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Trainerdan Wed, Jun-19-02 03:37

OK, I am thinking of doing a new book. I am thinking of calling it "THE CKD HANDBOOK ", and here is what I plan to cover in it:

(1) Basic CKD info (like CKD 101)
(2) Plan Comparisons (Lyle's CKD vs. Body Opus vs. Anabolic Diet)
(3) Calorie Intake/Nutrient Ratio Chart
(4) Sample Menus
(5) CKD friendly supplements/reviews
(6) CKD-workouts/variations
(7) Tricks to get into ketosis faster LEGALLY
(8) Fat Burning Tricks (newest research, etc.)

I am sure I will add more to it, but that is the list I came up with at first.

I am asking EVERYONE who is part of this forum to give input and let me know what YOU would like to see covered in a book about CKDs.

Thanks in advance for your input!

-- dan

billw Wed, Jun-19-02 10:20

Sounds great so far. Put me down for a copy when it's ready.


Chantel Wed, Jun-19-02 10:33

Great idea, is it gonna be an E book or hard copy?

I would like to see some info on how to get off the CKD safely and then if not at desired goal at 12 weeks, when is a safe time to get back into the CKD.

Menus are a great idea.

In addition, I would like to see that the carb up phase is addressed to assure the average low carber that the carb up, if properly followed, is a temp weight gain. This "fear" is coming up on another bb. The concern also is that the carb monster will grab hold and not let go after the carb up. I realize that this comes down to self control but perhaps you could elaborate on this?

Also, can you touch base on what will happen, if anything, if you go over the recommended protein or fats?

Wow, I have only been on this 2 weeks and I am full of in put! lol
What the heck is gonna happen after a month? Sorry about the long post!

If I have any more "Advise" :rolleyes: , I will share!


smasterson Wed, Jun-19-02 11:31

Success Stories!

Zeus Wed, Jun-19-02 13:33

A sample carb-up menu/meal plan would be ideal. This way- the reader will have something to follow to the "T" ...avoiding the possibility of taking in the "wrong" kinds of carbohydrates at certain times (make sure to start with high GI---then go with lower GI).

Trainerdan Wed, Jun-19-02 14:01

I would like to see that the carb up phase is addressed to assure the average low carber that the carb up, if properly followed, is a temp weight gain

This info can be found in CKD101, and, if you ordered the book (Metabolism: Tips and Tricks), it is also addressed in the brief CKD portion of that book. ;)

Thanks for the input so far everyone!

Yes, the menus will be for both keto phase and carb phase. And, as CKD guidelines dictate, I will show how to use the high-GI at first and then go to lower-GI as the days go on.

With that in mind, I will now add lists of "high-GI" foods, and "low-GI foods" so that people can choose their own. Good tip, Zeus.

agonycat Wed, Jun-19-02 14:01

How about a newbie section for getting started. Mainly focus on us out of shape, over weight, middle age people like myself :lol: :D

Actually Dan it sounds great so far :)

Trainerdan Wed, Jun-19-02 14:41

more ....
Great idea, is it gonna be an E book or hard copy?

I was thinking hard-copy since it will be lengthy. Do you prefer e-books or hard-copy? I do sell some of my reports via e-book, and all of my members at my site have access to e-versions of all of my programs.

I would like to see some info on how to get off the CKD safely and then if not at desired goal at 12 weeks, when is a safe time to get back into the CKD.

Good one. There is so much info that I take for granted. Yes, having that sort of info in the book would make alot of sense, and is easily included. I will include sample menus for that transition phase as well.

Also, can you touch base on what will happen, if anything, if you go over the recommended protein or fats?

I will address this in the book since it is a concern, but the short answer is if you eat too many calories (total for day), be it protein, fats, whatever it will stall progress.

Now, if you are within your caloric range and you alter the ratios, excess protein will be used for energy by the body, and eating more than the reccomended fat will probably put you deeper into ketosis, or be used for energy. I find it hard to eat THAT much fat though. LOL.

I will be more long winded, thorough, and scientific in my response in the book.

Sorry about the long post!

No need to apologize. It was all good. I need this kind of input/feedback to see what the needs are for people out there. I having been doing CKDs for so long, I take things as second nature.

Thanks Chantel. :)

SUCCESS STORIES! I would LOVE to include them, but I always got the feeling that they took away from the credibilty of plans nowadays since EVERYONE is using them, and most supplement companies are doctoring the photos.

I have a small collection of e-mail testimonials, as well as some clients who I have pictures of who have used a CKD (in conjuction with my personal training) and have gotten great results!

I suppose I could add a section at the end with the testimonials/photos, eh?

Thanks Smasterson! :p

Chantel Wed, Jun-19-02 14:58

E books
I like E books because I am impatient! lol but it is nice to have a hard copy for easier reading. So if it is a lengthy book, my vote goes for hard-copy.

Zeus Wed, Jun-19-02 18:42

So. . . . how much is this "gem" going to cost? :angel:

Trainerdan Thu, Jun-20-02 04:33

How much is it worth to ya? :devil: LOL.

I was thinking in the $20 range, but I haven't even started writing yet. Still gathering ideas to create my outline, then I can start reseraching the things people want to see, testing products (rating insulin mimickers, fat burners, proteins, etc) ... blah blah blah.

It will be well worth the money.

Cost is always an issue, since printing and shipping costs are atl least half of my overhead. If I did an e-book, it would be half the cost, but I am not sure if the majority of the people want an e-book.

I suppose I could offer BOTH, eh? LOL.

Once completed, I intend to seek full publishing of this, since it will be a completely orginal work. Maybe you'll see me on ... LOL. Nice to dream anyway.

Zeus Thu, Jun-20-02 21:41

Once you're done with the "THE CKD HANDBOOK "; why don't you ...uhh...give me a free copy so...that...I can proof-read it for you...yeah, proof-read it. :daizy: :heart: :rheart: :rose:

Chantel Sat, Jul-06-02 10:05

Just another thought
Hi Dan,
When you write this book, I would not post too much info on it, be stingy with the specifics like Lyle did. That way when a person gets it, he doesn't feel like he is getting repeat info that might be shared on this bb. The book will be a new reading experience - I am not sure if I am making any sense or not but Lyle is pretty determined to say "buy the book" for details. Don't wanna give away the farm sort of speak.

What ya ' think? I am interested in seeing how you pull together the things mentioned above. I really got a lot out of Lyle's book and would have felt there wasn't anything more to write about if the other topics mentioned above were covered! I know, narrow minded!

When I read over some of the archives ( there are a lot of good topics. I would look to see what pops out at you and maybe cover those areas.

Another thing, I suggest a hard copy now, Why? Cuz it is easy to share with others when it is e book! I mean, after all that hard work, you wanna make some cash right? Just a thought.

C ya!

Chantel Sat, Jul-06-02 10:25

Why didn't this bump to the top?

fern2340 Sat, Jul-06-02 10:29

I agree but only to an extent. Dan gives away a lot of free advice here b/c this board is so good to us. It is only natural that some of the things he talks about here are also going to be in his book.

Take his last book for example. A lot of the info in it is on this board but there is also much more to it that is not included here. The first chapter alone makes it all worth the money!

I think the advice here has been good about topics to include in the next book. Keep the ideas coming!

And Zeus---
It is my job to get the free copy and do the proofreading!! :) ;)

Trainerdan Sat, Jul-06-02 11:46


Thanks for the input.

I know you are newer to this board, so you didn't know that the whole idea of METABOLISM:TIPS & TRICKS stemmed from someone who (I forget who ... ) suggested that I put a book together of all of my tips and sell it.

So, that was the basis of the book.

However, as Fern stated, the first chapter was never truly revealed. It was a METABOLISM book, not a CKD book let's remember.

Also, the training programs were never posted. As you will notice, I NEVER post training programs for people who ask for them. I give examples, but never complete 8 - 12 week programs. There were 3 in that book, not counting the cardio work samples I gave. When I program in the gym, each program is $100.

I think there is value in the METABOLISM book. I agree that the CKD part is a repeat of CKD101 here, but it is only in there becasue switching to a CKD is one of the final steps in the first chapter.

It is also a lead-in to the new project discussed here.

As for "giving away the milk", well, Wa'il is good enough to let me post my link here and promote the book. I refuse to ruin the integrity of this board by pulling a "buy the book" response to people's questions.

If a question is asked, I do my best to answer. If it is something that is covered in the book, so be it.

My job is to co-moderate this forum with Fern, and answer member's questions the best I can and as often as I can. Promoting the book is a benefit given to me by the board owner and administator. I will not allow my book to interfere what my duties here.

My dad always told me, "No matter what, remember who you are and where you came from."

He also has said, "I don't care what you choose to do, just be the best. If you are going to wait tables, be the best damn waiter there is."

Before this board, I was a successful trainer with a struggling website. Not too many years ago, I was a newbie trainer with no clients and a few copies of Muscle Media 2000 (when it was THE magazine) under my arm.

Now, I am a successful trainer with a blossoming site, and brisk book sales that now extend beyond this board, and a few other boards. I am getting orders now that have nothing to do with the boards. I have this board and it's members to thank for that.

This CKD forum was a risk taken by Wa'il. He gave us the lattitude and time to allow it to grow. Fern :heart: put alot of time into posting in the forum, and generating a buzz about it. Other members came in and contributed and helped it along. To them I am thankful. I remember when the only post in here for two weeks was CKD 101. LOL.

That is why this board is "home". And I won't do anything to blemish it.

If that means a few less books sold, then that's the way it is.

Chantel Sat, Jul-06-02 12:03

Good post
your Dad seems like a very wise man. And I think you cleared up a lot for me, thanks for posting.

Chantel Sat, Jul-06-02 12:07

Hi Fern
Thanks for posting as well. I hope I did not rock the boat. Just wanted to share some thoughts.

Are you on a CKD right now?

fern2340 Sat, Jul-06-02 12:27

No boats rocked... just letting you know why things are the way they are. I am not on a full-fledged CKD right now. I play in 2 summer basketball leagues and I find if I keep my carbs that low during the week it hinders my performance. I do M-F usually around 40 ECC and then Sat is a free day. Sun it depends. I lift and do lots of am cardio too. My own modified CKD!

Chantel Sat, Jul-06-02 13:32

2 leagues! Wow - busy girl.

Thanks for posting.

Zeus Sat, Jul-06-02 21:38

Dan, you are truly a 'stand-up' guy. I'm looking forward to the development of your book and WILL purchase it when it becomes available. If you ever need any help with it (not that you'd ask me for anything)...don't hesitate to ask me.

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