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tomoolson Fri, Jun-28-02 00:00

Anybody doing the Firm?
Is anybody doing the Firm out here? I just bought the set and started. I never did any weights before so I thought this would be a good start. My goal is to tone, get rid of my lower ab pudgyness and lose some weight.


joanie Mon, Jul-01-02 14:57

The Firm
I have been doing 'Firm' videos off and on for years and find they are simply excellent for body sculpting. Currently cycling between Vols 1-4, since I know them well. Running or playing racquetball a couple days weekly, too.

Is anyone else using the Firm? They used to have a forum on their website that I lurked at, but for some reason, when they updated the site, the forum went away. Would love to get others input on favorite videos, etc. Let me know! And if you haven't tried the Firm, I highly recommend it. The older videos are just as effective as the new ones, and are very affordable.

fern2340 Mon, Jul-01-02 20:56

Hey Joanie!
I merged your thread here since you're both looking for people doing the Firm!!

tomoolson Tue, Jul-02-02 00:36

Thank you Fern for putting the two threads together.

I am happy to see someone doing the Firm!
I have just started it. I have never even owned a dumbbell, so this is something new to me.

Anyone else?

joanie Tue, Jul-02-02 14:38

Which videos are you using? My collection is fairly old, so I tend to do the "classics" -- the early stuff that only requires dumbbells and ankle weights. Some of the newer tapes have barbells and other things that I never bothered getting. I do have the "Fanny Firmer" stool and it works very well when done consistently.

Good luck with it -- let me know how it goes!

tomoolson Wed, Jul-03-02 00:13

Hi Joani,

I think I got the basic ones - beginners, I think - cardio, body sculpt, and abs. I do have the fanny lifter boxes, and the boxes really work my thighs, and I like the videos and the boxes. How often are you doing the Firm? It's been hectic lately, so I am only putting in every other day or so (I play volleyball 2 to 3 times a week too.)

There is a website called, but to see and post to the thread and get other benefits, you have to pay to join.


joanie Wed, Jul-03-02 18:24

Oh, you've got to pay now? They used to have a free forum...guess they decided they'd rather take our money! I try to do the tapes M-W-F. T-Th-Sat I run or play racquetball. Try to do some sort of exercise almost every day. It's going reasonably well. I'm getting lines down my abs from doing the ab work, and I'm constantly flexing in the mirror! Just wish my triceps would get more "cut" looking!

Have a good 4th of July...

lilwannabe Fri, Jul-05-02 15:58

I saw this advertised on TV...just wasn't sure whether it was another gimic or what...glad to hear you all are enjoying it...I was thinking about getting it...but don't have a VCR anymore...wish these things came in DVD...I could always use one of the boys' VCR's...but that would mean lugging it up and down every other day...and then doing the work out...I know that sounds pathetic...but that is just how lazy I is more hooking it up...and unhooking it ...not the traveling up and down the stairs...

joanie Fri, Jul-05-02 17:59

Yes, The Firm now has an infomercial hawking their special step. I bought their old models about 10 years ago, and they still work fine, so I won't be buying the whole commercial package (although it's probably a good deal for those who don't have equipment...)

The Firm has really evolved over the years. The first video was a big deal, because when it first came out, in 1986, it combined controlled aerobic movements with weight lifting, and at the time, the other tapes were the Jane Fonda bouncy flouncy stuff. Back then, you had to order the tapes through the mail (they had ads in most of the magazines) and the tape came with their famous "10 Questions About Fitness" which was, and still is, excellent. I prefer the older "classic" tapes to the new ones...I think the older ones are more challenging, and they don't require anything but dumbbells and the step. I have a 14" and a 8" box. I also strap on ankle weights for some of the leg lifts. If they haven't come out with DVD yet, I'm sure they will, soon. You might want to email them and ask when they are going to do it. As I've said before, I've tried all sorts of weight programs and I find The Firm to be the most effective and satisfying work out that I do!

lilwannabe Sat, Jul-06-02 09:42

I checked their web says that it will be out on DVD I will wait for that...

newchicky Thu, Jul-11-02 14:27

The Firm
Hey there-
I ordered the tapes last month and of course they were sitting on the shelf until now. I plan to start with them on MOnday as pp suggests waiting one week to start working out. Glad to see I'll be joining you!

Judi B. Sat, Jul-13-02 12:41

I just got mine!
I started on Tuesday. Got mine thru the infomercial. The cardio sculpt is a great workout. I also go to Gold's Gym where they have body pump and body sculpt classes.
Body pump is where you use adjustable bar bells with different weights depending on the muscle groups your working.
Body sculp is using hand weights in targeting different areas.
On days I don't go to the gym I figured I could use the Firm tapes. Doing a class is good because you can get input on your form which is most important.
My problem is finding one eating program to stick to.

Cyprinodon Mon, Jul-15-02 12:49

Firm User Here
I suffer from the belief that I will never have enough exercise videos and as a result, my Firm collection is somewhere around 15 (this is 15 out of around 140 exercise videos total). My favorites are Classic 1; Classic 4; Classic 6; Tough Tape; Total Body Shaping Mix; Firm Cardio; Firm Strength; and Tough Aerobic Mix. I don't have Classic 3, Classic 2 spends too much time on shoulder work in my opinion; and Classic 5 is not well liked among Firmies. Many of the older Firms are being re-released over time by the new distributor, Good Times Entertainment. One of the originators and some of the old instructors are now making new videos called Fit Prime ( I think). The Classics and some others have been through name changes: you can look up the name changes for Firm videos at The Firm is great for gaining some muscle and burning a ton of calories while having fun. Some people have great success at using the Firm to build significant muscle but for me, traditional weight training where I can focus on the working muscle works best (can't chew gum and type; can't follow a video and focus). I have been doing 40 to 50% carbs for five years but I've only been doing super low carbs (Atkins) for three weeks. I've experienced an amazing improvement in daily fatigue and daytime sleepiness but I haven't yet felt energetic enough to tackle any Firm videos while low carbing. Before you purchase a Firm or any other exercise video, I suggest you read the video reviews at so that you won't spend your money on something you will end up hating.

Iowagirl Mon, Jul-15-02 14:18

check this out
Just purchased my first Firm video - super sculpting (ow, ow, ow :clap: ) - it was great.

Another excellent source of in-home workouts is Karen Voight. I've done her cardio circuit and also The Great Weighted Workout (got an hour and a half? killer!).

Anyone interested in such things, check out, they sell videos but what's more you can see a sample of the video AND (my favorite) - read what others have said about it. Sure, you'll read a few conflicting reports but most people are in consensus wether a tape is a good workout or not and why. They also provide information on the instructors. Great resource! Enjoy! :)

joanie Mon, Jul-15-02 16:56

That site sounds great! I get collage's catalogs, but I like the idea of reading what others have written and sampling a little of the tape. I, too have heard great things about Karen's tapes, but I haven't bought any yet, mainly because I have so many Firm tapes!

OK, here's a question for you Firmies...have any of you "subscribed" to the forum at the Firm site? It used to be free, but now you have to pay. I'm wondering if it's worth it. Let me know if you give it a try!

Did Firm Vol 4 today (aka Time Crunch Workout). It's a favorite -- love the instructors -- but it's short. I ran out of time, and had to squeeze it in. So I really "heavied up" on the weights to compensate!

Iowagirl Mon, Jul-15-02 17:06

What are your favorite Firm tapes? I don't like dancey videos, so whatever is basic appeals to me - I'm no Ginger Rogers!

I tried the urban rebounder (collage video) - bought a mini trampoline and everything. It was difficult and hurt my ankles. My 7 and 3 year old think it's a blast, however. For some reason I had this image of combining exercise and jumping on the bed. I'll try it again at a later date. I've found that what doesn't work initially sometimes feels better later on. :cool:

joanie Mon, Jul-15-02 20:46

Fit Prime
Just checked out the fitprime website -- very neat and FREE, unlike the official Firm one. But I'm confused -- what's the difference between The Firm and FitPrime?! I see they have all the old instructors (which I love -- I'm thrilled that Susan Harris is on there!) -- is it for "mature" exercisers?!

Inquiring minds want to know! :)

newchicky Thu, Jul-18-02 13:28

Okay, I did the 1st half (legs) of the sculpt tape and man, what a workout!! That was MOnday. On Tuesday, I walked/ran 2miles. I took Wed off and am planning on doing the 2nd half of the tape (arms) tonight. Very Very Good Toning Videos! I also like the cardio sculpt.

lilwog Tue, Jul-23-02 21:00

The best workout!
I've been doing the No.1 Firm for about 15 years and so far it is the best! They aren't joking when they say you can see results after only ten workouts. I can see after only five. It is a very strenous workout so its best not to use weights for the first few times, but I definetly encourage anyone who wants to lose weight quicker to try the firm. Im not familiar with the new ones,but I imagine they are just as good. :thup:

joanie Tue, Jul-23-02 21:47

Yep, Vol 1 is my favorite. Susan Harris is such a good leader. I just did it yesterday (currently I'm alternating between Vols 1-4) and really felt it in my legs -- just got 5# ankle weights, and all that floorwork really had me feeling the "burn"! Hoping to do either Vol 2 or 3 tomorrow.

joanie Fri, Jul-26-02 13:55

1-2-3 rotation
Just finished Vol 3...that's a great workout, too! I did 1 on Monday, Vol 2 on Wed, and Vol 3 today. I'm going to stick with that rotation for now, and use Vol 4 when I don't have the full 60-65 minutes needed for the others. The heavy ankle weights are really making a difference; I'm glad I switched up.

The fitprime site that was recommended is great. Susan Harris is a moderator! Love it.

Happy lifting!

WomanofGod Sat, Aug-17-02 11:30

The Firm Message Boards/Groups
Good Afternoon Ladies! :wave:

I wanted to pass these websites on to you all. I'm sure you will have hours of fun reading these boards!


I have ordered the body sculpting system from They are wonderful! They sell almost all exercise videos and you receive them within a week and shipping is only 4.95. (I do not have any connection with them. Just giving them props for wonderful service!) Enjoy! Marcia :wave:

Missycat Wed, Aug-21-02 15:24

Firm believer!
Hi! I'm kind of new to posting here, but I've lurked since I started protein Power about 5 weeks ago.

I had to post here because I've done The Firm on and off for about 8 years and IMO they are absolutely the best, the most top-notch, the epitome of workout videos! Okay, I'm going a little nuts, but THEY WORK, period. Years ago they helped me lose 43 pounds and become perfectly fit - I had a nice, low resting pulse rate, I was perfectly symmetrical (34-24-34) and was wearing a size 6. But the best thing is that by building muscle I was able to eat just about anything I wanted because my metbolism took care of it so efficiently. Yay!

(Um, don't ask how I got fat again, it's a long story.)

Anyway, I recently restarted doing my fave tape - it used to be called "All Weights" but they changed the name somewhere. Tracey Long is the instructor and she's great - really inspires me. And I love to feel like I'm getting stronger.

I had a question, though - it seems like I'm building muscle pretty fast on this high protein diet as compared to the last time I was regularly using the tapes (I was, of course eating high carb at the time). Is this another of the advantages of high protein? You build muscle faster? 'Cuz if it is, I'm REALLY happy! :D

Colleenski Fri, Aug-30-02 22:01

Hi, I'm new to this BB. I had found a Susan Harris, body sculpting basics video and just started it yesterday. After trying it with no weights and today with weights, WoW! I'm using muscles I have not used with just walk/jogging and crunches.
I have a question for you who are familiar with these videos-
Can you do them everyday? I like to walk the dog for 30 min a day and then do weight/cardio. One in the morning and one at night after the kids are in bed.
I've gotten really good results working out two times a day, but am I just overworking muscles?

PoofieD Fri, Aug-30-02 23:44

Hi Ladies.
As new member of the forum and a person that collects "the Firm tapes" I thought I would say hi.
So that you have a history as to why there is "The Firm" site and the "FitPrime" Site..
There were three original creators of the firm and two of them were married..
As you can probably guess.. divorce just happened.
Ergo.. the two different sites..
Each like the different LC ways of living have a great deal to offer.
Thought that would help!
Any of you try Tough Tape yet??
That one is the absolute best of a shining bunch!
Next would be "Standing Legs"..
IMHO of course! :wave:

Iowagirl Sat, Aug-31-02 07:16

Colleenski- you need to give the muscles a day off. So, technically you CAN weight lift everyday, you just have to do a different part of the body. The muscles will build and respond when you are at rest. No rest? Then yes, you are overworking them.

I've got 3 Firm tapes - super sculpting and the upper body split, lower body split. A woman I work with just bought some box set of their's and it nearly killed her. I'm waiting for her to give up and then I will swope in and take them off of her hands! (I am evil and I must be stopped)

I'm thinking I would like to get the Tough Tape 2. Any thoughts?

joanie Sat, Aug-31-02 07:30

Infomercial set
Has anyone bought the new Firm set that is being sold through an infomercial?! I'm curious to know if it's worth it. I have so many of the older tapes which are REALLY tough, and I don't know if these would be as effective for me. If I did order it, it would probably be through Collage Video, since their service is so good. Any review of the set out there?! Let me know!

Iowagirl Sat, Aug-31-02 07:41

Are those actual NEW tapes? Seems to me they have only made a few originals and then mix and matched from there. (I don't mean that in a bad way - I enjoy their products immensely) Just wondering, however, if this was new stuff?

Don't you love collage video? Those reviews are so helpful.

Has anyone tried Cathe Friedrich's stuff? I bought one of her tapes and I do not like it! Too bouncy. I'm not into jumping up and down on my toes for an entire workout. It's looking more and more like a donation to Sally's.

Colleenski Sat, Aug-31-02 08:43

Iowagirl- yeah, the tape is total body WO. So since it is an hour long maybe I'll split it up and do one half one day and the other half the next. I'm not sure, it does say results in 10 days and already I'm getting more definition in my arms. The only thing that is hurting a bit, is my lower back. Some of the stretches, I might be doing them wrong, so I'll try to replace them with something else. Don't want any back injuries! I found the sight with Susan Harris as moderator. Geez, the people on there worship her as a goddess :daze:
I might post a question for her on how often she would do that workout. Seems that the old videos were well rehearsed and she has a hard time getting through the old video workouts with all the weights even today. At least that is what I think she was talking about in one post that I was reading. I may have misunderstood the subject. She looks great though, and I read she has 4 kids. That is encouraging to me since I have 5 ;)

Erin4980 Sat, Aug-31-02 09:08

So out of those that have tried it...
Do you guys think that it worked ...that infomercial has been sooo intriguing...and I was thinkin' about buying the tapes and plastic step thing, but it's kinda expensive for what it is...

Has anyone noticed results w/ it?


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