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dece Thu, Jul-11-02 16:49

Diet Suggestions from unqualified sources
I had my first experience with someone trying to tell me what the "best" diet is yesterday... I've lost 20 pounds so far on the Atkins LC plan, I'm looking better and though I've got 35 more pounds to go, I think I'm doing pretty good.

My SIL tried to tell me that too much protein is bad for you... That a diet of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables is ideal. I came home and laughed my booty off. Why? 1) I did the whole oat bran/low fat thing in the 80's and it didn't do a thing for me except make me gain weight 2) like she - a person who is 3X my size - should be giving out weight loss/diet advice!

I know I'm not the only one who has had this kind of experience.

What did you say to the person who tells you that, in essence, you are wrong for using a LC diet plan?

I didn't have any snappy comebacks at the time. My DH came up with some, but they weren't very nice. :devil:
I just told her that different people have different needs and that I'm just doing what works for me.

BTW, she's convinced that all my mom's health problems come from the evils of diet Coke and aspertame.
AND, she gave my other SIL a similar line of bull about being on Well 4 Life.

Thanks for reading my novel. Any snappy comebacks for future use will be very appreciated. ;)


penelope Thu, Jul-11-02 16:58

Myself, I am chicken and never say the word Atkins or High Protein I just say low carb ;)

danwoody Thu, Jul-11-02 17:30

i get most of the "this diet is good for you that diet is bad for you" crap off of my mother. Bless her.

I find it real hard because i wanna be mad at her for being ignorant and not even attempting to be otherwise (i mean i have both videos and the book) but i cant get angry with her cause shes my mom.

It really hits home though when somebody really close to you is acting as ignorant as that but i suppose we have grown up whilst being brainwashed by inaccurate reports , and some people just arent prepared to doubt the norm

It all boils down to the system that has been put into place that all us human beings are meant to conform to, as if we are a different form of the machines and computers that we ourselves command these days

Its actually scary. (im really into the conspiracy theory stuff)

Anyhow gettin off track

i know where you are coming from is what i was trying to say

Natrushka Thu, Jul-11-02 17:35

Re: Diet Suggestions from unqualified sources
Originally posted by dece
What did you say to the person who tells you that, in essence, you are wrong for using a LC diet plan?

Absolutely nothing. Leading by example seems to be doing the trick. Give it some time, eventually they'll all be clamouring around you wanting your advice 'cause you're looking so healthy and lean ;)


dece Thu, Jul-11-02 18:39

Re: diet
Originally posted by penelope
Myself, I am chicken and never say the word Atkins or High Protein I just say low carb ;)

I would have just said Low Carb, but she specifically asked if I'm doing Atkins. YES! :D

I'm glad I'm not alone. That's reassuring.


Rhollmer Thu, Jul-11-02 22:30

<p>Well ya know something? Even though she was intense about her WOE, diet plan,
or whatever, it's really neat to see people that get just SO excited about their
diet plan.<br>
I have a friend that is on one that I am sure is going to fail but I encourage
him and let him know that all diets can work as long as you stick to it. Atkins
just happens to be the one that agrees with me.<br>
I was talking about Atkins to a friend of mine today (actually in a group of 4)
and two of us are on the Atkins plan. This dude just REALLY starts screaming at
me in the middle of Chili’s that I need to &quot;get my fat ass out in the morning
and run and forget about this LC sh**&quot;. Really embarrassing to hear him say
stuff like that but it really just kinda made me want to succeed even more. Told
him that I can't cause I have to watch my 3 month old son until the nanny gets
here... He told me to &quot;throw him in a backpack and hit the road!&quot;. (Can ya sense
the IQ already?) :spin: <br>
Weight Loss / Weight Gain is a VERY sensitive topic. In the office I'd say that
it's right up there with politics and religion.<br>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="" width="384" height="512"></p>



penelope Thu, Jul-11-02 23:08

This is the best looking baby that I have seen in years! :)

molmerlin Thu, Jul-11-02 23:12

:wiggle: what an adorable baby!!!!

tamarian Thu, Jul-11-02 23:35

I have to agree, what a picture, Rick!!

While this is totally off-topic, I've never seen such a photogenic baby, like a pocket-size movie star :)


Back to the topic, now a days I think every low-carber should be aware that we are no longer a minority!!!

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN as the general news media, and many scientific journals are loaded with articles in support of low-carbing, and denouncing the low-fat fad. Simply re-print those articles and hand them to naysayers. If you are not familiar with the latest research and studeis, just visit our Research / Media watch forum, and our studeis section of our web site.

I personally I'm a nightmare to deal with, when a low-fat, low-calorei idiot tries to trash my WOL! By the time they're done with me (I'm done with them) , they need a therapist! ;)


dece Fri, Jul-12-02 07:42

That little one is so cute! It makes me think I need to get my booty in gear and get a photo of my Hannah up for everyone to ogle over. ;)

if you're curious, check out my escrapbook:

Still losing (in a good way),


Tickie Fri, Jul-12-02 08:00

What a beautiful babe
When I went to my doctor's office for my weigh in and pressure check and after the nurse weighed me she was proud of me for losing so much weight in 6 weeks she asked me what I was doing I told her I was low carbing. She told me that half the staff in the office was doing low carb and doing quite well at it. My doctor was happy that my blood pressure was way down and of the weight loss and asked me what I was doing, she did blood work and said that she world called me with the results. But, as I was making my next appointment this skinny nurse asked me why I would do such a diet where you can't have fruit, but the way she said it gave me the impression of disgust and made me snap. First, I asked her had she ever been overweight? No. Then I asked her had she read any books on the subject she was knocking. No. Then I asked her did she beleive that a low fat high carb diet worked for everone. Yes if it's followed right. Then I asked her what was the precentage of slim folks she saw come in the office over the years. I have been going to this doctor for years and most of the folks that come in there (while I'm there) is at different stages of being overweight. No answer. Finally I asked her would it better for me to stay fat or lose weight, Not if it's unhealthy. Then I said well what ever blow your skirt up. I'll do what I think works for me and you do the same.
Well to say the least my doctor was surprised and happy with my blood work. And told me to keep up the good work and that she heard what I said to the nurse that day. She told me she was the type that finds all the faults in things not the good and not to let anyone or anything not me from reaching my goal weight.
I have had others say negative things about my diet until they see that I'm losing. Others I just say to them what ever works for you that is great and the same for me.

Vonnovich Fri, Jul-12-02 08:05

I agree with Nat - leading by example but when I get the chance I do have a few answers

Do you know what group of people have the lowests cholesterol results? Terminally ill cancer patients.

Do you know that a study of "healthy" over 80 years old all have high cholesterol by todays standards.

Vegeratarians have 8 times higher risks factor for heart disease!

70% of the cholesterol in your body is manufactured by your body, you can stop eating it altogether and still have "high" cholesterol.

I am now partially responsible for 50 people who are now cutting the carbs, even a couple of real sooth sayers. I still have one close relative left to convert. A thin 60 year old with health problems. I just want him to try it for 2 weeks to see if it will help his worsening diegestive problems.

Hope this helps

Victoria Fri, Jul-12-02 08:21

I speak up now. At first I was real careful who I told and how. I don't use the word Atkins...which I've never really been on. But I tell folks I'm eating low carb. I tell them I've sworn off sugar and flour, potatoes and rice. I eat more meat, eggs and vegies. That puts it in simple enough terms that they can understand. As for my family, I've actually bought them books and cookbooks to read. I've always been the FAT one. But both sister and brother have a weight problem now...not as much as me tho. I think if you can get someone to read a book about low carbing, it all makes sense. I let friends borrow my books. But some people don't have time to read. They just want you to explain how to do it.

I love imagining Wail letting into someone. I enjoy this forum because of all the knowledgeable folks on board. We are not doing this in an uneducated fashion. The world is just starting to realize that it may be the answer. There is so much propaganda for low fat out there. The term brainwashing comes to mind.

I think the proof is in the doing. I've lost 70 lbs. in the year I've been doing low carb. My blood work is great. My blood pressure is like it was when I was in my 20's. Mind you I never had much trouble with my BP or cholesterol...but if this WOE was bad for you, it would have changed for the worse. My BP was up before LC, but not to where they would notice it. But I did. It was 136/89 or something like that and now it's a consistant 120/70. So it's back to how it used to be. And I'm still quite overweight. So it's not because I'm thin already.

It's wonderful that your doctor is supportive. Who cares about the narrow minded skinnie minnies. ;) Victoria

Kristine Fri, Jul-12-02 08:22

Rhollmer, your baby is a little *doll*! :baby: Heh heh - my mom has pictures of me in the clothes basket like that, too. :)

...and back on the topic of discussing low carb with other people, I say this: you wouldn't really care if I said I don't eat meat. You wouldn't really care if I said I don't eat any dairy. So what difference does it make that I don't eat grains or sugar? Your body doesn't need them. (Note: the "I don't eat meat" line might not go over so well in Texas. :D )

Rhollmer Fri, Jul-12-02 08:58

hehe - thanks everyone. He's the GREATEST! I know this is off-topic, but I called my wife and told her to take a look at the page and she thought it was funny that everyone was making a fuss over our baby boy. hehe :D

clodagh Fri, Jul-12-02 08:59

All I say is,

'I have a medical condition which means I have to eat a whole food diet'

This is true, I have PCOS and I only eat whole foods - real meat, chicken, fish, eggs, butter, cheese, vegetables, beans, fruit!

No one ever argues with this!!!!

Anyway, no one ever heard of Low carb in Ireland so it's never an issue LOL


Rhollmer Fri, Jul-12-02 11:06

You have to admit though.. To the lay-person, the Atkins plan does sound kinda wacky! It is counter-intuitive to everything I ever learned about a diet. But it does work!

Used my Keytone strips this morning for the first time since I started the LC thing on Saturday. Showing me to be between moderate and high. :D


Shark01 Fri, Jul-12-02 12:15

1 Attachment(s)
When you get advice like that, just shout "scoreboard" and walk away :D

OK, now you did is my daughter Katie

penelope Fri, Jul-12-02 13:04

Goodness !You have lost a lot of weight and what a beautifull huggable little baby girl guess you shoud not tell her that because she 'd say she wasn't a baby .
I keep my' diet 'a secret until it becomes too hard to hide and then I will act surprised!

Rhollmer Fri, Jul-12-02 13:57

How cute is she!!! haha! I have got to show her to my wife. Next she'll be wanting a girl! Aren't kids great! A handful, but anything worth having doesn't come easy.


katrine77 Sun, Jul-14-02 13:16

Another point
Wow....this is great! What beautiful children we have in our LC community. Thanks for sharing them with us! :rheart:

I would like to make another point regarding all the low carb vs low fat debate.

So much of the focus in Taubes' article and especially in the NPR report was on weight loss. This was a little disappointing to me. While it is true that many of us are attracted to this WOE because of the desire to lose weight, it is the exta benefits that keeps some of us going.

I can only speak for myself realy, but I have heard many of us say the same thing. When I first started low carbing I wanted to lose weight so I committed myself to a week 'just to see how it goes".
Within 2 days, I felt better than I felt in YEARS! I mean 20 years!
I had more energy, I was almost never hungry, my mind was more sharp and clear, I slept better and the mood swings were GONE! Yes, I could feel the weight beginning to drop but THE OTHER SYMPTOMS WERE THE MAIN REASON I KEPT AT IT! This was the first time in my life that I wasn't suffering on a weight loss plan. (being hungry all the time and 'fuzzy headed'). Why the heck would I want to ever go off of this WOE with results like that? :daze:

After a month I had my lipid levels checked and they were perfect. Betther than they had ever been in my life (I know I already shared that with some of you).

:mad: It makes me angry that even Taubes touts this as a weightloss plan when it is clearly a Way of Life. I know that the goal is to integrate a minimal amount of carbs back into my life and I am doing that, but I can never be the bread lover I was before. We all know this, but it seems to be falsely represented to the world.

Finally, to comment on the guy who says in his article that millions of people all over the world eat high carb diets and seem to remain the Asian cultures. Ah, excuse me, but I'm not Asian, Ok? I'm Euro, Irish/Scottish,British to be exact and our genetic make up appears to be quite different. DUH!. :mad:

Ok, I've vented enough. GEESH! I just wish one person would stick to the real issues in these articles.
Thanks to you all for the wise, intelligent and well thought out advice and sharing of experiences. I'd be lost without you!


rtjdk2 Sun, Jul-14-02 16:29

Yes a cute little tike he is.... You handled your self real good in the situationa t chilli's... id probaly of decked him in the floor :rolleyes: i have had people ask me what kind of diet im on i just say im not on a diet.. im doing atkins... they just say ohhhh... i say diets never work... its the eating habbit change that does... i have had a couple of people say that all that fat is bad for you and plus your body needs carbs... i just tell them i love fat and i do eat carbs.. :D i just choose to eat healthy carbs instead of bad ones... then the old you cant have fruit on that diet... oh yes i can.. who says you cant?... :D Just not during induction.. lol... some of the things people come up with... but for the most part people ususaly say cool, goood, looking goood.. keep up the good work... most are suportive.. even had a nurse say that it was ok to do... after she checked my blood pressure and it was good... even hada friend whos doc recomends this to some of his patients.. not all but some... i guess it depends of there type of diabeties and severity...

Keep up the good work everyone ...


SlimShAdY Sun, Jul-14-02 21:38

Laundry day? LOL

I've never seen a baby look that cute in especially over the computer. :roll:

As for the original topic question..

I probably would've said something worse then what your husband said. :D

kmarie1351 Mon, Jul-15-02 08:33

People are constantly telling me, "I could never give up pasta," or "I just love bread too much." Invariably, those are the people who seem to need to lose the most weight. I live in Indiana, where EVERYONE seems to be fat. When I think about what people generally eat here (corn, wheat, potatoes, bread, junk food), it's no wonder that we have such an overweight population. Indiana is way up there on the list of "fattest states in the union."

I just tell people that my cravings for such high-carb things have seemed to disappear. The only one who lectures me nonstop is my mother, but she's 30 pounds overweight with high blood pressure. Why should I take advice on my food from her?

Cute kids, everyone. Here's mine... Zelda.

kmarie1351 Mon, Jul-15-02 08:40

I'll try that again
1 Attachment(s)
We'll see if this works... I've never posted a picture before.

AmberinIN Mon, Jul-15-02 09:28

I can't stand it when people say, "So, how long until you're done and can eat normal again?" or something along those lines! :rolleyes: Why should I start eating bread, pasta and oranges again? I never liked them in the first place! I can't wait until there's a solid study lauding the long term effects of LC!

In my opinion, it's mostly ignorance and when I explain that I'll always be eating a version of low carb, they get it. It's like the people who always watch their salt intake or fat intake, or any number of other things.

I live in the Gary area in Indiana and yes, it is a fat state! I'm trying to drop out my contribution :D !

:wave: Amber

clodagh Mon, Jul-15-02 09:37

It's fascinating really that it's often people who are overweight themselves that have such lofty opinions about what others should eat!

I went out to eat with my family recently ( mother and father overweight and taking Lipitor for high cholesterol, Dad taking blood pressure tablets too) They ate the most fattening deep fried rubbish on the menu ( breaded chicken battered onion rings, fires, deep fried banan and pineapple), I had lovely steak, garlic butter, and plate of lovely veg.
guess who felt better leaving the restaurant. But they still had comments to make about my food!!!!

Amber, by the way, congrats on the fantastic weight loss!!!!


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