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bluefizzur Sat, Mar-09-02 20:05

Lizzie's Beastly BFL Log
Here goes page 1 of the rest of my journey!

I'm following BFL workouts but doing lowcarb nutrition, ala the guru Nat! :)

Today was "free day" so no weights or 20 minute intervals on my elliptical trainer. Just a lot of mall walking with my husband, Zach.

Guess since this is my gym log, I should state my objects d'torture, aka the equipment I have in my basement, "dungeon" gym:

Elliptical Trainer (for intervals)

Body Solid Power Cage
Yukon incline/decline adjustable weight bench
300# olympic weight set
Barbells galore
Adjustable dumbbells
Non-adjustable dumbbells in sizes varying from 1# to 50#.

I THINK that's it.... I LOVE to deadlift and squat and bench. Must have a hidden power lifter in me... hee hee!

Tomorrow's workout will be Lower Body, weights. Will report.

Off to sleep soon, WI

Natrushka Sat, Mar-09-02 20:29

Oh boy, Lizzie! I want to come to your dungeon! A CAGE? Sounds nasty! ;)

Doing lower body here tomorrow as well - but not with all that fun stuff! I hear you on the deadlifts - I love that hamstring pain. Have you ever tried a sumo squat? My thigh are hurting just thinking about them.

Looking forward to reading your next entry.

bluefizzur Sun, Mar-10-02 13:54

Hi Nat!

I will have to look into the sumo squat. Not quite sure if that is what I do. I do them in my cage, and stand with feet about as wide as my hips, and go ALL THE WAY DOWN! :) Ass to the grass, as one of my online weightlifting woman friends says.

I love my gym. But to get great results, not a lot is needed. A good bench, some dumbbells go a LONG way! I use my power cage for squats and bench presses. It can be expanded to include other "toys" like a dip station. The main reason I got it was because I usually work out when I get home from work (3:30 pm), or should I say, TRY to workout then. Some times it's later. But that way I can lift in safety, as my husband usually doesn't get home until at least 6:00 pm. I'll try to post a pic of it when I figure out how to.

I will be posting my workout later tonight. It's close to BFL in the order of the body parts, and sets, but the reps are different.


Natrushka Sun, Mar-10-02 17:12

If you can post a picture of THE cage that would be great - it sounds like a fun little toy.

Sumo squats were in a recent edition of Oxygen of MF hers - it was tough finding info on them online, but basically you start with legs spread wide, toes slightly pointed out, like a sumo wrestler, and you hold the weight in front of you between your legs by the plates. The range of movement is much smaller than a regular squat and I find it less hard on my knees. It is touted to work in the inner thigh and it is recommended you do some good stretching before you start.


bluefizzur Sun, Mar-10-02 20:34

Just finished LBWO!
...and boy, am I TIRED!!! :thup:

Nat, i'll check out the sumo squats. I get M&F Hers but not Oxygen. And i'll be figuring out how to post a pic of my gym! :)

Okay, here's the stats on my workout:

Leg Extensions
70# x 12
75# x 10
80# x 8
80# x 6
70# x 12

Butt to the Ground Squats:
45# x 12 (the olympic bar)


40# x 12

One-Leg Calf Raises:

Angled Calf Raises:

Decline Situps:

Bent Knee Leg Raises:

Now off to have a protein shake and 10 g of glutamine! I'm almost on schedule for bedtime for once! ;)


bluefizzur Mon, Mar-11-02 15:52

Feeling good, looking forward to my 20 minutes of interval cardio tonight on my elliptical machine!

bluefizzur Tue, Mar-12-02 20:17

Free Day Switched
Well, I decided that since I have class late on Tuesdays, I am going to have that day for my "free day." Basically free from exercise. And measuring food. But I still ate lowcarb stuff today. Doing free days on a standard body for life plan had me cramming as many carbs into my body as possible. Yuck. :rolleyes:

Off to bed for me now!

Free days are crappy no more, WI

bluefizzur Wed, Mar-13-02 21:28

Upper Body Workout tonight:

Bench Press:
12 reps x 30#
12 reps x 30#
10 x 30#
10 x 30#
8 x 45# (used my olympic bar downstairs in the dungeon)
(need to setup my adjustable barbells... 30# too light)

5 x 30#

Seated DB Press:
6 x 30#
7 x 30#
5 x 30#
4 x 30#
5 x 30#

Lateral DB Press:
4 x 30#

DB Rows:
13 x 30#
12 x 30#
10 x 30#
10x 30#
10 x 30#
13 x 30#

*** didn't do any triceps tonight. Used higher # db's, so got hit.

DB Curls:
8 x 30#
5 x 30#
6 x 30#
6 x 30#
6 x 30#

DB Hammer Curls:
7 x 30#

Off to bed for this tired chickie!!!!! Don't forget the glutamine!!!

Workout feeling incredible, WI

Natrushka Thu, Mar-14-02 07:55

Quick question for you Lizzie :) When you say 30# for the flys and Curls is that 30# each hand or 2x15#? I'm never sure how I should record it !


bluefizzur Thu, Mar-14-02 19:09

Hiya Nat!
Hey, musclegirl Nat! Nice to see you! :)

I used 2, 15# dumbbells. I recorded it as 30#. Not really sure
which is the right way to record it. I think as long as it only matters to you, and you're seeing improvement, it doesn't really matter. Kind of like my olympic weight bar. It weighs 45# by itself. So I write 45#, even though some lifters would just say the pounds in how much the plates weigh.

When I do rows, I use the 2, 15# dumbbells, but it's one movement so I'd think if I was using a barbell, it would be one morement, and would be the total weight being used.

Answer is, I don't really know one. :) But as long as you're consistent, use what seems good for you.

Tonight is 20 minutes of intervals. And make up the triceps I missed last night ;)

Weights are magic, WI

Natrushka Thu, Mar-14-02 20:00

Lizzie, I'm not sure either - I know there are many ways to record. I was just being nosey ;) I was prepared to be awestruck when you said "why of course, Nat, I fly 30lbs each hand!" (John can barely manage 20 lol - I'm squeeking out 17 x2 now). It's interesting to see what others are doing. There's this girl who's diaries are online that I follow - this little thing is curling 30 lbs (each arm!) and working on 35!! It amazes me. ( if yer interested.

Happy cardioing

bluefizzur Sat, Mar-16-02 06:45

Hi Nat!

Hey, nothing wrong with being nosy. I'm VERY nosy, especially when it comes to eating and working out! :thup:

As i've seen (and I am sure you have) that women typically get smaller and "harder" when they start moving up in the poundages they lift. A really slender woman Zach works with uses 50# dumbbells for flyes. :eek:

And, you're noticing that with yourself! Cool! :) You're lifting heavier and getting smaller. I hopped on the scale yesterday, because I felt "lighter" and weighed 2 pounds more! But my clothes feel better. What the heck?! All I know is our body is a great big, chemical factory! :)

I actually had the web site bookmarked. Really cool! Thanks for the reminder. It's nice "watching" someone's progression. And don't forget yourself.... your transformation is being cheered on by more people than you know!!!

Continuous progress, WI

bluefizzur Sat, Mar-16-02 06:55

Workout for 3/15/02
Didn't get a chance last night to post my LBWO, went "casinoing" if that is such a word... hee hee....

Squats: 5 x 45#
Leg Extensions: 10 x 70#
Squats: 5 x 45#
Leg extensions: 8 x 75#
Squats: 4 x 45#
Leg Extensions: 12 x 75#
(I alternated squats with leg extensions. Like this MUCH better)

Deads: 6 x 80#
Lunges: 10 x 20#
Deads: 6 x 80#
Lunges: 10 x 20#
Deads: 6 x 80#
Lunges: 9 x 20#

I am using the adjustable dumbbells for my lunges. I feel like they hurt my hands. :( I feel like my hands give out before my legs do, and that I could handle heavier poundage. Don't know, maybe i'll buy a pair of gloves. I want to get some chalk anyway at the fitness store. For my squats and deads! :)

One-Leg Calf Raises:

Angled Calf Raises:

Decline Situps:

Bent Knee Leg Raises:

I remember not being able to walk real well last night. My balance even seemed impaired after! Of course forgot my glutamine. Didn't take until we got back home. :rolleyes:

Gettin there, wherever "there" is, WI

Natrushka Sat, Mar-16-02 07:24

Lizzie, those gloves will make a difference. I started using my cycling ones with the gel pads about 4 weeks into my first challenge when I noticed the same thing (arms giving out before legs did) It's still the case, and the barbells have helped with that - but now I hate lifting w/o the gloves.


bluefizzur Sun, Mar-17-02 07:21

Gloves & yesterday's workout
Hey Nat... thanks for your input on the gloves!!! I'll be checking some out this week. :) I've not heard of that happening, and was very relieved that you experienced the same thing (arms giving out before legs did). Hee hee.... another new toy! :)

Well, i'm recuperating from the EVIL WHEAT INCIDENT :devil:
I wrote the gory details in my journal.... yuck! My eyes are still puffy, and I feel like I bloated to 2x my size! And it's not muscle, lol....

Well, forgot to post my 20 minutes of intervals on the elliptical machine yesterday....

And today will be upper body workout. Must do it this am cause i'm going to my parents to celebrate a multiple of celebrations. LOW CARB though, lol. And NO EVIL WHEAT!!!! BWAHAHA!!!!

Bought a size 10 bikini last night. Periwinkle blue, and lime green, as extra reinforcement for my wanderings into the dark side yesterday. I showed it to Zach and said I WILL BE WEARING THIS!!! And he just said "ok, cool".

Wheat is Inherently Evil, WI

bluefizzur Sun, Mar-17-02 09:01

Upper body workout
Okay, i'm so tired I can barely type! ;) just got done with ubwo!

45# x 8
45# x 8
45# x 8
45# x 8
45# x 6
45# x 7

DB shoulder press:
30# x 7
30# x 6
30# x 6
30# x 5
30# x 4
30# x 6

Bent Over Rows
30# db (15# in each hand) x 15 (needed to add weight for next set)
45# (olympic bar) x 10 (wow! loved it better than dumbbells)
45# x 9
45# x 9
45# x 6
45# x 9

Standing Triceps Extensions:
8# (each side) x 12
8# x 10
8# x 8
8# x 8
8# x 9
8# x 7

DB Curls Standing:
30# (15# in each hand, both arms at same time) x 12
30# x 7
30# x 7
30# x 6
30# x 5
30# x 5

I'm beat! Off for a shower! I did look at Zach's rapidly getting dusty 50# dumbbells (50# each! :) And thought.....

You will be mine this year!!!!! Hee hee!!!!
:) :) :)

Doesn't know how people can DRIVE home from the gym after a killer workout, WI

bluefizzur Sun, Mar-17-02 09:07

Forgot one thing....

I do 1 minute on my elliptical between weightlifting sets.

bluefizzur Mon, Mar-18-02 21:23

Not too much exciting in the workout department.... 20 minutes of intervals on my elliptical. OH, and NO WHEAT! :)

Free Day tomorrow, WI

bluefizzur Thu, Mar-21-02 19:16

Thank goodness for Glutamine!
Yes, Glutamine is indeed a miracle! :)

I started my workout with a headache, and tired. I thought it would pass, but it did not. When you look at my workout below, you'll see that half way through my calf workout, I took 1 T of glutamine in water.... wow! Immediately better. I actually only did half of my deadlifts, because I had no strength. But after calves, and about 10 minutes of glutamine in my system, I finished my sets of deadlifts.... wow! :)

Must remember to take glutamine about 1/2 an hour before my next workout!!!!!

45# x 3
Leg Ext:
70# x 3
45# x 3
Leg Ext:
74# x 12
80# x 12
85# x 10

80# x 6
80# x 7
80# x 5
80# x 3
80# x 6 (glutamine kicking in...)
80# x 10

One-Leg Calf Raises:

Angled Calf Raises:

Decline Situps:

Now, tonight, onto my 20 minutes of intervals!!!

Glutamine is gold, WI

bluefizzur Sat, Mar-23-02 10:24

Friday & Saturday
I didn't get to post my workout for yesterday, Friday, 'cause I didn't do one.... :(

I was still VERY sore from my Upper Body Workout the other night, so did lots of walking Friday night instead. Got to bed VERY early, got in 11 hours of sleep. I think I needed it.

Anyway, Upper Body workout today. Will post.
Feeling better, WI

bluefizzur Sat, Mar-23-02 20:06

upper body workout
45# x 12
45# x 12
45# x 10
45# x 10
45# x 10
45# x 8

DB shoulder press (15# in each hand)
30# x 10
30# x 10
30# x 8
30# x 7
30# x 6
30# x 4

Bent Over Rows
45# olympic bar x 12
45# 10
45# x 10
45# x 8
45# x 6
45# x 6

Standing Triceps Extensions:
8# (each side) x 12
8# x 10
8# x 8
8# x 8
8# x 9
8# x 7

DB Curls Standing:
30# (15# in each hand, both arms at same time) x 12
30# x 7
30# x 7
30# x 6
30# x 5
30# x 5

I went shopping tonight at Play it Again Sports, and bought a great pair of weightlifting gloves with extra wrist support. These babies are great! I might just try them inside my outside gloves when i have to shovel snow (hopefully no more of that this year!

Gloves are Great, WI

bluefizzur Mon, Mar-25-02 10:16

sunday sunday sunday
Okay.. know i'm late. I did 30 minutes of just pretty normal cardio. Normal meaning not really structured. I started out on an even pace, and cranked up the intensity, when I felt I'd had enough, dropped the intensity down. Kinda more intuitive cardio, if there is such a thing. :)

Lower body workout tonight. I'm trying so hard to get those carbs in! :( I'm really trying for around 60-80 grams a day. Man, is that hard. My family didn't eat much fruit growing up, and my mom had to really force it down me. :( Am I weird? I honestly can't think of anyone who dislikes fruit as much as me....

I guess it's because i've eaten so much processed crap that i'm still adjusting to eating "more paleo", meaning non processed. Meat, healthy fats, veggies & fruit. I however could probably live off of peanut butter. :)

Hopefully, i'll just keep at it. I've only been back at lowcarb since March 9th. And I've already grown to like meat more than I used to. :)

Anyway, wish me luck.... :) Have a great day everyone reading this! :) :) :) :) :roll: :spin: :daze: :wave:

Need to get the carbs up so I can workout, WI

bluefizzur Fri, Mar-29-02 06:28

PMS week
Hellloooo.... PMS WEEK!!!!

I've had some pretty bad cravings this week.... yuck. I started
training with a personal trainer this week too. He wants me to take a two week off from working out (walking is fine) and get my carbs down. Hopefully that will help with carb cravings, which seem to trigger easily with me. I therefore have been avoiding carbs and not having the energy for the BFL workouts.

I will be doing more olympic lifting type stuff, more whole body type workouts. But I have to get my body back into "meat" mode. :)

I'm still here... will be posting my progress.... take care and good luck everyone! I've been training for long I am actually looking forward to the rest, yet also will miss it.
Rainy Friday off, WI

Natrushka Fri, Mar-29-02 08:58

Time off
Lizzie, every once in a while time of is necessary. Coming back to something you love well rested and ready for action makes it worthwhile. Overtraining is something you definitely want to avoid!

Enjoy the 2 weeks and don't be a stranger :)


bluefizzur Thu, Apr-04-02 19:03

I've been doing 20 minute workouts this week, one every other day. Focusing on 2 sets of some basic lifts:

1 bicep curls
1 tricep extensions
ab work.

I just basically lift heavy for 20 minutes in my dungeon gym... gotta take a pic of it and figure out how to post!

I feel like i'm recuperating nicely. Had a very bad "period" week. Intense cravings, nasty cramps, all that good stuff.... little energy. Yuck! :(

Starting to feel better today.... can't wait to start feeling better!

Take care,

bluefizzur Sat, Apr-06-02 09:02

Well, this was a pretty bad week.....

I had PMS and MS all week. Even though I got my "time of the month", I STILL had cramps. My trainer said my body is probably still getting used to eating lower carb. I started on March 9, I believe. He said hopefully next month will be better.

Anyway, workouts have been doing squats, deadlifts, rows, bench press, abs, leg extensions, tricep extensions, military press for 30 minutes on alternating days, with 30 minutes of cardio on the other days. Tuesdays will probably remain my "freeday" until the end of May, when my class is over.

Last night, my deadlift is now 100#! Hooray! All other lifts have added a little weight to as well.

bluefizzur Sun, Apr-07-02 07:39

Okay.... kinda just testing out my new Avatar.... hope I did it right! If not, please let me know.... :)

Weightlifting Day! Hooray!

Raining, WI

Natrushka Sun, Apr-07-02 14:50

Hey Lizzie, great to have a face to go with the name :) WTG on the deadlift! It's not raining here (yet) but we are expecting snow tonight - I'm really not impressed :mad:


bluefizzur Sat, Aug-24-02 10:53

Paleo Workouts
Since I started eating paleo, I am working with my paleo nutritionist's husband, who designed a workout program for my type of body, goals, etc.

Here is what i'm following:

1) Training 1-2x/week max

2) 5-10 minutes of elliptical before weightlifting session

3) One or at most two working sets only.

4) raise the weight in 2 to 3 seconds, lower in 4 seconds

5) Get "The insider's tell all handbook on weight training technique" by Stuart McRobert (still need to do this) as I have my techniques checked by my previous trainer, plus met Dave Draper, icon from the 60's and 70's a few weeks ago :)

6) In the work set(s), should be with a resistance that would allow you 1 to 2 reps more than the target.

7) 3 to 4 days minimum between workouts (1-2x/week)

Day 1:

Full squat

Pulldowns OR dumbbell rows, one arm at a time
OR Chinups as I get leaner

Barbell Shoulder Press

Crunches, 1 set of max reps

Day 2:

Deadlift, regular

Flat Bench Press

Hang from Overhead Bar (add resistance when I build up to 1 minute)

Barbell Curls

That's it... but i'm building more muscle/becoming leaner/clothing size going down combining this with a paleo diet!

I do walk on occasion (well, I have to when shopping :) but that's it. I also just am eating when hungry, making when I do eat, it's protein. I eat mostly a meat diet, with some veggies (1-2 day) and maybe a fruit a day, max up to 3 a day. Nuts are my weakness, and so only eat on occasion. I could, unfortunately live on nuts, but wouldn't get the results.

Workout today!, WI

bluefizzur Sat, Aug-24-02 11:40

Power Cage in my Dungeon Gym
1 Attachment(s)
I know I promised to post my Power Cage, so I took a quick pic of it... :)

REally need to get work done, WI

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