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asugar Wed, Sep-18-02 04:43

My husband came home from work yesterday and ate all my deviled eggs. Whenever I have been on any diet, it seems as though he declares open season on whatever it is I'm planning to eat.

lisaf Wed, Sep-18-02 08:01

Sounds like you need to start marking your food...or at least create a hands-off spot in your fridge!

vivi621 Wed, Sep-18-02 08:11

You have a problem, I agree... You need to sit him down and explain how you are feeling... Sometimes and it is in most cases. Your husband really dose not want you to lose the weight.. And this is the way they try to sabatoge you.. (Even if they do not know that this is what they are doing)

You state that he always dose this to you.. and when he dose this... do you not have any other ways or means of eating the next meal, hence you are off your diet.

You need to know that this really is not his fault and it is Definitly not yours... He may feel you will be better off with out him if you are looking better than you are now.

I read an article in a paper once discribing just what is happening to you..

You need to tell him my food is off limits to you........
This is something I want and need to do.... and if you continue to eat my food I will fail..... and I am not failing ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck........


Vivian :wave:

ginkirk Wed, Sep-18-02 08:43

Wooo! Vivian --- well said....
[Rant ON] I think it's hard for some people (esp. women?) to make a declaration that they're actually doing something for themSELVES. I know I do. One of the reasons for starting LC for me was improving myself & I'm telling you it was a foreign concept that was difficult for us all to swallow. My family is used to my production rather than my consumption. Mom cooks, cleans, takes care of kids & works full-time too. Mom hasn't been out with a friend for more than 6 months. Mom has no personal life. Well -- not any more. This is not called "way of life" for nothing. [OK -- Rant OFF]

Yeah...I sound strong but I'm sometimes wishywashy & the resistance is there. My husband will make enough dinner for everybody but me because he says he can't figure out what I can eat. He's not being deliberately difficult or whatever, but I do take it as a little passive jab at my way of eating. Sounds like you might be getting a bit of passive resistance on your end as well -- as Vivian so wisely pointed out. The only resolution though, no matter what the cause, is for you to voice your position. Whatever works best: "Hands off the Eggs Buddy" or "My dearest husband: When you eat my eggs it makes me feel like...." LOL...LOL. I'm working on it too so you've got a compatriot!

Best wishes & good luck -- Ginger

DDMariana Wed, Sep-18-02 08:47

Happens all the time around here too! Now, for example, I'll put half the deviled eggs on a plate with saran wrap...DB will dig into those... and I'll put my food in a green tupperware with a lid. I'll tell him, I made some deviled eggs for myself, if you want a couple there in the fridge, but don't touch anything in the green tupperwares...they're special foods for me. :D :D

Usually this works ok...of course I don't think he's trying to sabotage me, he just thinks all the food in the fridge is fair game! So separating how its wrapped with a warning ahead of time just might do the trick.

When I make my jello treat...I have to get him his own goodie, like a small carton of ice cream, this way I can say YOU have ice cream for a snack, and I make a special diet jello thing for MYSELF. If he needs any further clarification, :bash: I'll just whine about how I get so little choice, how could he possibly use up the last little bit of pleasure I might get out of the fridge...this works too ;) .

ginkirk Wed, Sep-18-02 08:57

Oh yeah...I forgot something.
Just an idea, but is your husband one of those types that can't find something in the refrig. if it isn't right up front? Could you hide some of your favorite items behind something that he'd choose first? Put your canned goods at the back of the shelf?


asugar Wed, Sep-18-02 14:55

My husband is the type who wants to eat whatever I'm eating. I swear, if I was eating a bowl of crap, he'd want some. For instance, one of his favorite ice creams is cherry vanilla. I hate cherry vanilla, but before I low carbed when I bought my favorite diet ice cream, I would buy his cherry vanilla, too. He would buzz through my Edy's Grand Light French Silk and then when it was gone, he would eat his cherry vanilla. I have decided that the next time I make deviled eggs, I will put saran wrap over them and then scrunch up a piece of tin foil to make it look old and yucky. Then I'll put the tin foil over the saran wrap stategically placing a wilted brown lettuce leaf just under the foil and I'll put it in the crisper. Believe me, 5 years could go by and he won't touch it! I would try talking to him about his sabotage, but he'll deny that he does it as he's sitting there eating my whatever.

vivi621 Wed, Sep-18-02 15:31

Asugar, I see your point and you are making one............ but it is like putting perfume on a pig!!!

You need to get out what you want and say it, so when he dose it again, you can say... see this is what I mean.. I buy food for the both of us.. as you eat yours your happy and finish it ...then you finish mine.

See codependancy, you have to change your LIFE to suit others to make them happy or to have your happiness you must go to such extreme measures??? now do you think it is fair the measures you have to go thru to get something for you... And WHEN DH wants something it is right there..

I don't know but .................

I'd buy a new fridge for me with a key........ less of a hassle

happy weight loss success to you...


VIVIAN :wave:

asugar Wed, Sep-18-02 15:58

Vivian, If I pointed it out to him, he would say he was sorry and that he wouldn't do it again and then he would do it again the first chance he got. Our marriage has been a very successful one for almost 28 years and I don't look at disguising my food as going to extreme measures. I look at it more like I would be outsmarting him. I know I do some things that annoy him, too and he has had to outsmart me on occasion. Thank you for your well wishes and I wish you every success, too.

P.S. I already have a small dorm size refrigerator in my office room, but I don't think there is any way to put a lock on it.

Lisa N Wed, Sep-18-02 16:34

Or you could try this approach...
..."Honey! I see you ate all my low carb food. That's wonderful! It must mean that you want to eat like I do and join me in my weight loss efforts. Great...I'll clean out the fridge and cupboards of all the high carb stuff you've been eating right now so neither of us will be tempted to cheat and I'll make sure I make enough of everything for both of us. What? You don't want to be on my diet???? WELL THEN STOP EATING MY FOOD!!!!!!" :bash:

On a more serious could try labeling "your" food as yours and let him know not to eat anything with your name on it because you didn't make enough for him AND you to both eat it. could just make twice as much knowing that he's likely to dig into it no matter what you say. Just a thought....

jude Wed, Sep-18-02 17:28


You made my day! I'm still laughing about the bowl of crap!
Maybe you should just let him read this thread. The only other thing I can say after reading all the posts here is....

Thank God I'm Single !!


agonycat Wed, Sep-18-02 17:33

Lisa pretty good idea!

Along with Lisa's idea you could go "aw honey you ate the last of my deviled eggs!" Hand him a pot and a carton of eggs and tell him, " Since you ate the lunch I was planning for tomorrow you can make me some more!" :D

If he is anything like my husband, he hates cooking :)

asugar Wed, Sep-18-02 17:58

I love some of the suggestions you folks have given me. If my husband made deviled eggs, the eggs would either be runny or the yolks would be green from overcooking them. Not only that, but he can't even boil water without completely demolishing the kitchen. He would attempt to clean up after himself, but conveniently do a half a*sed job.

He made me an omlette a few weeks ago before I was lowcarbing and for days he kept making me guess what the secret ingredient was. After about a week of him asking me at least twice a day if I had figured out what the secret ingredient was, he finally told me. He said the secret ingredient was love.

TheBetty Wed, Sep-18-02 18:52

Just had to chime in.....
Have a few ideas for you, although some may seem a little sinister. :devil: But they are called DEVILed eggs. :lol:

Make a plate full of em. More than your usual. To 4 or 5 of them, add a TON of salt (like a TABLESPOON) in each one to make them sickeningly salty (like chewing a salt like for a hamster). Then place those BAD EGGS where you think he will most likely eat them first. Of course, you will need to somehow mark them so you know which are which, or note their location on the plate.

Other ingredients to add in mass quantity to a few eggs is HABENERO PEPPER oil or sauce, SUGAR, LAXATIVE, crushed up VITAMIN C (the bitter kind), VANILLA EXTRACT, or whatever he hates--put it in there. :devil:

This might keep him out of your stuff. Just don't tell him you did this and see if he mentions it. Then you can eat one right in front of him and say "I don't taste anything funny, here you try again." And make sure to pass him another one of the bad eggs (after you've swallowed all of yours so he won't ask for a bite of yours).

Well, anyway, you sound like you could probably have fun doing this, especially after 28 years of marriage. It's fun to do stuff like this once in a while, good for a laugh! :lol: Let us know what happens if you decide to try any of our ideas here we've all posted.

asugar Wed, Sep-18-02 19:03

Betty, I love your sage advice. I'm salivating. I think I'll take your very good advice the next time I make deviled eggs. Then I'll ask him if he can guess the "secret ingredient" (see my post above about the omlette he made me).

Lisa N Wed, Sep-18-02 19:08

You know...maybe I haven't been married long enough (17 years this Saturday), but that sounds just plain mean to me. On the other hand, if I asked my hubby not to eat something, he'd leave it alone. He rather prefers our nice soft bed to the couch. :D

Lisa N Wed, Sep-18-02 19:30

This would be just plain evil, but it would be funny. Make a whole plate of deviled eggs and leave them where he's sure to find them. Once you're sure he's devoured the entire plate, stroll into the kitchen and say with as much dismay as you possibly can, "Honey! I hope you didn't eat all those deviled eggs! I crushed my estrogen pills into them to make them easier to take!". I'd be willing to try that one on my hubby just to see the look of sheer panic on his face! :devil:

AngelaR Wed, Sep-18-02 19:34

"Oh honey! I forgot to tell you not to eat those. I've been mixing some of my women's supplements into the egg yolks, you know, to help with girl's stuff problems. By the way, how are you feeling?"

[edit] ROTFLMAO LisaN, we were posting at exactly the same time. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one....

asugar Wed, Sep-18-02 19:50

ROTFLMAO! And a day or two later, I'll just happen to mention that his voice sounds a little higher.

vivi621 Wed, Sep-18-02 20:40


I must be watching to much Dr. Phil..
:daze: :daze: :daze: :daze:

I am sure your relationship with DH is wonderful.. after 28 yrs it I am sure it is... I say the same with my 15 years with my DH.. Although there are many days I say leave out the D.

I think you should give your husband the college dorm fridge and lock the big one for yourself... LOL

this is turning out to be a GREAT Thread, I see everyone is getting a laugh out of the CRAP.. I don't have my husband eating my food, but if I am not feeling well, he has the same thing, one day I am going to find symptons for a WOman problem and he will tell eveyone he has it.. TEE HEE , boy will that be fun...


Vivian :wave:

asugar Wed, Sep-18-02 22:00

My husband does the exact same thing whenever I get sick, only he takes it a step further. The time I had pneumonia, I didn't suffer anywhere near as much as he did when he had the sniffles at the same time. :confused: It must be a man thing.

About 10 years ago, I wised up and starting giving him a dose of his own medicine. For instance, if he said he had a headache, I would ask what part of his head. If he said on one side right behind his eye, I would tell him that mine was on both sides behind both of my eyes. :D

In fairness to my husband I will tell you a female thing I do to him, at least I used to until he wised up. I used to take his car and leave mine home with it's full tank whenever possible and use all his gas and not replace it. It wasn't that I didn't want to pay for the gas, I just happen to hate stopping at the gas station. Now he won't keep more than $5 worth of gas in his car. :thdown:

CNDYPRC Thu, Sep-19-02 08:55

Thanks for making me giggle!!
Betty, your ideas are so funny and DEVILISH , I was laughing out loud!! The rest of you offered some great suggestions as well.

My bf sometimes makes a passive/aggressive comment about my WOE too, like, I can't shop for you because I don't know what kind of DIET food you need!! Even tho he knows I only eat whole foods (other than pork rinds)...

About the anger someone mentioned in another post--sometimes I look at my 155 lb. bf (5'll), and think, "It must be nice to not even THINK about what you eat." So I guess I do have a little anger myself sometimes about having to "diet."

Sorry to ramble... :daze:


ginkirk Thu, Sep-19-02 10:35

that was really sweet of your husband. He sounds like a good guy. Good luck -- I like your idea of the wilted piece of lettuce. I'm gonna try it. I hide stuff too. My husband can't find stuff if it's in the back of the refrig. cause he just doesn't look there. Can't tell you how many times I find him standing in front of the fridge saying "Honey! Where's the...." & it's right in front but the label is not facing forward or something. I attribute it to that hunter/gatherer theory.

best wishes -- ginger

CindySue48 Sat, Sep-21-02 11:32

RE: locking the fridge!

You most certainly CAN lock the fridge! A few years ago I had an upright freezer that my ex broke the lock on....and for fear of the kids getting into it I went out and bought a hasp-type lock and put that on.

I'm talking about the 2 piece locks like you find on barn doors (only smaller of course!). One piece of the lock is a flat piece that has a slot in it. The slot fits over the other piece that has a U shaped pice that sticks out. The flat piece goes over the U shaped and you use a key or combination lock to secure it. The kind I bought was only about 3-4" long overall. I did have to get smaller screws to secure it, but it worked great! (the kids were only 3 & 1 at the time, are now 18 &20, and we just recently "retired" the freezer!)

Now, obviously, if your hubby wants to get into it he simply unscrewing the screws....but if he "honestly" isn't trying to sabotage you, he won't.

One other thing. After putting in the screws, add a dab of latex or silicone sealant around the screws to maintain the insulation.....if you think it's necessary! ( never bothered)

I'm lucky, I have no hubby to deal with. Just my kids...who are VERY supportive, just not too knowledgeable. My son came home one night with a "treat" for me....a bottle of (my favorite) root beer! He was so appologetic when I told him I couldn't have it. I told him I couldn't have "bread, pasta, and things like that"....I never mentioned sugar! There are several things in the house that I have that he likes....and so far hasn't touched anything! (daughter is at school, and doesn't eat much anyway). He even had a fit when a friend came over once and raided the fridge and ate my chicken! LOL I told him it was ok.....and he told me tha he told his friend to not eat anything without asking first!

Kids are so much easier than husbands! LOL

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