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gonzo59 Thu, Oct-27-11 20:46

Male yeast infection
Hi all. I realize this is my first post ever here and don't mean to dive in, but I've just stumbled across this forum and am eager to hear about anyone in a similar boat as me.

Just a little background. I'm in my twenties. About 2 years ago I came down with a penile yeast infection. I wasn't sure what it was at first (and it was bearable) so I foolishly put off having a dr look at it. A couple weeks later when I finally figured out what it was, none of the over the counter antifungals seemed to do anything. Also shortly after, I had big red rashes of flaky skin come out on my face (forehead, cheeks, around the mouth), back (ringworm) of the neck, on my upper and lower back (also obvious ringworm), in my crotch (jock itch), and In my arm pits. Various doctors prescribed me multiple antifungal creams with little/no results at the time. I also weighed nearly 260lbs at this point.

I took this as an indicator that I had systemic candida infection, and started eliminating sugars and carbs from my diet as best I could. I also started exercising regularly. As well as taking lots of vitamins, probiotics tablets and garlic. With this regime, over the course of a year or so I got down to a weight of 175lbs, which I was extremely happy with. At the same time, most of the areas on my body with the rashes seemed to clear up on their own. At this point I started to bring my diet back to a "normal persons" diet. However nothing seemed to work for the rash on my "male parts". At one point, it became so uncomfortable that I tried using an antifungal (prescribed to me earlier for the apparent ringworm rashes on my back) called Loprox (prescription only). It worked! It seemed to work great, however once the prescription ran out, the infection came rushing back. I've seen a few doctors (in a different area, I moved) about it, though I only told one of them about my loprox use and they looked at me like I was insane. They all seemed disinterested in supplements and overcoming it naturally, and all prescribed me generic antifungals, which did not work. At the moment, I'm using a (prescribed) combination of hydrocortisone cream and clotrimazole which keeps it at bay, certainly bearable. But I just want to be rid of this for good so badly. Lately I've been using garlic tablets as well as probiotic supplements in addition to my usual daily vitamins. Does anyone else suffer from similar issues?


Zuleikaa Fri, Oct-28-11 08:56

Organic oil of oregano is great for yeast infections. You can purchase it via gels or liquid. You can ingest it or rub it on your skin but I wouldn't recommend rubbing it on your penis because it will burn.

Take 4 drop in a little water or 4 gels 4-5 times a day until the yeast is gone. Then you can take it 1-2 times a day for maintenance.

I have to warn you. When you first start taking the oregano oil (ooo), you need to stay close to the bathroom because it will clean you out...i.e. putrid smelling, green, sludgy bms.

The die off of the ooo killing the yeast can also make you very tired and give flu like symptoms.

gonzo59 Fri, Oct-28-11 16:57

Thanks for the quick reply! I actually bought some "pure oregano oil" capsules. They are 75% carvacrol and it says 25:1 extract. Should I go back onto the typical candida diet to improve my chances while I'm taking them 4-5 times a day?

Zuleikaa Sat, Oct-29-11 10:15

Originally Posted by gonzo59
Thanks for the quick reply! I actually bought some "pure oregano oil" capsules. They are 75% carvacrol and it says 25:1 extract. Should I go back onto the typical candida diet to improve my chances while I'm taking them 4-5 times a day?

Sure. It's best not to overburden your system while you're cleansing.

gonzo59 Sat, Oct-29-11 12:01

Sounds good. I'll delay it a couple days, I just got groceries the other day and I don't want to put all the non-candida diet food I bought to waste, lol. Are you sure 4 capsules taken 4-5 times a day is the right amount? Seems like quite a bit.

Zuleikaa Sat, Oct-29-11 17:42

Originally Posted by gonzo59
Sounds good. I'll delay it a couple days, I just got groceries the other day and I don't want to put all the non-candida diet food I bought to waste, lol. Are you sure 4 capsules taken 4-5 times a day is the right amount? Seems like quite a bit.

That amount is about right; it's what I always recommend. You can take up to 30 gels/day but the effects might be too severe for you.

gonzo59 Sun, Oct-30-11 02:16

I see. I think a big factor in the amount per day I take is cost too. Every bottle I see in my local stores is $18-25 with each bottle containing 90-100 caps. Also, I read that the oregano caps must contain 70% Carvacrol to be effective against candida. The ones I have now say 75%. Another thing I've heard tossed around is that what I need is "wild" oregano oil, where as my caps just say "pure" oregano oil. Do you think these factors differing will really make a difference? I've seen some of the cheaper oregano oil caps say they have 60% carvacrol too.

Zuleikaa Sun, Oct-30-11 07:53

Originally Posted by gonzo59
I see. I think a big factor in the amount per day I take is cost too. Every bottle I see in my local stores is $18-25 with each bottle containing 90-100 caps. Also, I read that the oregano caps must contain 70% Carvacrol to be effective against candida. The ones I have now say 75%. Another thing I've heard tossed around is that what I need is "wild" oregano oil, where as my caps just say "pure" oregano oil. Do you think these factors differing will really make a difference? I've seen some of the cheaper oregano oil caps say they have 60% carvacrol too.

For a cheaper source of oregano oil, look on the web. Prices in the store are a lot more. You can start at the smaller dose of OOO and work yourself up. Wild and pure OOO is usually the same thing; you can check on the back and the ingredient should be oregano vulgare.

I've just checked and the OOO I usually take is 10:1.

gonzo59 Sun, Oct-30-11 11:30

Interesting, mine say;
Per 1 capsule
oregano oil - 20:1 extract
origanum vulgare 75% carvacrol 450mg.

Do you think I'll be ok if I start with this doseage right off the bat (these gels, 4 of the, 4x a day)?

Zuleikaa Sun, Oct-30-11 12:05

Originally Posted by gonzo59
Interesting, mine say;
Per 1 capsule
oregano oil - 20:1 extract
origanum vulgare 75% carvacrol 450mg.

Do you think I'll be ok if I start with this doseage right off the bat (these gels, 4 of the, 4x a day)?

What you have is fine.

gonzo59 Sun, Oct-30-11 12:51

Thanks, I really appreciate all the help!

gonzo59 Mon, Oct-31-11 16:34

And one more thing. How long do you think it'll be before I start to see results with the OoO? Or is everyone totally different.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Zuleikaa Tue, Nov-01-11 07:41

Originally Posted by gonzo59
And one more thing. How long do you think it'll be before I start to see results with the OoO? Or is everyone totally different.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

3-7 days. It depends on the severity and the dose.

gonzo59 Tue, Nov-01-11 16:39

Good to know. I take it you yourself have some experience with something yeast related?

Zuleikaa Tue, Nov-01-11 17:59

Originally Posted by gonzo59
Good to know. I take it you yourself have some experience with something yeast related?

I've had clients that had yeast. I've a sister that had yeast on her chest and back. I've had other relatives that had repetitive yeast infections. They've all been treated with OOO and garlic.

I've been preventively treating myself with anti yeast herbals for over 30 years. I haven't had a yeast infection since I was a teen.

I have had Acanthosis nigricans though which I treated the same way as yeast; it's been gone for years now.

gonzo59 Tue, Nov-01-11 19:08

Wow! I had no idea.
One more thing, I'm planning on starting on the OoO tomorrow morning (Now that I'm sort of more back in reasonable-diet mode). I've been reading about using OoO and some people say that you should start with a smaller dose and work your way up. I'm all for starting at 4 caps, 4x per day, but I'm worried about any effects it might have on my body (seems like a lot of OoO). I have a very physically demanding job and those things wouldn't be the greatest to experience while at work.

Zuleikaa Wed, Nov-02-11 07:32

Then start slow with 1-4X/day and increase to the next multiple every 2-3 days.

Johnny K Wed, Nov-02-11 19:26

Maybe some help
Here is something that I wrote on another forum. If you dont want to read it all, my QUICK advice is the medication DIFLUCAN ( need prescription )combined with cutting down on ALL types of pop and Alcohol. Below is my story

This is MY story with MY causes, MY symptoms and MY cures

My Story
It started with a very bad sinus infection In December 2010. I went to the Dr and was given a prescription for amoxicillin and then a second dose of Zpak. These antibiotics got rid of my sinus infections but started a chain reaction that seemed unstoppable.

About 7 days after I took the last antibiotics I started to develop an uncomfortable feeling on the tip of my Penis (see symptoms below). Of course the first things that will race through a man’s mind Is STD. I went back to my Dr and told him about it and then provided a urine sample. The tests came back negative and I was given a different dose of amoxicillin (Augmentin). This made the symptoms go away while I was on it and about 7 days after. But the symptoms slowly returned after that. By now I’m sure it’s a STD and I go back to the Dr. This time I went through the oh so enjoyable swab down urethra test. A few days later the tests came back negative and I was given yet another dose of amoxicillin (Augmentin). At this point I am welcoming the prescriptions just so I can get some relief (even though I know it will be temporary). Same results as the past, about 2 weeks of relief. I went to the Dr 1 more time for a blood test which came back negative as well. At this point it’s August 2010 and I’m pretty much fed up with Drs and I turn to the Internet for answers.

After multiple searches of my symptoms I stumble on yeast infection. I was thinking, there is no way I can have this, it’s for women. But I then searched by male yeast infections and it turned up several helpful sites. That’s where I discovered the drug Diflucan. I went back to my Dr yet again and told him what I had found and he prescribed Diflucan. This did the trick!!! All symptoms went away for about a 2 months. The symptoms started again on a much smaller scale after that. I believe they returned because of my very poor diet (see cures below).

The only problem I found with these male yeast infection sites was that I couldn’t find 1 testimonial from any guys. Nothing from a real person saying what caused their problem, nothing telling personal stories of the symptoms and nobody saying what helped contain/cure the issue. I’m not an expert but maybe this will encourage other men to add their stories/symptoms/cures.

My Causes
Antibiotics/poor diet/Booze

After reading more on Yeast infections I learned the very drugs that were giving me the 2 weeks relief were actually making the yeast infection worse. So it was a double edge sword for me. I learned antibiotics will cause yeast infections.

I also learned a poor diet will also feed the yeast infection. I like to think of myself as the sugar/chips guru. I was consuming way too many cookies, cakes and chips. I’m 5’11 and only 175Lbs but very unhealthy. I just couldn’t get rid of my chips. But with this eating habit I was helping the infection by feeding it exactly what it wanted.

My Alcohol intake was high as well. I really didn’t drink that much on the weekdays but the weekends I would drink a lot. This also fed the infection. I would drink Beer and Captain Morgan spiced rum with diet coke.

My Symptoms
Uncomfortable sensitivity on tip of Penis, red head and depression

I had 3 major symptoms over the last 10 months (broken up a bit with the medications I took). The first to show up was the very uncomfortable feeling on the tip of my penis. Not the whole head of the penis, just the very tip. There were no bumps or anything leaking out but when I walked or even lay down it just felt raw (like you are wearing sand paper underwear). I ran on a treadmill everyday and this regiment stopped because walking was almost unbearable so there was no way I could run. The only time of day it wasn’t as bad was right when I woke up. It would start a few hours later after I’m up and around.

The next to show up was a red penis tip. The whole head was very red. Kinda like if you grabbed it and cut off circulation.

The last symptom was depression. I don’t think this came about by anything chemical within my body. I think it was caused by the pain/uncomfortable feeling in my manhood. The thought of an incurable STD and everything else that was racing through my head. And my sex life coming to a halt. With this happening to a mans most important part and the discomfort nonstop all day long, the depression sets in hard and strong.

***Keep in mind I did not have any pain urinating or any pain inside. It was all focused on the tip (pain) and the redness (the whole head of my penis). The shaft and twins were never effected.***

My Cures

Well, this is the most important part. I DO suggest you go to your Dr and get tested for all STDs. The male yeast infection symptoms are very similar to some STDs. It is VERY important you rule those out first.

When those are ruled out you can try the below.

1)Diflucan- If you don’t have any allergies (consult your Dr) and you want to get fast relief, this will cure your problem as it did mine. But mine returned 2 months later just on a smaller scale. Some people are susceptible to reoccurring yeast infections.

2) Acidophilus pills- I take these daily now. You can buy them at Walgreens or health food store. These Probiotics are "friendly" bacteria and suppresses the growth of potentially harmful bacteria. It basically does what Yogurt does. I hate yogurt so I take these pills. If you enjoy plain yogurt then consume that instead. Make sure it is the NO sugar yogurt. These pills are very good for your digestive track as well. You can find these pills on sale sometimes and are not very expensive. I just bought 120 pills on sale at Walgreens for $16. 2 pills a day so its only about $8 a month.

3)Garlic pills- I take these daily now. The garlic is also supposed to keep things in balance. Again, not very expensive.

4) Cranberry pills- I take these daily now. Everything you read about yeast infections it says to drink cranberry juice. I’m not a big fan of it so I just take these pills. The cost is about the same as the other 2 pills.

5)Water- Drink plenty of water. LOTS OF WATER. Drink plenty of it every day. Flush your system daily. Pee it out

6) Diet- While taking these pills, you will need to change your diet a bit. I’m not saying become a diet saint but cut back big time on sugar intake, cut back on drinking Alcohol and cut back on chips/fries. Your diet will help prevent them in the future.

I hope this helped people a little. I’m not a Dr, just someone that went through some awful times with my goodies.

Feel free to comment and let me know if this helped.


gonzo59 Wed, Nov-02-11 21:31

Wow, good to know Johnny K.
Personally I'm also fairly certain its not an STD, as historically topical antifungals have provided me with temporary relief. I already do take garlic as well as acidophilus supplements, as well as other vitamins.

I too am guilty of having a terrible diet at one point. Right now I've cleaned that up immensely. I'll stick with the OoO for now, but I'm thankful for your information. If I go back to the Dr. for this I'll get his opinion on diflucan. Also, I'll try to pickup some cranberry pills too.


Johnny K Thu, Nov-03-11 07:08

No Problem.

What I learned is if you have a full blown case of yeast infection, the vitamins might tame the symptoms but wont get rid of them completely. A round of Diflucan to zap it GONE and then the vitamins and less sugar diet should keep it away ( learned that after my 2nd dose of Diflucan 2 months later )

If the OOO doesnt do the trick, try and Google Diflucan. It seems to be the #1 drug of choice for Yeast Infections. Good luck.

J :D

gonzo59 Wed, Nov-09-11 18:28

Alright, so far It's been 7 days on the OoO. I would have posted earlier but it seems the forum was down. I really haven't noticed anything in terms of improvement in the yeast but 2 nights ago I had what I think was die off, a fever, chills, headache, frequent BM's. My diet throughout the whole thing has been fairly good, with the occasional slip up. Hopefully I'll start seeing some results soon!

Nam Tue, Jul-07-15 11:52

So Gonzo, after 4 years, have you found the real solutions for Candida? if so, please describe. :help:

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