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thud123 Tue, Feb-21-17 17:57

Kellogg's Pop-Tart Bar
Yum? Yuck!

Meme#1 Wed, Feb-22-17 23:08

I choose yuck!
If I was going to do that it would be the real thing! Not that junk!
Kellogg is going broke for several reasons, including one big boycott...I say Good. They've been making us sick for too long with their processed poison fake food.
I'm glad I never fed my children cereal. Eggs with bacon or all meat sausage and maybe toast or tortilla for breakfast taco but not cereal.

thud123 Thu, Feb-23-17 08:29

I just imagine how I would feel after eating those, ish. Hopefully never more :) for some reason the Admins moved this into Confessions. I originally posted into war zone to see who would be very angry or accepting of this idea from Kellogg - They've gotta sell their 'tarts!

Our company works with a company that produces a very popular product that's name has something to do with Fred Flintstone's kid - Really big market share! Is that company evil? I don't think so. Is Kellogg evil? I don't think so. Do either know that they may be damaging some unfortunates that can't handle or abuse their products? Maybe.

scrapgirl Thu, Feb-23-17 19:13

Yuck! Though I never really liked pop tarts anyway. The article made me gag a little. All that sugar.... Bleck!

It's sad to think that big business thinks that's what we want. It's even sadder that many DO want just that. I have a co-worker that is a sugar whore. The more sugar the better. He was just diagnosed with T2D. Sadness.

If I were to eat that many carbs, sugars and calories, it sure as heck wouldn't be pop-tart related. You'd find me in a high end bakery eating the good stuff! lol

Pop thank you Kelloggs!

WereBear Fri, Feb-24-17 09:40

If you took away anything that wasn't white sugar or white flour... the picture would be so small you'd need a magnifying glass.

teaser Fri, Feb-24-17 10:30

I had a Christmas potluck once in my early twenties. I forget what I made, but we ended up with three kinds of macaroni salad and a box of pop tarts. I find it hard to believe that somebody would by poptarts more than once. If you're going the disease by pastry route, there's a lot tastier ways to get there.

One good thing about pop-tarts, when people see "whole grain and fiber" on the box, that just might be what helps them to realize that they're living in the Matrix.

WereBear Fri, Feb-24-17 15:38

A few years ago I went to a potluck picnic. I ate a couple of bunless hamburgers and the Waldorf salad I had brought.

Everything else was based on pasta, jello, or noodles. It should have been ridiculous, but to everyone else, it was "normal."

Kristine Sat, Feb-25-17 03:33

Same. Yuck. :thdown: I can see that there's humour and silly nostalgia here. I'm a long-time fan of . But yeah, if I decided to splurge on a cheat - both in terms of consequences and money - it would be a high-quality treat. Not the crap I ate (but never particularly enjoyed) before school as a teen.

Hiltm Sat, Feb-25-17 08:02

Funny how perceptions change. A year ago I'd be Yum! But now all I see is poison. It makes me cringe.

Even standing in the grocery store check out line makes me cringe. Standing behind an obese person, with terrible, broken out skin, who's purchases are pretty much what makes up that photo...

WereBear Sat, Feb-25-17 08:48

Originally Posted by Hiltm
Standing behind an obese person, with terrible, broken out skin, who's purchases are pretty much what makes up that photo...

I know! And we want to tell them!

But we can't.

Far better to change the culture and let people know that way.

Meme#1 Sat, Feb-25-17 11:56

Originally Posted by Hiltm
Funny how perceptions change. A year ago I'd be Yum! But now all I see is poison. It makes me cringe.

Even standing in the grocery store check out line makes me cringe. Standing behind an obese person, with terrible, broken out skin, who's purchases are pretty much what makes up that photo...

I just smell people with bad, out of control diabetes now and I really want to tell them about it but I don't have the nerve, sadly because it might save their lives.

thud123 Sat, Feb-25-17 15:09

smell? what does that smell like?

Meme#1 Sat, Feb-25-17 15:14

Someone else on here once said it smells like acetone (finger nail polish remover) and peach like combo smell.
I agree, that's about what I smell...
It's so strong smelling to me now that they can leave an store isle and the scent stays in the air.

~also... I think it's when they have Keto Acidosis? Very ill but out and about. One lady at the grocery store was buying all kinds of fruit and I just wanted to tell her. She was in the Medium range of smell.
The cashier at Walgreens was the worst I've ever smelled. It filled the store. She is gone now. Hospital or dead, IDK? sad..

This one explains it better:

WereBear Sat, Feb-25-17 17:07

Good heavens. It's enough to make you cry.

The twisted part is that the people raking in the bucks are not sneakily eating Paleo behind closed doors, for the most part. I am sure the halls of Kellogs are filled with people who ate cereal for breakfast, and everyone in Big Pharma is on statins, just like the rest of the population.

eljohnw Sat, Feb-25-17 19:24

A week ago I was picking up my heart medication at my local Kroger's and in front of my was a person picking up her insulin and diabetes meds. She had in her cart half price Valentine's candy for at least $30 worse.. Having a big mouth I asked her if she would have some of those candies with her diabetes. She told my that she just upped her insulin before eating them.

Meme#1 Sat, Feb-25-17 22:24

That's just crazy that the lady would be taking diabetes meds and EXTRA insulin to go buy and eat half price candy....crazy!

Someone older told me once that back in the old days they didn't have cereal in a box and if you think about it, it's just a concoction to sell livestock feed for human consumption.
We've all been sold a bad bill of goods that this stuff in a box is edible...

doreen T Sun, Feb-26-17 05:52

Originally Posted by Meme#1
That's just crazy that the lady would be taking diabetes meds and EXTRA insulin to go buy and eat half price candy....crazy!

If her diabetes was diagnosed pre-2010, it's a good bet that she was told by a diabetes educator that it's okay to eat sugar and just "cover it" with extra insulin. I remember reading that very thing at the official ADA website! :eek:

Currently, they still say it's okay to eat sugar and sweets "once in a while" if it fits into their diet plan .. just cut back on other carbs in the meal in order to make it fit.
For many people, having about 45 to 60 grams at meals is about right. Serving sizes make a difference. To include sweets in your meal, you can cut back on the other carb-containing foods at the same meal. - See more at:
Hold the salad and broccoli ... bring on the pecan pie!


No wonder people are confused .. and getting sicker :thdown:

WereBear Sun, Feb-26-17 06:25

I was on a non-nutrition related forum, mentioned low carb for diabetes, and half the people were all "Of course! What is this, the Dark Ages?" And the other half were all "MY doctor/the ADA/nutritionist said healthy carbs at every meal!"

A friend's father embraced low carb and got great numbers at the doctor's office. They said, "Keep it up" and passed him to the nutritionist. Who told him he wasn't eating "enough carbs."

Fortunately, he feels so good he's not about to fall for that, but a lot of people just get confused and give up.

teaser Sun, Feb-26-17 06:50

I like this bit from Doreen's link;

The myth that sugar causes diabetes is commonly accepted by many people. This is a complicated issue. Eating sugar has nothing to do with developing type 1 diabetes. Type 1 is caused by genetics and other unknown factors that trigger the disease.

I just did a search for "sucrose type I diabetes" on PubMed. 140 items came up, but from what I could tell from the titles, only two had anything to do with the development of type I, and those both did see a correlation--nothing conclusive, you can only get so much from epidemiology, but one showed a relative risk of 1.7 for higher vs. lower sucrose take and type I--similar or weaker associations of saturated fat intake to various diseases was enough to launch a war against fat that's lasted since the 70s.

WereBear Sun, Feb-26-17 11:23

In the meantime, Gary Taubes wrote The Case Against Sugar which is a pile of research suggesting it has a LOT to do with diabetes type II.

Robin120 Tue, Apr-25-17 12:43

Originally Posted by eljohnw
A week ago I was picking up my heart medication at my local Kroger's and in front of my was a person picking up her insulin and diabetes meds. She had in her cart half price Valentine's candy for at least $30 worse.. Having a big mouth I asked her if she would have some of those candies with her diabetes. She told my that she just upped her insulin before eating them.

Please, please don't do that again. Would you like it if someone asked if you want a heart attack with your steak?
Also, you had no idea what her those for her or her husband or friends.....and honestly, that is just a shItty thing to say. Mind your business.

nawchem Mon, Jul-10-17 10:31

It is sort of a form of art. I don't think anyone would want to eat confetti pop tarts as nachos. As food its completely unappealing.

Growing up we only had a few healthy choices for breakfast. It left me with a weird fetish for 1970s breakfast foods. My friends would get Taco Bell to munch while we watched a movie and I'd be noshing on their Captain Crunch.

PaCarolSue Wed, Feb-28-18 08:11

Originally Posted by doreen T
If her diabetes was diagnosed pre-2010, it's a good bet that she was told by a diabetes educator that it's okay to eat sugar and just "cover it" with extra insulin. I remember reading that very thing at the official ADA website! :eek:

I was diagnosed in 2008. Type 2. Not on insulin. I was given a sheet with an 1800 calorie "carb control" diet. 5-15gm portions of carb per MEAL, (75gm of carb) plus 2 snacks of 15gm of carb each. Grand total.......255 gm of carb per day. Needless to say, I do not follow that diet.

CallmeAnn Thu, May-06-21 10:10

No temptation, there.

wbahn Thu, May-06-21 12:44

Most Pop Tart flavors I'm not too wild about. The cherry and strawberry aren't bad. But I absolutely LOVE the chocolate fudge ones. Would usually eat four or six pastries at one setting.

No, I don't think Kellogg's is evil. They are marketing products that people want because, to lots of people, they taste wonderful. I don't know to what degree Kellogg's, as a company, knows that sugar is addictive to many people and are relying on it. Alcohol is addictive to many people, so are the beer companies evil for making and marketing beer to people that enjoy beer?

When I was diagnosed with Type II in 2005, I was given the standard ADA diet which included well over 200 g of carbs including things like white rice, of all things. I was also told that diabetes is invariably a progressive disease that would eventually require insulin, but was also told that the silver lining at that point was that I could adjust my insulin intake to match whatever food I consumed.

Since I had already had prior success, back in 2002, on low carb and had read what several low carb books had to say about Type II diabetes, I immediately threw all of that professional advice right out the window and started low carb again. Had the expected great results -- and then couldn't make it stick and fell off the wagon.

Staying low carb, especially for a sugar addict, is very hard. None of the LC books acknowledge or address that. They all try to paint this rosy picture that all you have to do is follow their very simple rules and eat food that you love and life will be just peachy. Well, that works great for selling lots of books, but doesn't do a damn for solving the problem that hardcore sugar addicts actually face.

As for the Pop Tarts thing -- making tacos and other stuff out of them just sounds stupid. What's the point? I don't want a taco to taste like pastry and I don't want a pastry to taste like a taco. Call me weird. But would I still love the taste of a chocolate fudge Pop Tart? Oh, yeah! And I don't dare take even one bite.

Ms Arielle Fri, May-07-21 07:21

Lol, loved the cinnamon filled variety.
I stopped buying long ago.. my kids never had one served in my house.

There is a lc remake....not tried it. Slippery slope there.

But dang the cinnamon were sooooo goooood.

CallmeAnn Fri, May-07-21 13:26

I do believe it’s evil to send company employees to testify against lc doctors like Gary Fettke, to have their licenses revoked because our message is costing that industry money. I can’t share a link on my phone but you can go to YouTube and watch DietDoctor Podcast #30, which describes the corruption involved. The entire video is good but the relevant section starts at minute 17:32. They went after Tim Noakes as well, IIRC.

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