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toddswife Fri, May-06-11 12:15

WOW! Found my Trigger...
Holy cow! I think I found my trigger. I have been doing SBD since Sunday, April 17th and I have lost about 8 poiunds. I have had a few slips but nothing huge and really nothing that caused an all out carb binge. I feel I have been doing great with handling my cravings, which have all but disappeared...that is until yesterday. I am well into Phase 2 so I thought for lunch I would try an open faced sandwich. I had Brownberry Oatnut Bread with a piece of swiss cheese, turkey, mustard and some veggies. It tasted great and filled me up for the lunch time.

By the time I got home I had this absolute uncontrollable urge to bake something...absolutely needed brownies, cupcakes, anyting...I finally settled on Rice Krispie Bars and I ate 5 of them before I could stop myself. Then as I was laying in bed, I got up and went down to the kitchen AGAIN just to cut another one -even AFTER I was already in bed!!!! Talk about not being in control.

I am guessing my trigger is bread and, therfore, I am going to try and stay away from that as much as I can because I can not possibly do that to myself again. It was like watching a movie of myself and being totally disgusted with what I saw yet not being able to stop it. :o

I think this week I am going to reintroduce some whole grain pasta one day and see what happens. God help me..!!!

Israeli Fri, May-06-11 12:28


I discovered my trigger is any sweets.

I was doing great, losing well.
Had NO cravings.

Some one put a 2 inch by 4 inch piece of black forest cake
in front of me and I thought it wouldn't be a prob.
I went on a 3 month bender after that one tiny bit.
Gained back all I'd lost and 5 pounds more.

I'm trying to lose it all now again, and its harder than ever.

Judynyc Fri, May-06-11 13:54

Originally Posted by toddswife
Holy cow! I think I found my trigger. I have been doing SBD since Sunday, April 17th and I have lost about 8 poiunds. I have had a few slips but nothing huge and really nothing that caused an all out carb binge. I feel I have been doing great with handling my cravings, which have all but disappeared...that is until yesterday. I am well into Phase 2 so I thought for lunch I would try an open faced sandwich. I had Brownberry Oatnut Bread with a piece of swiss cheese, turkey, mustard and some veggies. It tasted great and filled me up for the lunch time.

By the time I got home I had this absolute uncontrollable urge to bake something...absolutely needed brownies, cupcakes, anyting...I finally settled on Rice Krispie Bars and I ate 5 of them before I could stop myself. Then as I was laying in bed, I got up and went down to the kitchen AGAIN just to cut another one -even AFTER I was already in bed!!!! Talk about not being in control.

I am guessing my trigger is bread and, therfore, I am going to try and stay away from that as much as I can because I can not possibly do that to myself again. It was like watching a movie of myself and being totally disgusted with what I saw yet not being able to stop it. :o

I think this week I am going to reintroduce some whole grain pasta one day and see what happens. God help me..!!!

Flour is a huge issue for many of us and I am one of them.
I strongly suggest that you do not :nono: go for the whole grain pasta as it is still from grain processed into flour.
Go for starchy veggies for now....hold off on any flour for a few weeks.
Ask me first next time!! :wave:

tammay Fri, Jun-03-11 07:43

That's why I'm staying away from bread in Phase 2 :-). I think it will be a huge trigger for me. However, I don't find that fruit is a trigger for me. I like fruit but I don't LOVE it, so I can have 1 or 2 servings a day and not have it trigger carb cravings or a binge. I think that whole grains will be the same (like 1/2 cup brown rice with my chili) but for now I'm sticking with fruit and seeing how that goes.

It's funny how different foods trigger different people. My mom, for example, absolutely loves fruit and she can eat pounds and pounds of it (and now that the summer fruits have started coming in, she is partying :-D).


Judynyc Fri, Jun-03-11 09:04

Originally Posted by tammay
That's why I'm staying away from bread in Phase 2 :-). I think it will be a huge trigger for me. However, I don't find that fruit is a trigger for me. I like fruit but I don't LOVE it, so I can have 1 or 2 servings a day and not have it trigger carb cravings or a binge. I think that whole grains will be the same (like 1/2 cup brown rice with my chili) but for now I'm sticking with fruit and seeing how that goes.

It's funny how different foods trigger different people. My mom, for example, absolutely loves fruit and she can eat pounds and pounds of it (and now that the summer fruits have started coming in, she is partying :-D).


Very smart fo you to stay away from any bread at all. :thup:

algts Sat, Jun-04-11 19:23

Originally Posted by Israeli

I discovered my trigger is any sweets.

I was doing great, losing well.
Had NO cravings.

Some one put a 2 inch by 4 inch piece of black forest cake
in front of me and I thought it wouldn't be a prob.
I went on a 3 month bender after that one tiny bit.
Gained back all I'd lost and 5 pounds more.

I'm trying to lose it all now again, and its harder than ever.
That happened to me as well!! It took me 7 months to get back, except I gained back almost 30 lbs to a weight higher than when I (re)started last year. Now I know better ( I hope) to stay away from flour/sugar).

gonwtwindo Sat, Jun-04-11 19:28

I think it is not just bread...but wheat...that triggers the urge to consume mass quantities of MORE...

Judynyc Sat, Jun-04-11 20:24

Originally Posted by gonwtwindo
I think it is not just bread...but wheat...that triggers the urge to consume mass quantities of MORE...

I agree about the wheat. :agree:
But its also true that for many of us who are very addicted, any flour, wheat or otherwise, can be a pathway to destruction. :devil:

I can tell you that this was very true for me 7 years ago when I started out. I didn't have any flour at all for 18 months...even the whole grain flour that South Beach recommends. My experience with flour is that it inhibits weight loss in general. :)

dearmommy Sat, Jun-04-11 22:03

For me its grains of any sort.

eastbruce Fri, Jun-10-11 08:00

We raised hogs and guess what we fed to fatten them up quickly before taking them to market?

GRAIN !! :exclm: :exclm: :exclm:

Nuff Said :devil: :devil: :devil:

Judynyc Fri, Jun-10-11 08:50

As a long time maintainer, the foods I had to avoid during weight loss, are the same that I still avoid in maintenance.

I still don't eat pizza due to the white wheat flour...or pasta or bagels!:thdown: My 3 old favs are gone from my food plan...forever! :wave:

But I have included other types of much better choices for me in the grain dept.
Ezekiel bread- sprouted whole grain and flourless.
Wasa Heart Rye- crispbreads
popped corn, fresh from the farmer corn of the cobb
brown rice

I have done all the experiments and found that for me and my body, I do well with a small amount of whole grain in my diet. Not all in the same day, of course! But I like having the option!! ;)

GreenFern Wed, Nov-14-12 13:34

Originally Posted by dearmommy
For me its grains of any sort.

Yup, me too. Especially rice. I'm gluten free so its one of the only grains I can have, but its bad news for me.

erinleigh Wed, Nov-14-12 15:07

I'm all sweets! I lose control and it just goes down hill from there.

Bread I can some what deal with...but not everything else! OYE VE!

Firefly428 Sat, Dec-15-12 05:00

It is good you found your trigger. now avoid it like the plague :)

I can control sweets easily. I could eat a brownie and stop but being on plan, I don't plan on ever eating a 'real' brownie again.

my problem is taters and breads. I look at those foods and I can trigger almost into an eating frenzy. And I never ate alot of bread before LC. but it does something to me, something bad lol

Pizza, I just scrape off the toppings. delish. it is the taste I want without the crust. Will never eat it again in my life.

everyone has to find the foods they can handle and their personal levels of amts. Now I know taters, breads, pastas, etc will never come back into my menu plan for life.

vsalmon Tue, Jan-15-13 11:07

Me too...finally the light has gone on! I did low-cab before (Atkins) but somehow thought that since potatoes and bread were acceptable as part of the higher rungs...I allowed those in pre-maintenance. Set up for a major fall. Back again heading into those same waters of maintenance and planning to skip grains and potatoes. All they trigger is one big sugar and bread carb-fest. Now how to do this the rest of my life.

Nancy LC Tue, Jan-15-13 11:16

Y'all should read "Wheat Belly" it gives some insight into why wheat is such a triggering food for many.

vsalmon Tue, Jan-15-13 11:19

Yes...have been reading the web-site and Dr. Davis blog. Really want to get the book as soon as can. Our bodies knew it all along didn't they as we groped in the dark with bread and sugar addiction.

keith v Tue, Feb-12-13 17:47

Wheat belly is a fantastic book, It is what turned me to the fat side :)

the only thing more evil than Wheat is fructose

JEY100 Wed, Feb-13-13 08:04

I was searching our library on-line system for all the new books on order. We seem to order anything and everything with the word Diet in it.

Noticed that there will be a new South Beach out in April.
A "Gluten Aware" plan, whatever that may be.
Dr. Davis makes it simplier...just eliminate all gluten sources, but thought you might be interested in this one:

BeckyMax Mon, Mar-27-17 04:04

Originally Posted by tammay
That's why I'm staying away from bread in Phase 2 :-). I think it will be a huge trigger for me. However, I don't find that fruit is a trigger for me. I like fruit but I don't LOVE it, so I can have 1 or 2 servings a day and not have it trigger carb cravings or a binge. I think that whole grains will be the same (like 1/2 cup brown rice with my chili) but for now I'm sticking with fruit and seeing how that goes.

It's funny how different foods trigger different people. My mom, for example, absolutely loves fruit and she can eat pounds and pounds of it (and now that the summer fruits have started coming in, she is partying :-D).


Fruit is red lilght for me as well. i absolutely LOVE it. Actually I did well on WW until they introduced free fruit, hah nothing is free for me and then to make it fruit??! insane. I probably ate 8 servings a day.

FatBGone17 Sat, Nov-04-17 21:35

Cookies are like crack for me. All baked sweets send me on a roller coaster of cravings with energy highs and lows, but cookies were an absolute addiction. I used to joke that it was too bad that Girl Scout Cookies were only sold in single-serving boxes, but in reality it wasn't far from the truth for me. I used to crave chocolate chip or M&M cookies from the local bakery or Subway and would eat several a day. Now after going low-carb it seems strange that they don't even interest me, but I have a strong feeling that if I indulged in one, I'd be craving them all over again.

kathleen24 Sat, Dec-09-17 19:21

I'm not SB'ing it, but will join in on this discussion--I hope that's alright with folks.

A lot of my triggers are situational and multi-factorial. In other words, I could walk past X with no problem one day, and the next day if I'm feeling stressed, it's a problem. Example, food in the break-room at work. People think I have a lot of willpower. If I had that, I could eat one and move on. I don't, so . . . I don't! :)

But I've turned to food a lot over the years that I worked there, and have used it as an emotional crutch, so those habits still have their power to hum at me.

I quit smoking decades ago--but never lost sight of what it means to be addicted to cigarettes. I told myself then that if I ever smoked a pack again, I'd be right back to being a practicing smoker. I'm not an ex-smoker; I'm an abstaining smoker, cigarette-free for many years now. I stay humble about this, because it's appropriate to be humble.

I think I need to adopt a similar mindset about carb triggers.

I went grocery shopping today. Filled my cart with a week's worth of groceries for $57US. The only impulse item in there was fresh asparagus. The rest is just food. And I was light on my feet, and moving fast, and enjoying how it felt to move. Then I saw a woman there who reminded me of me when I was at my heaviest. I can't say what I felt--maybe a multitude of things--but it gave me pause for thought. I just remembered really hard.

Still working this out. I have to.

zoogirl Sun, Dec-10-17 03:24

Awww, well said Kathleen, it is why you are 12 lbs below goal, you got this figured out, but it NEVER goes away, we will always be working it out. It is good to know where the triggers come from, I agree, for me it is the same if I have that first bite, I'm done, I don't trust that I can stop, remember Gramma always said a little tastes the same as a lot...well maybe for functioning non carb addicted folks...but for me, a little tastes like

One day at a time, keep learning, have a positive day, ttyl

JEY100 Sun, Dec-10-17 03:48

I’m also not SB, though like many here, I’ve done every Diet at some point in my past. Been there, done that, have the T-shirt for SBD so know the rules. There is a good thread about Abstaining vs. Moderating started a few years ago...since you mentioned abstaining thought you may enjoy reading Gretchen Rubin's take on habits (and low carb tips too). Both can work depending on your "tendencies" but members of this forum do seem to favor the Abstainer side.

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