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never2late Mon, Sep-19-11 17:26

Are you practicing Schwarzbein Principle and how long
I'm working towards the Schwarzbein Principle and do not see those who follow this instead of Atkins or another low carb. Did you just incorporate or take what you wanted from Schwarzbein rather than follow it. I want to live long enough to see my granddaughter grow up and there seems to be some things in Atkins I can't do without the pancreas and being a Type 1 diabetic now.
Do you feel healthier??

never2late Thu, Dec-01-11 23:31

Still working SPII into my WOE. Am starting to feel a difference in how I feel. Do have a problem with being allowed some carbs and then cravings for more and more. Let it get away from me. Knew I would gain and that SPII says it will happen, just didn't like it. Went back to very low carb and started loosing the energy I'd gain. Learning something new all the time now.

amandawald Tue, Dec-20-11 14:02

Hi there!

I think SPII is a very good plan, although a little rigid. It taught me that a few carbs are actually a very good thing!!!

Have you thought about staying away from wheat??? Wheat products tend to have that more-ish effect more than other sources of starchy carbs, such as potatoes or rice. Also it is good to have your carbs plain and not too tasty so that you're not tempted to have too much.

I know I would definitely eat more potato chips than, say, a bowl of plain white rice if I had to choose!!!

I'll try to check in again, hang on in there!


Krystalcat Tue, Feb-07-12 12:37

I just ordered the three books as it looks closer to what I need.

oldsquaw69 Fri, Feb-17-12 05:09

I've been doing low carb/high fat for donkeys years and I'm still the same weight.

So just dug out my SP books 1 and 11 and got the cookbook. I LOVE the idea of having to eat some carbs at every meal and at least will die happy, even if I don't lose weight :-)

Krystalcat Sat, Feb-18-12 08:06

I finished all three books and plan to begin Sunday on it. Already doing a bit of it today. I think it's more healthier in the long run for me - especially how she talks about the horomones etc needing to be balanced. I found with low carbs that I would lose about 3-5 pounds and then get stuck there. And then I wasn't feeling happy or well, always cold and upset. So, I'm with you on it, Oldsqaw69!

oldsquaw69 Sun, Feb-19-12 14:21

Good O, Krystalcat. Nice to have someone else doing it too.

So far I'm loving it - only started it a few days ago. And I haven't gained any extra weight yet, like she says I might.

You've got to eat protein with every meal tho. And since I need to cut down the cheese, and also on the dark red meats, it's a bit difficult to think what to have for my next meal.

Are you diabetic ?

knorris47 Sun, Feb-19-12 22:47

I am very interested in this way of eating. I have been low carb for 4+ yrs, since finding out I was diabetic. Find it hard, hard, hard to not eat some carbs. I heard it said one time that a person has more organs that need the be thot about than the pancreas. LOL Will be interested in what you all's outcome and thinking is. Karen

knorris47 Sun, Feb-19-12 22:49

Need to get the books and read them. Someone said 3 books. I know of the SP and the NSP but not a third one. Could someone tell me the same of it? Thanks

Krystalcat Mon, Feb-20-12 07:49

Yes, I am diabetic. Along with a bunch of other stuff (autoimmune etc) I got an appoint end of March with a doc to check out my hormone levels and thyroid etc so that will help.
I can't bring myself to eating carbs at every meal and snack as she says, I'm struggling with that. But I am having carbs more -and I'm feeling better. Same with watching the protein levels. Today officially is day two so I can't say much about it. I hope to increase the carbs over time to each meal. I swing between Schwarzbein and the Opitmal levels that JK wrote. Hopefully my body will tell me! ha ha.
The books are 1. Schwarzbein Principle, 2. Schwarzbein Principle II, and 3. The Program. Then she has two cookbooks, but I don't have them.
I still like Schwarzbein as it talks more of being healthy then dieting only.
Well, OldSquaw69 and Karen (if you are on board) let's see where she takes us!!! :)

Enomarb Mon, Feb-20-12 08:39

I loved her books too- one of the BEST bits of info for me was when she says to trust your body and it will settle into a weight that is healthy for you if you eat the right way and correct the damage you have done.
I really needed to hear that when I first did LC.


oldsquaw69 Mon, Feb-20-12 12:41

I must say I'm finding it quite difficult to eat protein at every meal and snack, at the same time as a carb. But after doing very very low carb for so long, this is sheer heaven.

Agree Eno - she does say some good things !

Hope you find you like it too, knorris47.

Krystalcat Mon, Feb-20-12 13:09

see, now that's something that confused me. I can do the meat at meals, but for snacks I use nut butters. I know she said nuts and nutbutters were better as a snack in her book. But I can't figure out if I'm to count it as carb and protein or just carb. In her book she says to count as a carb. This afternoon's snack is celery and sunflower butter. How do you use nut butters - if you do use them?

oldsquaw69 Tue, Feb-21-12 09:58

We don't have nut butters here in the UK, so I don't know much about them. I'd have thought they were more fats than anything ?

I've made some little oat & egg pancakes - I'm just grabbing one of those for my snacks ! Pretty boring tho !

When I next go to the shops I'll try to find something more suitable. Difficult not being able to use bought cold meats tho -not that I'd want to - they're so processed and sugared here.

Maybe it will take us a while to get the hang of this !

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 10:51

typed a big long message and the server was to busy.

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 10:56

and that little one it let go thru! plut
oldsquaw if you can get nuts :) you can make your own butters. To me they seem a perfect low carb food. High fat, moderate protein and not bad carbs. So good. I mix mine with greek yogurt. And the idea of carbs is heavenly but the doing of it is a whole nuther thing!! LOL
Krystalcat I totally get the fear of carbs. Im still going by my meter. If the bg goes up I may rethink this plan.
Dont know if you have heard of Weston Price. He was a dentist in search of perfect teeth and found perfect health (almost) in groups of people who had never had the SAD. The Weston Foundation recommends the SB for diabetics.

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 11:05

Going to get the books at the library today! Im in, I think LOL depends like I said on my bg's!

BonDépart Tue, Feb-21-12 12:53

Hi, Oldsquaw, we do have nut butters here! I've seen Almond Butter in Tesco, Sainsburys and Waitrose, and of course we can get peanut butter almost anywhere. (Although the Whole Earth one is best, no added nasties). I'd recommend you give almond butter a try it's very delicious and healthier than peanut butter.

I haven't got my Schwarzbein books to hand but I'm sure she counts nut butters as protein and fat, one of her suggested snacks is almond butter with celery sticks.

I've been lurking on the Schwarzbein pages here for ages, and am so glad to see some movement on here again.

Krystalcat Tue, Feb-21-12 13:55

I know in her third or second book she says nutbutters are counted as carb. So I think that the way I read it - you list it under carb count, but it does have the protein and fat. Which makes the nutbutter and celery (or kohlrabi) a good idea. So glad too to hear a few people doing this.
Yes Knorris47 I have heard of Weston - read some of the site. Amazing that they knew then that low carb etc was good for people!
Had lunch out today, choose veg and chicken, but the chicken bits were breaded - that was a goof more on the gluten allergy side then the carb side I think. Wont worry about it so much otherwise I will end up chucking in the whole day! Can feel my body being 'off' with so much carb at once though. Onward!!

BonDépart Tue, Feb-21-12 14:07

Hello Krystalcat, nice to 'meet' you. :wave:
Thanks for the clarification about the nut butters. I do have the 3 books (and the regular cookbook) but they are at home and I'm working away at the moment. I read them all about a year ago, but haven't really looked at them since, so I must read them again when I am back home.
How are you finding it? I agree, don't chuck in the whole day because of the breaded chicken!

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 17:41

Definately dont chuck in the whole day over a bit of breading!!! LOL wont the gluten make you sick tho. I know if either of my girls get in to something with just a tad of gluten they both know it. not nice for them! I guess "off" is pretty bad too. Got the first book and will read it. Probably stay low carb until I get it read. I know I do feel better with some carbs I feel more satiated. Going to have sweet potatoes tonight tho. Please dont tell me they arent for this program! Bon glad you are here too! we will make a group of us!! yup yup yup
Edited: Rather than glad you are here too I should have said glad you are here to welcome us!!

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 17:51

Why do some people have a lightbulb yellow and some blue?

Krystalcat Tue, Feb-21-12 18:08

Hi BonDepart! :) and Knorris47
I just glad there are some on this program. I didn't chuck it. But wasn't that hungry for dinner. I'm grateful I don't react like your girls Knorris47. I tend to get very swollen belly and nausead and overall unwell - if I keep eating gluten then I get sicker. So the tad doesn't have me react like them - not that I had a tad this afternoon! ha ha And I get the carb craving for others - it's that catch22 thing. I'll just keep drinking more water and in a few days it will hopefully pass.
Sweet potatoes are on the list - I'm so glad about that too! Love them. They actually are comforting for me.
Started out this morning with rice pudding mix which was filling.
Tomorrow.... haven't figured it out - can't really think of food that much today. I am liking the plan so far. I still think it's the right for me. And I think it will be better once I confirm my hormone levels. But in the meantime - onward! ;)
What do you have for breakfast? (I can't do eggs or dairy or grains so it's always fun) Have either of you all started yet? How are you finding it?

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 18:25

Krystalcat have you found your bg numbers okay or are you on insulin already? On this way of eating
Cant help you with the breakfast since mine is eggs and salsa usually. On sunday with bacon.

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 18:28

Why cant you do eggs? Because of allergy or dislike? Can you do protein powder and I still have no idea if its okay here. I have a great receipe for a protein powder pancake tho it has an egg in it.

Krystalcat Tue, Feb-21-12 19:51

Considering I tend to get a bit of a swollen throat and tongue and bumpy roof of my mouth when I eat eggs, I put it under allergic reaction. But tomorrow I have an appoint with an allergrist hopefully he will do scratch the egg test on me. What is bad is I never know WHEN I will swell on eating eggs. I can be semi-fine on one meal, and not the next (even if it's the same meal). I think that I'm reacting so much to everything at the moment I never know what will set it off. Once I heal I should be better.

Hopefully. Currently I use no-egg powder. Doesn't give recipes the exact egg structure - but in some recipes it's ok. Use it with my chia muffins.
In her 3rd book she does allow protein powder occasionally if needed. Not a top choice, but allowable. You can have your pancakes. I actually put some pumpkin protein powder in my rice pudding this morning.

I use Metformin. Would like to get off it though - I don't think it's good to stay on. NOT that I'm suggesting anyone stop it. I just don't know if I need to use it - especially if I can get my levels ok with food. My family doctor is still impressed with me. I was very heavy and with a lot of work (very low carb and lots of exercising and herbal pills) I lost a lot. Still have 60 to go.

But with my diabetes I was able to come down from Metformin 500mg x 2 a day with uncontrollable levels, to Met 250mg x1 AND my blood tests come back excellent. His statement to me is he only has a few patients that have success on lower blood sugar levels BUT by having gastract (sp?) bypass surgery - not like me who did it the old healthy way. (NOT exactly how I did it)

Only thing that happened - I got very ill, and can't do what I did before, and have trouble maintaining very low carb and lots of exercising. Burned myself out - and now I suffer from that! Am taking care of myself now. But the weight doesn't appear to shift - at the moment.

Like Schwarzbein says - hormones have to be in balance. Health first, then weight comes off. Burn out need to heal. Weight will not drop much if body is ill. It's one reason why I like her books. The body does need some of those nutrients in rice and sweet potatoes and potatoes etc. Not in processed, refined man made fake foods. Just need to limit the carbs/protein, moderate fats.

I'm still learning so if anyone has more guidance..... :help:

knorris47 Tue, Feb-21-12 20:05

Im on Met too but have done research on it and it does so much good in other ways I dont even want to go off it! LOL No problem taking it.
I sure wouldnt be pushing it with eggs!!! I have a friend that cant even have injections made from/off eggs. She would die. the rice pudding sounds good. I looked at rice at the grocrey store today and couldnt make myself buy it?!!! Im very afraid of that high of carbs. Sigh. Hope I can make myself do this. Im beginning to think I do need carbs and maybe the drs that say fat is a problem for diabetics too. Tho I dont know what she says about that. She's on this forum so it has to be at least somewhat low carb. You will get used to hearing me whine!! LOL

HappynThin Tue, Feb-21-12 20:06

Originally Posted by oldsquaw69
I've been doing low carb/high fat for donkeys years and I'm still the same weight.

So just dug out my SP books 1 and 11 and got the cookbook. I LOVE the idea of having to eat some carbs at every meal and at least will die happy, even if I don't lose weight :-)

You made me laugh out loud! :lol:

Krystalcat Wed, Feb-22-12 08:32

Welcome HappynThin..... isn't that truly what we want? To be happy. (and Thin..... ;) though I'm also aiming for healthy, happy and slim)
Knorris - I know what you mean about the rice - and if you look for forbidden rice, or purple rice or even wild rice they are on the lower carb end. Brown rice is 1/3 cup, but Forbidden or wild it's 1/2c - and that makes a nice breakfast pudding.

Just do what you can. Like me - I'm working at one major carb a day at the moment. Today is sweet potatoe day. I sleep a bit better with that carb in me. Feel good today (even though I overdid the carbs!! yesterday). Went back on track this morning - had chia cereal.

Enomarb Wed, Feb-22-12 18:21

knorris the lightbulb is yellow when you are actually signed onto the site. Blue if you are signed out!

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