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juicyjacki Sat, Oct-12-02 15:41

Are you already planning your Christmas Cheat?
I was stunned to realise that its only 11 weeks to Christmas .....

Have any of you planning to cheat? Are your already salivating over what you are going to have or are you going to be adamant that you are going to stick to this WOE?

My vice is going to be a box of Ferrero Rocher.

Whats your Christmas vice?

jude Sat, Oct-12-02 18:29

I'm going to do my damnedest to stay LC, but..... ain't gonna be easy because my Mom bakes the most delicious pies--apple, peach, blueberry, pumpkin, lemon--with pastry that melts in your mouth. (I'm getting a craving just thinking about it)


LittleAnne Sun, Oct-13-02 04:03

Christmas Temptation
I remember last Christmas. I had already been low carbing for several months. Just before Christmas I went down with a cold and I know I had a few extra carbs to get me over that. Then I permitted two days of excess over Christmas. I live on my own and had rejected everyones invitations to visit them as I wanted some time on my own. So brought Christmas pudding, cream and other goodies. Used up some cake that had been in the freezer for months as well as a few cornettos. Well overall the damage was not to bad, but January 1st I had put on a couple of pounds in weight.

However, the downfall came when I went on holiday the first week in January. Cyprus was cold, wet and windy. A bit unseasonal and there were not a lot of salads and veggies to have with my meat. Did not get much exercise either so ended up having chips with my evening meal. The upshot was that after a week I came back and had put on another 5 pounds. This then took 3 to 4 weeks to get rid of.

So, my advice would be to indulge yourself a little over Christmas and Boxing Day, don't go to excess. Drink alcohol, but drink lots of water to to stop you getting dehydrated. Then on 27 Dec take a deep breath and go back to low carbing properly. After all, it does allow for luxery foods, just not carb laden foods. You may then be surprised to find that your excesses have had minimal effect on your weight loss and in a few cases, it may even trigger a whoosh, when you are back on track.

However, Christmas is 11 weeks away and so stay low carbing and loose some more pounds before that date. My aim is to loose another 4 at least.

rustpot Sun, Oct-13-02 04:46

My vice is Christmas pudding and brandy butter. Mrs R makes her own puddings and a Christmas cake.

I am a Christmaholic and just love the traditional fare. It is a real problem because I just adore mince pies, stollen, all washed down with a good port.

How could I not have the roast parsnips and roast potatoes with the turkey?

I will be able to resist the chocolates except for the chocolate mouse that I have always had in my stocking since I was a little speck of rust.

You have set me off now. Deck the halls with boughs of holly, la la la la lah, la lah lah lah

shutt22 Sun, Oct-13-02 09:18

I agree that I will splurge a little on x-mas day and on Boxing Day (that's Dec 26 for you Americans). Not a big veggie eater, my main vice has been chocolates. However, I know Laura Secord makes some delish sugar-free ones and I have advised my familty to get these for me instead. Ferrero Rocher will be inhaled at a much slower rate than usual.

I'm more worried about all that junk my kid will bring home on October 31st and the Thanksgiving dinner I'm going to this afternoon!

mmmmmmm..... :doah: turkey


Tigra1965 Sun, Oct-13-02 12:28

Hi Everyone

I think my carbs will increase with the veggies - I make nearly everyone in sight to be honest and my favourites are roasted parsnips with sprouts and chestnuts. So yes my carbs will increase that day - but not from sweet stuff.

Think I will make a jelly just in case lol

lucyr Sun, Oct-13-02 12:51

Blimey, I hadn't thought about Christmas!
I think it's going to be the parsnips that bump my carbs up something alarming. I will make a lemon mousse style thing, instead of Xmas pudding, and that will be fine, but a baked parsnip cannot be ignored.

And you shouldn't have mentioned stollen, Mr Rustpot. I love marzipan in all forms.
However I love the way Iam feeling and beginning to look better. I think!

Anyone any ideas on a low carb brandy butter?

Banana Sun, Oct-13-02 13:00

Salivating over mince pies!
Just the thought of smelling a hot mince pie has me drooling. I must say I could probably leave the roast spuds, maybe take a couple of parsnips, but it's the mince pies with brandy butter AND cream on top that I won't resist even though I know they'll give me terrible wind, doubled with Sprouts you can't win really!!!!!

I can get around the brandy butter but using AS but I can't get around the mixed fruit and pastry for the pies, anyone got any good pastry substitute recipes? Some homemade mixed fruit could I suppose be knocked up with AS? but what about that delicious melt in the mouth pastry?

Happy Christmas!!!!
Banana :wave: :D

suze_c Mon, Oct-14-02 07:38

It Won't Bother me
I'm not an Ebeneezer Scrooge, but it is not in my belief system to celebrate Christmas, so I don't worry about a cheat then. I am not wanting to start a debate, I have my reasons for the way I believe, just as all of you have yours. I know there are a lot of foods in the store though, that are tempting that are around because it is the season, but I will get some of those yummy sausage/cheese samplers and hubby can get whatever he wants to munch on! Baked parsnips must be an U.K. thing, don't hear about it much here in the states~!

tink Mon, Oct-14-02 11:45

nuts....loads of veggies.....more nuts.....veggie bits....

I think it will be a bit easier for me as I am maintaining and we are stopping at home and cooking everything ourselves this xmas. Some of our family are low carbers and a couple are diabetic - lots of support - so everyone will be staying as straight and narrow as we can !

I am only buying chocolate I don't like for the kids so I can't eat it.

You can get sf marzipan and thats my biggest vice - i am not keen on cake or pudding so I am hoping i will be fairly good really.

I just can't account for what other people may buy for xmas pressies...if i get loads of sweet stuff i think i will have one big cheat on xmas day.

My worry is new years eve as we are ging to a ball and i have no control over the 6 course dinner......

thats the plan... but look out to see if i am confessing my carb sins after least i know the support is here to put me back on track...

:roll: :roll: :roll:

jaykay Mon, Oct-14-02 12:23

No mince pies!! Oh my goodness, I hadn't thought of that.
Or Christmas pudding :(

Think I might have to cheat for a couple of days.

DH and I are going winter climbing and our standard fare, when we come off the hill is a piece of fruit cake and a glass of green ginger wine - which we won't be able to do either. Now I'm feeling deprived :(

Seriously, has anyone got experience of cheating at this sort of level for a few days - what sort of effect does it have, on how you feel as well as weight gain.

I'm hypolycaemic and borderline diabetic and much as I'd like to eat all those goodies for a couple of days, if its going to do too much harm, I'd rather not.

Anyone know?

Thanks, Jay :wave:

Banana Mon, Oct-14-02 14:58

SF Marzipan?
Hi there tink,

Where can you get SF marzipan?


lucyr Mon, Oct-14-02 17:10

Yes, where do you get sf marzipan? CHristmas suddenly seems brighter.

Brandy butter. What about ground almonds. butter brandy and sweetener? Disgusting? Maybe, I think I will experiment a bit!

tink Tue, Oct-15-02 00:29

Hi Lucyr

you can get sf marzipan from

if you email me i can get you a 10% discount code - we do that for low carbers who use this forum.

Banana - i pm'd you last night with the info

:roll: :roll: :roll:

lucyr Tue, Oct-15-02 04:52

Thank you very much for that . I do not know how to email you though.

tink Tue, Oct-15-02 11:26

hi Lucyr

When you have a few more posts you will be able to pm!

email or sugarfreeuk direct asking for the low carbers discount code

hope this helps

:roll: :roll: :roll:

alibubble Wed, Oct-16-02 14:46

Hi Uk Carbers
Only just found you.
Christmas - blimey, it seems so far away yet we all know it'll creep up on us fast.
Instead of xmas pud, I'll be making myself a low-carb cheesecake with extra cream. Won't be able to resist roast pots and turkey but the rest will be easy to resist except....chocolate !!!!!!!!!!
I've already put no-sugar chocolates on my xmas list !!! Will my other half have the nonse to findout where to buy'll be his little challenge me thinks.


alibubble Wed, Oct-16-02 14:48

Just thought....really the hardest part for me will be all the build up to Xmas...the parties, office xmas lunch...annual get together with my pals....I'm afraid the alcohol will be my greatest sin.....gulp.

juicyjacki Sun, Oct-20-02 12:09

well, I never realised that we were all such slaves to christmas!!!

I think that this will also be a good chance to plan next years goal. Where do you wanna be next easter? next summer? next holiday? next birthday?

My focus is to be 16 stone by xmas, which for me is 16 pounds in 10 weeks.

lkonzelman Thu, Oct-24-02 13:25

There are a few meals planned with others that I believe I will give treat as very special occasions. That means more carbs than normal. But I am going to TRULY try to fill up on the good stuff and taste things I truly miss.

Then right back on the next meal!

And unless they have a damn good chocolate dessert - my lc bars will help see me through the worst of the cheats.

Paulie-M Sun, Oct-27-02 14:44

Hey, spare a thought for those of us who have to work Christmas Day and Boxing Day :thdown: . I'll be working a 12 hour shift both days, and there's not much chance of us over-indulging. Last year, one of the guys did a huge cooked breakfast for everyone, so that would be OK from a LC point of view. Seeing as I'm working, husband will be going to see his sister and her family in Sheffield, so there'll be no turkey and Christmas pud waiting for me when I get home either.

Look on the bright side though, hopefully the weightloss will go up!!

RCFletcher Mon, Oct-28-02 14:51

I really can't believe I'm the only one who voted:

"Total blowout, eat drink & be merry for 2 weeks, I am looosening my belt already"!

Well that's the plan :p so every carb I manage to resist will be a bonus.

My downfalls are, mince pies, Xmas pudding, roast potatoes with Xmas dinner (I'll only have one) and...well everything else really.

I did it last Xmas and I lost weight faster after. My body needs a shake up once in a while or I just plateau. And what a good excuse for a shake up.


Robert :wave:

IcicleWork Sun, Nov-03-02 04:08

We always go to a nice Italian restaurant in Glasgow on Christmas Day... they've sent the menu through and i've already chosen what im going to have:

Insalata di Mare: calamari, prawns, scallops,mussels, etc marinated in lemon juice, garlic and oil.

Rib eye steak au poivre: Steak sauteed in butter, flamed in brandy, and flavoured with a cream and peppercorn sauce

(so far not too bad for the LC-er!, I plan to pass my potatoes to my husband and just eat the other veg...but then there's the pudding... havent decided yet, but the pudding and the Italian lager will be my downfall... only for 1 day, though!!!)

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