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lastchance Fri, Jun-21-02 11:02

190-199lbs and falling - Support Club
Here's an idea. How about a support club for everyone in different weight bands. When you've done well and your weight falls below the minimum for the group, you can graduate into the class below until you reach your goal.

I think it will be good to have people of similar weights to give each other support as they get ever closer to the group below. Those into competition could spur each other on.

Anyone want to join me?

This one, as the name suggests is for people who currently weigh between 190 and 199 pounds. In a few weeks I hope to set up the 180-189 group! (I'm on holiday in a couple of weeks, so I might end up setting up the 200-209 group - hope not!)

We could set ourselves mini-goals for graduation! And we would welcome anyone who graduated into our class from the class above.

Any takers? Just sign in!


TeriDoodle Fri, Jun-21-02 14:58

That's actually a good idea because people in the same "class" tend to lose at about the same rate, so that's a great idea for a support group!

I belong to a thread called "140 Anyone?" where we all have 140 as a goal and it's wonderful to have regular support from a regular group. This makes more sense to me, though, for the reasons stated above. Great idea!!! :thup:

lastchance Sun, Jun-23-02 04:31

Thanks for the support. Why not start one for 160-169? And I'll try and join you before Xmnas!

Any other takers?


plum Mon, Jun-24-02 03:22

Ok , here I am
I liked the title cos it reminds me of the "Infinite Improbability Drive" from H2G2, which is probably driving my fat loss, at that.

Im not very good with deadlines tho' they make me cross, so as long as its elastic , thats ok :)

10 lb increments is a good idea, as I cant think of the whole lot at once:too stunning.

plum signing in at 196. :)

tamarian Mon, Jun-24-02 13:48

Don't forget, there already a very busy 190's coundown club going on:


lastchance Tue, Jun-25-02 07:43

Just had taken a look and yes, it is busy, but not specifically for folk in a certain weight band, which is what I had in mind.

So, here I am at 194 (well, 199 this morning as TOM is due) and was hoping to get to 190 for the hols - but that is 10 days away and I'm not going to kill myself over it.

So, what do people in the 190's measure? do you measure in cms or in inches?

What size clothes do you find you fit into most comfortably?

Have you been this size recently?

I personally think I am about the same size as I was around 2 years ago.

So does this make me 2 years younger, I hope so!

A key time for me is to get back to how I was just after I had DS (6 years ago) at 170 -ish. Believe it or not I was lighter after I had him than before I got pregnant. (must take up breast-feeding again!).

I feel sometimes I am trying to get back to an age, as much as a weight - being heavy makes me look and feel so much older - does it you?

I'll call in again in day or two and see how we are doing. Do recruit anyone else you find on your travels.



KarenB Tue, Jul-02-02 19:30

Weighing in, Cap'n Sara!
Yeah, I'm back like that proverbial bad penny. Drat those pounds that didn't go away for good--but whose fault is it? Mine, of course. So--here I am *again* looking at 190s on my scale.

You've been such a help in my journal, Sara--and Plum, you too, lady. I'm back with a vengeance now, so LET'S DO THIS THING!!!

197, as of this morning.... (but yesterday it read 199, so hey, I'll take it!!)

destro Wed, Jul-03-02 00:03


Here I am!

I weighed 199 two days ago. I have not weighed myself since, but I doubt that I have gained weight.

I don't have a specific goal for getting down to 190 or 189 in terms of how long it will take. My main interest is controlling my blood sugar and weight loss is a secondary but extremely important part of that goal.

I don't think I have seen less than 200 pounds since about 1988 so this is a big accomplishment for me.

I have not measured myself at all. I can speak about clothing size though: My size 26-28 pants were starting to FALL off of me about a month ago. I had to use a safety pin to hold them up. I am still wearing the clothes I wore in the past, but I can tell with most things that the fit is looser .

I don't known if being heavy makes me LOOK older, but it certainly makes me feel like an old lady.

Thanks for starting this club and I will report back in as soon as I next weigh myself. Possibly tomorrow. I want to follow my WOE carefully but I want to avoid obsessive thinking about weight. That did nothing to help me in the past; only hurt me and made the entire situation worse.

So I am thinking that while this WOE is crucial for my survival, I don't want to make it the only thing in my life!


lastchance Wed, Jul-03-02 03:25

Hi Karen, Plum and Destro!

Glad to have you with us.

Don't know about 'and falling' bit of this group's name, I am definitely increasing. Been having huge carb cravings lately and though I've not given in, I've had to up the calorie enormously to compensate.

I reckon that is better as, psychologically, I haven't cheated. And, as we know , that is a good thing.

HOWEVER ...... I am off to France for a fortnight tomorrow - all that fantastic bread and chocolate croissant.

I will try my best not to start on them, as the sooner I do, the more weight I will have to lose when I get back, - not to mention the effort of getting back on the waggon.

So, wish me luck.

Listen, girls, can you keep this page going while I am away, it is still in its infancy and I don't want it to die from lack of attention in my absence!

Better go now and do some work

Hugs to you all


destro Wed, Jul-03-02 11:14

Dear Sara,

Have a great time in France! How I envy you. But guess what? I am not envying the food in France, I am envying the atmosphere, the museums, and hope that you will enjoy the wonders of France, which are numerous, that do not include the food.

I am still at 199 today, but I am not going to worry about it since my blood sugars are good.

Take care,


KarenB Wed, Jul-03-02 15:20

Oh, how I envy you Europeans....
being able to just nip over to another country like that, instead of having to scrimp and save hundreds for airfare.... ::SIGH::


I spent a week in France one night. Seriously--the one night our tour was there was awful. And we weren't even in Paris (which from what I hear is filled with people who simply despise Americans, moreso than that provincial little corner where we were--Strasbourg). Instead of French food, they gave us hamburgers and pommes frites. And NO KETCHUP for the frites. UGH. (We were in high school, and yes, this was *before* President Reagan declared ketchup a vegetable.)

Anyway, dear Sara, have a WONDERFUL vacation.

I'll wave a sparkler around for you tomorrow. :D

destro Thu, Jul-04-02 10:56

I came in here today to announce that I lost another pound. It's no big deal since I am mostly concerned about blood sugar rather than weight, but I also know that I MUST lost weight in order to regain my health.

Karen, I am sorry that you did not have a good experience in France. I spent a whole month there (December, 1995) and it was a good time to be a tourist. No lines in front of the Mona Lisa at all! I did not sense much hostility to Americans, but I decided that I was not going to look for it. I think that if anything, the French that I dealt with were a little amused by me because I made every effort to speak the language even with my atrocious accent.

The food was good, but that was many many years before I had heard of Low-carbing. I think that if you work carefully at it, and come prepared with a clear idea of what you want to it, that it's eminently possible to low-carb in France.

One of the most fascinating experiences of my life was spending Christmas in Lourdes! And going to Midnight Mass in Toulouse.

But I have the travel bug real bad. I am really glad that I never have really had a mentality that I travel to eat---I travel to people watch and visit the elegant old art museums and cathedrals that Europe has and that we don't have much of since we are such a younger country.

Got way off topic there...sorry.

KarenB Thu, Jul-04-02 16:40

WTG on that 1lb loss! Every little bit is worth celebrating, isn't it??

As for getting OT--I honestly don't think there's really any such thing around here. :D We're here to talk and support, and if that takes the form of yammering about France, well--so be it!

I'm still having terrible trouble getting my mind set back on LCing, even though I know how much I've regained by "goin' agin the ways" (Anyone else remember that cheesey made-for-tv flick with Bette Davis, what was it called.... oh, "Harvest Home", right!) I honestly don't know what it's going to take. Already my size 12 jeans have no hope of even zipping, let alone being *worn*, and the 14s are headed that way. What in blazes is WRONG with me?

I think I know, actually. I freaked out at all the attention I got when I was at my "thinnest" a few months back. I've never been one to turn heads with my appearance. When that began happening, I honestly did not know how to handle it. Apparently I made the decision to stop it by not falling, but *leaping* off the LC wagon.

And I'm finding it hard to climb back on, this time. I can still see the back end of it, and it's not entirely out of reach--but when I *think* I have a hold on that last slat, it slips and down I go.

I *do* want to wear those size 12s again. I *don't* want my 14s to get so tight I can't zip them. (I gave away everything bigger than that *months* ago--I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO WEAR!)

Here's to trying again tomorrow.

destro Thu, Jul-04-02 20:09

Yes, keep trying, Karen! Go for it tomorrow and then the next day, and so on!

I still have a pretty good LC mind-set but I know my own ways and I know that I have to watch for self-sabotage just around the corner.

It was probably very smart to get rid of your larger sized clothing; something I might contemplate doing.

One of the things that makes me feel very uneasy--and it's probably my own problem--is when people congratulate me on losing weight. I tend to hem and haw and mumble. I know that they mean well and that they are telling me that I "look better" but I guess it's still a psychological thing: just a reminder of the fact that much as I hope to be "invisible" I really am not.

You can do it, Karen!

plum Mon, Jul-08-02 05:22

hi, girls Im wondering how you are and how was July 4th ?? we heard lots of fireworks go off hereabouts at about 11 . 30 pm, all the American people living nearby celebrating.

Glad to report 2 " off for this week. No scale loss but Im slowly changing my mind set about that one. Its just so nice to get back into some old clothes that the scale is becoming less important.

Im used to reading about this scale vs inch loss thing and get cross because I was getting neither. Now Im feeling like a proper low carber :)

Catbert Wed, Jul-10-02 14:02

Hi Guys -

I really like the idea of this group with everyone being the in the same range 190 somethings. I got on the scale this morning after two years of taking a break from LC diet and all I can say - Shocked I tell you!! Shocked!! 195 Whoa! Where did that all come from? I have gained about 20 lbs in the last year and this is the last straw!! Last night I am taking my 9 year old to baseball and have a t Shirt on that has higher sleeves than I usually wear and my 9 year old says (squeezing my upper arm) "Mom - you have really big muscles! You should cut the sleeves off your shirt so everyone can see how strong you are" That did it for me and here I am. I spent much time reading on this site and like it alot. I am officially starting Induction on Sun the 14th. I'll subscribe to this thread and hope for your support. I really think you guys have the right idea. Is anyone measuring? Later - Cats

KarenB Wed, Jul-10-02 16:20

Cool, Cats!
Where are you in WI? I'm between Milw and Madison--maybe we can do a get-together. One had been sort of kind of in the planning stages, but folks kinda lost steam. Perhaps we can get a new head of it up now that there's another of us! :wave:

Wow.... I did in just over a month what you did in a couple of years. Amazing what a little flour and sugar can undo, isn't it...

But, we're BACK!!!! YAY US!!!!

plum Mon, Jul-15-02 04:25

morning girls. Very happy to be able to report a 2 lb down, and for the first time, people have noticed Im trimmer. :) Wonders for my self esteem I can tell you. and actually Im much more comfortable in the heat from this time last year. Ive been LC almost a year now nd a total loss of "only" 16 lb - 1 stone 2 lb .
not awfully dramatic - but learnt so much. notably if it takes another year for the next stone I can handle that , too.
( except Im hopeful the next stone will be a bit quicker !)

Catbert... I was stuck for ages and the tape never budged ! but now in true LC style Im alternately losing scale weight , then inches. Now I have a totally different attitude towards the tape ! to see 2 " off each thigh..... :D

Karen, Natalie, hows things ??

Catbert Mon, Jul-15-02 07:48

Good Morning Girls -

Ugh! This is harder than I remembered.

But worth it - seeing some minor results already. I actually started induction on Friday instead of Sunday. Plum - I like the 2" off the thigh goal! That will get me walking :)

Picture this - I had three 9 year old boys sleeping over with my son on Sat. They had Dairy Queen treats, Pizza and Popcorn, Rootbeer and everything else that is like gold to me!! Oh well - Got up early Sunday and fixed them a huge breakfast of Eggs and Sausage and Bacon and finally I could enjoy with them. However - I would have wrestled one of those boys for a piece of toast!!

Karen - I am in Fond du Lac - about 50 min from MKE and 50 Min from Appleton. Right smack dab in the middle. Where are you at?

Hope everyone had a great weekend. See Ya - Cats :wave:

Catbert Mon, Jul-15-02 07:59

Body Fat
Me Again -

I didn't put anyting in my profile about Body Fat - (Don't know how to measure) and the system is defaulting to 11%. Not that you think me to be a cheesy member here - 11% Body fat on this lady? Never - not even when I'm six feet under will I have only 11% body fat. Just thought I'd post that tidbit so you all understood. Cats

KarenB Mon, Jul-15-02 16:47

About that 11%....
That's how far you've come in your weight-loss goal, according to the stats you've entered. There's no default for the BF%, that's why that line is blank. :D

I know Fond du Lac; I used to live in West Bend. Now I'm in Lake Geneva!

KarenB Tue, Jul-16-02 21:02

All right, damn it...
This is it. The *last* night I'm treating myself like a sack of last week's trash.

I've indulged the "poor me" long enough. I've succeeded at this WOL before, and I will do it again. I can undo the damage I've done in the last two months. There's no telling how long that will take--save that I'm sure it'll be longer than the two months it took to wreck.

Time to return to preplanning all my meals and snacks the night before. Time to return to working out six days a week. Time to return to making a real shopping list and sticking to it.

I *am* worth all the compliments I was getting. I *am*.

destro Tue, Jul-16-02 21:12

1 Attachment(s)
Yes, Karen, you are worth it!

Welcome, Catbert!

I am still in this club. I have not weighed myself for a few days. Just instinct. I have not cheated; I think it's the heat and realizing that no matter how much water I drink sometimes (or at least in the past) heat makes it more difficult for the scale to budge.

Keep on keeping on, everyone!

Here's one for you, Catbert:

Catbert Wed, Jul-17-02 12:29

Cool Cats!!
1 Attachment(s)
Love the top hat! Wow!! Kewl Cat! (I just learned that one from my 12 yr old:) And all for me - I am humbled!

Karen -You go Girl!!

I had the day yesterday from lc hell as well. I need to get serious about this and stay serious! That is the only way it will work. My schedule is Nuts so that makes the whole element of preplanning just about nix. But I must Try!

I almost gave Mr. Scale a ride on my size 8's this morning! Two lbs up - But I agree the heat is horrible and its a great thing to blame the fluctuation on. I however am not going to weigh in for a week! I am going on a super induction marithon! Not even the slightest deviation for me!

Oh the visions of size 12 Levi's are dancing in my head - I'll take a size 10 also and won't complain! Therein lies my inspiration! Tee Hee - Have a good one - Cats

lastchance Mon, Jul-22-02 05:40

Right, I'm back. So glad to see so many of you on this thread now. And Plum, losing weight and inches - and getting cheeky with it (see her journal).

Karen, as usual, I'm full of admiration for you. You keep on hammering on, - just brilliant. A suggestion (probably useless), how about trying the AA thing of one day at a time and let the 'I can do this forever' thing just happen instead of be something you beat yourself up over. Would one day at a time be easier to stick to than forever at this point? Why not ease yourself into it- you did it like that before, don't forget and it worked.

Anyway, I am celebrating cos despite 2 portions of chips, 2 pizzas, a bar of amazingly dark chocolate (86% cocoa) and an ice cream every day, I didn't put on a pound over my 2 week hols. No bread or croissant and plenty of meat/fish/chicken and nuts, and missed lunch often. I did do plenty of swimming and walking so that was probably it! I actually think I lost inches - must measure in a minute. Now comes the difficult bit. I'm so pleased with myself that I had a baked potato at a bar-b - cue yesterday.

This is a difficult time for me. I often give up after 20lbs as I feel so pleased with myself, and then put it all on plus another 8. So, this time, must push through this part.

Let's see if I can lose 2lbs by Friday 2nd? Then I will be the same as Plum. (but I bet she'll have lost more by then). I want to start the 180-189 club next, but looks like Plum will do it first! She's on a roll!

Karen, when are you going to get on those scales again? Don't forget to give yourself little reinforcements.

Catch you all later. Great to be back.

Back to work now.


KarenB Mon, Jul-22-02 08:31

Well, it's like this....
I *am* doing the one day at a time thing, it's just too much these days to think of it any other way. And I did get on the scales. Same damned number as last week. But, as I said in my journal, these size 16s are a little looser than they were before, so I'll take *that* instead of a different number.

Time to measure for a new baseline, I think.

Catbert Mon, Jul-22-02 10:51

Good Morning
Hi Gals -

Sara - thanks for starting this forum - I love it and so look forward to the posts :)

How was everyone's weekend? Mine actually was great. So great that I hate to come back to work. Karen - keep up the hard work. I also am seeing little action in the scale department - but my 16's are getting looser as well. I'll give you the full quote to my tag line and hope it inspires. I have it plastered on my monitor and read it daily. Its my mantra.

"Action is a great restorer and builder of conifdence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all." Author unknown

lastchance Mon, Jul-22-02 13:23

Cat, I couldn't agree more about the action. The more you do, the more you accomplish, the more you accomplish, the better you feel. But it all starts with action. The only difference between those who do things and those who don't is that those who do things, do things. They may be just as frightened etc, but they do them.

Great to meet you. Good luck this week.


Catbert Tue, Jul-23-02 06:47

HI Gals -

Just thought I'd drop a line and let you know that I joined Curves for Women and Love it! I've only been twice but it is really fun and goes fast. Fits my schedule great! I hope I feel this motivated in a month! On lady there lost like 11" in one month! Wow! There is a curves forum here and all seem to like it.

Karen - the scale is still not moving for me either - a lb or two but not anything stunning. I couldn't help myself. I had to weigh in! Ugh! I should have just let it go until the end of the week.

Hope everyone has a great day :wave: Cats

lastchance Tue, Jul-23-02 07:08

Hi Cat

Do tell us UK girls what the 'curves' thing is all about! I have always had plenty of them and would love to know. It might be my home from home!


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