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Petey Mon, Jan-13-20 09:03

Coffee decaf or regular?
I started my induction phase on Saturday and as per the Atkins diet it says no caffeine. I'm trying to seen off it by cutting down to just 1 cup of regular coffee in the morning but the brain fog is intolerable . Has anyone had any success on this diet drinking regular coffee with caffeine ?

Meme#1 Mon, Jan-13-20 09:41

Coffee is fine and good with heavy cream but no sugar at all. Creamers that are not real cream have carbs so don't use them.

cotonpal Mon, Jan-13-20 09:43

I drink caffeinated coffee every day, 3 cups, have for all the years that I have been eating low carb and it has never caused a problem for me. Although I didn't specifically follow Atkin's induction plan I eat in a very similar way. I drink my coffee black although before going low carb I always added cream and sugar.

s93uv3h Mon, Jan-13-20 12:00

A lot has happened since Dr. Atkins put out his original DANDR in 1972, and subsequent updates (I have the 2009 paperback). So the new answer is caffeine is A-ok! - Per Eric C. Westman, Stephen D. Phinney, Jeff S. Volek:

The New Atkins for a New You

I limit coffee to my eating window - which for me is stacked from breakfast to maybe sometimes lunch - so caffeine never affects me getting to sleep.

New Atkins Diet is better than ever: Flexibilty in veggies, caffeine revamps popular regimen

"It's okay to have limited amounts of coffee," Westwood says, citing both caffeine's good and bad effects on blood sugar and weight.

^ they probably meant Westman lol


Petey Mon, Jan-13-20 18:00

Originally Posted by Meme#1
Coffee is fine and good with heavy cream but no sugar at all. Creamers that are not real cream have carbs so don't use them.

Ok. I never use milk or sugar. I o oh use a bit of heavy cream. The first ti.e I sent on this diet 17 ears ago I read Dr atkins new diet revolution and it said that caffwi e can cause you insulin to become u stable. First time I did the diet I lost 75 lbs and eliminated caffeine. Everytime I tried the diet after that I drank regular coffee and didn't have success. I recently picked up the book and totally forgot about the no caffeine part so I was wondering what everyone else was doing.

Meme#1 Mon, Jan-13-20 18:29

I like coffee for a dessert.
I grind my own beans and sometimes sprinkle a little cinnamon on the grounds before brewing.
Then you can whip your cream with a hand mixer and have a nice treat for your coffee.
It also curbs the appetite.

WereBear Tue, Jan-14-20 04:19

As with so much else, it depends on how your body reacts to it.

I do "bulletproof coffee" with coconut oil and heavy cream and try to keep myself to one French Press worth, first thing in the morning. This keeps it from affecting my sleep.

Also, I don't drink mud. I make good coffee and enjoy it.

Benay Tue, Jan-14-20 06:44

I drink caffeinated coffee - 3 cups - black - every morning. Clears up brain fog.

Thinking about adding chicory to add flavor. I LOVE southern coffee. They brew the best coffee in the world.

Petey Tue, Jan-14-20 07:22

Originally Posted by WereBear
As with so much else, it depends on how your body reacts to it.

I do "bulletproof coffee" with coconut oil and heavy cream and try to keep myself to one French Press worth, first thing in the morning. This keeps it from affecting my sleep.

Also, I don't drink mud. I make good coffee and enjoy it.
. I've made bullet proof coffee before with butter & MTC oil and other times with MTC & coconut oil. Unfortunately I end up with nausea followed by the Hershey squirts. 🤐

Bangle Tue, Jan-14-20 14:44

I always drink two cups of coffee every morning as soon as I get up. I grind my beans and drink it black. I used to do cream and sweetener, but stopped years ago on some diet. Now I like it black. I've done the bulletproof coffee but run out of the stuff and just drink it black.

I don't remember it being a no, no on Atkins.......

s93uv3h Wed, Jan-15-20 01:37

I used a Bonivita 8 cup for the longest time. Then got a hand grinder and did pour over for a few weeks. Now it's KISS (keep it simple silly!) and I get mcdonalds large coffees and have a cup a morning. Two for one when you do the receipt survey. And twice a week my wife gets me a large (tall?) s'bucks from the casino. Speaking of which, reminds me of the scene in Role Models (2008):

Can I get a large black coffee?

A what?

Large black coffee.

Do you mean a venti?

No, I mean a large.

Venti is large.

No, venti is twenty. Large is large. In fact, tall is large and grande is Spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations, you're stupid in three languages.

A venti is a large coffee.

Really? Says who? Fellini? Do you accept lira or is it all euros now?

WereBear Wed, Jan-15-20 06:06

Originally Posted by Petey
. I've made bullet proof coffee before with butter & MTC oil and other times with MTC & coconut oil. Unfortunately I end up with nausea followed by the Hershey squirts. 🤐

MCT oil is the likely culprit. I'm a FAT BURNING BEAST who does well with very low carbs, and can take a chunk of coconut oil the size of a whole pecan in my coffee. But I worked up to that.

Petey Wed, Jan-15-20 07:11

Getting back to the topic of the thread. I'd like to hear some more feedback from members on caffeinated coffee vs decaf , Have you had different results ? Have you not lost weight drinking caffeinated then switched to decaf and began losing?

Benay Thu, Jan-16-20 10:15

I have not switched to decaf to enhance losing as there is no research -to my knowledge- that supports this claim

Instead I going going to try a chicory enhanced fully caffeinated coffee to see if it tastes any better than the stuff I buy at the market.

Petey Thu, Jan-16-20 10:28

Originally Posted by Benay
I have not switched to decaf to enhance losing as there is no research -to my knowledge- that supports this claim

Instead I going going to try a chicory enhanced fully caffeinated coffee to see if it tastes any better than the stuff I buy at the market.

I never thought of looking into Dr Atkins claim of caffeine affecting your insulin. After work I'll have more time to do a search to see what I find.
As for coffee we only buy Starbucks dark roast or Red Brick Double French Roast. Thanks for your input and happy low carbing 😎

Kristine Thu, Jan-16-20 12:57

Hi Petey.

I've gone through periods of getting off caffeine completely and I don't recall noticing any particular weight gain or loss. I swap my coffee and Diet Pepsi for the decaffeinated versions thereof. I'm currently back on the high octane due to lack of availability/logistics.

I think Dr Atkins originally believed that caffeine worsened carbohydrate intolerance. I don't know what the evidence says, but I think it could have an indirect effect on weight loss: if it worsens insomnia or anxiety, or if you're consuming a ton of it with lots of cream (ie fat that you'd otherwise be burning off your body.) I think if you drink it in moderation and be sure to keep those other issues in check, most of us are fine with regular coffee.

For me, coffee has an appetite suppressant effect well worth the 2 cream + 1 Splenda I put in it. Lately, I just have one in the morning while I'm at work. (Work is Tim Hortons, the Canadian Dunkin' Donuts, pretty much. I'm allowed to drink as much as I want, but I'm more than a little coffeed-out! :p )

Petey Thu, Jan-16-20 19:30

Originally Posted by Kristine
Hi Petey.

I've gone through periods of getting off caffeine completely and I don't recall noticing any particular weight gain or loss. I swap my coffee and Diet Pepsi for the decaffeinated versions thereof. I'm currently back on the high octane due to lack of availability/logistics.

I think Dr Atkins originally believed that caffeine worsened carbohydrate intolerance. I don't know what the evidence says, but I think it could have an indirect effect on weight loss: if it worsens insomnia or anxiety, or if you're consuming a ton of it with lots of cream (ie fat that you'd otherwise be burning off your body.) I think if you drink it in moderation and be sure to keep those other issues in check, most of us are fine with regular coffee.

For me, coffee has an appetite suppressant effect well worth the 2 cream + 1 Splenda I put in it. Lately, I just have one in the morning while I'm at work. (Work is Tim Hortons, the Canadian Dunkin' Donuts, pretty much. I'm allowed to drink as much as I want, but I'm more than a little coffeed-out! :p )

Hi Kristine, thank you for your 2 cents. Right now I'm drinking 2 cups of high octane with a tablespoon of heavy cream. I am familiar with Tim Hortons, I have a friend in Ontario that refers to it as "Timmy Ho's" 😄

Kristine Fri, Jan-17-20 00:28

:lol: Yup, most of us just call it "Timmy's" and lots of folks call it "Timmy HoHo's".

Petey Fri, Jan-17-20 00:54

Originally Posted by Kristine
:lol: Yup, most of us just call it "Timmy's" and lots of folks call it "Timmy HoHo's".

I never had their coffee. I'd like to try it one day.

dk_Swan Fri, Jan-17-20 01:43

I don't think coffee made any difference one way or another, but I can't drink it anymore due to other health issues. I wish I could! Used to have it with half and half (I know, a few carbs there) and splenda or stevia. Stevia with Erthritol is a better choice than Splenda from what I've heard.

Petey Fri, Jan-17-20 09:10

I just wanted to give everyone an update . Today makes the 6th day since starting induction. I drank 2 cups of regular coffee (with caffeine) with a tablespoon of heavy cream in each one and as of today i am down 6.5 lbs!!! :thup:
I will continue doing this limiting myself to only 2 cups per day with a tablespoon of heavy cream. Looks like perhaps Dr. Atkins was wrong on ceffeine afterall.

doreen T Fri, Jan-17-20 10:36

Here's a timeline of Dr. Atkins' view on caffeine over the years ..

1972 Diet Revolution: Caffeinated beverages limited to 6 servings per day from all sources (coffee, tea, diet colas etc) UNLESS you suffer blood sugar swings and hypoglycemia. In that case limit was 3 servings. Note, a serving is one 8 oz cup, not a super-size 20 oz bucket ;).

1992 New Diet Revolution: No caffeine at all during the 14-day Induction period, then may slowly and cautiously add it back if tolerated. On p 309 he wrote, "... caffeine stimulates the insulin mechanism, and that's your vulnerable spot. It raises blood sugar at first and then allows it to crash. ..."

2002 New Diet Revolution, revised edition: The "no caffeine at all during Induction" rule was softened to simply "avoid excess caffeine". Excess caffeine was considered anything over 400 mg per day from all sources. (note, this is the current advice still given by Atkins Nutritionals).

For what it's worth, caffeine has never interfered with my weight loss efforts, including back in the low-fat dark ages :lol:


One significant issue with caffeinated coffee has to do with blood PRESSURE. Caffeine can trigger a spike in BP that lasts for several hours. This has been my personal experience, although the spike is less now since I've removed 60+ lbs. If you have a home BP monitor, it would be worth checking to see if this is an issue for you. Check your BP before caffeine, then 1, 2 and 3 hours after. I now limit caffeinated coffee to two 10 oz mugs in the morning only.


Petey Fri, Jan-17-20 10:40

Originally Posted by doreen T
Here's a timeline of Dr. Atkins' view on caffeine over the years ..

1972 Diet Revolution: Caffeinated beverages limited to 6 servings per day from all sources (coffee, tea, diet colas etc) UNLESS you suffer blood sugar swings and hypoglycemia. In that case limit was 3 servings. Note, a serving is one 8 oz cup, not a super-size 20 oz bucket ;).

1992 New Diet Revolution: No caffeine at all during the 14-day Induction period, then may slowly and cautiously add it back if tolerated. On p 309 he wrote, "... caffeine stimulates the insulin mechanism, and that's your vulnerable spot. It raises blood sugar at first and then allows it to crash. ..."

2002 New Diet Revolution, revised edition: The "no caffeine at all during Induction" rule was softened to simply "avoid excess caffeine". Excess caffeine was considered anything over 400 mg per day from all sources. (note, this is the current advice still given by Atkins Nutritionals).

For what it's worth, caffeine has never interfered with my weight loss efforts, including back in the low-fat dark ages :lol:


One significant issue with caffeinated coffee has to do with blood PRESSURE. Caffeine can trigger a spike in BP that lasts for several hours. This has been my personal experience, although the spike is less now since I've removed 60+ lbs. If you have a home BP monitor, it would be worth checking to see if this is an issue for you. Check your BP before caffeine, then 1, 2 and 3 hours after. I now limit caffeinated coffee to two 10 oz mugs in the morning only.


That's what I drink, 2 10 oz mugs in the morning and that's it. As for the Atkins diet revised caffeine that's when I bout his book in 2003 after the 2002 updated version. So that's why I was curious and skeptical of caffeine. But now that I'm losing a good amount I'm going to stick with what I'm doing. Thanks for your input 👍

Bob-a-rama Fri, Jan-17-20 13:12

One cup caffeinated with stevia and heavy whipping cream - zero carbs, zero artificial ingredients.

Benay Sat, Jan-18-20 08:21

Petey, one of the things you will notice in your reading of low carb books and their second/third etc editions, is that the newer issues incorporate the latest research - so they change their recommendations.

Atkins didn't have low carb research available, he just observed his clinic patients and drew his conclusions from their stories.

As an example, the first Protein Power book, written by the Eades', were cautious about fat. They recommended a cap on how many eggs you could eat in a day because of the fat content in eggs. They have shifted away from that recommendation.

In fact, in one of the first videos in the Diet Doctors series, he recommends that you eat less than 36 eggs a day! This is not a typo.

At one time eggs were anathema in the medical community and were believed to be responsible for many awful things that you could have go wrong with your body.

Personally, I like going back to the original books. Then I realize how far we have come just because research is happening despite the boycott by the medical community.

Attitudes, opinions and beliefs about coffee - decaf or fully caf - are just that - until there is valid research to answer the question.

If it doesn't interfere with your weight loss or general health, do what you think best for you.

Petey Sun, Jan-19-20 18:05

Originally Posted by Benay
Petey, one of the things you will notice in your reading of low carb books and their second/third etc editions, is that the newer issues incorporate the latest research - so they change their recommendations.

Atkins didn't have low carb research available, he just observed his clinic patients and drew his conclusions from their stories.

As an example, the first Protein Power book, written by the Eades', were cautious about fat. They recommended a cap on how many eggs you could eat in a day because of the fat content in eggs. They have shifted away from that recommendation.

In fact, in one of the first videos in the Diet Doctors series, he recommends that you eat less than 36 eggs a day! This is not a typo.

At one time eggs were anathema in the medical community and were believed to be responsible for many awful things that you could have go wrong with your body.

Personally, I like going back to the original books. Then I realize how far we have come just because research is happening despite the boycott by the medical community.

Attitudes, opinions and beliefs about coffee - decaf or fully caf - are just that - until there is valid research to answer the question.

If it doesn't interfere with your weight loss or general health, do what you think best for you.

That was a very interesting read Benay. Thank you for your input. Today made day 7 of induction for me and after a week of having 2 cups of ceffeinated coffee per day i am happy to say that i lost 11 pounds!! :agree:

Benay Mon, Jan-20-20 04:18

Originally Posted by Petey
That was a very interesting read Benay. Thank you for your input. Today made day 7 of induction for me and after a week of having 2 cups of ceffeinated coffee per day i am happy to say that i lost 11 pounds!! :agree:


GRB5111 Mon, Jan-20-20 12:17

Originally Posted by Benay
Attitudes, opinions and beliefs about coffee - decaf or fully caf - are just that - until there is valid research to answer the question.

If it doesn't interfere with your weight loss or general health, do what you think best for you.

Very sound advice on everything we consume.

WereBear Mon, Jan-20-20 13:44

I think caffeine is like dairy in that tolerances and effects vary so widely it’s hard to make a blanket statement about it.

BlitzedAng Tue, Feb-04-20 21:00

I do half caff myself if I drink it.

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