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Niky Brady Sun, May-19-02 17:19

Saggy Boobs?!?!?!?
I have had nothing but succes on this WOL but I have one complaint....My boobs are getting saggy. I know this isn't exactly a kosher subject but I was wondering if any other women have had this problem. I have always had a somewhat large bust (D cup at 150lbs) and although they were never what you would call perky I have noticed that they have become much flatter (on top) and more saggy. It seems that (like the rest of the fat in my body as of late) the fat is becoming softer and it disperses itself more easily. I am all for losing the pounds but I don't want to lose my boobs too. I am afraid they will be hideous when I get to goal. I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done though (short of implants :( ), is there?? Am I just being too superficial??

Lisa in MD Sun, May-19-02 17:38

Pringles Cans
Ummm, it's just become a running joke. If I bend over and am not wearing a bra, I swear I could use Pringles Cans instead of a bra. Not funny, but you know, hubby is very good natured about it, doesn't want me to get them done (not that I could afford it), and realizes it's the effects of gravity....what're ya gonna do?

Superficial is in the eye of the beholder, we all have our eccentricities and if it really bothers you that you're feeling the effects of gravity, maybe you can save money for implants and reward yourself when you're at goal? Hey, it's better than a banana split, right? :roll:

Take care!

lesleyc Sun, May-19-02 18:10

Yup - I'm in that state too :rolleyes:

Still in a D cup but defintiely way more saggy. My line is to wait until i am at goal and have maintained a while, to see if there is some skin shrinkage...then if I I really can't live with the result it's under the knife I go :eek:


Lisa N Sun, May-19-02 18:45

Pringles cans????? ROFL! I just snorted my carbonated water! Gravity was already having it's effect with me before I started and I can't say I've really noticed much difference. I'm still a D cup, but I've lost 6 inches off my chest (gone from a 48DD to a 42D). Guess I've lost a cup size, too. Eventually, I'd like to be a 36 or 38 but we'll see what happens as I go. At this point in my life, I honestly don't care if my boobs are perky or not (like they ever were to begin with...HA!). I just want to be healthy.

dbackdeb Sun, May-19-02 18:46

I thought I was the only one with that problem! Thought age had to do with it, also size (D cup), and the source of nutrition for the kid when he was a baby. Hope the skin does tighten up! I am doing some weight lifting also, so just maybe:) Glad am not the only one. Debra

razzle Sun, May-19-02 19:03

I'm saving my money for a trip to a space station. No gravity, you know....though the danged things might smother me up there. :p

lesleyc Sun, May-19-02 19:05

ROFL :lol: ]

...some warning pleeze Razzle...I just snorted my water out of my nose :o


Lisa N Sun, May-19-02 19:31

ROFLMBO Razzle....

I'm with you there! No gravity and me could be a lethal combination and if a breeze came by, they'd probably beat me to death or at least give me a nasty concussion!

DWRolfe Sun, May-19-02 20:52

At least you can use two Pringles cans of the same size...
My man boobs are now two different sizes...the left being about 25% larger than the right...

...I feel like a Weeble on the verge of Wobbling...

Donald :daze:

Soinwi Sun, May-19-02 21:37

I wish
I wish I coud lose from my boobs--I started at 42 DDD am I am still at 38DDD. The bra lady at V.S. thought I could go to a 40dd but I was spilling out!!! They were never perky but the are alittle less firm--probally due to having a kid. Not sure??? I am willing to give anyone who needs some--SOME!!! LOL I would need milk jugs not poor pringles cans!!

Sonja :D

Niky Brady Sun, May-19-02 23:10

I'm not alone!!!
It is sooooo good to hear that I am not the only one who needs pringles cans.....I thought I was going to wet my self when I read that....and a trip to the space girls (and guy DWRolfe ;) ) are HILARIOUS :D!!!

JudyAH Mon, May-20-02 00:07

I can sympathize with Sonja. My body is shrinking around my boobs. My reward for getting to goal is a trip to the surgeon for lift and separation. ( I want normal d cups) maybe even a c+) My extra's I will gladly donate to all of you.

Bonnie Mon, May-20-02 05:01

RE: Talk about Saggy Boobs
Thought this joke was appropriate for this thread ;)

The teenage granddaughter comes downstairs for her date with
this see-through blouse on and no bra. Her grandmother just
pitches a fit, telling her not to dare go out like that!

The teenager tells her "Loosen up Grams. These are modern
times. You gotta let your rose buds show!" and out she goes.
The next day the teenager comes downstairs, and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on. The teenager wants to die. She explains to her grandmother that she has friends coming over and that it is just not appropriate.

"Loosen up, Sweetie. If you can show off your rosebuds, then
I can display my hanging baskets."

razzle Mon, May-20-02 07:38

he he hee. good one bonnie! :D thanks for my morning guffaw.

While we're being honest on this topic (and probably frightening the men on the board away from heterosexuality, or at least away from sex with the lights on)...

I run, off and on. And of course I wear a high-quality sports bra (which, in size 36DDD is not real easy to find, but I have one), so there's no pain. But has anyone else who runs with large breasts noticed that there's an ideal speed not for your wind but for the bouncing rate? Seriously, there's some sort of wave action that sets up there, and at certain speeds, it just doesn't work--your breasts are working against you, like a very bad dance partner. For awhile, when I noticed this, I thought I was trying to find excuses to run slower...then I realized it is a real effect. Anyone else have this experience? (it strikes me that william or other engineering types could probably make charts explaining it)

Soinwi Mon, May-20-02 08:05

I runwith a Champion sports bra with an underwire in it. Right now I am running about a 9 1/2 min mile but before I gain weight(and the boobs were a 36 DDD) I was running 8 min miles. I think it's the underwire that helps.

Good Luck
Sonja :D

Bonnie Mon, May-20-02 08:06

RE: Hanging Baskets
My pleasure Razzle... :) know what you mean with the designs...although I am not as well endowed as some who have posted their concerns here..gravity has taken it's toll.. :( :(
I usually purchase bra's without the elastic straps therefore attempting to avoid the ole ' Running without knocking yourself out syndrome"... :eek: :eek: :eek: who makes these garments anyway :confused: I'm convinced it's some sadistic SOB :devil:


Talon Mon, May-20-02 10:22

I too have the same problem! The pringles can comment had me almost spitting my salad out onto the monitor. :D

I too have thought that when I reach my goal I will have a lift, otherwise I might just have to start tucking them into my pants...

Lisa in MD Mon, May-20-02 11:41

Tucking them into the pants
Now there's an idea I haven't considered.... :p I'll discuss with hubby, though I think he's prefer the hanging baskets!

Bonnie Mon, May-20-02 11:49

RE: Hanging Baskets
Posted a similiar description of what happens to boobs ( and everything else for that matter) :rolleyes: :rolleyes: RE: "The Class Reunion of a Mature Women" in The Lighter Side thread...

Shellyf34 Mon, May-20-02 13:25

YESSS, boobs are a pain in the butt, and will sag a bit more than before, BUT, you can give yourself a lift with upper body strength training (ie butterflies, dips, pull and push ups, bent over rows, shoulder press, lat pulldowns, etc.). These really help in tightening everything up and improving your posture.

Hey, why is it when we gain weight and get older our boobs start to migrate under our arms??? I have decided I need a very special bra made to support the "armbit boob" as well! :rolleyes:

The running thing is a problem for me too (38D). I don't like jogging 'cause no matter how good a sports bra I have on , I still feel pain up there from bouncing. Even worse, I am on a softball team, and when I take off in a "sprint" to first base, I KNOW I must look like a hen that has been startled by the ax-wealding farmer, and now is running for her life! :D

Nothing like destracting the other team by looking ridiculous!


Lisa in MD Mon, May-20-02 13:40

Very Uplifting
This has been a fun thread, gave me a lot of laughs today. Bonnie's "The Class Reunion of a Mature Women" in The Lighter Side thread is also a side-splitter! Thanks to all who improved my Monday!

Lisa N Mon, May-20-02 14:57

How about this?
Instead of tucking them into your pants, how about getting large rollers and just rolling them up. :D Where I come from, we refer to the effects of gravity as "furniture disease", it's when your chest drops into your drawers. ;)

NNN Sat, Jun-01-02 18:31

Pringle boobs
Oh I had those when I lost 50 pounds. I got llots of laughs saying that I rolled them up like a piece of paper , stuffed them in the bra and centered the nipple. All set.
Last year I popped my shoulder bone out and becauise of the weight of the breasts on my shoulder I was approved for a boob bob.
NOw ( at 140) (n I gave up smoking and gained some weight back) I am the same size in a bra as I was at 125 but I have nice perky boobs. I love it and for the first time since I was about 13, feel normal.
NO longer can people call me the T word.
( Hi Bonnie enjoyed your joke.)

Atrsy Sat, Jun-01-02 19:05

This is a funny thread!
When I was 30, mine were a perky 34D and I couldn't even hold a pencil under them, now I could hold the whole book!

If weight loss doesn't get you, let me tell you that age will. And after breastfeeding 3 babies, I am really droopy, however the underwire bra does it's job and you wouldn't know it.

What I wonder is, how do women wear skimpy things and keep them in place. If I were to bend over, I would fall out. Not a pleasant thought.

But I would never even consider an implant. I think they are way to dangerous for me. A knee implant was bad enough. NO BOOBS for me!

Kina Sat, Jun-01-02 21:12

Hay where did Mine go?
When I was 185 I was a D cup (I was actually overflowing in my bra but didn't want to admit I had to go larger)

But now they vanished on me!!! :eek: I'm a B cup!! I would have been happy if I could have stayed at a C cup but nope!!
(The only place I did not want to lose)

They were saggy but I did a lot of chest excersises to get them to perk up so I could get cleavage!!

(All the years I teased my sister for not having any boobs, now I guess it's payback time!!!)

spongebutt Sat, Jun-01-02 21:53

saggy boobs
I have always had big boobs (I was a C cup at age 12). Because my step-monster (yes, monster, not mother) didn't get me good support bras, I sag.
I've lost 47 pounds as of 2 days ago (8 lbs. to goal!) and I dropped from a size 38 F to 36 DD.
Pant size 16 to size 7, goal size 6.
I don't think I'll get smaller, nor will I go under the knife. My boobs have always been saggy, and they always will.

I exercise, but I can't run because if I don't wear a helmet I get black eyes.

Bonnie Sun, Jun-02-02 03:21

Why Women shouldn't Bugee Jump
A while back a friend sent me a cartoon depicting why womam shouldn't bungee jump was hilarious :D ...shows a nice shapely naked woman with real perky breasts standing on the platform ready to jump...the next caption shows her bedraggled with her breasts slung over her shoulder dragging on the ground behind her after her jump ...wish I had of saved it to attach as I'm sure most of here can relate....


qcchevyman Sun, Jun-02-02 08:03

Here Ya Go Bonnie. This isn't the same one you were talking about, but this will give you the Idea of what you meant. :D :D :D :D :D

Also I have had the most fun reading all of the Posts you Ladys made about the Problems Boobs can Cause when Jogging.

Just Too Funny!!!!!!!!

Bonnie Sun, Jun-02-02 08:29

Thanks Richard
I think this says it all doesn't gals! :lol: :lol:


pastorbob Mon, Jun-03-02 12:23

:Puke: What are you trying to do, make me sick??!!!!?? :daze:

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