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dianna9234 Mon, Apr-17-06 08:39

Mothers Day mini-challenge
well.. here we go.. here is the opening for our newest mini challenge...

for now I guess we will again start with TEAM A: and TEAM B: (I think names for these next 2 challenges are going to be hard to come up with.. but I have no imagination!!)

If you are just joining us for this new mini challenge... place your name in the next team opened, post your starting weight first, then your mini goal weight, the next number is the difference between the two numbers, and the last number will be the amount you have lost during this mini-challenge. The last number will be the only number that 'should' change during each entire mini-challenge (unless a mini-goal weight goal is changed!). Each time you post.. copy the entire team A and team B list and post to your thread, changing your stats as needed.

good luck to everyone... the last mini-challenge (Easter) was a great one.. we had 4 challengers meet (and exceed) goal!!!. soooo many we're very close to making goal.. and everyone lost.. we had no gains at the end of the challenge.

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0


now .. I guess we start thinking about names.. we usually have 2 or 3 guys on the team.. so naming teams something like 'the mama's' wouldn't work.. hmm.. told you.. I have NO imagination!!>.

thanks to all my fellow mini-challengers!!
ps I am up in weight this morning.. man I was bad over the week-end.. and am gonna have to do some strict Induction for a week or so...

Annie1gi Mon, Apr-17-06 09:07

I have been thinking about names as well this morning, and haven't come up with anything, how about shrinking violets, fluffy mamas would work, but as Dianna pointed out we sometimes have men on our teams....somebody out there must be more creative than we are?? Anyone??

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0

Aw, I know another 10 lb goal, didn't make it the first or the second time, but heck maybe the third time will be a charm????

Good luck to all!!
Annie :D

dianna9234 Mon, Apr-17-06 09:10

oh no Annie!!.. we are on opposite teams again!!>. boo hiss...


nosuga4me Mon, Apr-17-06 10:22

I am going to try for 15 lbs this time. For new names, if the guys don't care, Mother's Vanishing Rolls, and Mama's Without Flab. For the father's day challenge we will have the same issue, but I don't mind being on a team then with a name targeted towards guys.

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0

juniebug15 Mon, Apr-17-06 12:27

I love challenges....count me in! I look forward to getting to know everyone!!!

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0

jazzfan Mon, Apr-17-06 14:59

I'll give it a go, as a stepping stone on my way to 25 lbs down by the start of summer. I'm tweaking my goal this time - I lost 4 lbs during the last challenge, so this time I'll aim for 7. It's a lucky number for me, so who knows? :lol:

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0

princssmaz Mon, Apr-17-06 17:40

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, 0

So, how about mother-like things for our team names?

TEAM (A)re you going out of the house dressed like that?
TEAM (B)ecause I said so, that's why...

Maz :lol:

southbel Mon, Apr-17-06 20:09

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, 0

I am going after the 10 pound loss again. I am not letting my not getting to goal last time deter me. I'll do it this time!

As for about Mother Hen and Mother Goose?

GypsyAngel Mon, Apr-17-06 22:09

OK... let's give this another shot! I like all the name suggestions. I think my favorites might be Southbel's picks. The Hens and Geese. :lol:

Mother's Day is May 14th. That's 4 weeks from Easter. I'll try for another 10 lbs. Haven't reached the previous 10's. Maybe this time! LOL!

I also got a new scale so my numbers have changed. The new one weighs me heavier dammit. LOL! But I know it's only a number. I've still lost 46 lbs!

dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0


eyesofblue Mon, Apr-17-06 22:53

Originally Posted by princssmaz

So, how about mother-like things for our team names?

TEAM (A)re you going out of the house dressed like that?
TEAM (B)ecause I said so, that's why...

I love it, that is great!

I am in, I guess I ate a lot yesterday at Easter Dinner, because when I woke up this morning I was 382, yikes! I am putting 20 lbs for my goal. I think I will lose the first 5 or so pretty quick, a lot is water I think.

eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0

Fauna Tue, Apr-18-06 00:28

Well, count me in, too! I didn't reach goal last time, but I'm going to try even harder this time. Good luck to everyone!

eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0

Best wishes for success, everyone! :D Sorry I don't have any brilliant name suggestions. I'll be brainstorming. :lol: Until then....

:cheer: GO TEAM B!!! :cheer:

princssmaz Tue, Apr-18-06 07:15

Ugh, up a pound...
Mother Hen:
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0

I had a shock on the scale. Up a pound, dang it. I wonder if I ate too much salty stuff (lots of ham)? I can 't even blame TOM, which I usually do....Anyway, thought I'd better own up to it....

Plus, I tried our names on for size. I think they are unisex and awesome (that's for the guys!) Anyone is free to change them, but I was just getting tired of A and B and wanted to see something jazzier!

GO GEESE! :lol:

dianna9234 Tue, Apr-18-06 08:13

I don't know if I would like to be a mother hen (or mother goose) if I was a guy.. I think the names are very cute.. but if our guys rejoin this new mini-challenge.. I think we should give them the option of a change....
btw.. the other names were cute too!!.. sounds just like a mother.. (are you going out of the house like that?..),, i was chuckling.


rae2u100 Tue, Apr-18-06 08:24

Count Me In!!!
I was just thinking I need to be in a new challenge because as of Easter Sunday, I have nooo excuses to eat off plan for a long time. So here goes!!
And since I started yesterday w/ my own challenge I'll use my weight as of yesterday!!!!
Go Team Go!!!

Mother Hen:
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -1

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0

yogama Tue, Apr-18-06 12:05

I'm in. I didnt make goal of 10lbs either but was only 3lbs short, plus I am going to try harder this time by NOT cheating at all!!! So I'm going with 10 again.

Good luck everybody!!

Mother Hen:
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -1

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

jrff74 Tue, Apr-18-06 12:38

I would love to join. It will be nice to get in on a challenge when it is just beginning. Do we weigh in every week?

Mother Hen:
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -1
jrff74 268,258,10,0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

nosuga4me Tue, Apr-18-06 13:14

Yes, some of us weigh in on Friday, some on Monday. And some like me when they take a notion to.

rae2u100 Tue, Apr-18-06 13:31

I usually weight myself everyday. I know that in the past when I cheat, seeing the scale go up didn't disappoint me too much cuz it was my choice. But when I see the scale go down it excites me. So I check everyday.

dianna9234 Tue, Apr-18-06 14:51

I am one of those that check everyday.. and usually post every day ... (at least once!!).. whether posting weight changes.. encouragements, or just hello's and how-do's.. you are welcome to plst as much (or as little) as you'd like.. as long as you post at minimum once a week... And.. of course our mini-challenge goal day (Mother's Day!)


Annie1gi Tue, Apr-18-06 17:05

Go Mother's go!!! :lol: :lol:

So looks like we have some new faces!! Great, and welcome to all new team members and howdy to all the familiar ones!!! Lets kick some Mothering butt!
For this Mother's day lets hope there is less of us to Love!!! :agree:

Mother Hen:
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -1
jrff74 268,258,10,0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

Ok, good luck everyone!!
Annie :D

eyesofblue Tue, Apr-18-06 18:56

I feel so dumb, I figured we were putting our names in alpha order, only in sleepy land does "e" come before "d". I fixed it now. :lol:

Mother Hen:
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -1
jrff74 268,258,10,0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

dianna9234 Tue, Apr-18-06 19:43

I like the idea of names in alpha order eyesofblue.. it is easier to find names.. mine, and others on the team.. for some reason??..


southbel Tue, Apr-18-06 22:58

Ok, I'll be the official alphabetizer. Is that even a real word?? LOL

Mother Hen:
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
jrff74 268,258,10,0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -1
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

Laydebleu Wed, Apr-19-06 03:46

Well, I'm in. I had a bad few days and I didn't make my 10 pound goal but I am not giving up. I hope to better this time around.

Mother Hen:
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
jrff74 268,258,10,0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -1
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Laydebleu 217, 207, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

rae2u100 Wed, Apr-19-06 05:20

Yay!!! I have officially gotten back down to my weight after my bad last 2 weekends. Hopefully I can make my own mini goal of 248 by Friday!!

Mother Hen:
dianna9234 256, 251, 5, 0
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
jrff74 268,258,10,0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -3
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

mwrobe1 Wed, Apr-19-06 07:23

Count me in again...I was really busy at work and at home the last week and a half, so I haven't visited the board. I lost 2 more pounds since I last posted on the Easter challenge. I've noticed that alcohol consumption (even a couple of beers on the weekend or even a couple of Bacardi and Diet Cokes) stalls me for a whole week. So no more alcohol for me till all the weight is gone. Usually on Fridays, me and a few boys from work will bowl some games...alcohol is usually free flowing...I'll restrain myself from now on.

Here's my stats...I know its quite a goal...but I'm usually more active in the summer...and my outdoor "honey-do" list is going to take up alot of energy.

mwrobe1 264, 250, 14, 0

dianna9234 Wed, Apr-19-06 10:17

Mother Hen:
dianna9234 256.5, 251, 5.5, 0
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
jrff74 268,258,10,0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -3
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Laydebleu 217, 207, 10, 0
mwrobe1 264, 250, 14, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

just a quick updated stats chart..

please remember to always use the last posted chart. That way it will always be the most recent up-to-date information.

JandLsMom Wed, Apr-19-06 11:57

can i join?

268, 258, 10, 0

yogama Wed, Apr-19-06 14:23

JandLsMom - I added you to the hens.

Mother Hen:
dianna9234 256.5, 251, 5.5, 0
eyesofblue 382, 362, 20, 0
JandLsMom 268, 258, 10, 0
jazzfan 280, 273, 7, 0
jrff74 268,258,10,0
JunieBug15 265, 254, 11, 0
rae2u100 253, 238, 15, -3
southbel 172, 162, 10, 0

Mother Goose:
Annie1Gi 289, 279, 10, 0
Fauna 367.8, 7.8. 360, 0
Gypsy 196, 186, 10, 0
Laydebleu 217, 207, 10, 0
mwrobe1 264, 250, 14, 0
nosuga4me 225, 210,15,0
Princssmaz 336, 327, 8, +1
yogama 237, 227, 10, 0

dianna9234 Wed, Apr-19-06 20:08

wow.. we have 8 ppl on each team already!.. let's hope the teams keep growing.. and see how well we can do THIS time with numbers!!


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