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bsheets Sun, Mar-26-06 01:40

My Keeping-On-Track Exercise Journal
Ok, the plan is to do at least 1/2hr exercise every day and stay with it.

Starting date - today! Sun 26/3/6.

Did 15mins walking, 1hr Body Pump then 15mins walking back. Then about 3hrs walking around shopping centre until feet hurt.


bsheets Mon, Mar-27-06 00:15

No exercise today. It's my day off work and I'm soooo sore from the gym yesterday. I've just started going to the gym without creatine so I keep feeling so disappointed that I can't do what I used to and now it's taking longer to recover. Urgh. Maybe this is the way, maybe it isn't.


P.S. Will try to take a walk to the supermarket and back today to at least get moving a bit.

bsheets Mon, Mar-27-06 06:38

Went to the gym tonight! Woohooo! I totally didn't expect to go, especially considering I take ages to sit down bc my legs are so sore from yesterday. But, went anyway! Did about 50mins of cardio.


bsheets Wed, Mar-29-06 02:31

Seems I forgot to update for yesterday! Did about 45mins cardio - treadmill, cross trainer, rower then treadmill. Had to DRAG myself through the 10mins on the cross trainer urgh.. felt like I was gonna die!!

Today, same as about about 50mins. Did 20mins on the cross trainer though - much happier. I'm sure the crosstrainer burns way more fat :D


bsheets Thu, Mar-30-06 04:58

Did about 1/2hr of cross trainer and treadmill (combined time) then an hour of pilates class. Had fun, worked up a bit of a sweat but didn't wear myself out.

It's time for weights tomorrow! Haven't done them since Sun and I think all the cardio, while doable, slowed my recovery and I'm only just able to consider doing weights again now - Thurs! hahahaha


bsheets Fri, Mar-31-06 01:44

Did weights today! About 1/2hr or so then about 40mins cardio afterwards. Then went for a walk to the grocery shop and carried that all the way back home. Better see a decrease in cms come Wed :D


bsheets Fri, Mar-31-06 21:15

Did a bit over an hour of cardio today - treadmill 10mins, cross trainer 25mins, rower 12mins and treadmill 15mins.

I've unofficially decided this is going to be my weekly plan for at least the next 8 weeks (my leaving date for o/s):

Mon: weights prog
Tues: cardio
Wed: weights prog / fat burner class (my either/or day)
Thurs: cross trainer then pilates
Fri: weights prog
Sat: cardio
Sun: body pump class (cross trainer first if I have time)

If it starts getting me down a bit and I feel I'm overdoing it, I'll just do a bit more cardio and less weights until my body adjusts. I'm looking forward to it!


Demi Sat, Apr-07-07 10:42

Originally Posted by bsheets
Hi Demi,

Great work on the activity!

How long does the 3mile power walk talk you?


Hi Erica, thanks for dropping by my gym log and for your comments!

The 3 mile power walk usually takes me about 40 minutes. I try to aim for an average pace between 4-4.5mph.

Looks like you've got a great workout programme going there too :thup: It's also nice to see another lady using weights :) Why don't you come and join us in the Weight Training Buddies (Babes ;) ) thread? If you've haven't seen it, you can find the thread here:

BruceInAla Mon, May-07-07 04:23


Thanks for stopping by my gym log. Russell is a 26 yr old who joined our local bike club and was a frequent rider. He claimed to be going to school on his Air Force benefits, and cleaned our bikes ("detailed" them) for extra cash. When his wife and he had some relationship trouble, he shot her.
Come by my log anytime!


bsheets Mon, Jun-11-07 00:50

Wow I didn't even realise there were comments in here! lol ... I haven't checked it in well over a year hehehe... thanks guys!

Demi, you know I could do 3miles in 40mins! I wonder what walking speed I'd need... we use metric system here so I walk around 5-6kph. I did have a good programme going ... actually I might go reread it. Totally forgotten what I was doing!

Right now I'm cycling, say, a weight-based week then a cardio-based week. I find cardio way more enjoyable but I know weights are important too.

I haven't seen that thread, Demi. Might go check it out now :)

Bruce, thanks for stopping by too :) Wow, I'm speechless after reading about that guy that joined your local bike club. Absolutely speechless. How did you guys handle all that??????


BruceInAla Mon, Jun-11-07 11:35

>>>>Me well I don't even have a bike yet. They only have a 6-week lay-buy policy at the bike shop I enquired at and it's just a bit much for me to do in 6 weeks. And not starting of course means I procrastinate etc etc. I also have NO IDEA what kind to buy and am always sceptical of sales people's opinions (can't help it).<<<

There is an active forum at Team Estrogen, where you can read gals opinions on all matters related to being female and biking. Bike Journal dot com also has lots of threads on topics you might like. I have several Aussie biking pals on BikeJournal.
The LBS (local Bike shop) should be decent as far as advice goes. The #1 thing is get a bike that FITS you. Don't buy a race bike because Lance looks good on one at the Tour De France. Get one that suits your idea of a good day on a bike. My avatar pic is of a Brevet style bike. well balanced, comfortable, goes all day, but a bit slower than a carbon-titanium race machine. In fact it has zero carbon and zero titanium. It does have steel and aluminum parts. Drop me a note on it if you like when you're readier to talk about getting a bicycle. :)


bsheets Thu, Aug-02-07 07:25

OK! I'm going to start this exercise journal back up again. Why? Cos I have enveloped my entry into the Body Blitz Challenge

I'm going to see if I can combine this detox thingy I'm doing with developing some good lean muscle and maybe even win some prizes in the mean time heheh


bsheets Thu, Aug-02-07 07:44

Penny Mackinnon's Exercise regimen:

Monday-to-Friday: One-hour cardio session before breakfast (cross-trainer, treadmill, stationary bike and rower).
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday afternoon: One hour of resistance training – alternating upper and lower body workouts with each session.

Jenny Kozuharoff's exercise regimen:

Month 1: One hour walk each day plus weights, alternating between chest/shoulders/triceps, back/biceps/abs and upper leg/lower leg/glutes.

Month 2: Increased reps on weight programs, plus daily interval jogging and 30 minutes on the bike

Month 3: Continued daily weights, plus 20 minutes fast running/40 minutes fast walking and three minutes skipping each day. Swimming 30 minutes once a week.

Stacey Fuller's exercise regimen:

AM: 60 minutes cardio
PM: Upper body weights and abs
AM: Lower body weights and abs
PM: Body Combat class

AM: 60 minutes cardio
PM: Upper body weights and abs

AM: 60 minutes cardio
PM: Lower body weights and abs

AM: 60 minutes cardio and abs

Demi Thu, Aug-02-07 08:50

The challenge you're about to do looks very interesting ... and very similar to a Body for Life challenge.

Good luck with it. I shall enjoy watching your progress :)

bsheets Fri, Aug-03-07 00:55

Originally Posted by Demi
The challenge you're about to do looks very interesting ... and very similar to a Body for Life challenge.

Good luck with it. I shall enjoy watching your progress :)

Hi Demi,

Thanks for the support :)

I posted three different (yet similar hehe) women's exercise regimens. Which one do you like the look of the most? The first one I listed, Penny's, is so far my fav purely because I loved the results she got with it.

I don't know much about Body for Life really. Actually I don't know anything! Except I believe they incorporate one gorge day a week ... though that may not be true either??


bsheets Sun, Aug-05-07 02:52

OK, I'm changing jobs at the moment and although I wanted to start this new exercise regimen at the same time, it's proving to be a bit too overzealous lol. Will start either Tues or Wed this week. :D


bsheets Sat, Sep-01-07 18:01

Hey guys

OK I've just started a 9-5 (well, 8-4pm hehe) and I'd like to shift the 15kgs I've gained in the last three months. And I'd like to continue it on after that too, of course Rest of my life....

I was watching an Angelina Jolie movie last night (so total credibility already! ) and her character was mentioned that she goes to the gym to workout each morning before work and it got me thinking. I'd like to figure out a routine for my working days and my weekends.

Otherwise I just don't get how you guys make sure you exercise and get it entrenched in your lifestyle....

So I'm thinking (I'll gradually ease myself into it)

*days when there's no class for me*
6-6.30am wake up, get dressed for work, pack food
6.30-7.15am treadmill/bike/etc
7.15-8am drive to work
8-4pm work
4-4.45pm drive to gym
4.45-5.30pm cardio or weights depending on alternating day and mood
5.30-6pm go home
10.45pm bed

*days when there are classes*
6-6.30am wake up, get dressed for work, pack food
6.30-7.15am treadmill/bike/etc
7.15-8am drive to work
8-4pm work
4-4.20pm drive home
5.35-6pm drive to gym
6-7pm do class at gym
7-7.30pm go home
10.45pm bed

rest day - go grocery shopping
spend evening doing normal Sat night stuff

9am wake up and have brekky
10.10-10.30am drive to gym
10.30-11.30 weights class
11.30-12noon drive home
do week's worth of cooking and freezing
10pm bed

When do I have brekky on the weekdays? In the car after the gym but before work?!!

And I wonder if only 7hrs sleep a night is enough - I've never really timed it before. And that's only if I get to sleep within that 5min window. Guess I'll have to test out how well that would work....

I know, I'm pedantic. And I don't mind if I don't nail the routine perfectly but having an outline to aim for just stops me from feeling lost and not getting anything done.

It also stops me from going home, putting off going to the gym "until later" and then not going cos it's too late hehehehe.


Demi Tue, Sep-11-07 11:48

Originally Posted by bsheets
So how late do you eat lunch then?

Actually, only if you have time other wise I know this is asking a lot... but if you get a chance, could you maybe list a run down of a typical week day for you?

Like maybe wake up 6am, do 30mins walking, have breakfast, leave for work 7am, have morning tea 10am, go for 40-45min walk/job at 12 then eat lunch at desk at 12.40pm etc etc??

I'm start a Mon-Fri as of tomorrow and I've very interested to find out weekday routines. :) And you seem to have such a great system working for you!!

Have a great rest of weekend,
Erika, I'm so sorry, but I totally missed your post. I've been ill and haven't visited by gym log in weeks.

I'll sort out a list of what I was doing and get back to you asap if you still want it! Looks like you've got a great routine going already :thup:

bsheets Sat, Sep-15-07 01:33

Demi, don't worry at all. There was no time limit given to that post hahaha

So, my gym'ing for the week just completed:

Sunday - 1hr Body Pump
Monday - 20mins interval cardio in AM, 1hr Body Pump in PM
Tuesday - 20mins interval cardio in AM
Wed - 20mins interval cardio in AM, 1hr Body Pump in PM
Thur - 20mins interval cardio in AM
Fri - 20mins interval cardio in AM, half hour really hard body circuit with trainer (heart rate up to 180! Average of 154bpm)
Sat - absolutely nothing! My day off hehe

And though I'm not weighing myself, I can feel a difference already. Woohoo!


bsheets Sat, Apr-18-09 03:48

Originally Posted by bsheets
So, my gym'ing for the week just completed:

Sunday - 1hr Body Pump
Monday - 20mins interval cardio in AM, 1hr Body Pump in PM
Tuesday - 20mins interval cardio in AM
Wed - 20mins interval cardio in AM, 1hr Body Pump in PM
Thur - 20mins interval cardio in AM
Fri - 20mins interval cardio in AM, half hour really hard body circuit with trainer (heart rate up to 180! Average of 154bpm)
Sat - absolutely nothing! My day off hehe

Wow! What a great exercise routine!!

I gave it up though long ago and I'm all fat again all over. Off to try again, going to draft a plan with my trainer on Monday so I'll keep you posted :)

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