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amandawald Thu, Jul-26-07 04:30

Looking for low-carbers in Germany - German and English speaking OK
Hi there people from everywhere!

Looking for low-carbers in Germany. I speak German and English, so you can mail me in either language.

I'm British but have lived in Germany for nearly 20 years. I have been married to my German husband (he's an English high-school teacher) for 11 years and have 2 kids. I teach English part-time and am a qualified translator.

Discoverd the low-carb WOL in May and feel a bit lonely in Germany because it's just not caught on here. Atkins is regarded as totally weird and I have trouble "outing" myself as a low-carber. Which is part of the reason I find it difficult to stick to the low-carb stuff when out visiting people or socializing in general...

Anyway, it would be nice to contact a few people in Germany for a bit of morale-boosting and social support. I don't have trouble with buying low-carb foods or anything, it's the feeling of being regarded as a complete weirdo that gets me!

Hope to hear from you soon!

amanda wood

petrag Sat, Dec-01-07 14:44

Hi Amanda, I know what you are talking about. My name is Petra, I am German but live in the States since four years now. I tried Atkins years back in Germany and it was close to impossible to keep it up. I hope you will find some fellow carbers in Germany. Sorry I can't be any help to you.
Hab' ein schoenes Wochenende :wave:

amandawald Sun, Dec-02-07 04:57

Thanks For Your Supportive Message
Well, thanks for posting that! Hope you're sticking to your low-carb plan in the States. In the meantime I'm finding it somewhat easier to do the low-carb thing - I just say I avoid eating too many carbohydrate foods, rather than make a big deal about eating high-fat and high-protein foods. Most people can understand it if you don't want to eat loads of cake and if I have an extra helping of vegetables instead of rice or potatoes, that doesn't cause too much consternation either.
But I must admit that I succumbed to a particularly German temptation recently - Christstollen mit Marzipanfüllung - and promptly had another extra kilo on the scales. I'm now trying to walk past all those Christmas goodies without putting them in my shopping cart and trying to get that kilo off again...
amanda wood

petrag Sun, Dec-02-07 13:05

Originally Posted by amandawood
Well, thanks for posting that! Hope you're sticking to your low-carb plan in the States. In the meantime I'm finding it somewhat easier to do the low-carb thing - I just say I avoid eating too many carbohydrate foods, rather than make a big deal about eating high-fat and high-protein foods. Most people can understand it if you don't want to eat loads of cake and if I have an extra helping of vegetables instead of rice or potatoes, that doesn't cause too much consternation either.
But I must admit that I succumbed to a particularly German temptation recently - Christstollen mit Marzipanfüllung - and promptly had another extra kilo on the scales. I'm now trying to walk past all those Christmas goodies without putting them in my shopping cart and trying to get that kilo off again...
amanda wood

Ohh...Christstollen mit Marzipanfuellung, Spekulatius, Gluehwein....This would be a time of big temptations for me. Luckily I don't have to deal with that :)
I am happy for you that you find it a little easier now. I was very young when I tried Atkins for the first time and easy to influence. My family here is really "health oriented" in a low fat way, so I just told them I cut out sugar and white starches and nobody has a problem with that and I don't have to justify myself. Makes life easier. Did you go to a Weihnachtsmarkt yet ? I really miss those.Where in Germany do you live ? I am from Trier. Anyway, thank you for you response and have a wonderful weekend.

Ciske Sun, Dec-02-07 15:00

Hi Amanda,

I do not come from germany, but I can relate to your story. I come from Holland, same situation around here. When I out myself as a low carber, I notice people don't understand this. They say it is unhealty and yada yada yada. Oh and these Christstollen mit Marzipanfüllung............. We have them too ;)

Good luck!!!

Sandollar Mon, Dec-03-07 00:21

I just spent my very first "low-carb" Advent.

We lit candles...drank coffee and herbal tea....I made a plate with "aufschnitt" (sp.) and cheese and pickles...(lots of schinkenspeck. YUM!)...fried eggplant...cucumber rounds topped with cream cheese and lox and smoked tuna...veggies and homemade SF truffles rolled in coconut...SF orange mousse cake with an almond-butter crust....

Did I miss the Niederegger marzipan, speculaas or Lindor balls?? NOPE!!

I sat and ate for 9 HOURS...we had such a good time...I've lost my voice for talking!

See? Even us 'Krauts can manage a low-carb Christmas!! I have faith in you...YOU CAN DO IT!!

My next Christmas project is going to be a low-carb trifle....

smurf Wed, Jan-02-08 20:42

i sympathize... however, i initially did Atkins in Germany and was very successful.. i guess because i did a "pure" form. No temptations of atkins bars, mixes, lo carb the time i was frustrated and many times i cursed the fact that it was hard, but i really found some great stuffs... I found sugar free syrups, sugar free rot kohl, and even sugar free jelly powder at the british shop... however, i did give in to lebkuchen :o)

AnyaEUR Thu, Apr-10-08 05:51

I'm new to this forum but not so new to the low carb idea. I've been looking for other low-carbers in the Rhein-Main area for quite a while but obviosly there aren't many.
Anybody out there from (around) Frankfurt?
Please contact me.

amandawald Fri, Apr-11-08 03:15

I'm afraid I'm not quite in your neck of the woods - I live near Stuttgart, but welcome to the forum! I have seen a post from somebody living in Bavaria, but there don't seem to be that many Germany-based people on here.

But seeing as we're all floating around in the internet ether, it doesn't really matter! I've had some really helpful tips, advice and ideas from this forum and the best thing is that the distance between you and the rest of the forum members isn't usually relevant.

Good luck with your weight-loss project! I'm doing well on my LC plan, but am currently suffering a little due to a tummy bug - "Schwarztee mit Zucker und Zwieback" are on the menu right now... Not exactly low-carb, but it's the only thing that works for me with this kind of problem...

Hope you enjoy the forum - it's really worth having a good luck around - the articles posted in the LC media watch section are reallly interesting and I have learnt so much through reading the various posts and articles I've seen here.

All the best


RAGBUS Sun, Oct-14-12 08:49

American in the middle of Germany (not nowhere! )
I am an American, married to a German farmer near Goslar (Hannover) for 39 years. I came here as a VERY slim young lady,57 kg at 176 cm, had 3 children and then a very long phase of depression, when I gained 45 kg through medication. I had kept my weight down very well before the depression (size 38/40) but have not found a stable way to lose the new weight. (OK--it's not new anymore ;-( Has been around for 20 years!) When the size 46 no longer fits and I can shop only "plus sizes", when 3 different doctors say "Take off 20 kg", when I start hating myself for lack of will-power and lack of self-discipline and, and, and... Then Enough is Enough!

I have asked myself what seems possible, what can fit me and my very personal life style?
My answer now is LCHF. I have researched a lot about it (Thank You, Internet, forums, blogs, smartphone, laptop, tablet. Thank You!!!) I have lost the first 3 kg and am very motivated. I have found great books and recipes. I can tell more if anyone is interested.

As for now, I will continue the plan and will continue to inform myself and listen to others on the internet, etc.

I would be grateful for any replies.

Together we are strong!

Marching forwards!!!

amandawald Wed, Oct-17-12 02:03

Welcome Aboard!!!
Hi there!

Fancy that!!! The thread I began in 2007 has been reactivated!!!

Anyway, although I'm not really such a gung-ho low-carber any more - I had blood sugar issues after a while and the LCing just made me too light-headed and dizzy - I'd be happy to accompany you on your journey.

The best thing would be to start a journal as then you can have a place of your own to record your thoughts and experiences. If you go to the journal subforum, you can start one there.

Good luck and glad to hear you're already 3kg down!!!

And I understand your references to clothes sizes, which is nice as I always have to "translate" American clothes sizes into British ones, and then from there into European!!!

I'm also hovering around a size 44-46, which I'm not 100% happy about, but, I believe I have a problem with low thyroid function and that a lot of the weight I'm carrying is to do with water retention, rather than actual fat weight (although I obviously have some of that, too!!!). Until I find out whether I do have a thyroid problem, or get some clarity on the issue, I am not trying to diet. I am managing to keep my weight stable, which is something, but more I cannot be bothered with right now.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


Lulumae Wed, Oct-17-12 07:31

Hi there,
I am British living in Switzerland. I just happened to see the title of this thread as it was bumped on to the list.
It's interesting that you stopped doing low carb. I have only been doing it for close to three months - although I did something similar 20 years ago when living in Germany - and I really feel great. I am quite strict about not eating pasta, rice, potatoes, pastry, in fact anything flour based or starchy, except for one thin rye cracker at breakfast. I used to get cranky and crave food and even get light headed when I ate carbs. Now I don't at all. I just get mild hunger signals sometimes that I can mostly ignore till mealtime. It remains to be seen whether I can sustain it - at least till I've reached my weight goal, but I don't see any reason why not for now.

Low carb may not be the panacea for everyone but I'm curious to know why you think it gave you problems.

DieLangena Wed, Sep-04-13 12:43

Hi everyone,
Are there any Germans left in the forum? I am an Ami living in Germany. Just started LC about a month ago.
Am finding it much easier than I expected, but do find it difficult when traveling for work because the standard train station fare is: Belegte Brötchen. Not much chance of buying that and then not eating the bread. :)
Came to Germany thin but now 15 years later have put on about 30 kg. I also am not experiencing the ups and downs, extreme hunger/binges and am sleeping much better.
I think it is sustainable for me and I am enjoying my cheat days: Saturday after a protein breakfast.

RAGBUS Tue, Sep-10-13 12:50

New input, new start, new motivation...
Hello to all

I had completely forgotten about this forum, and, at just the right time, I got a mail saying that there was a reply again.

After my last post and real try at LCHF, I had heart problems, which caused me to drop all weight-losing efforts. Now, 9 months later, it is definitely time to start again!!!!!!

I just don't know how to go about it... Or better, I can't decide... AND--I put it off. Tomorrow, tomorrow...

I will not do LCHF--that's for sure. How about LC? Weight Watcher's? A combination of both?

Oh, I would LOVE communicating with you, DieLangena! And, you, Lulumae and amandawald! Let's go! Yes we can! We are able! Just do it...


p.s. I, too, am an American, but I have been here for 41 years and am now 63.

I need you and hope to exchange experiences and tips with you and anybody else, as we go down this road together (and go down in weight!!!!!) and get healthy and fit.

amandawald Tue, Sep-10-13 14:40

Hi Ragbus,

Sorry to hear that you had heart problems - I wonder if low magnesium caused by rapid water loss caused that? - but here I am, anyway.

I am trying to get my head around the fact that I most probably have some kind of hypothyroid issue and/or a B12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia) and/or some gluten-related issue (celiac disease?). I have been avoiding wheat for about 2.5 years now (most of the time), but gave up LCing.

My weight has gone up, but I think most of it is due to water retention and thyroid-related problems.

Hope to hear from you soon,


RAGBUS Wed, Sep-11-13 05:09

LC--Why start? Why give up?
Hi amandawald

I'm just curious as to why you gave up LC? I have been reading in your journal, but only have the first 5 pages read.

You certainly seem to be very enthusiastic about supplements. I take none, but 12 pills for AFIB, blood pressure, thyroid underfunction, anti-depression.

I know that I MUST finally start bicycling on my newly-bought stationary bike. I MUST lose weight. I MUST stop drinking wine every day/evening.

So--Why don't I??????

It is so simply and plain to see/feel/do,

I am the absolute queen of excuses and "tomorrow".

Now I feel like a loser because I don't simply start.

Today I say "Today!"--but it is only 9.00 am. I am thinking that maybe blogging and writing a journal, etc, may help.

We'll see...

Take care

amandawald Wed, Sep-11-13 13:42

Hi Ragbus,

If I were you, I'd look into magnesium supplements to help you with those health problems.

For your thyroid to work properly, you need magnesium. For your heart to beat properly, you need magnesium. It can also help keep your blood pressure down and it can also help with depression. In fact, some say that depression can come from low magnesium in the first place.

I gave up LC because I ended up with low magnesium, but didn't realize for a while. I just had a whole bunch of symptoms that turned out to be what they call "adrenal fatigue", which, in my book, are basically all caused by low magnesium.

Like all diets where you lose weight fast, on a low-carb diet you also lose a lot of water initially - which is when people also lose minerals, especially magnesium, potassium and salt. I think this happened to me and then the magnesium wasn't replaced because the LC diet is not very high in magnesium (Atkins recommends supplementing with magnesium), certainly not in the initial stages of Atkins.

Eventually, I suffered from low blood sugar and was dizzy every morning. I switched to Schwarzbein and started taking magnesium supplements and looking after myself better.

Now I think I also have low thyroid function and LC just doesn't work for me because I end up with low blood sugar and feel really spacey.

Going very low-carb doesn't work very well for a lot of people who are hypothyroid, so I would really look into this carefully.

What are the 12 meds you are taking?

Good luck, though, whatever you decide to try!


RAGBUS Thu, Sep-12-13 01:37

Hi Amandawald

Good to hear from you. I would like to get into contact with somebody with experience in LC.

I am thinking of trying a combo of LC and Weight Watchers. To tell the truth, if I would just cut out the wine (1 bottle a day) and the chips (I don't need sweets and cake, etc.), I would be fine. Oh, yes, then cut down the amount of food I stuff into me with great pleasure--I LOVE food!!!!--but I need portion control!!! and then exercise daily and become more active--Oh, then I would be fine!

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda--that's me. Great plans, little go-through.

Now I've reached 104 kg, after getting down to 96. That is bad!

Now is the time to react, become active, carry through...

We all know these self-motivating speeches :-(

How much do you weigh?

I live with my husband, but he eats Müsli in the morning, raw vegetables at noon and German bread with huge amounts of sausage, herring in oil and cheese on it in the evening. I don't/may not cook for him. He does sports. He is German-disciplined. I am American-fat and undisciplined. It runs in the family... I was always the exception and want to be again!!!!

I WAS ALWAYS thin and active until I got depression 20 years ago. Then came the weight gain of 40 kg and the self-loathing. 2 years are totally cut out of my life, seen only through tears and grey, cut off from my family. Another 4-5 years followed in a fog. Now that is all under control. I have solved knee problems (had from childhood, but finally, finally diagnosed and treated correctly by a Prof at a Uni Hospital last year!) and am well-medicated for my heart, thyroid and depression. They are under control--but I do believe that I could cut meds if I were to lose weight. And my incontinence would also get better without the stomach fat and with more stomach muscle.

I am through with a long, somewhat stressful summer of company now. I have a quiet time until Christmas.

NOW is the time. There are no excuses!

So--What does that tell me in black and white? I MUST start NOW. Maybe I can type instead of eating ;-)

OK, I am going to follow your suggestion and put this into my own journal. Maybe it does help me to be accountable? Maybe it is fun and something to be proud of to record my small steps on the way?

The reason I want to try WW recipes is due to portion control and variety. I just fall back into my old staples and don't eat proper things and then way too much.

Still, I think LC certainly has its merits. I took off 20 pounds and became marvellously thin (57 kg at 176 cm :-)) ! ) in 1972. I did the very first Atkins with only 30 g KH. I loved the pork chops, but craved potatoes and vegetables. I also felt that it was unhealthy.

Now I am thinking of doing a moderate form. I think 60 KH would be much better, although slower, but I am much more likely to stay on it.

I don't think I have problems with sugar and KH, but when I eat a full bowl of oat müsli at 7.00, I am hungry at 9.30. Therefore, I think eggs would be better. Now I just have to get myself really enthused about them--and take the time (!!!!!) and effort to make them and all the other meals required. And--they are eaten too fast, not taking forever to chew and enjoy like my beloved müsli with 1.5% milk! (Yes, I DO love eating--every minute of it!!!!)

I have often taken Mg, but not highly-dosed. My mother always went overboard with all of her new trends/beliefs and I am wary of such things (think many supplements are humbug...)

I think I shall stop here. It is great to think and write in English. I live in an absolute German environment, except that I teach business and technical English on-site 4 half-days a week.

I feel much better to have finally started!

Yo--Here I go!

amandawald Fri, Sep-13-13 02:28

Hi again,

Do you have a "proper" first name, Ragbus? I don't need to know your whole name, but a proper first name would be nice to use.

Anyway, I can understand if you have a wariness of supplements after reading what you say about your mother, but magnesium is still a good one!

What age are you now? If you say you got down to 57kg in 1972, how old were you then? It was a very low weight for that height, though, if you ask me. And, your metabolism then is NOT what it is now, so what worked for your body forty years ago might not work for the same body which is now forty years older and not in the same condition.

I wonder if the medications you are taking are partly to blame for your problems, to be honest. I would be more worried about taking 12 different medications and all the possible "Gegenwirkungen" (contra-indications?) than taking a few supplements.

Do you have Hashimoto's or just "regular" hypothyroidism?

Oh, and by the way, I teach English here, too! Are you on Facebook or LinkedIn as well?

Take care and talk to you again soon,


RAGBUS Fri, Sep-13-13 08:57

Hi Amanda

I just answered you on my thread "Something has to move..."

Hope that is OK with you?


amandawald Fri, Sep-13-13 11:50

No probs, see you there later!

MissPatty Fri, May-27-16 00:58

Hy there,
is there any German left who wants to share his experience in LCing or LCHF or...?
I'm German, too and I live in Germany :) but as I'm trying to improve my English and, of course, to share my experience in LCing/LCHF/Atkins, it would be nice if there could be a chance to communicate :)

Looking forward to hearing from anybody! :cool:

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