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RCFletcher Wed, Nov-13-02 14:53

Why not go and visit the nice turtles?
Hi everyone!

I've noticed some sections of this board are more active than others. A question in the newbies questions section gets a flood of replies at once. Questions here are soon answered...but the poor turtles :( .

I just posted a question inm the turtles club section and was amazed to see cries for help which had never had one one case even though 53 people had viewed it :confused:

Come on boys and girls, you're probably doing OK on this WOE. How about visiting the turtle club and helping out some of your brethern who are not doing so well :thup:

I know you've got it in you...


tofi Wed, Nov-13-02 17:22

Thank you for posting this Robert. Everyone is so busy, this has slipped under the radar. Will try to remedy that. (It is possible that the turtles post the same questions in other forums and DO get replies.)


fridayeyes Wed, Nov-13-02 20:32

Oh, bad, bad Friday! *Friday gives herself a sharp smack on the behind*

I read the title of this post and the only 'turtle' I could think of was the caramel and pecan kind dipped in chocolate.....

No visiting those til Christmas for me!



P.S. Hrm, even when I first came here, I never, ever posted in Newbies. LC it what you might call a 'three-peat' for me, so I guess I never thought I was one. :)

SlimShAdY Thu, Nov-14-02 22:48

Re: Why not go and visit the nice turtles?
Why not go and visit the nice turtles?

Cause turtles smell, they're not nice; they snap and they're ugly..... lol :D (lol the animal, no offense to any "turtleppl" here)

I noticed that too though, seems like the other forms are slower, and ya don't get as many responses unless you ask in General Low Carb or the Atkins Forum. I've seen a few of the "read 100 times" but nobody answers, and it could be a newbie with the simplist question. (Simple for the regs) I think that sucks. :rolleyes:

I could be wrong, but it seems like this board is slower lately too..But I haven't been on much either. =/ :confused:

RCFletcher Fri, Nov-15-02 01:16

Well, I'm sure I sometimes smell, I wouldn't call myself nice, I certainly snap - not sure if I'm ugly though. I just asked my patner - the answer was no! So I'm only a turtle in the sense that I don't lose weight fast.

Obviously if your doing just fine you don't visit a part of the board occupied by people with problems - unless you're either a very nice person who is confident and wise enough to dish out help or if you're just trying to getr that extra bit of chicken up on the left hand side!

Some of the questions which go unanswered have a definite medical content and people don't feel comfortable answering them.

My question in the turtle section received lots of replies - especially after this thread appeared. God bless Rosebud and the other regulars that's what I say! I think the board is just fine - people join - people lose interest - such is life.


Kristine Fri, Nov-15-02 21:22

:confused: My only reason for not visiting the turtles is that I decided that my 'plateau' is, in fact, my new goal weight. :lol: I adjusted my stats accordingly. So I guess I chickened out.

I promise, I'll start reading the turtle forum! :D

DDMariana Sat, Nov-16-02 10:56

Coming from a Turtle... great idea!

I have stopped posting over there myself, because to me, it was a downer somewhat. But now that my attitude has improved, I think maybe I can motivate someone on that forum, and hear some stories that can keep me going. It's VERY frustrating to lose so slowly...


Shark01 Sat, Nov-16-02 11:32

I'll be honest and say the reason I don't visit that forum is that my perception is that "turtles" aren't doing all they can to lose weight, and that losing weight is way down on their pripority list. I'm doing all kinds of things to keep from stalling out such as:

weight training
low cal/low fat

If you've ever heard the expression "if you want to get smarter, hang out with intelligent friends" that's where I'm coming from. There are people here doing amazing things, and those are the people I can best learn from.

If they ever come up with a "hares" forum, that's where I'll be :lol:

Natrushka Sat, Nov-16-02 15:05

How can one have a 'perception' of a forum and those who frequent it if they admit they do not visit there?

If you've ever heard the expression "if you want to get smarter, hang out with intelligent friends" that's where I'm coming from.
Kinda reminds me of the one that goes "if you want to seem more sensitive and compasionate hang out with the tactless and uncaring."


RCFletcher Sun, Nov-17-02 02:39

I'll be honest and say the reason I don't visit that forum is that my perception is that "turtles" aren't doing all they can to lose weight, and that losing weight is way down on their pripority list.

I think this is rather cruel and uncalled for. If you think you've got all the answers then visiting the turtles and making suggestions is where you should be. I'll bet you've had enough help from other people in the past - not least from the people who pioneered low carbing and wrote all the books on it.

Some of your ideas are not generally advised i.e. fasting and low carb - low fat. Although of course the excercise is fine.

I have lost 44lbs but now my weight loss has slowed right down. It is natural to go to a part of the forum where one can get advice on what to do about it.

As for:
if you want to get smarter, hang out with intelligent friends

I am an academic, a teacher trainer and a linguist. I am the pricipal of a large school with 2,400 students and 40 teachers. I speak four languages fluently and publish articles in academic journals. Most people would admit I'm quite bright! I'm also overweight. Brains and a slim figure don't always go together!

Also you can see my postings all over this site.


DDMariana Sun, Nov-17-02 11:21

And some of us "turtles" hang out over here...

I think I'll go check in and see if someone needs a buddy. Maybe they can join us over here too.


plum Mon, Nov-18-02 04:14

You obviously give this 100 %
So do I
You are very committed
So am I
however, with respect , you cannot criticise another persons efforts. Our metabolisms work in different ways, and what is right for you is not necessarily right for another.
If you get to know some turtles, and offer your knowledge kindly, that will be wonderful, and appreciated.

SlimShAdY Mon, Nov-18-02 05:05

Well, I'm sure I sometimes smell, I wouldn't call myself nice, I certainly snap - not sure if I'm ugly though. I just asked my patner - the answer was no! So I'm only a turtle in the sense that I don't lose weight fast.


Obviously if your doing just fine you don't visit a part of the board occupied by people with problems - unless you're either a very nice person who is confident and wise enough to dish out help or if you're just trying to getr that extra bit of chicken up on the left hand side

I personally don't bother much with the other boards just because I'm too stupid and make too many of my own mistakes to give others advice. But ya thats just me. :o

raharris Mon, Nov-18-02 19:09

ummmm . . .
OK, I'll ask --

what's a "turtle"?


agonycat Mon, Nov-18-02 19:25

A turtle is someone who loses weight very very slowly.


DDMariana Tue, Nov-19-02 11:30

Like me...almost 10 lbs. since April. The SAME ten pounds over and over...

Yes, I'm doing all of the suggestions's just my body and its history I guess.

I'm staying true though as there are other benefits to LC'ing. And when you get down to it, I haven't GAINED any except the same ten pounds!

And actually, this week and last I noticed that I lost ... "almost ten pounds!" Yes, I had gained it back last month when I threw in the towel...but induction was good to me and I'm STAYING THE COURSE!

Gosh, those (I mean, WE) turtles really need the support! It gets SO frustrating sometimes!


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