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ffirst Tue, Feb-05-13 08:32

Any Veggies Still Low Carbing?
I have restarted The Insulin Resistance Diet, as a lacto ovo vegetarian. I chose this plan because it is very vegetarian-friendly and is more moderate in carbs.

Any other veggies out there?

earthwalke Sun, Apr-07-13 08:31

Sorry, you must feel like the May Tag man.
I had thought about doing the LC diet this way but the more I read the more I decided to go with the meat. I had been basically vegetarian for many years.
Good luck on what ever way you decide is best for you. :wave:

trtrtr Mon, Apr-08-13 04:33

You bet! The bulk of my diet is vegetables (combo of cooked and raw); no gluten; healthy fats (ghee, coconut oil, grass fed butter....); 1 serving of omega 3 fish a week (I do eat salmon, so I guess I am not strictly a vegetarian--oops); top quality eggs; modest amounts of omega 3-rich protein sources; limited fruit (due to fructose) and only in whole form; verrrrry limited sugar consumption (some dark chocolate and an occasional gluten-free treat); moderate consumption of nuts and seeds; and some fermented foods (fermented cod liver oil--which sounds gross but there are palatable forms, sauerkraut and kombucha). No grains or legumes. I have MS and do the standard Western med thing, but also take L-glutamine, B12, resvestrol, turmeric, and Q-10. My last MRI showed no active lesions and those that had been active had shrunk. It's been over a year and I'm sticking with this! I think it's a healthy diet for anyone, actually.

earthwalke Tue, Apr-09-13 05:13

Originally Posted by trtrtr
You bet! The bulk of my diet is vegetables (combo of cooked and raw); no gluten; healthy fats (ghee, coconut oil, grass fed butter....); 1 serving o been over a year and I'm sticking with this! I think it's a healthy diet for anyone, actually.

Would you be willing to give me two full, detailed days of what you eat? I am very interested in this. I know that my carbs are way to high because I am not losing any weight now and have a lot of loose fat hanging around. Thanks

ccotta Mon, Feb-17-14 20:29

I am bumping this up. I have been here before (started back in '09 then fell off for quite some time). Decided to come back because LC is really the only thing that works for me! Changes I have made this time: I am doing a Primal version of LC (so no grain, legumes, or soy!). Makes it harder but I feel healthier.

What's going on for you LC veggies?

Shyvas Fri, Feb-21-14 08:30

I'm also a vegetarien and have decided to follow a low carb diet once again.

The major drawback is that is forum has virtually no vegetarian low carb members and this section is very quiet.

Mama Sebo Sat, Mar-01-14 09:03

I'm also pretty much a vegetarian (some fish each week, occasionally other meat if it comes from a farm I know, eggs and dairy I eat carefully, minimize cheese because I can't eat just one), following Joel Fuhrman's End to Diabetes diet and it works for me, and I can make it work -- most importantly. I do eat carbs but almost exclusively from pulses: beans, lentils, peas. Everything else is veggies and protein, and being very careful with portion sizes of the protein and pulses. I'm ultra conservative on carbs AND calories. I do protein shakes as replacement meals once or even twice a day if I'm having blood sugar over 110 at fasting or four hours after eating. I'm careful with snacks -- avoid them if possible, and really think about resting my pancreas -- that thought has helped me to limit my portions effectively for the first time ever. TRTR's message from last year above sounded a lot like me. I've spent a lot of time googling around to find out how different people have handled being obese, and diabetic, and this seems the best way to try to really have a positive impact -- and it has worked for me. I like to find the helpful little tips hidden in blogs -- like the snacks, one blog mentioned slicing cucumbers, red onions and any other fresh veggie you like, and pour on a mixture of vinegar with your favorite sweetener (I use stevia), then I also add lemon pepper, put it in tupperware and shake it up, let it sit for an hour or more, then eat as a salad or pickle, with no salt and no everything else, very satisfying, gives you breath that could knock over a horse of course, and I used to have trouble with heartburn afterward, don't anymore. Well, hope I hear from someone....

Mama Sebo Fri, Mar-07-14 06:19

Veggies anyone?
I'll bump this up again, maybe Shyvas and Ccotta
will find me, too bad you guys don't have journals, I would come see you!

ccotta Fri, Mar-07-14 22:13

Hi Mama Sebo, I am checking in periodically. I am probably more "flexitarian" like you since occasionally I will eat some bacon (too yummy to resist! ha ha). I like the idea of protein shakes. Have you found a good one without artificial sweeteners? I'd love to find one that's yummy and natural.

I have to share a recipe (but not low calorie). Tonight I was really excited to make a yummy casserole that is like a sour cream rice dish I used to love.
Cauli "Rice" ( Package of frozen cauliflower steamed and then mashed up)
Sour Cream (1 pint)
Cheese (1.5 cups mixed in and some on top for browning)
Diced Green Chiles (small can)
Spices (sea salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste)
I baked it at 400 for about 30 minutes. We all loved it and it was so easy!

Anyone else listening in, please share.

Mama Sebo Sat, Mar-08-14 06:53

Oh, Ccotta, that sounds good! A bit like chili rellenos with the cauliflower! I will try it. I use the Whole Foods Vanilla Whey Protein Shake, but I think it does have something in the way of sweeteners, but not much. Vanilla lets you take it in any direction with flavors. I add stevia and other things to improve the taste: vanilla essence, or chocolate or lemon essence, pieces of low sugar high fiber fruits, like berries, peaches, squeeze in some lemon or lime, if I have coffee left from the day before I use that as the base, I avoid milk as a base, as it tends to push my sugar up. I will look forward to seeing you here from time to time!

ccotta Tue, Mar-11-14 21:05

Yummy, Healthy "Meat" Patty
Okay, I just found the most delicious meat patty that is soy, corn, and gluten free! It's called Chez Marie Homestyle Patty . It does have oats and has 11 grams of net carbs. 9 grams of protein and 7 grams fat. I still think it might be doable? I guess the scale will tell.

I cut it in half and tried it two ways: first, with melted cheese and sugar-free marinara and second, with melted cheese, dijon mustard, and a pickle. Both were great.

Thanks Mama Sebo for the protein powder hint.

Mama Sebo Tue, Mar-18-14 01:08

Have discovered a little italian deli which makes lots of salads with lentils, or beans, or pumpkin, mixed with greens and sometimes feta or goat cheese, as well as paneer thika, which is veggie indian cheese, cooked in thika spices -- yum! I got 100gms of three different ones in a container yesterday for about the equivalent of 2 dollars, and enjoyed a lovely lunch!

Shyvas Fri, Mar-21-14 11:40

This section of the forum is very quiet so I only check in from time to time.

I am a strict vegetarian and only have one egg a day for breakfast. I try and get my protein intake by having a soya protein shake for lunch and preparing tofu and minced soya in various dishes for dinner.
I made a delicious mushroom and soya loaf for dinner with various spices, etc, for tonight's dinner. I must say that it was delicious and I will have plenty of leftovers for my other meals.

Mama Sebo Sat, Mar-22-14 05:00

Mushroom and soya loaf sounds very nice Shyva, how to you bind it? Another eagg? or maybe egg white? I'm a big soya fan too, there's a deli here that makes it fresh, so I buy it every couple of days and make stir fry kinds of things with lots of veggies and spices. Very good! rarely any leftovers though.... :) So, its quiet here, but we're trying to shake it up a bit ... aren't we wild these days? :lol:

Shyvas Sat, Mar-22-14 05:33

Mama Sebo - the loaf is very moist and really delicious.

You really don't need an egg to bind it. I add evo, either yogurt or cream, tomato paste and linseed/flax.

ccotta Sun, Mar-23-14 09:14

Your loaf idea, Shyvas, has me thinking. I grew up eating a casserole made of cottage cheese, egg, walnuts, butter, onion, garlic, and Special K cereal all mixed together and baked until golden brown. It sounds so strange but is really meaty and delicious! I want to try it again but the 7 cups of cereal that I will be avoiding has me stumped. I might just try it without and see what happens. Other ideas?

CalicoPaws Sun, Mar-23-14 09:44

ccotta, you might try it in a smaller pan, not a loaf pan but a cake pan, without the cereal. Another idea might be to substitute some almond and/or flax meal. The cereal in your original recipe adds bulk and the almond or flax meal could do that, too, although not to the same extent. The meal would add some carbs but divided up into the individual portions, it might not be too bad.

Have you ever used whey protein powder? Is that a possibility?

ccotta Sun, Mar-23-14 10:55

Good ideas, Calico. I will try several variations in small cake pans and see what happens!

Janeg Sun, Mar-23-14 16:47

I lost 5 stone in 5 months between jan and June 2012, work
stress and general greediness gas meant it's all piled
back in and I need to start again . I really need to lose
6 stone to get into healthy BMi. Feel exhausted from constantly
havhng to motivate myself to diet again.
Have decided to do low carb only now, last time I did 5 months
Of 1000 cal less than 80g carb a day as well as 45 mins cardio and weights every day. Makes me tired even thinking of it.
Anyone there to support me in thus long journey??

Shyvas Mon, Mar-24-14 04:31

Originally Posted by Janeg
I lost 5 stone in 5 months between jan and June 2012, work
stress and general greediness gas meant it's all piled
back in and I need to start again . I really need to lose
6 stone to get into healthy BMi. Feel exhausted from constantly
havhng to motivate myself to diet again.
Have decided to do low carb only now, last time I did 5 months
Of 1000 cal less than 80g carb a day as well as 45 mins cardio and weights every day. Makes me tired even thinking of it.
Anyone there to support me in thus long journey??

Hello and welcome.

Your calorie intake will be very low. What kind of diet plan will you follow ?
I hope that you'll be successful this time around.

ccotta Mon, Mar-24-14 23:32

Originally Posted by Janeg
I lost 5 stone in 5 months between jan and June 2012, work
stress and general greediness gas meant it's all piled
back in and I need to start again . I really need to lose
6 stone to get into healthy BMi. Feel exhausted from constantly
havhng to motivate myself to diet again.
Have decided to do low carb only now, last time I did 5 months
Of 1000 cal less than 80g carb a day as well as 45 mins cardio and weights every day. Makes me tired even thinking of it.
Anyone there to support me in thus long journey??

Hi Janeq, I've tried the low cal way of eating in the past (HCG diet) and I hated the restrictions! I never last on low cal, and I would always get frustrated/depressed/overwhelmed. It's been different this go around. I started in January and have lost about 14 lbs.

That is why I love low carbing. I have found I can eat lots of healthy fat! If I replace carbs with more fat, I stay satiated and don't cheat as much (although I do allow myself a couple small off-plan meals a week and trying to limit those to 1 hour time limit like the CAD people). I eat cheese, cottage cheese, coconut oil, cream, guacamole, eggs, etc. and with my veggies, it's been really great so far. I am generally staying away from processed foods. Not saying it's easy, but for me, it's the first time I've stuck with anything more than two months and I believe it's a good long-term fit. I also got into dance fitness/Zumba and have discovered I like exercising now (well, I like dancing). ;)

What do you think would work for you long-term?

Mama Sebo Tue, Mar-25-14 02:54

Welcome Janeq! ccotta said what I would say too -- although I do control calories because I'm diabetic--but carbs first! Look at all those great fats she listed! And I add nuts and seeds to the mix, in small amounts, to stay full.

Cotta -- do you eat tofu? I thought adding tofu bits or a soft variety into your casserole might bulk it up and give you protein -- I think I'll try it!

Janeg Wed, Mar-26-14 11:42

Thanks ladies -

As I said, in 2012 I lost 70 pounds in five months on a low carb (less than 100G a day)and lowcal diet (less than 1200 cal)

It clearly worked very well for me, but I just cant summon the willpower to give up carbs again, I miss chocolate!!

As soon as I started carbs again the weight went back on within a year. all 70pounds of it.

Im finding it hard to not give up,I can keep yo yo ing.I know how to lose it, but there is no point in doing that if it is going to go back on again :o :o :o :o

ccotta Fri, Mar-28-14 22:31

Definitely don't give up chocolate! I use cocoa powder, stevia, xylitol and/or erythritol to make cocoa treats. Look up the Healthy Indulgences Blog. She makes amazing sugar-free and low-carb treats. Giving up carbs is hard, I know. I have struggled with that for years. Increasing fats makes it easier for me this time though. Good luck!

Shyvas Fri, Mar-28-14 23:59

Originally Posted by ccotta
Definitely don't give up chocolate! I use cocoa powder, stevia, xylitol and/or erythritol to make cocoa treats. Look up the Healthy Indulgences Blog. She makes amazing sugar-free and low-carb treats. Giving up carbs is hard, I know. I have struggled with that for years. Increasing fats makes it easier for me this time though. Good luck!

I am also a chocoholic, however I find that you really do need to give
up sweet treats at first. I find that too many treats trigger cravings and stall weight loss. :agree:

I also agree that Healthy Indulgences is a fabulous blog with great recipes.

Mama Sebo Sat, Mar-29-14 01:21

Yes, Shyvas, I am also one who can't be trusted with a little bit of a treat, or a "lookalike", I have to show myself all the wonderful delicious healthy food that is available to me, and focus on that, I envy those who can enjoy their special treat, maybe I will get there some day, but I'm not holding my breath, I'm enjoying my outrageous salads! :)

Shyvas Sat, Mar-29-14 02:32

I'm sure that there are many of us out there that have cravings for chocolate and sweet treats.

It looks like this section of the forum has started to kick alive.

CalicoPaws Sat, Mar-29-14 08:32

Yes, yes, chocolate! I buy Lindt Excellence 85% Dark Chocolate. Very low carb and of course not sweet like milk chocolate. Snack on a few squares with natural peanut butter and make your own Reese's. :)

ccotta Sat, Mar-29-14 16:33

Originally Posted by Shyvas
I am also a chocoholic, however I find that you really do need to give
up sweet treats at first. I find that too many treats trigger cravings and stall weight loss. :agree:

I also agree that Healthy Indulgences is a fabulous blog with great recipes.

Well maybe that's my problem. I am in a bit of a stall. Been at the same weight for a couple weeks. I'm not too worried, but was wondering what's going on. I have a small bite of this or that reg. carb stuff, maybe once a day? I should still be below 45 or 50 g of carbs though and I thought that was a good weightloss zone for me.

I am trying to make myself wait for one cheat meal on the weekend, but haven't been sticking to it too well.

ccotta Sat, Mar-29-14 16:37

Should we start a daily/weekly check-in thread? or just use this one?

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