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JEY100 Sat, Oct-07-23 07:29

Forever Strong
A new book, Forever Strong, A new science-based strategy for aging well, by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon will be released on October 17th. In advance of release, she has been on a number of podcasts, and in addition to her own podcast channel. She is a practicing physician with a specialty in Geriatrics and Nutritional Science, with protein research in Dr Don Layman's lab. Her practice focuses on Muscle-Centric Medicine.

This morning I listened to her on Cynthia Thurlow's podcast.
The interview includes the importance of protein for women's health and the impact of intermittent fasting on muscle health. [not good, about min. 46]

There are free resources are available on her website. an archive of her podcasts with Dr Layman, Dr. Naiman, Dr Eenfeldt and others in the higher protein, lower carb space.

cotonpal Sat, Oct-07-23 09:10

Thank you for this. I plan to explore further.

Ms Arielle Sat, Oct-07-23 12:35


Funny how I'm of an age now to be interested in geriatrics. More funny since some years ago a primary dumped me and all her patients to take on the old folks.

Forgot to include...

Was able to convince my mother to increase her meat intake a couple years ago. She is now late 80's.

JEY100 Sun, Oct-08-23 03:43

She did geriatrics because there was a fellowship available for that sub specialty. Dr Lyon also works with the Special Operations Military and specializes in fitness and performance. A broad background in muscle centric health.

Doctors view the older adult population as divided into three life-stage subgroups: the young-old (approximately 65 to 74 years old), the middle-old (ages 75 to 84 years old), and the old-old (over age 85). Even the "young old" get questions on fall risk, cognitive ability, etc.

cotonpal Sun, Oct-08-23 04:13

Originally Posted by JEY100

Doctors view the older adult population as divided into three life-stage subgroups: the young-old (approximately 65 to 74 years old), the middle-old (ages 75 to 84 years old), and the old-old (over age 85). Even the "young old" get questions on fall risk, cognitive ability, etc.

Four years ago at the “young” age of 70, in mile 3 of my daily walk with my dog, I caught my toe as I walked briskly down a moderate slope. I fell and broke my wrist. I was able to get back up, retrieve my dog who had not run off and then walk the additional 1/2 mile home. I called my son who then drove me to the ER. Doogie Howser at the ER treated me as if my age was the only important variable. Among other things, as I was getting ready to leave he asked me if I wanted a sling or did I think I was going to fall again, as if my age was the important variable not my apparent healthy physical condition or the fact that my fall was the result of the kind of accident that could easily happen to anyone of any age. In fact he had not bothered to ask me how the fall occurred. I guess he just assumed it was probably age related. Humph!

Demi Sun, Oct-08-23 06:02

Janet, many thanks for sharing this.

I have the book on order ahead of it's release on the 17th.

Demi Sat, Oct-14-23 00:47

An article in the Times this morning ahead of publication:

How to stay healthy over 40: the doctor who prescribes weights and protein

Dr Gabrielle Lyon says that building muscle is the key to optimum health. She tells Peta Bee why. Plus: read an excerpt from her new book

Put away the diet books, throw away the scales. Staying slim and living a longer and healthier life does not come down to your body fat percentage. Rather, it is about how much lean muscle you have, according to a leading doctor in osteopathic medicine and family medicine practitioner in the US.

Dr Gabrielle Lyon has spent years researching longevity and the impact of lifestyle changes in the health of her own patients as they age. Now, in a new book, Forever Strong, she argues that what people should be focusing on for optimal health is not trying to lose weight but getting stronger.

“We are indoctrinated into a body fat-phobic way of thinking about our wellness,” Lyon says. “We focus constantly on what weight we have to lose, when we should switch to thinking about what we are set to gain if we become capable of building stronger muscles through eating more protein and resistance training.” Rebooting one’s health with an emphasis on building muscle, she says, will help people of all ages to boost their metabolism, have far more energy, stay mentally sharper and shift excess body fat.

As well as practising as a doctor both in New York and Texas, Lyon hosts her own Apple podcast with 2.5 million listens, has a YouTube channel with 2.75 million views, and has given aTED talk on what she terms “muscle-centric medicine”. In her forties and with two children under five, she bursts with energy, her hair and complexion shining with good health. Her toned physique is an advertisement for her approach, but also a hangover from her days as a fitness and strength competitor in her youth.

It was while spending two years at Washington University on a research and medical fellowship in geriatrics and nutritional sciences that she first became intrigued by the rising numbers of people struggling to lose weight and patients in their sixties and seventies being diagnosed with dementia, despite them following the latest science-backed advice on food intake and activity. Over time she concluded that the connection between these groups and others with ill health was not only that they were ageing or had too much body fat, but that their muscle size and muscle health had plummeted to levels far lower than those of younger people.

What was missing from their lifestyles, she says, was resistance exercise and enough protein in their diet — the combination needed to enhance muscle health. “Protein is critical for health,” Lyon says. “It plays a vital role not just in building new muscle, but in controlling the functions of other tissues and organs important for metabolic function and quality of life.” Also often overlooked, she stresses, is the importance of protein for “the production of neurotransmitters that keep our brains healthy and have a direct association with sleep and mood”.

Earlier this year the adventurer Bear Grylls, 49, told The Times how he transformed the health of his whole family by eating more protein: specifically an “ancestral diet”, in which read meat features heavily. “For millions of years we’ve thrived and been strongest and healthiest by eating meat, blood and organs,” he said.

Lyons says that by consuming more high-quality protein in the diet, from animal and some plant sources, and adding resistance training — starting with something as simple as bodyweight exercises and bands three times a week before progressing to weights — people will experience benefits even within days.

“A lot of people start to feel changes in muscle strength and function as well as neurological adaptations such as spatial awareness when they move even before they notice visible improvements to their body,” Lyon says. “There will be almost immediate improvements in blood glucose control, and within two weeks markers for a range of diseases will reduce.”

Emerging studies have proven that strong muscles are far better at helping the body respond to insulin, resulting in better blood sugar control after meals and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, which affects the health of the heart. In a large trial involving nearly half a million adults published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine last year, a team of US scientists showed that adding more muscle-strengthening workouts not only enhanced fitness but reduced the risk of injuries and improved longevity.

Lyon says the importance of muscle for midlifers has been suggested in research, including a study from the University of Copenhagen that shows repeated contractions of skeletal muscle boosts the production of myokines, hormones that have been shown to influence the way in which the entire body responds to exercise. “We now know that these myokine hormones are extraordinarily valuable in leveraging the health of the overall body,” Lyon says. “For example, German researchers showed that the myokine boost with resistance training helps to regulate the processes that lead to improved cardiovascular and metabolic health.”

Lyon describes one recent female patient who had struggled with her health and weight for decades, but shed 4st within nine months of shifting her focus from calorie counting to consuming more dietary protein and lifting weights. “We worked on her protein consumption and her workouts to enhance her muscle health,” Lyon says. “Not only did she lose a lot of weight, but her joint pain disappeared, her biomarkers for autoimmune disease were dramatically reduced, and her levels of blood fats improved.”

It doesn’t end there. From our fifties onwards, she says, good muscle health also helps to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis. In our seventies it protects against falls. Best of all, perhaps, it has a powerful anti-ageing effect on the way muscle tissue works above and beyond aesthetics.

The TV presenter Davina McCall, 55, has said that this is the reason why strength training is an important part of her routine. “Stronger bones and muscles will stop me falling and help me stay well for longer,” she said. “Strength training keeps my mind young too.”

McCall has said she has protein shakes to “ensure I can maintain muscle tone”. She has recently created a shake with Foodspring, a sports nutrition company, called Protein + Relax, which she says she has as an after-dinner treat.

“By eating dietary protein and doing resistance exercise in middle and old age you enable your body’s muscle tissue to act more like youthful muscle tissue of your twenties,” Lyon says. “It can have life-changing effects on homeostatic mechanisms that influence the brain, ageing, memory and longevity.”

Dr Gabrielle Lyon’s 8 rules to reboot your health

1. You are probably not eating enough protein

Current UK and USA government guidelines suggest that you need about 0.8g-1g of protein daily per kilogram of bodyweight, which equates to 50-63g, or 2-3 palm-sized portions, for an adult weighing 63kg (about 10st). But these are baseline recommendations set to prevent deficiency and maintain health. I’d argue strongly it is not enough. As we age our ability to digest and utilise protein decreases, meaning we need proportionately more of it in our diets to get the same results. Research from McMaster University in Ontario has shown that intakes of up to 1.6g per kg for an active person are needed to support muscle health from middle age onwards. The minimum I’d ever recommend is 100g of protein daily for men and women who are also doing some resistance training. To give you an idea of what this means, a skinless chicken breast contains 54g, a 145g can of tuna 40g, two eggs 14g, a 250g steak 62g, and beans, peas and lentils anything from 5-8g per 100g.

2. It’s not just how much, but the quality of protein that matters

Protein in food is the delivery system for the 20 amino acids that are needed to support the body’s physical structure. Of these, nine ar

e considered essential amino acids because the body cannot produce them itself and they must be obtained from food. Animal-derived protein is, by definition, better quality than plant-based protein in that it contains the highest quantities of these essential amino acids. That doesn’t mean you won’t get enough if you eat a vegetarian, vegan or plant-based diet, just that it requires more effort and planning, and you’d have to consume more protein in total to get what you need. You will almost certainly have to supplement with some extra protein sources, such as a vegan protein powder, if you don’t eat at least dairy and eggs.

3. Prioritise protein for breakfast

We come out of an overnight fast after sleeping in a catabolic state, meaning our body is preparing to break down nutrients for energy because our reserves are low. Our skeletal muscle is primed for stimulation first thing in the morning, and by frontloading with 30-50g of good-quality dietary protein in your first meal of the day, you will set off this important process. You begin to impact your body’s intricate machinery, priming it to boost muscle growth and repair, supporting other important processes. Because it fills you up, having protein for breakfast also offsets hunger later on and helps you to make better food choices all day. For breakfast I have 2 eggs, sometimes as a frittata, and some Greek yoghurt, which has 10g of protein per 100g serving. And you can add some nuts. There is 6g of protein in a handful of almonds. Sometimes I even have minced beef, which has up to 30g per 100g serving.

4. Midlifers need protein after a workout

Following a resistance workout with a protein shake or snack actually matters less for people in their twenties and thirties than it does for those aged 50-plus. Our ability to use amino acids is reduced from midlife onwards, but taking a 20g dose of protein — the amount of a couple of handfuls of nuts or a shake with 20g of whey protein, for example — when blood flow is increased after the intense muscle contractions of weight training enhances the uptake. Make it a habit if you are older or are starting with very low muscle mass.

5. Lifting weights three times a week is a non-negotiable after 40

Increasing your intake of protein will bring benefits to your health, but these are multiplied several fold when you add resistance training, which means performing high-tension muscle contractions against any external load. When you use resistance bands or lift weights you immediately help your body’s skeletal muscle to remove carbs from the bloodstream, protecting against conditions such as type 2 diabetes in the longer term. Weights help to ramp up muscle-protein synthesis and build new muscle tissue by using your body’s amino acid reserves for each muscle contraction. Start resistance training as early in life as you can — I get my kids, aged two and four, doing bodyweight exercises — but by your forties and fifties doing it at least three times a week is essential to maximise the breakdown and repair process that keeps muscles strong. It is also a powerful switch for changing body composition, and you will quickly feel and look leaner and stronger.

6. Gradually add more deadlifts and squats (and wear a weighted vest around the house)

Progression with strength and resistance training is critical. We have to keep getting better with it or we simply won’t shift that metabolic needle. Don’t ignore aerobic exercise, such as walking and running, which is very important for cardiovascular health, but focus on adding a few more repetitions of squats and deadlifts or lifting a slightly heavier weight every few weeks. You can add resistance work to your daily life in any number of ways — even by doing 30-60 seconds of squats as you stand at your desk. I like to wear a 5kg weighted vest around the house all day.

7. Eat a protein-rich meal four hours before bed

There’s a school of thought — and some research to back it up — that eating 30-40g of quality protein, such as that in a bowl of Greek yoghurt, before bed can help with overnight muscle protein synthesis as well as increasing metabolic rate. I tend to recommend eating a meal containing 30-50g protein — for example a chicken breast — 3-4 hours before you go to bed. Eating anything too late can interfere with sleep and the circadian rhythm, and having protein that bit earlier doesn’t make it any less effective at repairing and building muscles overnight.

8. Consider taking supplements

The foundation of healthy muscle is a healthy, protein-rich diet and resistance exercise. However, there are some supplements that can support your quest for better muscle health, and my favourite is Urolithin A, a natural gut microbiome-derived food metabolite that has been shown in published studies to affect the turnover of muscle mitochondria and boost muscle health. Last year a study in the journal Cell Reports Medicine showed that a supplement of Urolithin A improved muscle performance in middle-aged adults over four months, while another in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that it boosted muscle endurance in older adults. I use Mitopure (60 softgels for £102; If you do eat a diet without much red meat, I would recommend a supplement of creatine, especially from the age of 55 onwards, as it has a phenomenal effect on maintaining muscle mass in conjunction with weight training. Since there are vitamin D receptors in our muscles, everyone should take a supplement of this important vitamin, and there is emerging research that omega 3 fatty acids and fish oil supplements impact the muscle health of women more than men.

How to get the most out of your resistance training

by Dr Gabrielle Lyon

1. Select exercises you know how to properly execute. Correct form is the foremost priority with any exercise.

2. Create a balance between muscle groups and movement patterns. Train each specific muscle group three to five times a week with 48 to 72 hours of recovery time in between.

3. Think of ways you can make your exercise selection more challenging once you’re ready to progress. Adding more load (weight)? Increasing time under tension?

4. Your performance will reflect the quality of your sleep and nutrition. Keep recovery as a high priority or your training will suffer.

5. For a higher payoff, do conditioning and interval sessions as a separate morning session, then complete a resistance training session approximately six to eight hours later. Research suggests that back-to-back strength and endurance sessions are less effective because of insufficient recovery time to achieve maximal benefit.

6. This type of scheduling is an ideal, not a requirement. Most important is that you get the sessions done.

How to plan a resistance programme

Remember that your body is three-dimensional. This may sound obvious, but too often I see people working out who seem to have forgotten that their bodies can move in ways other than forward and backward (referred to as the sagittal plane of movement). Our bodies also have the capacity to move laterally (side to side) and to rotate. A well-rounded programme requires balance between muscle groups and incorporates all our movement patterns. Your workout also needs to balance pulling motions (eg, a row, bicep curl, lat pull-down) with pushing motions (eg, push-up, chest press, overhead press). Leg exercises occupy their own category, beyond push or pull, because most incorporate both the anterior (front) and posterior (back) muscles synergistically, unless specific muscles are isolated on a machine.

Balancing your workouts among the push, pull and leg categories will also help to reduce feeling overwhelmed by deciding which combinations of exercise to choose. Next, it’s time to tie in planes of motion. For example, a chest press is like an overhead press in terms of mechanics, but the movement takes place in a different plane of motion. The muscle groups targeted in each of those exercises are different due to the positioning of the weights in space.

Perform the most important exercises first, when you have the most energy, mental focus and time. Prioritising which movements you execute at your peak will bring you that much closer to achieving your goal. If your workout ends up getting cut short, at least you will have consistently executed your workout’s primary objective.

Exercise starts in the brain

You can use physical training not only to enhance your strength but also to sharpen your attention skills. Several studies show that muscle improvement increases when we visualise the target muscle and consciously direct activity and concentration there during exercise performance. For example, in a bicep curl, focus your attention on the squeeze in the bicep at the top of every rep. Every exercise requires a mind-muscle connection.

Your intention is key. Directed attention correlates with increased activation, possibly reducing contribution from other muscles. Before you begin your workout, silence your phone and get your mind in the zone. Ignoring the ping of texts and alerts will help you to focus on the muscle you’re targeting in each exercise. Over the long term, this approach can improve your training, both mentally and physically.

JEY100 Sat, Oct-14-23 03:16

Demi, Thank you for posting this long book summary!

I'm all in with all those protein recommendations now, but good grief! I'm not even close on her resistance and strength exercises :( wear a weighted vest all day? Strength and conditioning in the morning, with resistance session 6 hours later? And more….so.much.more.
I hope she has some beginner, out of shape senior program that cuts this down to the essentials.

Like her mentor Dr Don Layman, that 100g of protein rec. is an minimum for everyone, esp. older women. 1 g. protein per pound of ideal body weight works even better for weight loss (Marty Kendall suggests working up to that) and 30-50 g for the first meal is key to being satiated all day. Eating enough protein is only possible for me in at least an 8 hour "window", cannot eat more than about 80 G protein at one meal. Bacon, sausage, cheese, HWC, cream cheese, and pork rinds are higher in fat than protein. Alternative low fat protein sources:

cotonpal Sat, Oct-14-23 06:06

Originally Posted by JEY100
Demi, Thank you for posting this long book summary!

I'm all in with all those protein recommendations now, but good grief! I'm not even close on her resistance and strength exercises :( wear a weighted vest all day? Strength and conditioning in the morning, with resistance session 6 hours later? And more….so.much.more.
I hope she has some beginner, out of shape senior program that cuts this down to the essentials.

This is often the problem, recommendations that are too extreme for us “seniors” or us relative beginners. And I wonder, is that much focus on exercise really necessary? I am not asking if exercise is necessary but rather do we really have to be planning our whole day around it? And then there is her recommendation to take Mitopure which, at best, if you subscribe to automatic shipments every 2 months, cost $100 a month.

It makes me wonder what her target demographic is, not just by age but in terms of finances. I don’t disagree with her basic premise, protein and strength training but I wish it were more focused on the common woman. I pre-ordered her book and I am sure I can gain something from it but I am beginning to suspect that I will find it not directed towards me. I am probably not her demographic. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised,

BawdyWench Sat, Oct-14-23 06:08

Originally Posted by Ms Arielle
Was able to convince my mother to increase her meat intake a couple years ago. She is now late 80's.

When my mother-in-law was told by her doc to up her protein, he said to have peanut butter on crackers as an afternoon snack.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

bluesinger Sat, Oct-14-23 17:23

My situation puts me in a nutritional bind. I'm just off years of cancer treatment and absolutely at a loss about my nutritional health. While I was having chemo, I had a blood draw every 3 weeks. Now I have no way to track what food is doing for my body. I've always made lots of red blood cells, but my last test showed too much calcium in my blood. If I were to go to a nutritionist, she would advise me to eat lots of carbs because that's what they're conditioned to do. My energy levels vary, too.
Really don't want to risk too much of ANYTHING.

JEY100 Sun, Oct-15-23 03:33

Glenda, Have you considered Optimising Nutrition for Micronutrients? It requires close tracking of food intake using a database with about 80 nutrients. I find that class requires the most detail work but Jean started with this class info. The food lists and recipes make it easier now to find the optimal foods for you. There are about 30 dietary patterns offered, inc. Therapeutic Ketogenic.

Easier, consider eating " The Most Nutrient Dense, Health Promoting Foods Focus only on these lists, esp.Dairy, and drop any supplements.

All nutrient dense foods:


WereBear Sun, Oct-15-23 07:08

Originally Posted by cotonpal
This is often the problem, recommendations that are too extreme for us “seniors” or us relative beginners. And I wonder, is that much focus on exercise really necessary? I am not asking if exercise is necessary but rather do we really have to be planning our whole day around it? And then there is her recommendation to take Mitopure which, at best, if you subscribe to automatic shipments every 2 months, cost $100 a month.

It makes me wonder what her target demographic is, not just by age but in terms of finances.

Having giant datapools of people to target has created micro-customer bases. So it's entirely possible she's aiming at people with lots of disposable income. They are used to taking dramatic steps; in fact, they prefer it. :lol:

Or perhaps it's the media who are pressing the flashy parts, from a press release who wants them to. I hope the book covers all levels of ability, and that means financial, too. I appreciate my favorite authors who offer an array of alternatives.

We are people who are just barely able to keep it together, as DH and I heal from having stress related illnesses during a time of great stress :lol: I usually go up and down three flights of stairs at least once a day, and my writing studio doesn't have a desk, but a mattress on the floor.

I get more energy from my writing sessions because I'm not holding myself upright at a desk for long periods. Getting down to, and up from, almost-the-floor is one of my daily strategies to build movement into my day.

Originally Posted by cotonpal
I don’t disagree with her basic premise, protein and strength training but I wish it were more focused on the common woman.

I thought I lost weight to help my joints. Now I have to buy removable fat? That sounds... weird.

JEY100 Tue, Oct-17-23 05:12

The book was published today, and the Optimal Protein podcast with Vanessa Spina interviews Dr Gabrielle Lyon about Muscle Centric Medicine.

Excellent discussion in first half about why OMAD does NOT support muscle protein synthesis and weight loss.

Her Longevity Plan is Two meals a day…at least 50 grams Protein at First and last meal. (Or more) In between you may need to add a snack or light meal of protein. FF yogurt, cottage cheese plus protein powder or a shake works well for me to get my total protein up to 145 g (1 g P per pound of ideal weight) for few calories.

Like Don Layman, this is a minimum of 100g of protein for everyone, especially seniors, spread over the day. Eating all your protein at dinner has negatives she explains. The biggest advantage to me Eating at least 50g at the first meal is satiety….throughout the day to the snack or last meal, no evening snacks, etc.

Second half includes carb threshold per meal, essential fats ( very little) and a lesson about mindset from a Navy Seal.

Dr Lyons' own podcast today is also about the book.

JEY100 Sun, Oct-22-23 06:49

Dr Lyon on Good Morning America with Forever Strong exercises.

WereBear Mon, Oct-23-23 04:05

Originally Posted by JEY100
minimum of 100g of protein for everyone, especially seniors

2017, NY Times:

Most American adults eat about 100 grams of protein per day, or roughly twice the recommended amount. Even on a vegan diet people can easily get 60 to 80 grams of protein throughout the day from foods like beans, legumes, nuts, broccoli and whole grains. Jul 28, 2017

I remember vegans insisting we are "poisoning ourselves" with protein. But I CANNOT easily get 60 to 80 grams of protein throughout the day from foods like beans, legumes, -instant digestive upsets - broccoli - too high in fiber-- and whole grains which are loaded with oxalate and the protein is in the gluten, which is the WORST thing I can eat.

We are fighting metric tonnes of money who don't want us to use science and/or sense and/or the signals from our own bodies.

No wonder they can't admit they have been so radically wrong for so very long. The outrage would destroy them.

Only, some of them deserve it.

JeanM Mon, Oct-23-23 15:16

I was really surprised to hear Dr Lyon has no problem with the use of Ozempic.

Demi Wed, Oct-25-23 07:00

Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well

The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show

This special episode is a solocast for me to personally introduce to you my new book, Forever Strong: A New Science Based Strategy for Aging. I'm so excited to share it with you. It took two years and 20 years of experience to bring you the information in these pages. You cannot correct a problem if the foundation and framework for thinking of that problem is wrong. That is where muscle centric medicine was born, from a desire and need to move the needle for you to be able to take charge of your own health and wellness. In my book, I give you exactly what to do, exactly how you need to think about things, and what you need to execute. This concept of obesity pained me to the point that everything in this book, and what I talk about, is to change the trajectory of your life. To allow us all as a society to not be left floundering by flawed nutrition and exercise recommendations.

In this episode I discuss:

Training plans for everyone from beginners to experts.How to address your personal weaknesses and triggers.What is Muscle Centric Medicine and why is it so important?The ideal protein and carbohydrate balance.

Click here to listen to the podcast

JeanM Fri, Oct-27-23 13:09

At about minute 55, Dr Lyon talks about ozempic. As a binge eater I would love to have a positive experience such as she says she sees with her patients. Do the Dr's get kickbacks for prescribing?

JEY100 Wed, Nov-08-23 05:01

Dr Naiman uses it, and other WL drugs, for his patients who need it and then he closely monitors them. Doubt US doctors get anything now, the drug manufacturers do not even have enough supply, but the compounding versions sold on Instagram are worrying.

The newest episode with Dr Don Layman is very good! The large serving of protein at the first meal provides Satiety…the craving killer. I thought from the title he would cover Micronutrients more, but not much, mostly still the Macros.


How to Optimize your Nutrition:

In this episode they discuss: • How to create a balanced diet • Where does incorrect health information come from? • What is cardio metabolic health? • How you can tailor dietary protein, fats, and carbohydrates to your needs.

JEY100 Sat, Nov-18-23 07:53

Demi recommended this new podcast with Dr Lyons, on The Genius Life with Max Lugavere


The Top Foods To Eat Every Day To BURN FAT & Build Muscle For Longevity | Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

In this episode, Dr Lyon explains why muscular health is vital to our overall health, longevity, and staving off chronic disease. She also explains the role of dietary protein in burning fat and building muscle and the paradigm shift needed in medicine to match these important discoveries. We also dig into the role of leucine in muscle protein synthesis, resistance training for older adults, supplements for longevity, and so much more.

GRB5111 Mon, Nov-20-23 21:56

Originally Posted by JEY100
Demi recommended this new podcast with Dr Lyons, on The Genius Life with Max Lugavere

Just listened to this podcast this morning. I like Dr. Lyon as she has worked closely with Don Layman who is one of the foremost authorities on protein and protein research. She refers to her approach as Muscle-centric Medicine, which is a very accurate term. As we age, maintaining and increasing muscle mass is the most critical component to prevent age-related health, mental, and physical decline. Consuming healthy whole foods emphasizing protein is key to supplying the building blocks to increase muscle mass while strengthening bones. The Genius Life podcast with Dr. Lyon is time well spent. Highly recommended.

As for a good guide on resistance training, I can’t think of a better source than Body by Science by Doug McGuff and John Little. This is one of the most practical texts for fitness based on adequate recovery time. Therefore, it’s ideally suited for any age, but especially seniors. This is no typical multi set, gym-rat oriented weight lifting recommendations. Most can devise a fitness program from this book that provides a whole body workout from one to a couple times per week, with a core group of safe exercises all done in one set each. Best book I’ve read on fitness that provides the amount of resistance training one needs with minimal time spent in the gym, and maximizing the time required for adequate recovery to grow muscle and be ready for the next workout.

JEY100 Sat, Feb-17-24 08:56

YT/podcast with Dr Gabrielle Lyon was repeated today as part of Vanessa's Protein series.

This episode is featuring Dr. Gabrielle Lyon! We talk all about her recommendations for protein, fat and carb at meals, the carb threshold, the optimal protein intake, how much fat we should eat, how women in peri and post menopause can optimize their body composition, hormone replacement therapy, her opinion on “Health At Every Size”, and MUCH more!

This was recorded back in October before Dr Lyon's book was released. Vanessa pre-recorded all of this new Protein Series to provide weekly content while she was on maternity leave. Basic explanations of Muscle Protein Synthesis, her Longevity approach, etc.

kdc01 Sat, Feb-17-24 14:05

GRB5111 -

I agree totally about Body by Science. McGuff and Little are disciplines of Arthur Jones. McGuff has You Tube videos of his workouts using some of Jones' vintage Nautilus equipment.
There are lots of parallels between Atkins and Jones being revelutionaries in their fields.

GRB5111 Mon, Feb-19-24 15:31

Originally Posted by kdc01
GRB5111 -

I agree totally about Body by Science. McGuff and Little are disciplines of Arthur Jones. McGuff has You Tube videos of his workouts using some of Jones' vintage Nautilus equipment.
There are lots of parallels between Atkins and Jones being revelutionaries in their fields.

Good comparison, KDC. I’m flabbergasted that more don’t know about Body By Science. Who wouldn’t want to increase strength, increase muscle, and improve metabolic function in around 15-20 minutes a week? It’s a very safe routine for any age and definitely provides a very intense and effective workout. In addition, anyone at any fitness level can start slowly and realize benefits in a couple weeks. It’s not magic, and it can be done at home or in the gym. Another one who uses a similar approach is Dr. Wayne Westcott out of Quincy, MA. Here he is discussing the importance of resistance training, age, and the combination with protein to achieve muscle, bone, and metabolic health:

This can be done effectively at any age. I see so many fitness “gurus” recommending multiple sets of various exercises multiple times a week. Who has time for that and wants to put up with the risk of injury that inevitably comes with chronic workouts? The benefits of this slow, one set approach are indisputable. At one workout per week, there is ample time for recovery to achieve muscle health preventing sarcopenia that comes from getting older and being sedentary.

kdc01 Mon, Feb-19-24 19:52

HRB5111 -
I have read Wescott's book about strength training for people over 50. He does a lot of work with nursing home residents and though I am not there yet, I am 77 years old.
BTW, he is also a follower of Arthur Jones' protocols.

JEY100 Tue, Apr-16-24 02:58

Found a Dr Gabrielle Lyon TedX talk. The Midlife Muscle Crisis: why we've gotten obesity all wrong a wake-up call for anyone yo-yo dieting, fasting longer than 24 hours, not focusing on eating adequate protein every day, esp. as we age, and of course resistance exercise! Three steps:

Resistance exercise 3 days a week, until you want to quit, then do more
Increase quality protein everyday
Reach a Protein threshold first and last meal of the day. [it may be possible for some, but not easy , to reach adequate protein in less than 2/3 meals a day]

This talk is Only 10 minutes and may save you life or at least keep you out of the nursing home.

JEY100 Wed, Apr-17-24 03:10

From the lab of renown Protein and Exercise Researcher, Dr Stu Phillips:

The Coming of Age of Resistance Exercise as a Primary Form of Exercise for Health


By reading this article, the health and fitness professional will learn:

• Physical activity guidelines emphasize the performance of aerobic exercise for health and often indicate that resistance exercise can be beneficial; however, emerging evidence shows that resistance exercise is often as effective as aerobic for many aspects of health.

• Resistance exercise participation can benefit several health aspects: cardiorespiratory health, vascular health, muscle oxidative capacity, mental health, muscle hypertrophy, strength, and power.

• To support clients in sticking to their program, use strategies like monitoring (you and your client keeping track of how much resistance exercise they are doing), action planning (scheduling when, where, and how they will do their resistance exercise), and highlighting the health and emotional benefits of resistance exercise that are relevant to your client.
. See chart of Reduction of Risk of cancer, all cause mortality, etc.

Dr Phillips is an engaging interview guest. Dr Lyon interviewed him about a year ago on this: Protein Truths and Myths: Does it cause Cancer and Aging?
Dec 2023.

GRB5111 Thu, Apr-18-24 14:48

Originally Posted by JEY100
From the lab of renown Protein and Exercise Researcher, Dr Stu Phillips:

The Coming of Age of Resistance Exercise as a Primary Form of Exercise for Health

. See chart of Reduction of Risk of cancer, all cause mortality, etc.

Dr Phillips is an engaging interview guest. Dr Lyon interviewed him about a year ago on this: Protein Truths and Myths: Does it cause Cancer and Aging?
Dec 2023.

Phillips is a good source, and resistance to failure can easily be adopted by anyone at any age. Doug McGuff has some excellent videos on this, and he recommends the use of machines for those who may be concerned about weight training and balance.

One thing that seems to be missing from the resistance exercise benefits listed is a major benefit: vastly improved bone density. It’s better than any other supplement.

WereBear Fri, Apr-19-24 00:57

People didn't use to develop bones that shattered at a glance. In MIDDLE AGE.

There are cases of people in their forties, not knowing their bones are so fragile, keeping up with activities like mountain biking, and winding up with spinal injuries.

I so agree that bone density is the key to good health. And where are people getting their calcium? Not from "oat milk."

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