catspaw. It has been nice to beable to share my struggles and successes with you.

diget77 Mon, Dec-09-02 13:47

Well, did 80 crunches 2 days ago, and 60 didn't feel like it..gained a couple pounds...
I know that that is more reason to exercise more..but I am doing a lot of work around the house. I got the couch completely vacuumed and washed out the spots from the kids.
Still have a lot of house work to do today. Trying to keep myself busy and distracted.
Christmas party on Sunday....about 10lbs more than I wanted to be for the party but still feel ok about it, I guess...

diget77 Wed, Dec-11-02 09:19

Gosh, I don't know why, but I seem to have lost my modivation to do my crunches. I have been very busy around the house, but could still do them first thing in the morning...
I should...I guess I am finding that I am not losing any faster when I am doing them as compared to when I don't do them.
Well, I will try to get more done today. I have lost my primary support lines. First my mother decided to hold off sarting this woe until after the holidays, now she's moving over 16 hours away. My husband thinks it's great that I'm losing, but doesn't seem to throw any words of encouragment my way. Only a few more pounds and I will finally weigh less than him. He weighed in at 134-135. Makes me sick, he's a tall skinny rail. Funny how a few inches of height can make the same weight look so very different.

Well, I give myself a :thdown: for not keeping up with my exercise, but a :thup: for recognizing it and being determined to change it this moment!

diget77 Wed, Dec-11-02 11:40

well I did it...100 leg lift/crunches, pelvic lift
some reason I'm not feeling good. Not hungry and yet I am, but feel that is I eat I may be sick. I don't know. I know I need to eat and to cut back on my calories. I am doing great with my carbs, just been taking in way too many cals esp when I make my cheesecake fill for a snack...highly caloric. Not too bad when I divide it up, only lately I have been chowen down on it.

diget77 Thu, Dec-12-02 09:31

Feeling good today
I don't know what's different...Got up, got myself going. I did my 100 leg/crunches. I also combined them with my pelvic lift and reverse lift. I also did some are lifts and some side step jumps.
I guess I am trying to lose that extra pound or two more before Sunday's christmas party.
I was almost able to get into some slinky sleep wear that I used to wear...Progress (onlly chest hasn't gotten the hint after having kids...hard to get those down)
Been weighing self everyday, measuring basics every Sunday, and measuring everything every 2 -3 weeks. Next full measurement is on Christmas day...can't wait to post the results.

Today is my 2 month point. I started 162 (higher end of fluctuating weight) and am now at 135 (almost as much as my hubby - 134 his weight). It's nice to know that I'm almost half way there. I went to fitday and figured out that I can reach my goal by Vanlentines day which would make my total weight loss time of 4 months, only needing to lose 3 pounds a week. I figure that isn't too bad and I think I can do it....

My wish is to beable to put a success picture and story up for Valentine's Day!!! This is alot more realistic than my original goal when I started...I had "dreamed" of being at 125 for Christmas...but I am still happy. Infact, I never thought I could be this happy over 135.

It's still hard....for some reason I still see myself as "larger"... I know some people have noticed my loss, but I don't see it as much as others...acording to others, my face is what really has thinned out. Well, I think that's it for today...feel good to get my feelings out. :spin:

catspaw Sun, Dec-15-02 21:18


Well, while I was being naughty in Australia, you were dropping 2 more pounds! I must say, yours was the better plan. How was the Christmas party? Was the boss' wife surprised? I hope you got lots of good comments - those always help, and you deserve them.

I know what you mean about not seeing much difference, but you have to remember that you see yourself all the time and so the loss isn't as noticeable to you. And after almost 30 pounds, you better believe there's more than just your face that is thinner!

I think you are doing great, and I can't wait to see your success pix at Valentine's day. Sorry to hear your support system has developed a few snags, but you've got the board! Have you tried telling your DH that a few words of encouragement go a long way?

Anyway, wanted to check in with you. Keep up the good work! :wave:

diget77 Mon, Dec-16-02 09:14

Well Christmas Party went great. I have slacked off a bit on my crunches. I walk several miles the other day ( disneyland and cal adventure...then walk to parking structure). That was enough to exhaust me for a couple days...also haven't been feeling 100%.

I have stalled a bit...more than I have in the past...thought about trying a very low low carb day for a couple days...maybe no more than 10...we'll see.

Hopefully I can post some more pounds gone soon

diget77 Mon, Dec-16-02 14:28

So much for the 10 carb idea...already noon and at about 14 or 16 carbs. Not too bad though, maybe I'll stay under 20...have been kind of sick so I hope that helps extra carb issue. The boys are sick too...Well, we'll see what happens tomorrow...I hope to be feeling well enough to do my crunches stomach just can't handle crunching right now...

LittleAnne Tue, Dec-17-02 02:46

Hi Diget

Its your birthday today. I hope that you have a wonderful time.

catspaw Wed, Dec-18-02 01:24

Argh! I almost missed it!

Happy Birthday!!!!!

I wish you all the best, although I bet I could guess your wish when you blow the candles out on your low-carb cheesecake...

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

diget77 Wed, Dec-18-02 09:44

Well I blew it...My hubby wanted me to treat myself. I had a small piece of apple pie and 1/2 scoop oce cream. I had also had a few pieces of an onion log earlier. So far damage not too bad...I hope it stays that way tomorrow...only gained 1/2 to 1 pound. I have been feeling awful though. I have a head cold and the kids are filling diapers a min of 1 time and hour each at times

I probably won't be excersing much until after the holiday.
Thank you so much for the B-day wishes!!!!
And yes, I did make a good wish!!!

diget77 Sat, Jan-04-03 12:53

well the holidays have provided me with strength. I got really sick with the flu. Fastest 4 lbs I ever lost. Although I did gain back because I actually ate something, only gained 1 pound back. I have proven to myself that I will beable to eat all of my favorite foods in moderation. I have been treating myself because of the holiday and although haven't truely continued to lose weight, I haven't gained.
I can't believe that I am almost down to the weight on my drivers license. Amazing. I also now weigh less then my hubby! I can't believe how far I have come in such a short time. I know that I have a way to go, but I finally have gotten past the half way point. There is no turning back and no stopping me now. I have found that I have before pics out there of me, things that I wish I didn't have to look at. I guess I never realized how big I had gotten. I will begin my exercise habits again soon.

I am posting my weight a bit higher than it really is, that way if I actually gain 1 or 2 back, I won't feel so bad :p

Catspaw, I hope your holidays went well for you and that visiting your family was wonderful :-)

catspaw Sat, Jan-04-03 21:53


Sorry you had the flu - that is no fun at all. You're doing great on the weight, though- congratulations!

It was fun at home, really. One of the benefits of a 4 month separation is that my husband really noticed the change in my weight and muscles. Now if I can just get him to try the diet!

This part in Japan is less than 3 months, so the worst is over. We're going to vacation for a week in April, and I really want to be down by then.

We are going to do fine, you and I! :roll:

diget77 Mon, Jan-06-03 08:53

Back on track
Well I did it, back on the exercise track that is. I did 80 leg lift/crunches yesterday and 100 first thing this morning.
I wasn't surprised that I didn't lose anything today because my sister in law made the most wonderful dinner rolls over christmas and I got the recipe and made some last night. I am happy I didn't gain though. I really need to go back to watching everthing I eat again. I have been so bad over the holidays. I was cautious not to over do it, but not enough to say no the whole time.

My husband is sure noticing the difference, and and can sure tell by his reactions to me now. It's nice to get looked at like "that" again.

I thought I would post my inches lost...was looking at them yesterday and was simply amazed at what is no longer there!

I'm not posting the most detailed....
Start 10/15/02 of atkins.....first measurements 10/20/02 after 6lbs lost

Bust - 42
waist - 36
hip - 43
rear - 41.5
thighs (held together) - 38.5

As of 1/5/03

Bust - 37
Waist - 29
Hip - 36
Rear - 37
Thighs - 34

Difference of....
Bust - 5in
Waist - 7in
Hip - 7in
Rear - 4.5in
Thighs - 4.5in

Grand Total - 28 inches and 32lbs YIPEEEEEEEE :Party:

Only 23lbs at most to go.....we'll see I may be happy with being in the teens...I am just going with the height/weight chart!

catspaw Mon, Jan-06-03 19:06

Good for you!
Wow- your results are absolutely amazing!!! :dazzle:

You are doing so well, I am sure you are going to make it to your goal. I better get working to be able to keep up with you! :p

On people of our height, 30 pounds is a huge difference. No wonder your DH is giving you the eye again. ;)

diget77 Tue, Jan-07-03 09:13

Well, did my 100 regulars. I almost thought I wouldn't do them today, but then my mind went to all the tv shows that have been focusing on broken new years resolutions....and how with anything "You make your mind up Not to do something" and "You make excusses why" why not just do it and get it done with instead of saying not today. So I figured I should. By the time I convince myself not to do the crunches, I could have finished them and feeling the effects of the quick workout.

I really need to start carb counting again. I caught myself eating all sorts of stuff yesterday...all the no nos. But atleast I now that I can transition back when I get down to my goal!

I need to start thinking about other exercises. I bought some rubber band things and have been tieing them around my legs then putting thighs together, then pull apart. Similar to that thigh master exercise. I don't even keep track of how long, just do it while I am watching tv. I hope this helps. I have always had "thunder thighs" even when I was small.

Maybe if anyone has any advice on how to correct or disguise large could write in reply for me.

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